Government of West Bengal Office of the Neallishpara Goaljan Gram Panchayat Tikiapara : Berhampore : Murshidabad. NOTICE INVITING PRE-QUALIFICATION-CUM-TENDER (TWO COVER SYSTEM) NOTICE INVITING e-TENDER NO- 02/ PRODHAN / NEALLISHPARA GOALJAN GP / 2018-19 দরপত্র প্রদানকারীদদর উদেদযে একটি বিদযষ অনুদরাধ - টিন্ডার বনয়ম ও টনাটিবিদকযন অনুযায়ী টয প্রদয়াজনীয় নবি আপনার বনকি জমা করার জনে িলা হদয়দে শুধুমাত্র টেই নবি-ই আপবন জমা কবরদিন, অপ্রদয়াজনীয় তিোবদ আপবন জমা কবরদল তাহার বিতর হইদত প্রদয়াজনীয় তিোবদ খুজজয়া বনদত গ্রাম পঞ্চাদয়ত কতৃপক্ষ িাধে িাবকদি না। অনেিায় বিডার বনজস্ব উদোদযে বনজস্ব কম্পিউিার,বপ্রন্টার ও টলাকিলদ্বারা প্রদয়াজনীয় তিে বপ্রন্ট কবরয়া বদদত িাধে িাবকদিন। প্রদয়াজনীয় তিোবদ িা廬লায়- ১. জজ,এে,টি োটিিবিদকি,২. পোন কাডি ৩. টেড লাইদেন্স ৪. বপ,িোক্স-এর চালান ৫. ইনকাম িোক্স- ২০১৮- ১৯,২০১৭-১৮,২০১৬-১৭ ৬. অবডি- ২০১৭-১৮,২০১৬-১৭,২০১৫-১৬, ৭. একই ধরদনর কাদজর – ওয়াকি অডিার,কি্বলযন োটিিবিদকি,টপদমন্ট োটিিবিদকি(টেদডনবযয়াল োটিিবিদকি)- বনদের কাদজর অি িমুদলের নুেনতম ৫০% হদত হদি ও অনধীক ৩ আিীক িেদরর পুরাদনা, ৮. িোঙ্ক েলদিজন্স/ ২০১৭-১৮,২০১৬-১৭, োদলর িোঙ্ক পাযিই আপদডি ৯. এে,বি,বড –টি পৃ া ন廬-১০-এ টিকাদাদরর বনবদি স্থাদন েবহ করা িাধেতামুলক,১০. পািিনারবযপ বিডার হদল পািিনারবযপ বডড জমা করদত হদি তৎেহ বনদে উবিবখত প্রদয়াজনীয় তিোবদ। টযেকল তিোবদ আপবন আপদলাড করদিন টেগুবল আপনার অবরজজনোল তিে টিদক স্ক্োন করদত িলা হদে (Annexure-1, Section- 6.5, as per Latest notification for Tender procurements by WB P&RD Department and Artho-O-Parikalpana uposamity’s requirements of the undersigned. Bidder are requested if any latest clarification was published which was not put here please submit those clarification with bid documents for relaxation any clause ) For and on behalf of the Prodhan, Neallishpara Goaljan Gram Panchayat invites sealed percentage Rate Tenders for following work by two cover system up to 12 hours 20.07.2018.Pre- Qualification documents in a separate cover and bid document with Schedule rate in another cover are to be submitted by the bonafide outsiders who satisfy the terms and conditions set out in Pre- Qualification document. Class of Estimate Earnest Sl Cost of Bid Completi Contractor d Cost Money Document on Time No Name of Work s (Rs.) (Rs.) (Rs.) (Days) 1 Supply of Material for Construction of Bonafide 458361.00 9167/- 660/- 60Days AWC at Goaljan Shibtala Sansad. Outsiders 2. Supply of Material for Construction of Bonafide AWC at Nawda Bhimeswar near SSK 458361.00 9167/- 660/- Outsiders School at Raniswar Sansad. 60Days 3. Supply of Material for Construction of Bonafide AWC near Laxmanpur Primary School 458361.00 9167/- 660/- 60Days Outsiders at Laxmanpur Sansad. 4. Supply of Material for Construction of Bonafide AWC near Shibtalapara at Budhurpara 458361.00 9167/- 660/- 60Days Outsiders Sansad. 5. Supply of Material for Construction of Bonafide Samsanghat (Boitarini) at Neallishpara 591155.00 11823/- 800/- 60Days Outsiders Sansad. Intending bidders may download tender documents from e-procurement portal of our website http://wbtenders.gov.in from 11.07.2018 at 17.00 hours to 20.07.2018 up to 12.00 hours. The pre-qualification and bid documents dully filled in all respect should be submitted through On-line only to the Prodhan, Neallishpara Goaljan Gram Panchayat, Berhampore, Murshidabad up to 12.00 Hours (as per server clock) (11.07.2018 to 20.07.2018) 20.07.2018. Prodhan Neallishpara Goaljan Gram Panchayat does not take any responsibility for the delay caused due to non availability of internet connection or traffic Jam etc. Cost of tender papers and earnest money to be remitted through demand draft / pay order issued from any Nationalized Bank in favour of Prodhan, Neallishpara Goaljan Gram Panchayat, Berhampore, Murshidabad (For Pay order please contact to the undersigned for Account details) & also to be documented through e- filing . The NIT no ,serial no and/or UTR NO should be clearly mention on the deposited challan .Payment made Otherwise will be rejected. The pre-qualification documents alone will be opened on 24.07.2018 at 14.00 hours, by the Prodhan, Neallishpara Goaljan GP , Murshidabad in presence of bidder present. All the documents in proof of their eligibility IN ORIGINAL for Verification & Submission of B/D. need to produced as on 24.07.2018 during office hour after 14.00 hours. The financial bid documents of the technically qualified bidders will be opened for evolution and selection Of qualified bidders on 26.07.2018 at 11.00 hours and the other bid documents will be unopened .no separate intimation will be given for this ,unless the the above date is changed .In case of change of date, due intimation will be given in News dalies. No individual intimation will be given .Name of the qualified bidders Will be displayed in the office notice board. The Prodhan Neallishpara Goaljan Gram Panchayat reserves the right reject or cancel any or all pre- qualification documents and bid document without assigning any reason whatsoever. THE eligibility criteria are given below:- (Annexure-1, Section- 6.5, as per Latest notification for Tender procurements by WB P&RD Department and Artho-O-Parikalpana uposamity’s requirements of the undersigned. Bidder are requested if any latest clarification was published which was not put here please submit those clarification with bid documents for relaxation any clause ) 1) Achieved in last three year Bank tranjection at least 50% (Bank tranjection/ Bank statement/ Bank Solvency) of the estimated amount put to tender. 1) (i) Audited Balance sheet & Audit Report of last Three financial years (authenticated by a chartered Accountant) should be submitted for establishing average Annual Turnover in contractual business. 2) The credential should be submitted /uploaded at least 50 % of the amount put to Tender supported by Final payment Certificate and completion Certificate with in the last 3 years in the same nature /style of Single work & completed the work successfully. 3) The credential should be in the name & style of the intending tenderer only , and not in the name and/or Style of any of the partner. Please note that , final payment certificate and completion certificate along with work order will only be Entertained as CREDENTIAL 4) Income tax return should be submitted /uploaded for the last 3 financial years with the technical bid. 5) Professional Tax receipt challan for the year 2017-2018, GST Certificate, Pan card. 6) A prospective bidder shall be allowed to participate in the work either in the capacity of individual or as A partner of affirm .If found to have applied severally in a single work, all his application will be rejected For the work. 7) Each bidder shall submit/upload only 2(TWO) bid in each NIT. A bidder who submits/upload more than 2(TWO) bids for one NIT will cause the proposal with the bidder’s participation to be disqualified. 8) The partnership firm shall upload the registered partnership deed and the company shall furnish the Article of Association Memorandum. 9) Intending labour co-operative societies & un employed Engg. Co- op society should enclose the documents in proof of their registration & validity To participate in this Tender during the period of deposition of the Tender. 10) Receipt copy of deposit (cost of tender paper & Earnest money) challan should be submitted /uploaded with the tender documents. 11) Copies of original documents defining constitution or legal status, place of registration , principle of business; Written power of attorney of the signatory of the bid to commit the bidder. 12) All the documents in proof of their eligibility IN ORIGINAL for Verification & Submission of B/D. need to produced as on 24.07.2018 during office hour 13) Information regarding any litigation or arbitration during the last five years in which the bidder is involved, the parties Concerned, disputed amount ,and the matter. 14) To qualify for a work of contracts made up of this and other contractors for which bids are invited in the Notice Inviting Tender ,the bidder must demonstrate having experience and resources sufficient to meet the aggregate of The qualifying criteria for the individual contracts. 15) The scope of sub contracting is not allowed strictly by anyway. 16) Even though the bidders meet the above qualifying criteria, they are subjected to be disqualified and legal Action may be taken if they have: (i) Made misleading or false representations in the forms, statements , affidavits and attachments submitted in proof Of the qualification requirements; and/or record of submission of any false/fake documents(s) (ii)Record of poor performance such as abandoning the works , not properly completing the contract ,inordinate delays in completion , litigation History or financial failure etc. (iii) Participated in the previous bidding for the same work and had quoted unreasonably high or low bid prices and Could not furnish rational justification for to the employer . 17) Before the dead line for submission of bids ,the Employer may modify the bidding documents by issuing addenda . 18) Affidavit attested by Notary public should be submitted /uploaded with the SBD) the amount of earnest money is 2% of the estimated cost of construction for each work .All duties, taxes Royalties, cess, (including 1% cess under W.B building and tender documents.(format enclosed other construction for each workers .(regulation of employments & condition of services ) Act 1996) toll taxes, and other leaves payable by the contractor under the contract to the state /central Government for any other cause ,shall be included in the rates ,Prices and total bid price submitted by the bidder.
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