Cambridge University Press 0521837499 - The Etymologies of Isidore of Seville Stephen A. Barney, W. J. Lewis, J. A. Beach and Oliver Berghof Index More information INDEX © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 0521837499 - The Etymologies of Isidore of Seville Stephen A. Barney, W. J. Lewis, J. A. Beach and Oliver Berghof Index More information General index The following index includes only important terms and sub-topics, and most proper names, from the Etymologies. For larger topics consult the Analytical Table of Contents. Both English and Latin terms are indexed, but when a Latin term is close in meaning and form to the corresponding English translation, only the English is given. Book X is a dense list of such terms descriptive of human beings as “lifeless,” “hateful,” “generous,” “enviable.” Its Latin terms are in alphabetical order. Seeing that such terms are unlikely to be the object of an index search, and that including them would unduly swell the bulk of an index already large, we exclude Book X here, though not from the two indexes that follow. The valuable index of the Oroz Reta–Casquero Spanish translation of the Etymologies divides the terms into categories: a general index followed by indexes of proper names, geographical terms, botanical terms, zoological terms, and stones and minerals. Aaron 149, 164 acer 346 acyrology 56 abanet 383 acetum 398 Adam 162, 247, 302, 334, 384 abba 172 Achaea 290, 303 adamas 325 abbot 172 Achaeus 196, 290, 303 Adamite 175 abbreviations 51 Achaians 196 adiectio 145 legal 51–52 Achates (river) 296 aditus 311 Abdias 302 achates 325 adjective 43 Abel 162 Achatesius of Miletos 65 ctetic 43 Abella 344 Achelous (river) 324 ethnic 43 abellana 344 Achilles 106, 195, 196, 290 adjutant 202 abies 345 acies 203, 362 adnotatio 54 abiuratio 123 acinus 340 adolescent 242 ablative 44 acitabulum 399 Adonai 153 Abraham 39, 99, 163, 165, 168, 169, acitabulus 334 adoption 207 174, 191, 192, 194, 198, 207, 208, acnua 315 adoreum 338 302, 346 acolyte 172 adultery 123 abrotanum 357 Acone 351 adultus 242 absida 312 aconite 351 advena 205 absinthium 353 acorum 350 adverb 42, 46 abstract quantity 89 acredula 266 adverbum (gloss) 55 Abydos 295 acridium 353 adze 383 abyss 280, 300 Acroceraunian mountains 298 aedes 308 Academic philosophers 179 acrostic poems, biblical 137 aedificatio 377 acalanthis 269 acrozymus 396 aegopthalmos 327 acanthus 351 acryologia 75 aegyptilla 325 acation 375 active voice 45, 46 Aegyptus 287 accent 49 actor 369 Aelius Hadrian 301 accent marks 49–50 actor 205 Aeneas 200, 212, 304, 370 accentor 147 Acts, Book of 135, 138 Aeneid 181 accident (logical) 81, 82 actualis 43 aenigma 63 accipiter 267 actuaria 374 Aeolian islands 296, 317 Accius 180 actus 315, 316 Aeolic Greek 191 accubitum 395 acupictus 385 Aeolus 296 accusative 44 acus 391 aeon 130, 180 accusator 365 acute (diacritic) 49 Aeos 304 Acephalite 178 acute illness 110–111 aequinoctium 128, 273 417 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 0521837499 - The Etymologies of Isidore of Seville Stephen A. Barney, W. J. Lewis, J. A. Beach and Oliver Berghof Index More information 418 General index aequitas 73 air 231, 239, 272, 273 alopecia 112–113 aequivocus (category) 81 ala 264 Alpha and Omega 156 aequor 276, 277 (armpit) 235 alphabet (see also letters) 39 aer 273 (military) 203 alphabetum (acrostic) 137 aera 129, 142 Alabanda region 326 Alphaeus 169 aeranis 250 alabandicus 321 Alpheus (river) 296 aerarium 204, 310, 329 alabandina 326 Alps 67, 298, 325 Aerian 176 alabastrites 321 altanus 275 aeromancy 182 alabastrum 401 altar 310 aerugo 331 Alani 197, 386 althaea 354 aes 329, 330 Alania 289 alum 276, 317 Aesculapius (also Aesclepius) 65, 106, Alba Longa 304 alvus 240 109, 183 Albania 288 amaracinum 115 Aesop 66–67 Albanians 195, 386 Amazon 98, 186, 195, 303, 361 aestas 129 Albans 304 ambages 75 aestiva 299 albeum 400 amber 323 aestuaria 278, 280 albucium 354 ambiguity 57, 75 aestus 278 Albula (river) 282 ambitus 123, 316 aetas 130 albus 250 ambo 310 aeternus 154 Alcmeon of Croton 66 ambrosia 354 aether 272 alcyon 265 amen 147 aethiopicus (stone) 327 alder 346 amens 231 Aetian 176 Alea 371 amentum 363 aetiologia 78 alea 371 amethyst 324 aetites 320, 327 Alemanni 197, 386 amethystizontas 324 aevum 130 ales 264 amiantos 320 affirmation 83 Alexander the Great 139, 195, 199, amictus 384 affluence 395 244, 281, 290, 303 amiculum 387 Africa 292–293, 313, 320, 323, 343, 345, Alexander, Roman emperor 143 Aminean wine 398 348 Alexandria 303, 307, 331, 376, 381, amma 266 Africans 193, 198, 305, 364 402 ammochrysus 327 Africus 275 library of 139 ammodyta 257 afterbirth 240 alga 355 Ammon 106 agaric 354 alibrum 389 ammoniacus 318 agate 325 alica 338 Ammonius 142 agea 374 alien, resident 205 amnis 280 Agenor 289 alieniloquium 63 amomum 349 ager 314 alimentum 395 amor 174, 188 age(s) 130 alimonia 395 Amos 167 of humans, six 241–243 alites 269 amphibian 259 of world 210 alium 356 amphibolia 57 seven 144 allegory 63, 135 amphibrach 47 six 130 physical 185, 187, 188, 189 Amphictyon 282, 303 agger 313, 316 alleluia 147 amphidoxa 77 agmen 203 alliteration 59 Amphion 95 agnatus 208 Allophyli 195, 302 amphisbaena 256 Agnoites 178 alluvium 300 amphitapa 388 agnomen 42 alluvius ager 314 amphitheater 307, 370 agnus 247 almond 344 Amphitus 303 agon 366 alnus 346 amphora 335 agredula 263 aloa 349 ampulla 400 Agrigentum 97 aloe 349, 351 amulet 183 Ahab 165, 166 Alogi 176 Amulius 304 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 0521837499 - The Etymologies of Isidore of Seville Stephen A. Barney, W. J. Lewis, J. A. Beach and Oliver Berghof Index More information General index 419 amurca 348 annals 67 ape, five kinds of 253 amygdala 344 world 130–133 apex 42, 365, 390 amylum 396 annona 396 aphaeresis 57 amystis 400 annulled (testament) 120 aphorism 114 anaboladium 387 annus 129 aphorus 261 Anacreon 65 anointed 155 aphratum 397 anadiplosis 59, 75 anomaly 54 Aphrodis 128 anaglypha 399 anquina 376 Aphrodite 188, 244 analogium 310 anser 267 aphronitrum 318 analogy 54, 85, 136 ant 254 apiago 354 analytica (logic) 83 ant lion 255 apianus 340 anamnesis 78 antae 311 Apicius 395 anancitis 327 Antaeus 305 Apis 188 anapest 47 antanaclasis 76 apis 269–270 anaphora 59 Antarctic 101, 273 apium 356 anas 267 antecenium 396 silvaticum 354 anasceva 73 antegrade (astral motion) 104 aplustria 362 anastrophe 62 antela 405 apocalamus 384 anathema 174 antemna 374 Apocalypse 135, 138, 144, 176 anchor 375 anthracitis 326 apocope 57 anchorage 299 Anthony, Saint 245 apocrypha 135, 137, 138 anchorite 172 Anthropomorphites 176 apodyterium 308 anchusa 353 Anthropophagians 199 Apollinarist 177 ancile 364 antia 391 Apollo 44, 57, 65, 109, 117, 181, 182, ancilla 205 Antichrist 184 186, 187, 195, 199, 239, 241, 290, Ancus Marcius 304 Antidicomarite 177 295, 298, 304, 361, 370 ancyromachus 373 antidote 113 apology 140 Andalusia 282 antimetabole 76 apoperes androdamantus 320 Antioch 281, 302, 303 apophasis 83 androdamas 327 Antiochus 302, 309 apophoreta 399 androgyne 244 antiphon 147 apoplexy 110 Andromeda 106, 302 antiphrasis 63 aporia 77 anesum 357 Antipodes 199, 245, aposiopesis 78 anethum 357 293 apostate 162, 183 anetinum 115 antiquarius 142 apostem 111 angel(s) 138, 157, 158, 160–162 antistropha 61 apostle(s) 168–170 nine orders of 160–162 antithesis 60, 76 names of 168 Angelic (heresy) 176 antithesis 58 Apostolic (heresy) 176 Angeus 304 antitheton 60 apostrophe 50 anguilla 124, 261 antonomasia 61 apotheca 310 anguis 255–258 Antony 304 apozema 399 angulus 312 anulare 381 appellatio 43 anima 231 anularis (finger) 235 appellatus (category) 82 animadversio 125 anulus 391 Appius Caecus 64 animal(s) 81, 247 anus (of body) 238 apple tree 342 aquatic, 144 names of 263 anus (old woman) 243 appropriation 123 names of 247–270 anvil 377 apricum 299 small 254–255 Apamea 302 April 128 tiny flying 269–270 aparisis 78 apron 392 animus 231 ape 253 apsyctos 325 anise 357 Apellite 175 Apuleius 84, 89 ankle 238 Apennines 291, 298 Apulia 291 ankle-bracelet 391 aper 248 aqua 276, 397 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 0521837499 - The Etymologies of Isidore of Seville Stephen A. Barney, W. J. Lewis, J. A. Beach and Oliver Berghof Index More information 420 General index aqualiculus 240 argentum 330 arrow 363 Aquarian (heresy) 176 vivum 330 arsenic 380 Aquarius 106 argilla 317, 399 arsis 48, 96, 99 Aquila 51, 106, 139 argitis 340 art 39 aquila 264 Argives 196, 304, 317 artaba 335 Aquilius 118 Argonauts 196 Artabatitans 245 Aquilo 275 Argos 196 Artaxerxes 109 Aquitania 291 argument 69–71, 86, 140 artemesia 352 ara 236, 310 deliberative 69 Artemis 352 Arabia 249, 286, 318, 321, 323, 326, demonstrative 69 artemo 375 342, 348–350, 387, 397 from effects, fourteen kinds of 86 arteria 234 Arabic (heresy) 177 extrinsic, types of 87 arteriace 114 arabica (stone) 327 types of 71 arteriasis 111 arabicus (stone) 320 argumentation 71, 365 artery 239 Arabs 193, 194, 303, 386, 388 argumentum 67 arthritis 112 Aracusia 286 Argyre 294 article (part of speech) 44 Araks (river) 281 argyritis 327 articulus 236 aranea 258, 388 Arian 177 artifex 373 (fish) 260 Arianism 143 Artotyrites 176 arapennis 315 Aries 105, 106 arts, invention of 183 Arar (river) 281 aries 247, 364 artus 236 Ararat, Mount 298 arioli 182 arundo 347 aratio 337 arista 338 arvina 236 aratrum 404 aristolochia 353 arx 307 Araxes (river) 288 Aristotle 39, 42, 54, 69, 79, 81, 82, 87, asafoetida 351 arbor 341 107, 181, 244 asarum 350 arbustum
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