MR Mtcologw, 99(6), 2007, pp. 916-923. 2007 by The Mycological Society of America, Lawrence, KS 66044-8897 New species of the Diaporthales from eastern Asia and eastern North America Larissa N. Vasilyeva MATERIALS AND METHODS Institute of Biology and Soil Science, Far Fast Branch of the Russian Academy oJ Sciences, Vladivostok 690022, Collect i ng trips were made during 2000-2006 in eastern Russia Asia (China, Republic of Korea, Russia) and eastern North America (USA: Maryland, Tennessee, West Virginia). The Amy Y. Rossma& samples were air-dried. Morphological observations include David F. Farr inacrosci pic :ippearai ice of fruiting bodies on the sub- Systematic Botany and Mtcology i.aboiatory, ( TS/)i- stiatiiiii as viewed wit Ii a stereonlicroscope and microscopic A RS, Beltsville, Maryland 20705 characters such as sue, shape, color and arrangement of asdi , ascospoies, petit hecial wall and pen thecial ostiolar tissues. Specimens were observed with a Zeiss Axiophot Abstract: Seven previously un(lescribed diapoitlia- ill icrosci pe and photographed in the Fan Eastern Center of lean species were found in eastern Asia and eastern Election Microscopy (Institute of Marine Biology, Viaclivos- t k) with :1 North America. Three of these new species and one (ligIl :tl video camera Leica DF( 300FX and microscopes I.eica MZ75 and I,eica DM 4500B. Specimens previously known species are assigned to a new genus were sectioned witl iafie cling micnotorne for detailed Leucodiaporthe. Descriptions and illustrations are observation of penithecial structures. Cultures derived from provided for the new taxa including Allanioporihe these collections were obtained by means of single leucothöes sp. nov., J)iaporllieiia coryl,na sp. nov., 5d( )Sj )Oit isolation on cornmeal agar (Sigma ®, Sigma Leucodiaporthe acerina sp. nov., L. jugiandis sp. nov.. Chemical Co., St Louis, Missouri) phis 0.2% dextrose L. maucki comb. nov., L. robiniae sp. nov., Leucosloma (CMI)) supplemented with antibiotics (1% solution 0.2% p5ev don i Veil ill Sp. 1) Ov., J.eu cosloma exciJ.iten da comb. streptonmvcui sulfate and 0.2% neomycin). Cultures are nov., and P/iragrinodiaporthe padi sp. nov. described oil Potato-dextrose agar (PDA, Sigma ®, Sigma Key words: Ascornycota, Sordariomycetes, Chemical Co.. St Louis, Missouri) made according to the systematics, taxonom y, wood-inhabiting fungi manufacturers ins( ruction after 7 ci at room temperature tinder equal davlight-d:srk conditions and occasionalh after it longer period time. Sonic coltines also are described on INTRODUCTION CMI). Colon y colors are described based on Raruer (1970). The Diaporthales are a distinct order within the Sordariomycetes, the class including ascomycetous I,\XONOMY fungi that produce asci primarily in perithecial Allantoporthe leucothoes Lar.N. Vassiljeva sp. nov. fruiting bodies (Zhang and Blackwell 2001, Zhang Ftcs. 1-5 et al 2006). The Diaporthales include fungi having Mycobank number 510558 perithecia either solitary or aggregated in a stroma, Penitheciis cortice irnmersis,300-350 pm diam, ostiolis often with long necks, unitunicate asci that float free papillatis discrete erumpeiitihus, singulis vel aggregatis at maturity with a conspicuous refractive ring, linea mligra irregulariter eircumscriptis. Ascis clavatis, 8- ascospores that vary from short, nonseptate to sporis, 35-45 X 8-10 pm, apparatus apicalis refractis. elongate, multiseptate and pycnidial asexual states. Sponidiis distichis, fusoideis, 14-16 X 3-3.5 pm, 1-septatis, Most species are inconspicuous, often immersed in medio vix constnictis, hyalinis, non appencliculatis. the substratum and occur on hardwood trees and Holotvpe specimen: UNITED STATES. Tennessee: other plant hosts in temperate regions. At present six Cocke County, Great Smoky Mountains National families are recognized in the Diaporthales (Castle- Park, Cosby, on dead stems of Leucothhefontanesiana bury et al 2002, Rossman et al 2007) although some (Steud.) Sleumer (Ericaceae), 8 May 2006, coil. species cannot be placed in any family. The new taxa Larissa N. Vasilyeva (HOLOTYPE-VIA). described below belong primarily to the Diaportha- Etymology: referring to the host plant. ceae and Valsaceae, although for some species their Perithecia immersed in bark tissue, 300- familiar placement is unknown. Following are de- 350 .tm diarn, erumpent with short papillate beaks, scriptions and illustrations of new taxa encountered groups of l-3(-5) perithecia immediately surrounded while collecting in eastern Asia and eastern North by an indistinct, thickened black line composing America. a perithecial cluster, each perithecial cluster sur- rounded by dull yellow epidermis, then with a distinct, Accepted for publication 13 August 2007. narrow black line enclosing a single perithecial Corresponding author. E-mail: [email protected] cluster or two or more clusters, sometimes large with 916 VASILYEVA Fr Al, NEW DIAPORTHAIES 917 up to 20 perithecial clusters, black line enclosing compressed, 300-350 pm diam, perithecial beaks circular to smooth rounded area, 0.5-3 cm diam. Asci black, elongated up to 1.5 mm, projecting well clavate, 8-spored, 35-45 X 8-10 pm, apical annulus beyond disk, erlimpent singly, numerous, crowded. refractive. Ascospores hiseriate, fusoid, 14-16 X 3.3- Asci oblong-fusoid, eight-spored, 42-50 X 9-11 pm, 3.5 pm, two-celled, slightly constricted at septum, apical annulus refractive. Ascospores hiseriate, fusoid hyaline, without appendages. or ellipsoid, 12-16 X 3.5-4 pm, 2-celled, slightly Culture on PDA after 7 d: colony 5.5 cm diam, constricted at septum, hyaline, without appendages. mycelium diffuse, low tufted, white to pale mouse Culture on Pl)A after 7 rI: colony 4.7 cm cliam, gray, sparse at margin, denser toward center, dense mycelium diffuse to dense, white to salmon, broadly mycelium salmon, with margin irregularly scalloped, tufted at regular margin, even toward center, reverse reverse intensely pigmented, hay to blood color, without pigments, pale peach beneath dense myceli- darker toward center. tim, white at margin. Additional specimen examined: UNITED STATES. Ten- Additional specimen exasn,ncd: CHINA. Heilongjiang nessee: Cocke County, Great Smoky Mountains National Province: Fuyt tan, oil (lying stems of Corins sp. , 4 Aug Park, Big Creek Trail, on dead stems of Leucoilioc 2004, coll. l,arissa N. Vasileva, c(ilt. Amy Rossman AR 4131 fontanesiana, 6 May 2002, coll. Larissa N. Vas,/eva, cult. = CBS 121124 (l1Il 871218). Arn Rossman AR 3807 = CBS 121122 (BPI 843486). The genus L)iaporihella Petr. is based on the type This new species is placed in the genus Alianlo- species 1). arcclala (Fr.) Petr. oil spp. L)iaporthelia porthePetr. in the Diaporthaceae. Allantoporthediffcrs corlmna is similar to D. (ristata in ascospore size; from Diaporthe in having stromata that consist of however the stromata of 1). corlwa are circular with several perithecia singly immersed in bark tissue and it disk while the stromata of 1). aristata are surrounded by a black line, whereas species of black, erumpent and well developed. A third species in Diaporthe usually form clusters of perithecia that Diaporl/icila, I). pialasca (Peck) Well on Betulaspp., collectively are erumpent from the hark. The type of has larger ascospoles (16-23 >( 3-5 pin) than those of the genus Allantoporthe, A. tessella (Pers. : Fr.) Petr., 1). corylinit (Vasilyeva 2004, Wehmeyer 1933) occurs on Salix spp. and has larger ascospores, 40-60 The genus Diaporihella is similar to Anisogramma in X 7-9(-11) p.m (FI(;s. 6-9), than those of A. having a well developed stroma in which the lencothäes. The third species of the genus, Allanlo- perithecia are aggregated. Unlike Anisogramma hav- porthe decedens (Fr.) M.E. Barr, does not have the ing unequally, l-septate ascospores, Diaporthella has characteristic appearance of the two other species; A. median, 1-septate ascospores. Diaporthella corylina is Coiyius stems. decedens lacks the black line around groups of strongly parasitic and causes dieback of perithecia and has ascospores 15-22 X 4-6 J.inl, Stromata are found at the base of host stems near the slightly larger than those of A. leucothöes. Allan to- ground and appear superficially similar to those of porthe decedens might be better placed in Diaporthe as Sillia ferruginea (Pers. : Fr.) P. Karst. The latter species suggested by Wehmeyer (1933). occupies the same ecological niche, occurring at the bases of Corylus stems but differs in having elongated, rnultiseptate ascospores. Anisogramma anomala Diaporthella corylina Lar.N. Vassiljeva sp. nov. (Peck) E. Mull, on Coiylus spp. occurs in North Flcs. 10-12 America and eastern Asia and causes witches brooms Mvcobank number 510559 on branches. Of interest living plants of Coiylus spp. Stromatibus orbicularis, erumpentibus, 1.5-4 mm diam, are now known to support species of three diaportha- linea nigra nullis, disco fuscescentis; peritheciis sphaeroi- lean genera, namely Anisogramma, Diaporthella and deis vel compressis, 300-350 pm diam; ostiolis nigris, Sillia, that differ in ascospore shape. These genera elongatis ad 1.5 mm, disko excedis. Ascis oblongo-fusoideis, were placed in tribe Endothieae of family Gnomonia- 8-sporis, 42-50 X 9-11 pm, apparatus apicalis refractis. ceae (Barr 1978) or tribe Pseudovalseae of family Sporidiis distichis, fusoideis vel ellipsoideis, 12-16 X 3.5- Valsaceae (Vasilveva 1994). Anisogramrna based on A. 4 pm, 1-septatis, medio vix constrictis, hyalinis, non appen- virgultorum (Fr) Theiss. & Syd. is known to
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