Validation of the Publication of New Names and New Combinations Previously Effectively Published Outside the IJSB List No

Validation of the Publication of New Names and New Combinations Previously Effectively Published Outside the IJSB List No

INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SYSTEMATIC BACTERIOLOGY, OCt. 1986, p. 573-576 Vol. 36, No. 4 0020-7713/86/040573-04$~2.OO/O Copyright 0 1986, International Union of Microbiological Societies Validation of the Publication of New Names and New Combinations Previously Effectively Published Outside the IJSB List No. 22t The purpose of this announcement is to effect the valid publication of the following new names and new combinations under the procedufe described previously (Int. J. Syst. Bacteriol. 27(3):iv, 1977). Authors and other individuals wishing to have new names and/or combinations included in future lists should send the pertinent reprint or a photocopy thereof to the IJSB for confirmation that all of the other requirements for valid publication have been met. It should be noted that the date of valid publication of these new names and combinations is the date of publication of this list, not the date of the original publication of the names and combinations. The authors of the new names and combinations are as given below, arid these authors’ names will be included in the author index of the present issue and in the volume author index in this issue of the IJSB. Inclusion of a name on these lists validates the name and thereby makes it available in bacteriological nomenclature. The, inclusion of a name on this list is not to be construed as taxonomic acceptance of the taxon to which the name is applied. Indeed, some of these names may, in time, be shown to be synonyms, or the organism may be transferred to another genus, thus necessitating the creation of a new combination. Name Proposed as: Author( s) (reference) Nomenclatural type“ Actinoplanes minutisporangius New species Ruan et al. (15) Strain A-60 (= IMRU LL-A-tWb Anaerorhabdus New genus Shah and Collins (17) A. furcosusb Anaerorhabdus furcosus New combination (Veillon and Zuber) Shah ATCC 25662‘ (basonym: Bacteroides and Collins (17) furcosus) DesuCfotomaculum guttoideum New species Gogotova and Vainstein (5) Strain 50 (= VKM B-1591)b3d Haloarcula‘ New genus Torreblanca et al. (18) H. vallismortisb Haloarcula hispanica New species Juez et al. (13) Strain Y27 (= ATCC 33960)b Haloarcula vallismortis New combination (Gonzalez et al.) ATCC 29715‘ (basonym: Halobacterium Torreblanca et al. (18) vallismortis) Haloferax New genus Torreblanca et al. (18) H. vokaniib Haloferax gibbonsii New species Juez et al. (13) Strain MA2.38 (= ATCC 33959)b Haloferax volcanii New species Torreblanca et al. (18) NCMB 2012b Methanococcus frisius New species Blotevogel et a]. (1) Strain C 16 (= DSM 3318)b Methanoplanus endosymbiosus New species van Bruggen et al. (19) Strain MC1 (= DSM 3599)b Methanothermus sociabilis New species Stetter (14) DSM 34%b NitrospCra New genus Watson et al. (21) N. marinab Nitrospira marina New species Watson et al. (21) ATCC 43039b Pilimelia columetlifera Revived name Vobis et al. (20) Strain MB-SK 6 (= CBS 568.75 = DSM 43797)b Pilimelia columellifera subsp. New subspecies Vobis et al. (20) Strain MB-SK 6 (= CBS 568.75 columellifera = DSM 43797)b Pilimelia columellifera subsp. Revived name Vobis et al. (20) Strain MB-SK 8 (= DSM pallida 43799)b Planococcus kocurii New species Hao and Komagata (10) Strain HK 701 (= AJ 3345 = CCM 1849 = IAM 12847 = JCM 2569 = NCMB 629)b Pyrococcus New genus Fiala and Stetter (2) P. furiosusb Pyrococcus furiosus New species Fiala and Stetter (2) Strain Vc 1 (= DSM 3638)b Staphylothermus New genus Stetter and Fiala (3) S. marinusb Staphylothermus marinus New species Stetter and Fiala (3) Strain F1 (= DSM 3639)b Streptomyces albidochromogenes New species Preobrazhenskaya (4)’ INA 117926 Streptomyces asterosporus New combination Preobrazhenskaya (4) INMI 16 (= VKM 40)b (basonym: “Actinomyces of revived asterosporus ”)g epithet Streptomyces atrovirens New combination Preobrazhenskaya and INA 1551h (basonym: “Actinomyces of revived Terekhova (4) atrovirens” ) epithet Streptomyces aureorectus New combination Taig and Solovieva (4) Strain 2843-10 (= INA A-78)b (basonym: “Actinomyces of revived aureorectus”) epithet Streptomyces brasiliensis New combination (Falciio de Morais et al.) ATCC 23727 (= DSM 43159 = (basonym: Elytrosporangium Goodfellow et al. (6) IF0 12596 = KCC 3086 = brasiliense) RIA 911)‘ Continued next page 573 574 VALIDATION LIST INT. J. SYST.BACTERIOL. Name Proposed as: Author(s) (reference) Nomenclatural typea Streptomyces candidus New combination Sveshnikova (4) ATCC 19891 (= ISP 5141 = (basonym: not given) of revived RIA 1131)b epithet Streptomyces caniferus New combination Preobrazhenskaya (4) VKM 68 (= INMI 377)b (basonym: “Actinomyces of revived caniferus’’) epithet Streptomyces carpaticus New species Maximova and Terekhova INA 885l6 (4) Streptomyces carpinensis New combination (Falcfio de Morais et al.) Strain 70-6-2 (= ATCC 27116 = (basonym: Elytrosporangium Goodfellow et al. (6) KCC 3301)c carpinense) Streptomyces cinereorectus New species Terekhova and Preobra- INA 5202b zhenskaya (4) Streptomyces cinereospinus New species Terekhova, Preobrazhen- INA 1719b skaya, and Gause (4) Streptomyces cinereus New combination (Cross et al.) Goodfellow ATCC 15840 (= DSM 43033 = (basonym: Microellobosporia et al. (6) IF0 12477 = KCC 3040)c cinerea) Streptomyces ciscaucasicus New species Sveshnikova (4) ATCC 23626 (= INA 2022155 = ISP 5275)b Streptomyces coelicoJlavus New Combination Terekhova (4) INA %306 (basonym: not given) of revived epithet Streptomyces coeruleoflavus New species Preobrazhenskaya and INA 2206b Maximova (4) Streptomyces coeruleoprunus New species Preobrazhenskaya (4) INA 16Sb Streptomyces enissocaesilis New combination Sveshnikova (4) INMI 40-31 (= VKM 130)b (basonym: “Actinomyces of revived enissocaesilis’ ’) epithet Streptomyces fraveus New combination (Cross et al.) Goodfellow ATCC 15332 (= IF0 12190 = (basonym: Microellobosporia et al. (6) KCC 3035 = NCIB 9587 = flavea) RIA 896)c Streptomyces Jlavidofuscus New species Preobrazhenskaya (4) INA 15719b Streptomyces jlaviscleroticus Revived name Goodfellow et al. (7) ATCC 19347 (= DSM 43152 = IF0 12998 = ISP 5270 = KCC 3100 = NCIB 11008 = RIA 833)b Streptomyces fravofungini Revived name Szabo and Preobrazhen- Strain SA-1x3 (= ATCC 27430 skaya (4) = ISP5366)’ Streptomyces Jlavofuscus New combination (Pridham et al.) Preo- ATCC 19908 (= INA 1565)c (basonym: Streptomyces brazhenskaya (4) globisporus subsp. Jlavofuscus) Streptomyces Jlavovariabilis New combination Sveshnikova (4) INMI 702 (= VKM 141)b (basonym: not given) of revived epithet Streptomyces Jlavoviridis Revived name Preobrazhenskaya (4) ATCC 19759 (= INA 2314 = ISP 5153)b Streptomyces fulvorobeus New species Vinogradova and Preo- INMI 34-280 (= VKM 158)b brazhenskaya (4) Streptomyces fumigatiscleroticus Revived name Goodfellow et al. (7) ATCC 19345 (= DSM 43154 = IF0 12999 = KCC 3101 = RIA 884)b Streptomyces glaucosporus New combination INMI 2979 ( = INA G-72)b (basonym: “Actinomyces of revived glaucosporus’ ’) epithet Streptomyces glaucus Revived name Agre and Preobrazhen- INMI 2965 (= INA G-86)b skaya (4) Streptomyces glomeratus Revived name Gause and Sveshnikova (4) INA 3980 (= VKM 834)* Streptomyces graminearus New species Preobrazhenskaya (4) INA 13982b Streptomyces heliomycini New combination Preobrazhenskaya (4) INA 2915b (basonym: “Actinomyces of revived flavochromogenes subsp. epithet heliomycini”) Streptomyces humiferus New name Goodfellow et al. (8) ATCC 15719 (= DSM 43040 = (synonym: Actinopycnidium IF0 12244 = KCC 3044 = caeruleum) RIA 729)c Streptomyces kunmingensis New combination (Ruan et al.) Goodfellow et ATCC 34682h (basonym: Chainia kunming- al. (7) ensis) Streptomyces levis New species Sveshnikova (4) INA 9020 (= VKM 835)b Streptomyces lienomycini New species Gause and Maximova (4) INA 47gb Streptomyces malachitofuscus Revived name Preobrazhenskaya and ATCC 25471 (= IF0 13059 = Terekhova (4) INA 739 = ISP 5332 = KCC S-0493)b Continued next page VOL.36, 1986 VALIDATION LIST 575 Name Proposed as: Author(s) (reference) Nomenclatural typea Streptomyces malachitospinus Revived name Preobrazhenskaya and INMI 217 (= INA 316)b Terekhova (4) Streptomyces megasporus New combination Agre (4) INMI 2869 (= INA M-22)b (basonym: “Actinomyces of revived megasporus”) epithet Streptomyces monomycini New species Gause and Terekhova (4) INA 1465b Streptomyces mutomycini New species Gause and Maximova (4) INA 4305b Streptomyces niger New combination (Thirumalachar) Good- ATCC 17756 (= DSM 43049 = (basonym: Chainia nigra) fellow et al. (7) IF0 13362 = ISP 5302 = KCC 3158 = RIA 1323)‘ Streptomyces rectiviolaceus New combination Sveshnikova (4) INMI 563 (= VKM 282)b (basonym: “Actinomyces of revived rectiviolaceus’ ’) epithet Streptomyces paradoxus New name Goodfellow et al. (8) ATCC 15813 (= DSM 43350 = (synonym: Actinosporangium KCC 3052 = RIA 655)c violaceum) Streptomyces pseudoechino- New name Goodfellow et al. (6) ATCC 19618 (= DSM 43035 = sporeus (synonym: Micro- IF0 12518 = KCC 3066)c ellobosporia grisea) Streptomyces purpureus New combination (Matsumae and Hata) ATCC 27787 (= DSM 43362 = (basonym: Kitasatoa purpurea) Goodfellow et al. (9) IF0 13927 = KCC 3172)c Streptomyces ruber New combination (Thirumalachar) Good- ATCC 17754 (= ISP 5304 = (basonym: Chainia rubra) fellow et al. (7) KCC 3131 = NCIB 10983)‘ Streptomyces rubrogriseus New combination Terekhova (4) INA 2626b (basonym: not given) of revived epithet Streptomyces speleomycini New species Preobrazhenskaya and Strain B-23b Szabo (4) Streptomyces spiralis New combination (Falcfio de Morais) ATCC 25664 (= KCC 3302)‘ (basonym: Elytrosporangium

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