Bulgarian Journal of Veterinary Medicine, 2017 ONLINE FIRST ISSN 1311-1477; DOI: 10.15547/bjvm.2027 Short communication INSECTICIDE SUSCEPTIBILITY OF HOUSE FLIES (MUSCA DOMESTICA) FROM A LIVESTOCK FARM IN TYUMEN REGION, RUSSIA M. A. LEVCHENKO, E. A. SILIVANOVA, G. F. BALABANOVA & R. H. BIKINYAEVA All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Veterinary Entomology and Arachnology, Branch of Tyumen Scientific Centre, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences Summary Levchenko, M. A., E. A. Silivanova, G. F. Balabanova & R. H. Bikinyaeva, 2017. Insecti- cide susceptibility of house flies (Musca domestica) from a livestock farm in Tyumen re- gion, Russia. Bulg. J. Vet. Med. (online first). The susceptibility of the field populations of the house fly Musca domestica L. (Diptera:Muscidae) from a livestock farm of the Tyumen region, Russia, to six insecticides (deltamethrin, cypermethrin, thiamethoxam, permethrin, fipronil, chlorfenapyr) is reported. After a forced contact of adult flies of susceptible strains and first generation of field populations with the residues of insecticides at the bottom of glass cups, the median lethal dose of each insecticide was determined by probit analysis. According to the resistance ratio, the susceptibility of the evaluated field population to insecticides increased in the order: cypermethrin < deltamethrin < permethrin ≤ chlorfenapyr < thiamethoxam < fipronil. Key words: field population, insecticides, Musca domestica L., resistance ratio, susceptibility The house fly Musca domestica L. (Dip- using insecticides. In Russia, pyrethroid tera:Muscidae) is a typical representative and neonicotinoid insecticides are most of zoophilous flies that cause significant commonly used to combat ectoparasites of harm to the animals as ectoparasites and animals. Fipronil and chlorfenapyr are interfere with the work of the maintenance among the new classes of insecticides in staff. Flies disturb the animals, reduce the Russia. Fipronil is used in crop produc- sanitary condition of farms and animal tion, medical pest control (mainly in the feed, may be carriers of infectious and form of gels and baits to control cock- parasitic diseases of animals (Förster et roaches), in veterinary medicine for com- al., 2007; Wang et al., 2011; Scott et al., bating ectoparasites on small domestic 2014). The main method of house flies animals. Chlorfenapyr is a promising pyr- control worldwide is chemical control role insecticide to control the insect popu- Insecticide susceptibility of house flies (Musca domestica) from a livestock farm in Tyumen region, Russia lation. Chlorfenapyr, a pro-insecticide, has not been carried out for more than 10 a unique mechanism of insecticidal activi- years (Pavlov, 2006). ty connected to the ability of its metabo- For effective control of the number of lites to block the ATP synthesis in insect pests, including the housefly, it is neces- body cells (US EPA, 2001). In world sary to carry out monitoring of the level of practice, chlorfenapyr is mainly used in susceptibility in field populations to the crop production and termite control, it is used insecticides. The aim of this study promising as a means to control the ma- was to assess the susceptibility to insecti- laria vectors and other synanthrope insects cides of different groups in the M. domes- (N'Guessan et al., 2007; Romero et al., tica population from a livestock farm in 2010). It is not introduced widely in Rus- the Tyumen region, where pyrethroid in- sia and is mostly used for plant protection. secticides had been used for a long time. It is known that M. domestica quickly For the experiment, 3–5-day old labo- develops resistance to insecticides used ratory susceptible and field populations against it (Scott et al., 2013; Khan et al., adult flies were used. Field population of 2015). Previously, researchers reported on flies was collected in the facilities (pigger- the formation of house fly populations ies, cowsheds) of a livestock farm in the resistant to pyrethroids and neonicotinoids Tyumen region (Chervishevo village, on livestock and poultry farms around the 56°56′08″ N. 65°25′34″ E.). Then insects world (Marçon et al., 2003; Kaufman et were transferred in an insectarium and al., 2010; Khan et al., 2013; Scott et al., kept in cages made of metal frame 25 × 25 2013; Abbas et al.. 2015). Development × 25 cm of size, covered with fine mesh, of cross-resistance to insecticides of other with a special sleeve to run insects. The groups is also possible. For example, it is cages also had food (milk powder: glu- known that house fly population resistant cose 1:1) in Petri dishes and cups with to permethrin develops resistance to water with a cotton wicks in them. The fipronil (Liu & Yue, 2000). first generation of adult flies (F1) has been Information on the susceptibility of M. obtained in the laboratory out of the col- domestica field populations to the insecti- lected population of flies; it has been cides used on the territory of Russia is tested for susceptibility to insecticides. sporadic and mainly refers to flies of Susceptible insect culture was obtained towns (inhabited localities). Thus, in the from the laboratory of the Novosibirsk 1990s, a study of 19 populations of flies Agrarian University in 2009 and was from central (Moscow, Kaluga, Tver re- reared in the insectarium without contact gions) and southern (Astrakhan) regions with insecticides for more than 50 genera- of Russia, demonstrated their high resis- tions. tance to organophosphorus insecticides The testing was carried out using (chlorophos, carbofos) and tolerance or commercial insecticides containing del- sensitivity to such pyrethroids as perme- tamethrin (Deltsid 4% EC, Agrovetzash- thrin, neopinamine, fenvalerate hita, Russia; FAS 1% tablets, Agrovit on (Polyakova, 1995). It has also been re- scientific and technological orders of ported that the flies of the Moscow popu- Gigiena-Bio, Russia), cypermethrin (Sa- lation were highly resistant to pyrethroids marovka insecticide 25% EC, Samarovo, (Roslavtseva, 2001). Such studies of flies Russia), thiamethoxam (Agita 10% WG, on livestock complexes are rare and have NOVARTIS ANIMAL HEALTH Inc., 2 BJVM, ××, No × M. A. Levchenko, E. A. Silivanova, G. F. Balabanova & R. H. Bikinyaeva Switzerland), as well as industrial perme- to LD50 for laboratory strain of flies. Sus- thrin (97%, crystals, China), fipronil ceptibility of the field population to the (97%, powder, China), chlorfenapyr insecticides was determined based on the (97%, crystals, China). following criteria: RR<1 – high suscepti- To determine the toxicity of the insec- bility to the insecticide, RR=1 – absence ticides for flies the method of dosed con- of resistance (the population is sensitive to tacting of insects was used (Pavlov & the insecticide), RR=2–10 – very low re- Pavlova, 2005). The insect groups were sistance (the insects are tolerant to the exposed to the test drug without anaes- insecticide), RR=11–20 – low resistance thetic by forced contact with an insecti- (the insects are moderately resistant), cide residues on the bottom of a glass cup RR=21–50 – medium resistance, RR=51– for 30 min. Acetone solutions of insecti- 100 – high resistance (the insects are re- cide were prepared in 5–6 concentrations. sistant to the insecticide), RR>100 – very Then, 1 mL of each solution was added to high resistance (the insects are highly re- glass cups with diameter 35–40 mm and sistant to the insecticide) (Dremova et al., 40–45 mm height. After evaporation of 1999; Abbas et al., 2015). acetone a certain amount of active sub- Laboratory tests have shown that for stance – the dose – was left in each cup. flies of both laboratory and field popula- Then 10 flies were placed into each cup tions the pyrethroid deltamethrin had the by a piston, consisting of a mesh cloth and highest toxicity. Next came the pyrethroid a spring spacer ring, achieving close con- cypermethrin, pyrazole fipronil and neo- tact of the insects with the insecticide nicotinoid thiamethoxam. The permethrin residues on the bottom of a cup. After a toxicity was significantly lower. The low- 30–min exposure, pistons in cups were est toxicity against adults M. domestica of raised to supply insects with drinking both laboratory and field populations was bowls with 5% glucose solution. The death that of pyrrole chlorfenapyr (Table 1). of the insects was registered during one According to our results, the field day. Experiments with each dose of the populations of flies did not have a high insecticide were performed at least 3 resistance to deltamethrin, cypermethrin times. and permethrin. A very low resistance to The results of insect mortality depend- cypermethrin (RR = 3.66) and deltame- ing on the dose were analysed by probit thrin in the composition of the FAS prepa- analysis (Finney, 1971) using Free ration (RR = 3.07) should be noted. A LD50/LC50 Calculator (July 7, 2016; Dr. higher sensitivity to permethrin in the M. Alpha Raj by Calcuating LD50/LC50 studied population of flies is probably due using Probit Analysis in Excel Blog) for to the fact that insecticides containing this calculating LD50 for 95% confidence in- pyrethroid are quite rare. tervals (CI), slopes, standard errors, and House fly populations with varying χ2. Median lethal dose was expressed as a degrees of resistance to pyrethroids were microgram of the active substance per found around the world on livestock and gram of tested insects’ weight. To deter- poultry farms. For example, in the USA, mine the susceptibility of the field popula- Musca domestica caught in pens for cattle tion to the insecticides the resistance ratio in the southeast Nebraska showed reason- (RR) was calculated as the ratio of LD50 able resistance to permethrin: resistance of the insecticide for field population flies ratio of 7.3 when contacting with insecti- BJVM, ××, No × 3 Insecticide susceptibility of house flies (Musca domestica) from a livestock farm in Tyumen region, Ru region, Tyumen in farm livestock a from domestica) (Musca flies house of susceptibility Insecticide 4 Table 1.
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