21st CENTURY SCIENCE &TECHNOLOGY SPRING 2010 www.21stcenturysciencetech.com $5.00 The Cosmic Ray Project • The Malthusian War Against DDT 21st CENTURY SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY Vol. 23, No. 1 Spring 2010 Features News 8 IN MEMORIAM THE COSMIC RAY PROJECT Edwin E. Kintner (1920-2010) 10 Kesha Rogers’s Victory Signals Rebirth A Champion of Fusion Of a Mars Colonization Policy! and Fission Sky Shields Stephen O. Dean What will continuous 1-g acceleration of manned spacecraft to SPECIAL REPORT Mars tell us of the hidden link of life on Earth to the broader cosmos? 40 The Overpopulation Fear Behind the Ban on DDT Towards a New Periodic Table of Cosmic Radiation 20 Donald Roberts and Richard Tren Peter Martinson Excerpts from their new book, True knowledge comes from the human mind, not sense perceptions, The Excellent Powder: DDT’s and it is this creative process that will lead us to an understanding Political and Scientific History. of cosmic radiation and life processes. 47 ASTRONOMY ONWARD TO MARS Reconstructing the Magnifying The Triumph of the Weak Forces Mirror of Archimedes 48 Charles E. Hughes Oyang Teng Meeting the challenges of a manned Moon-Mars mission will open A MODERN ARCHIMEDES MIRROR the entire electronmagnetic spectrum for human use, redefining 51 Italian Town Makes Good cognitive science for the next century. Use of Solar Mirror Rick Sanders Departments 2 EDITORIAL The Nuclear Option Against British Sabotage in Our Gulf Laurence Hecht 5 LETTERS 6 NEWS BRIEFS BOOKS 52 The Excellent Powder: DDT’s Political and Scientific History by Donald Roberts and Richard Tren Reviewed by Marjorie Mazel Hecht 59 Water: The Epic Struggle for Laurence Hecht Wealth, Power, and Civilization Peter Martinson, one of the Basement team of the La- by Steven Solomon Rouche Youth Movement working on the Cosmic Ray Reviewed by Glenn Mesaros Project. His article appears on p. 18. 61 GLOBAL WARMING UPDATE Compiled by Gregory Murphy ON THE COVER: At 2,750 meters in the Celebes Sea: an odd transparent sea cucumber, Enypniastes, creeping forward on its many tentacles at about 2 cm per minute, while sweeping detritus-rich sediment into its mouth. Photo courtesy of Larry Madin, Woods Hole Oceanographic institution; cover design by Alan Yue. EDITORIAL STAFF EDITORIAL Editor-in-Chief Laurence Hecht Managing Editor Marjorie Mazel Hecht The Nuclear Option Associate Editors Elijah C. Boyd David Cherry Against British Sabotage Christine Craig Marsha Freeman Colin M. Lowry In Our Gulf Gregory B. Murphy June 13—It appears increasingly likely zontally against the well bore, sealing it Richard Sanders that recourse to use of a peaceful nucle- shut. That would close the hole, well be- Charles B. Stevens ar explosive (PNE), may become the only low the probable cracks that may exist in Books available option to seal the damaged BP the upper 1,200-foot layer of mud and David Cherry well in the Gulf of Mexico, 41 miles off soft rock. In a worst-case scenario in Art Director our coast. which the well failed to seal, the mini- Alan Yue Such a measure can be carried out mal amount of radioactive material that with virtually zero danger of radioactive might escape up the well would be so Advertising Manager release, according to experts, including diluted upon mixing with seawater as to Marsha Freeman Milo Nordyke, a former chief scientist on render it harmless. SCIENTIFIC ADVISORY BOARD the U.S. Operation Plowshare program Smaller nuclear devices, carried by Francesco Celani, Ph.D. for peaceful use of nuclear explosives. projectiles of a classified nature which Hugh W. Ellsaesser, Ph.D. A 10- to 15-kiloton nuclear device could be injected directly down the well Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. would be placed within 20 to 30 feet of bore, are also possible. Wolfgang Lillge, M.D. the well bore, at a depth below 6,000 Whether or not it becomes necessary Ramtanu Maitra feet, where no danger of wave formation to use such a device, it is urgent that Thomas E. Phipps, Jr., Ph.D. from deformation of the sea floor could preparations be made now for such an B.A. Soldano, Ph.D. occur. The explosion would produce a eventuality. There is growing evidence shock wave that would push rock hori- that the well is releasing oil at a rate of 21st Century Science & Technology (ISSN 0895-6820) is published 4 times a year by 21st Century Science Associates, 60 Sycolin Road, Suite 203, Leesburg, Va. 20175. Tel. (703) 777-6943. Address all correspondence to 21st Century, P.O. Box 16285, Washington, D.C. 20041. 21st Century is dedicated to the promotion of unending scientific progress, all directed to serve the proper common aims of mankind. Opinions expressed in articles are not necessarily those of 21st Century Science Associates or the scientific advisory board. We are not responsible for unsolicited manuscripts. Electronic subscriptions are $25 for 6 issues or $48 for 12 issues. Back issues (1988-2005) are $5 each ($8 foreign). Electronic issues from 2006 on are $5 each. Payments must be in U.S. currency. Copyright © 2010 21st Century Science Associates ISSN 0895-682 www.21stcenturysciencetech.com Petty Officer First Class John Masson/USCG Black smoke from a controlled burn over Deepwater Horizon, billows into the atmo- sphere, over the Gulf of Mexico. We need to prepare now for a nuclear option to seal the well. 2 Spring 2010 21st Century Science & Technology EDITORIAL 90,000 barrels per day or greater, while the likelihood of success of the relief wells has been called into question. Stratigraphic studies, design and building of the device, and preparations for de- ployment all take time, time which has been lost by the Administration policy of denial. Expertise in these matters resides among specialists at the Lawrence Liver- more and Los Alamos national laborato- ries. Such a program can be carried out only under U.S. government authority. The urgent need for preparing the nu- clear option thus provides one more reason why BP must be expropriated under national security emergency mea- sures, its records seized, and its top ex- ecutives jailed and held for trial on crimes including the criminally negli- gent homicide in the death of 11 oil rig workers. That will require the removal of Video grab of a bomb being positioned near a burning Soviet gas well in 1966, to stop the British tool presently occupying the the fire and seal the site. This was the first use of a PNE for this purpose. The video can master bedroom at 1600 Pennsylvania be seen here: http://atomicnewsreview.org/2010/05/31/ an-atomic-bomb-will-stop- Avenue. the-gulf-oil-leak/ A greater challenge might arise, if BP actually drilled to 30,000 feet, or below, sort of measure for the concept of energy grid of magnetically levitated high-speed and is tapping into a deep formation at flux-density. By such measure, the ad- rail. very high pressures—another reason why vantage of nuclear comes to 2.16 million To bring the present world population we must take over, and gain control of to 1, as compared to oil, and 2.98 million up to acceptable standards of living will the situation. to 1, as compared to coal. Mastery of the require the production of at least 6,000 The Other Nuclear thermonuclear fusion reaction will allow new nuclear power plants within the Apart from such immediately required us to raise those ratios by several orders next generation. Wind and solar energy measures, the unfolding crisis in the Gulf of magnitude, and make manned inter- installations not only cannot meet that brings to the fore a more far-reaching, yet planetary space flight a reality for com- need, but cost more, in actual physical most urgent necessity. ing generations. economic measure, than they contribute The underlying cause of the Gulf Oil The temperature and energy flux-den- to an economy. Crisis has been our failure to go nuclear. sity of the nuclear fission reaction per- A more precise definition of energy Supporting the present world population mits the production of cheap electrical flux-density is transformative power. Be- of 6.8 billion persons at a decently hu- power, and of industrial process heat yond the already cited advantages, a nu- man living standard cannot be accom- needed for processing ore and the desali- clear reaction produces a change in the plished with the present mix of energy nation of seawater. structure of the atomic nucleus such as and raw-material-extraction technolo- Nuclear power can also replace fossil will never occur in a windmill, solar gies. fuels in transportation, eliminating com- cell, or oil-, gas-, or coal-fired power The widespread introduction of high pletely the dependence upon imported plant. The next phase of our economic energy-flux-density power sources, start- oil and deep offshore drilling. The tem- development, the isotope economy, ing now with nuclear power, and moving perature and high energy-flux of a nucle- will involve the production of new ma- on to controlled thermonuclear fusion, ar reaction permits us to economically terials, including those of varied iso- and later, to matter-antimatter reactions, separate water into its constituent atoms. topic composition, for use in industry, is essential to ensuring our future surviv- The hydrogen so produced can be burned agriculture, medicine, and space colo- al. as a fuel, either directly, or by recombi- nization. We will get a start on this For now, nuclear power is the key to nation in fuel cells. Synthetic hydrocar- through our gear-up for mass serial pro- replacing our present dependence upon bon fuels and various types of hydrogen duction of nuclear plants, including new fossil-based fuels.
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