COUNTY OF ONEIDA ANTHONY J. PICENTE, JR. County Executive OFFICE OF THE COUNTY EXECUTIVE [email protected] ONEIDA COUNTY OFFICE BUILDING 800 PARK AVENUE UTICA, NEW YORK13501 (315)798-5800 FAX (315) 798-2390 www.ocgov.net November 29, 2010 Contract Administration Unit Attn: Local Government Efficiency Grants New York State Department of State Bureau of Fiscal Management One Commerce Plaza, 11th floor, Suite 1110 99 Washington Avenue Albany, New York 12231 RE: Efficiency Implementation Grant - Oneida County 911 Dispatch Center Consolidation To Whom It May Concern: Enclosed are an original and three copies of our Efficiency Implementation Grant Application for the Oneida County 911 Dispatch Center Consolidation. We look forward to your favorable review of our application. Should you require any additional information, please do not hesitate to contact Al Candido, Chief of Staff, at 315-798-5800. Sincere lony J. Picenie, Jr. County Executive Enc. Table of Contents Part 1 - General Municipal Information 1-2 Part 2C - Efficiency Implementation Grant 3-5 Intermunicipal Agreements 6-16 Project Need, Municipal Benefits & Expected Outcomes 17-22 Project Integrity and Budget 23 - 36 Cost Savings & Return on Investment 37-48 Project Self-Sufficiency & Management Capability 49 - 50 Municipal Resolutions 51 Letters of Support Appendix PART 1 - GENERAL MUNICIPAL INFORMATION NYS Department of State D0 N°-T W.RI^J:HlSApACE Local Government Effii:iency Grant Program Application Number ' Date Received 2010- 2011 EI-10- ^p^a!»p|l^^Sl!i%^M n> v &*^:*&&. 4^:» ?* "?; 1 - ^4'-,/^~ ;#;", -./ - :^VS-A , ^ ;:- Name of Municipality: Federal Tax ID Number: County of Oneida 15-6000460 Name of Chief Administrative Official : Telephone Number/Extension: Anthony J. Picente, Jr. 315-798-5800 Title Fax Number: County Executive 315-798-2390 Mailing Address: E-Mail Address: 800 Park Avenue, Utica, New York 13501 [email protected] County or Counties: Type of Municipality: Oneida 0 County D Public Library D Association Library D Fire District Senate District(s): D City D School District D BOCES 47&49 D Town D Water Authority D Special Improvement District Assembly District(s): D Village D Sewer Authority D Regional Planning and Dev. Board 111, 115&116 -"•;;v^, ,£<{-, ;/;f >&,'»»: ~ *%J^M- *"*':,-''< Vv' ^ '':'-.?><'-;'*' -•- " 2 *^V,/'V/V*&&/ ^:p^>'- B. Lead Applicant Contact Person f ;/; -,« < , \^ - , - ' J;\ ','>'?/> ". * . ,V! '- >£- V V/. v.; •' " - >;;'t^4- ^:;/i:! - ; V ': r~ v V- V 'A 'l^^^^f^f^ Name of Contact Person: A|fredcandjdo Telephone Number/Extension: 315-798-5800 Title: Fax Number: Chief of Staff 315-798-2390 Address: E-Mail Address: 800 Park Avenue, Utica, New York 13501 [email protected] ^C* 'f feep^r^I^Pjrpj<ejCt J^foi^ati^ii^/'": ^:^^t" if^^^ffi^^^^^^ ^^Jt^&rf l^O?*^'? ' H V*?; '/*%& : ^''S^:^t^&^^^^ Grant Category ^ ^h Pr'ority Planning (attach Part 2A) 0 Efficiency Implementation (attach Part 2C) (select one) D General Efficiency Planning (attach Part 2B) D 21st Century Demonstration Project (attach Part 2D) Total Project Cost: Amount of Grant Requested: Amount of Local Share: $1,853,897 $600,000 $1,253,897 Project Title: (No more than 10 words): Oneida County 91 1 Dispatch Center Consolidation Project Description: Provide a brief summary statement that describes the project (Not more than 3 sentences): Oneida County will consolidate the existing three PSAPs (Utica, New Hartford and Oneida County 91 1 Call Center) into a single PSAP within the County. This improvement will result in operational efficiencies, enhanced public safety and cost savings for Utica, New Hartford and overall for the taxpayers in Oneida County. D Project is receiving other grant funding or other public funds. (Please list) D Project has received SMSI or LGE grant funding a plan in the past. [3 Project includes a distressed municipal ty that is listed in Appendix B. DOS-1860 (09/10) 2010-2011 Local Government Efficiency Grant Application PARTI Page 1 of 2 -1- Name of Lead Applicant: County of Oneida (1) Co-Applicant Municipality: Town of New Hartford Federal Tax ID Number: 15-1001062 Name of Chief Administrative Official: Patrick Tyksinski Telephone Number/Extension: 315-733-1597 Title: Supervisor Fax Number: 315-724-8499 Mailing Address: E-Mail Address: , . -. [email protected] 48 Genesee Street, New Hartford, New York 13413 D County or Counties: Type of Municipality: Oneida D County D Public Library D Association Library D Fire District Senate District(s): 47 D City D School District D BOCES GO Town D Water Authority D Special Improvement District Assembly District(s): 115 D Village D Sewer Authority D Regional Planning and Dev. Board (2) Co-Applicant Municipality: City of Utica Federal Tax ID Number: 15-6000418 Name of Chief Administrative Official: David Roefaro Telephone Number/Extension: 315-792-0100 Title: Mayor Fax Number: 31 5-734-9250 Mailing Address: E-Mail Address: — .. , .. [email protected] 1 Kennedy Plaza, Utica, New York 13502 a County or Counties: Type of Municipality: Oneida D County D Public Library D Association Library D Fire District Senate District(s): 47 0 City D School District D BOCES D Town D Water Authority D Special Improvement District Assembly District(s): D Village D Sewer Authority D Regional Planning and Dev. Board 116 (3) Co-Applicant Municipality: Federal Tax ID Number: Name of Chief Administrative Official: Telephone Number/Extension: Title: Fax Number: Mailing Address: E-Mail Address: County or Counties: Type of Municipality: D County D Public Library D Association Library D Fire District Senate District(s): D City D School District D BOCES D Town D Water Authority D Special Improvement District Assembly District(s): D Village D Sewer Authority D Regional Planning and Dev. Board •:.'•(£ ? *r&'\'&C'f ^i^?^^ ^?.^^& - V DOS-1860 (09/10) 2010-2011 Local Government Efficiency Grant Application PAXTlPage2of2 -2- PART 2C - EFFICIENCY IMPLEMENTATION GRANT NYS Department of State EFFICIENCY Local Government Efficiency Grant Program IMPLEMENTATION 2010-2011 GRANT Name of Lead Applicant: From the Part 1 application. Type of Grant; for two (2) or more municipalities: D Implementation of dissolutions, consolidations of municipalities 13 Implementation of complete functional consolidation of a municipal D Implementation of consolidation of or contractual services between service 2 or more municipal highway departments D Consolidation of Health Benefit Plans for2 or more municipalities D Other List and attach copies of any existing intermunicipal agreements or draft agreements that have been entered into for this activity. If you do not have an intermunicipal agreement, provide a description of the intermunicipal agreements that will be necessary to carry out the proposed activity. See application guidance for details. Attach as "Part F." Additional sheets attached as necessary. 0 Please provide a narrative which answers the questions outlined in the application instructions. Describe the extent to which the proposed project is consistent with these questions. To facilitate accurate scoring, applicants are encouraged to address all questions in the order in which they appear in the application instructions. Your application's score is based on the information you provide in this narrative. Attach as "Part G." Please provide a narrative which answers the questions outlined in the application instructions. Provide a detailed work plan, including time periods for achieving stated objectives, for the activity to be funded. Describe the extent to which the proposed project is consistent with these questions. To facilitate accurate scoring, applicants are encouraged to address all questions in the order in which they appear in the application instructions. Your application's score is based on the information you provide in this narrative. If your application is awarded, this work plan will provide the basis for the program work plan in the grant contract. Attach as "Part H." Proposed Start Date: March 2010 Length of Time Needed to Complete Project: 3 years - end date March 2013 Please provide a narrative which answers the questions outlined in the application instructions. Using the budget worksheets included in Appendix C and attached worksheets of the Grant Guidance, show where the project will reduce expenses. Describe the extent to which the proposed project is consistent with these questions. To facilitate accurate scoring, applicants are encouraged to address all questions in the order in which they appear in the application instructions. Your application's score is based on the information you provide in this narrative. Attach as "Part I." Return On LGE Grant (from Worksheet): $4,266,550 $600.000 X 100 = 711 Value of Savings Expected LGE grant Return on LGE Grant Taxpayer Savings (from worksheets) Applicant: Co-Applicants: $4,266,550 Please provide a narrative which answers the questions outlined in the application instructions. To facilitate accurate scoring, applicants are encouraged to address all questions in the order in which they appear in the application instructions. Your application's score is based on the information you provide in this narrative. Attach as "Part J." Budget Summary Total Project Cost: Amount of Grant Requested: Amount of Local Share: $1,853,897 $600,000 $1,253,897 Total Travel Costs: Total Costs Supplies, Materials and Equipment: 0 $46,400 (Total from Budget Detail) ' (Total from Budget Detail) Transitional Personnel Costs Ye;ar One: Year Two: Year Three: $199,590 $503,040 $518,131 $1,220761 (Total from Budget
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