FluvannaReview.comFluvannaReview.com October 16-22, 2014 | One Copy Free IL A N S FFluvannaluvanna RREEVVIEWIEW S G G E HHowow HHealthyealthy LY EF N iiss tthehe O T S RRivanna?ivanna? AAquaticquatic LLifeife RRevealseveals tthehe TTruthruth Page 7 NY EN PAGE 20 P R E T A W FFluvanna’sluvanna’s FFirstirst SSameame SexSex MarriageMarriage VDOT Warns on SignsPage 7 Burn Victim Goes Home Page 14 Ghosts Haunt Scottsville Page 24 October 16-22, 2014 • Volume 34, Issue 41 Send your best Fluvanna photo to Quote of the week: Photo of the week carlos@fl uvannareview.com “Over the years the outpouring of love that the FOUNDED IN 1979 BY LEN GARDNER community has given me www.fl uvannareview.com Publisher/Editor: Carlos Santos and my family continues, 434-207-0224 / carlos@fl uvannareview.com and that has helped Advertising/Copy Editor: Jacki Harris 434-207-0222 / sales@fl uvannareview.com sustain me,” Accounts/Classifi ed Ads Manager: Edee Povol 434-207- 0221 / edee@fl uvannareview.com – Angell Husted , Page 11 Advertising Designer: Lisa Hurdle 434-207-0229 / lisa@fl uvannareview.com Editorial Designer: Lynn Stayton-Eurell lynn@fl uvannareview.com IInsidenside Designer: Marilyn Ellinger Staff Writers: Page Gifford, Duncan Nixon, Letters ....................................4 Christina Dimeo Guseman and Tricia Johnson Sports in review ................. 16 Intern: Stephanie Pellicane Calendar ............................. 19 Photographers: O.T. Holen, Lisa Hurdle, Lynn Stayton-Eurell Lunar eclipse seen on Oct. 8 from Columbia Mailing Address: Property transfers ............. 23 Photo by Tricia Johnson P.O. Box 59, Palmyra, VA 22963 Puzzles ................................ 26 Address: Classifi eds........................... 27 2987 Lake Monticello RdRd.. General: The Fluvanna Review is published weekly by Valley Legal ads: The Fluvanna Review is the paper of record for (434) 591-1000 Publishing Corp. and covers Fluvanna exclusively. One copy Fluvanna County. Call Lisa Hurdle at 434-591-1000 ext. 29 Fax: (434) 589-1704 We strive for accuracy. The policy of this newspaper is to promptly is free. Additional copies are $1 each payable in advance to to place a legal ad. Member of correct errors of fact brought to our attention. We encourage the publisher. Weddings, engagements, anniversaries: the Virginia readers to notify us of er- Subscriptions: Copies will be mailed for the subscription Press Association rors or the need for clarifi ca- Call Lisa Hurdle, 434-591-1000 ext. 29. price of $140 per year or $75 per 6 months. Please mail a 6,300 Copies tion in any of our content. check and a note with your name and address to: Subscrip- Paid obituaries: $50 for 300 words plus photo. Please email the editor at tions Dept., P.O. Box 59, Palmyra, VA 22963. Call 434-591-1000 ext. 24. [email protected]. Deadline: Advertising and news items due by Wednesday News hotline: 434-207-0224. 5 p.m. for the following week. If you see news happening, call us! Display and web ads: For information including Submissions, tips, ideas, etc.: The Fluvanna Review CIRCULATION AUDIT BY rates and deadlines, call Lisa Hurdle at encourages submissions and tips on items of interest to Flu- 434-591-1000 ext. 29. vanna residents. We reserve the right to edit submissions and COVER Classifi ed ads: $10 for two weeks for 30 words or less. cannot guarantee they will be published. Keep calendar sub- Checking the health of the Rivanna. Mail to the Fluvanna Review, P.O. Box 59, Palmyra, VA 22963 missions to 50 words or less and letters to the editor to 300 Photos by Tricia Johnson or stop by the offi ce at 2987 Lake Monticello Road. Deadline words or less. E-mail: carlos@fl uvannareview.com or mail to: Cover design by Lynn Stayton-Eurell and Lisa Hurdle. for print is Monday by noon. Fluvanna Review, P.O. Box 59, Palmyra, VA 22963. 45 Jefferson Dr.- Lake Monticello 130 Villa Circle Fluvanna YourYour FullFull PropertyProperty ManagementManagement $1,395 Colonial w/ 4 bedrooms, basement, $1,050/month Townhomes in convenient location, large living room, dining room, convenient walk to shopping, 3 bedrms, living room opens to to gate. kitchen, breakfast bar, 2.5 baths, laundry. 13 Buck Island - Lake Monticello 70 Bethel Church - Fluvanna County $1,000/month-Adorable w/ 3 bedrooms,open $1,200/month- Freshly painted ranch w/ 4 bed- living room/dining area, new carpet and paint, rooms, 2 baths, 3 car garage, living room, great stand up crawl for extra storage. location & close to Fluvanna schools. Property Management 10 Tanglewood- Lake Monticello 127 Timber Road- Columbia Services Call for Your FREE Property $1,100/month Ranch close to main beach, $1,200/month-Quiet country home with 3 pool, park, and clubhouse w/3 bedrms, 2 bedrooms, wood burning fi replace, 1st fl oor ManagementManagement ConsultationConsultation baths,open living to kitchen, brkfast bar, deck. master suite, back deck, private setting. Looking for the Right Rental? Lisa McCormick Start Here... Owner/ Realtor and Delila Stone Property Manager OFFICE MANAGER View All Our Available Rentals at (434)-589-6386 (434)-589-3958 [email protected] [email protected]. www.fi rstvirginiahomes.com 2 | FLUVANNA REVIEW | October 16, 2014 To advertise email: sales@fl uvannareview.com To advertise call: 434.207.0222 October 16, 2014 | FLUVANNA REVIEW | 3 Authorized Shipping Center verses his opponent’s 10 years. When it vote Mark Belew for sheriff on Nov. 4! comes to politics, the Republicans side –Andrew Pullen, Kent Store with their causes over the public good. Tell them, Fluvanna County is not Wash- T-shirt project ington or Richmond where politics is the I would like to thank everyone who name of the game. helped with The T-Shirt Project whether –Christopher Walz, Palmyra it has been donating items, giving a spot Order Your Family for collections, or wanting to help pack Hess has experience Belew shows leadership them. I really enjoy knowing people Christmas Calenders As soon as I read that the Fluvanna Mark Belew displays the qualities of want to help. I will be continuing collect- NOW! County Republicans voted to politicize a leader and is quickly becoming the ing until the end of October and hope the office of county sheriff, I agreed to person that others want to follow. His to give them to The Haven the first part having a campaign sign put up, in my talent is a gift, but his character is a of November. I still have a box at EW front yard, for Sheriff Eric Hess. Politics choice. His character and integrity are the Thomas Store and Palmyra United Meth- as usual brought down to the local level. foundation for his success. Mark has ex- odist Church. A box has been added at Ed Why else would Republican Rob Bell cellent communication skills that are ab- Lauterbach’s Chiropractic Office. There endorse a young man with less educa- solutely essential for effective leadership. will also be collection taken Oct. 24 at tion and police experience than Sheriff He is an exceptional listener and encour- Fluvanna County High School Home- Hess? I am sure that Sheriff Hess will not, ages others to tell him what he needs to coming Parade. I am still collecting any as (I am paraphrasing) Ronald Reagan know, not what he wants to hear. Mark is personal care donations but some items once said, “make age an issue of this constantly building relationships that are that are low are combs, washcloths, de- campaign. He is not going to exploit for imperative for the success of a leader in odorant, razors, floss, and toothbrush political purposes his opponent’s youth public service as well as the future of our holders. Thanks again for everybody’s and inexperience.” sheriff’s office. Mark’s campaign and fol- support I am so glad I can do this project Seriously, I want our sheriff to have lowers are a mirror of his positive attitude. with the help of this community. Bring in your photos been around the county once or twice and Leading with a positive attitude will bring – Kathryn Madison, Palmyra and let us make your I don’t mean the next county. Being our indispensable new energy and enthu- sheriff is more than playing high school siasm to the sheriff’s office. The level of photo packages football. It is good that the sheriff has ex- competence that Mark possesses clearly Graduates perience on the “beat,” but he needs the motivates and inspires others. The grass Webb and Vitales graduate from Radford experience of supervising and managing. roots effort to elect Mark Belew is growing After all, the sheriff is the “top dog” in the every day and undoubtedly illustrates the Michael Graham Webb and Pia Joyce Balag- county’s public safety department. He not tas Vitales of Palmyra graduated from Radford support that so many citizens have for University at the end of the summer session. only needs to interact with the commu- him. Finally, Mark’s commitment to Flu- Webb earned a Bachelor of business adminis- nity, but also with the county leadership. vanna County clearly sets him apart. He tration degree in management. Sheriff Hess has that experience, not only was born and raised as a Fluco, attended Vitales earned a Bachelor of business admin- StartingStarting as sheriff, but also as deputy sheriff under our public school system, raises his chil- istration degree in fi nance. atat Sheriff Ryant Washington. Sheriff Hess dren here and intends to serve the com- $9.98$9.98 has 21 years law enforcement experience munity that has invested in him. Please Signs Banners Custom Calendars Canvas Portraits Serving Fluvanna and Central Virginia for over 20 years.
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