FIGHTING CHILD LABOUR REQUIRES COLLECTIVE EFFORT OF ALL STAKEHOLDERS PAGE-8 (OPINION) HLUTTAW NATIONAL Amyotha Hluttaw raises questions to ministries, Nay Pyi Taw Pyithu Hluttaw Speaker U T Khun Myat Council, approves bill amending 1959 Defence Services Act receives ROK Ambassador PAGE-2 PAGE-3 Vol. VII, No. 106, 12th Waxing of Second Waso 1382 ME www.globalnewlightofmyanmar.com Friday, 31 July 2020 Pyithu Hluttaw raises queries to ministries, approves bill, tables motion YITHU Hluttaw organ- ized its 7th-day meeting Pof 17th regular session yesterday. MP U Khin Maung Thein from Sagaing region constitu- ency asked for new paints on the 90-year-old Sagaing bridge (Inwa). Deputy Minister for Trans- port and Communications U Kyaw Myo replied some parts of 3,948-foot-long bridge are be- ing painted, and its remaining areas could be painted on the availability of budget allocation in 2021-2022 financial year. MP U Myo Zaw Oo from Lewe constituency asked about organizational structure, re- sponsibility and accountability of third party organizations, and policies and directives for their operations. Deputy Minister for Con- struction Dr Kyaw Linn replied Pyithu Hluttaw Speaker U T Khun Myat presides over 7th-day meeting on 30 July. PHOTO: MNA that the staff members from Quality Control Division of Vil- Myothit constituency asked Kunlong constituency asked for from Yaksawk constituency Taungdwingyi constituency lage Development Department for inspection of quality con- maintenance of bank erosion at about upgrade of an inter-vil- tabled a motion that urged the are representing the govern- trol at the inter-village roads 9 places of Neint Taint creek, lage road in his constituency, Union Government to increase ment in quality control inspec- and allocation of budget for the MP U Sai Ngaung Sai Hein from MP U Thein Tun from Kyaung- traffic awareness campaign and tion; although they do not earn damaged roads. Maukmai constituency about gon constituency about upgrade its law enforcement measures additional charges for inspec- Deputy Minister Dr Kyaw the implementation of digital of inter-village earth road in his to reduce road accidents and re- tion works, they have to man- Linn replied that inspections payment system for cash fines constituency, MP Daw Tin Tin lated death tolls mainly caused age all the QC processes; the of quality control are being on the vehicles which breach Yi from Kyungsu constituency by motorcycle accidents. ministry has also drafted the carried out by the third par- traffic rules. The two questions about construction of the 1,700- The Hluttaw agreed to dis- Construction Development Bill; ties of local governments, while were answered by Deputy Min- ft inter-village bridge in her con- cuss the motion, and the Speak- if contractor companies, quality the periodic maintenance, the ister for Transport and Commu- stituency. The questions were er invited the list of MPs who control inspection teams and routine maintenance and the nications U Kyaw Myo. answered by Deputy Minister want to discuss it. third parties failed to adhere to special maintenance are being MP U Khun Than Htoo Dr Kyaw Linn. The 8th-day meeting of 17th provisions in tender agreement, performed by using the funds of from Hsihseng constituency The Pyithu Hluttaw ap- regular session of Pyithu Hlut- then fines will be imposed in Union government and the local asked for construction of the proved the Direct Sale Bill taw is scheduled on 4 August.— line with the Myanmar Engi- governments since 2017-2018 remaining 2-mile section on the submitted by the Ministry of Aye Aye Thant neering Council Law. financial year. Union Highway in his constitu- Commerce. MP U Thar Aung from MP U Yan Kyin Kan from ency, MP U Khin Maung Myint MP U Min Thein from (Translated by Aung Khin) INSIDE TODAY NATIONAL NATIONAL LOCAL NEWS LOCAL BUSINESS MoI tracks Myanmar ILO Convention-138 Magway Fishery media trend to explore (Minimum Age Myathalun pagoda exports its impacts, Convention) likely to reopen in reach $733.8 mln challenges discussion held August as of 17 July PAGE-4 PAGE-5 PAGE-10 PAGE-11 31 JULY 2020 2 PARLIAMENT THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Amyotha Hluttaw raises questions to ministries, Nay Pyi Taw Council, approves bill amending 1959 Defence Services Act AMYOTHA Hluttaw yesterday cooperated with private business cial year (FY). He added that if held its 7th-day meeting of 17th persons for overseas market pen- the relevant MP, relevant com- regular session, with questions etration, said the Deputy Minister mittees and the residents submit of MPs to the Ministry of Inter- U Hla Kyaw. a proposal for the construction, national Cooperation, the Min- MP U Ko Ko Naing from a budget will be allocated in an istry of Agriculture, Livestock Sagaing Region constituency appropriate budget year. and Irrigation, and the Ministry 8 raised a question regarding MP U Hla Myint (a) U Hla of Electricity and Energy, and installation of electricity meter Myint Than from Mon State con- the Nay Pyi Taw Council. The boxes in villages. The Deputy stituency 11 raised a question re- 7th-day meeting also approved the Minister for Electricity and En- garding vacant, fallow and virgin bill amending the 1959 Defence ergy U Khin Maung Win replied lands in Mon State, and MP U Services Act. that the electricity meter boxes Thet Naing Soe from Taninthayi MP Daw Htu May from Ra- purchased by the Ministry has Region constituency 2 asked a MP Daw Htu May. Union Minister U Kyaw Tin. khine State constituency 11 said PHOTO : MNA PHOTO : MNA been delivered, and after in- question regarding harmful bad that Myanmar has faced inter- spections, the meter boxes will smell from a fishmeal plant in national pressure regarding the mar, but they targeted Myanmar port the relevant efforts of the be handed over to regions and Kyauk Ni Maw Village in Laun- Rakhine issue. She raised a ques- for their political agenda. Regard- diplomats at the forefront of the states in August and September glon Township in Taninthayi Re- tion about how the government ing protection of human rights, process. 2020. The Ministry will also pur- gion. The questions were replied is making efforts by diplomatic trying to improve the situations in MP U Ye Myint Soe from chase more meter boxes, said the by the Deputy Minister for Agri- means to make the internation- Myanmar will make the country Yangon Region constituency 7 Deputy Minister. culture, Livestock and Irrigation al community understand the to overcome the challenges. The raised a question whether the In response to a question U Hla Kyaw. situations that Myanmar has majority of human right violations government has a plan to help raised by MP U Tun Tun Oo from MP U Kyaw Than from Ra- encountered, to reduce interna- and the cases that led to allega- farmers in growing Kenaf, which Mandalay Region constituency khine State constituency 10 made tional pressure on the country, tions occurred at the conflict-torn is marketable in the international 2, the Deputy Minister U Khin a question regarding a land dis- and to promote the images of the areas. If the armed conflicts come markets. The Deputy Minister for Maung Win replied that smart pute in Manaung Township in the citizens and the country. to an end, the external allegations Agriculture, Livestock and Irriga- electricity meters will be used Rakhine State. The question was Union Minister for Interna- will be reduced and stopped. tion U Hla Kyaw replied that the and the AMI (Advanced Metering replied by Nay Pyi Taw Council tional Cooperation U Kyaw Tin re- Union Minister U Kyaw Tin Department of Agriculture has Infrastructure) system will be member U Nyi Tun. plied that the international pres- also urged all stakeholders to co- provided good seeds and techni- implemented step-by-step after Afterwards, Amyotha Hlut- sure is mainly related to conflicts operatively work in unison to stop cal assistants to Kenaf growers. making discussions with inter- taw Speaker Mahn Win Khaing in the Rakhine State. In trying armed conflicts and to make the In collaboration with rele- national consultants. Than sought the assembly’s to improve the situations in the peace process successful. vant departments, the Ministry of MP U Bwe Khane from opinion on each paragraph of the Rakhine State, to safeguard the He continued that the gov- Commerce is working to identify Chin State constituency 3 raised bill amending the 1959 Defence human rights, and to promote the ernment is facing the challenges new marketable items for inter- a question whether there is a Services Act, and then Amyotha image of the country, the effort by practically and fairly in order to national markets, and the com- plan to build a two-storey (108 Hluttaw unanimously approved diplomats alone is not enough; safeguard the benefits and stabil- mercial attachés are trying to x 72 square feet) RC building to it. so, MPs, security personnel and ity of the country. He also urged hunt overseas markets for crops. replace the old damaged Town- The 8th-day meeting of 17th all citizens need to exert united MPs and the citizens to properly As an encouragement for growing ship Hall building owned by the regular session of the Second efforts. control their speech and behav- Kenaf, it has been removed from Htantlang Township Municipal in Amyotha Hluttaw will be con- He warned that international iour not to fall into the traps of the list of items that need export Chin State. Nay Pyi Taw Council vened on 4 August.—Aung Ye organizations which are putting sabotage acts. He added that licence, said the Deputy Minister member U Nyi Tun replied that Thwin pressures on Myanmar actually all citizens need to say and have for Agriculture, Livestock and it was not included in the budget (Translated by Maung know the real situation of Myan- proper manner that can sup- Irrigation.
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