234152 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS July 17, 1975 with the previous order, that the Senate DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Opportunity Commission for a term of 4 stand in recess until 10 o'clock tomorrow Richard E. Bell, of Maryland, to be an yea.rs. morning. Assistant Secretary of Agriculture. 0cCUPATIOi AL S .'1.FETY AND H EALTH REVIEW The motion was agreed to; and at 6:03 COMMODITY CREDIT CORPORATION COMMISSION p.m .• the Senate recessed until Friday, Richard E. Bell, of Maryland, to be a Mem­ Frank R. Barnako, of Pennsylvania, to be a July 18, 1975, at 10 a.m. ber of the Board of Directors of the Com· member of the Occupational Safety and modity Credit Corporation. Health Review Commission for a term expir­ ing April 27, 1981. CONFIRMATIONS EQUAL El\IPLOYl\1ENT 0PPORTU ITY COM­ MISSION (The above nominations were approved Executive nominations confirmed by subject to the nominee's commitment to Abner Woodruff Sibal, of Virginia., to be appear and t estify before any duly consti­ the Senate July 17, 1975: General Counsel of the Equal Employment tuted committee of the Senate.) EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS ALCONA MAN BATTLES CANCER the Alpena Rotary Club in 1967 and served A MAJOR REASON WHY WE ARE ON COMMUNITY AND PERSONAL as club secretary-treasurer. He has also held NOW PAYING MORE FOR FOOD LEVEL offices in the American Association of Retired People and the Hubbard Lake Sportsmens' AND WHY IT SHOULD NOT BE and Improvement Association. PERMITTED TO HAPPEN AGAIN HON. PHILIP E. RUPPE "You don't just exist in a comm,mity, you take an active part in it," is his stated OF MICHIGAN philosophy. HON. JACK F. KEMP IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Nevertheless, the decision to return to OF NEW YORK Wednesday, July 16, 1975 community life following his hospital bout TN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES With cancer in October, 1972 wa-s not easy. Mr. RUPPE. Mr. Speaker, I was re­ By his own admission, he came home Wednesday, July 16, 1975 cently heartened by an article appear­ "wrapped in gloom, ready to die." Mr. KEMP. Mr. Speaker, everyone of ing in the Alpena News in my district, "At first I dwelt on the shock of my hav­ us wonders why the price of food has which contained the account of a North­ ing cancer and how no one could understand my problem who hadn't experienced it," he 1·isen so sharply. ern resident who is successfully strug­ recalls. "Gradually, through the outpouring This is a question for which it is well gling against cancer, and is also making of concern by friends and with the help of worth having an accurate answer. a useful contribution to the welfare of several area ministers, I regained a balance. Eliot Janeway-the noted financial his community. Mr. Elry Larsen, of Hub­ "One day it hit me. I realized I needed columnist, author, and edit-0r of the out­ bard Lake, was stricken by this dread to get back into the community. And that's standing monthly economics journal, the disease 2% years ago. Since that time, been the key-getting involved in something Economist--has authored a thoughtful he has remained active, and is for the besides myself, particularly in trying to help answer to this question. second consecutive year the chairman others. That goes an awfully long way toward helping yourself." That answer? of the Alcona County Crusade. I laud In discussing his personal situation, Lar­ That much of our higher food prices is Mr. Larsen for his spirit and hard work, sen emphasized he is not interested in pub­ attributable directly to the Federal Gov­ and commend the article to my colleagues licity for himself, but agreed to an interview ernment's one-sided-unfortunately not as an inspiration for all of u~: with hopes it might in some way help others our's too frequently-agricultural com­ ALCONA MAN BATTLES CANCER O 'f Co;,..01uNrrY 1n his position come to terms with the dis­ modities trade policies, specifically the AND PERSONAL L EVEL ease. He said education of the public about most recent Soviet wheat deal. (By Sue Williams) the disease is his main goal along with mak­ ing known to local cancer patients the help His commentary is well worth reading HUBBARD LAKE.-Elry Larsen is a quiet, available to them within their own com­ by all my colleagues, but especially by gentle, wisp of a. man who enjoys puttering munity through the Alcona Cancer Society. those on the Committee on Ways and 1n his garden, woodworking and participating Alcona's Cancer Crusade will open May 1 Means-with its jurisdiction over trade in community a.ctlvttles. His boyish, elfin, and continue for two weeks. The goal as­ policies-and the Committee on Agricul­ grin and compassion for others almost mask signed to Alcona County is $3,200. Larsen ture-with its obvious jurisdiction over the iron-like resolve of the fighter he carries notes 60 per cent of the funds raised locally :wt thin. farm policies. will stay in the Alcona community and about As Eliot Janeway points out, quit-e Larsen is presently locked in combat With 30 per cent of the remaining funds will go cancer on a community level and a personal toward cancer research. The majority of local convincingly, we have to learn-and very level. He is doing battle as Alcona Cancer funds are spent helping Alcona patients meet quickly-that the long-range interests Crusade chairman and as a Victim of cancer travel expenses to hospitals in Petoskey and of the United States are what must be of the pancreas. Ann Arbor for services they can not receive pursued in our trade and agricultural His modest assessment of this dual chal­ locally. policies, and when we permit a foreign lenge: "Cancer has taken two pokes at me Other services provided by the society in­ country-especially one as inimical to and I've decided to poke back. It's going to clude obtaining educational materials, free have to run to catch me." our way of life as the Soviet Union is­ dressing, loan closet equipment for home ca1·e to In his race against time and the disease, of patients, post operative visiting services, take clear advantage of us, we end Larsen ls ahead on all counts. He has turned rehabilitation services and ministerial co,m­ up paying the penalty for having been a post hospital prognosis of two months into seling upon request. "had." 2 Y:z years packed full of a more enriched life Officers of the Alcona society are Marshall The American farmer has been en­ for himself and others in his community. McGuire-sr, president; Helen Sharboneau, couraged to grow more in recent years. From his crusade chairmanship position vice-president; Mildren La.Forge, secretary­ When he is fortunate enough to have within the Alcona Cancer Society he has treasurer. Serving with them on the society's good weather and has a surplus, he worked to extend concern and greater com­ board of directors are: Mrs. Leslie Mllligan, forts to others suffering from cancer and to should not be penalized for it by stopping Mr. & Mrs. Henry Webb, Mrs. Rodger Wenzel, him from exporting his harvest. educate the community a.bout the improved Mr. & Mrs. Lee La.Forge and Mrs. Marshall diagnostic and treatment techniques for the McGuire-sr. They will assist Larsen in work­ But, neither should the American tax­ disease. ing with over 76 volunteer fund-raisers dur­ payer and consumer be required to sub­ The first "poke" Larsen got from cancer ing the campaign and are available at all sidize-with their dollars and with the was losing his 26-year-old daughter, Karen, times to answer inquiries about the county's effects of inflation-the purchase of to Hodgkins Disease 16 years ago. "There was cancer program. American crops by foreign entities­ no hope for her then," he reports. "But, to­ Larsen, in his second year as crusade day she would have a fifty-fifty chance." count1ies or su1Togate corporations. chairman, plans to spend the next 30 days The 1972 Soviet wheat deal illustrates A native of Manistee, Larsen sold his ''eating, sleeping a.nd dreaming the crusade" Owosso office supply and furnishings business as he travels from one end of the county how the American taxpayer can be ripped in 1967 and moved to Alpena to be near fam­ to another. He acknowledges the crusade ls off by these transactions. In that year the ily members following the death of his first one of the things that has kept him "going." Soviets bought vast tonnage of wheat be­ wife. More recently, he remarried and moved He clearly intends to return that dividend cause of their own crop failures. The to Hubba.rd Lake. by waging a successful 1975 campaign and price of these shipped grains was deter­ Participating in community activities is winning another round in his dual fight mined by the U.S. Department of Agrt­ not a new experience for Larsen. He joined against cancer. culture by setting a "target world price." July 18, 1975 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 23453 The Department subsidized the differ­ The Russians know that there's no way to torial agreements i:elated to fishing rights. run Russia. without primary dependence on We've roiled over 'for Ecuador, paying her off ence between the target price and the American agriculture. Moreover, they know to commit piracy against our fleets by loan­ price that wheat dealers were asking­ that if American farm products on which ing her money for one percent interest.
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