Noctuoidea: Erebidae: Others

Noctuoidea: Erebidae: Others

Staude et al. / Metamorphosis 27: S165–S188 S165 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Noctuoidea: Erebidae: Others Reference/ Lepidoptera Host plant Locality rearing no. Taxon Subfamily Family Taxon Family M1148 Anoba angulilinea Anobinae Erebidae Dalbergia Fabaceae Tshukudu Game melanoxylon Reserve, Hoedspruit M998 Anoba atripuncta Anobinae Erebidae Ormocarpum Fabaceae Tshukudu Game trichocarpum Reserve, Hoedspruit Gv71 Baniana arvorum Anobinae Erebidae Elephantorrhiza Fabaceae Steenkoppies, farm, elephantina Magaliesburg 14HSS52 Baniana arvorum Anobinae Erebidae Elephantorrhiza Fabaceae Steenkoppies, farm, elephantina Magaliesburg 13HSS84 Plecoptera arctinotata Anobinae Erebidae Senegalia caffra Fabaceae Steenkoppies, farm, Magaliesburg M1020a Plecoptera flaviceps Anobinae Erebidae Dalbergia Fabaceae Casketts, farm, melanoxylon Hoedspruit M317 Bareia incidens Calpinae Erebidae Ficus lutea Moraceae Casketts, farm, (unplaced as to Hoedspruit tribe) 14HSS87 Egnasia vicaria Calpinae Erebidae Afrocanthium Rubiaceae Dlinsa Forest, (unplaced as to mundianum Eshowe tribe) 12HSS163 Exophyla multistriata Calpinae Erebidae Celtis africana Cannabaceae Golden Valley, (unplaced as to Magaliesburg tribe) M416 Exophyla multistriata Calpinae Erebidae Trema orientalis Cannabaceae Sekororo, Tzaneen (unplaced as to (Fed on Celtis tribe) africana) M743 Lacera alope Calpinae Erebidae Pterolobium Fabaceae Moholoholo Rehab (unplaced as to stellatum Centre, Hoedspruit tribe) M802 Lacera alope Calpinae Erebidae Pterolobium Fabaceae Kampersrus, (unplaced as to stellatum Hoedspruit tribe) Staude et al. / Metamorphosis 27: S165–S188 S166 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Noctuoidea: Erebidae: Others Points key: pre-2012, 2012-2013, 2013-2014, 2014-2015, 2015-2016 Reference/ Dates Rearer Final instar larva Adult Points rearing no. Collected Pupated Eclosed M1148 A. & I. Sharp 06.12.2015 13.12.2015 19.12.2015 10 M998 A. & I. Sharp 12.01.2015 17.01.2015 29.01.2015 10 Gv71 H. S. Staude 30.10.2008 07.11.2008 27.11.2009 10 14HSS52 H. S. Staude 09.11.2014 25.11.2014 30.12.2014 1 13HSS84 H. S. Staude 25.01.2014 28.01.2014 11.02.2014 5 M1020a A. & I. Sharp 17.01.2015 28.01.2015 05.02.2015 10 M317 A. & I. Sharp 15.05.2013 01.06.2013 28.06.2013 8 14HSS87 H. S. Staude 20.04.2015 28.04.2015 09.11.2015 8 12HSS163 H. S. Staude 24.01.2013 07.02.2013 21.02.2013 5 M416 A. & I. Sharp 21.07.2013 30.07.2013 22.08.2013 3 M743 A. & I. Sharp 07.04.2014 14.04.2014 02.05.2014 5 M802 A. & I. Sharp 29.04.2014 04.05.2014 19.05.2014 2 Staude et al. / Metamorphosis 27: S165–S188 S167 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Noctuoidea: Erebidae: Others Reference/ Lepidoptera Host plant Locality rearing no. Taxon Subfamily Family Taxon Family M552 Maxera marchalii Calpinae Erebidae Philenoptera Fabaceae Casketts, farm, (unplaced as to violacea Hoedspruit tribe) AM010 Oraesia emarginata Calpinae Erebidae Adenia cf Passifloraceae Mount Road, (unplaced as to gummifera Muizenberg, Cape tribe) Town 12HSS05 Proconis abrostoloides Calpinae Erebidae Vachellia karroo Fabaceae Westlake Country (unplaced as to Estate, tribe) Hartebeespoort, Brits M377 Radara subcupralis Calpinae Erebidae Tragia rupestris Euphorbiaceae Casketts, farm, (unplaced as to Hoedspruit tribe) M808 Radara subcupralis Calpinae Erebidae Tragia rupestris Euphorbiaceae Casketts, farm, (unplaced as to Hoedspruit tribe) M1040 Radara subcupralis Calpinae Erebidae Tragia rupestris Euphorbiaceae Casketts, farm, (unplaced as to Hoedspruit tribe) 14HSS89 Rhanidophora Calpinae Erebidae Thunbergia sp. Acanthaceae Mbumbazi Nature aurantiaca (unplaced as to Reserve, Paddock tribe) HR06_687 Rhanidophora Calpinae Erebidae Thunbergia sp. Acanthaceae Phophonyane Falls, cinctigutta ? (unplaced as to Swaziland tribe) RGO025 Rhanidophora Calpinae Erebidae Thunbergia sp. Acanthaceae Ngome forest, cinctigutta ? (unplaced as to Ngome tribe) KDP001 Rhanidophora Calpinae Erebidae Thunbergia Acanthaceae Barberton phedonia (unplaced as to atriplicifolia tribe) JYB001 Rhanidophora Calpinae Erebidae Thunbergia Acanthaceae Thabela Thabeng, phedonia (unplaced as to neglecta Parys tribe) HSS008 Rhanidophora ridens Calpinae Erebidae Thunbergia Acanthaceae Chaos, farm, (unplaced as to natalensis Mkuze tribe) Staude et al. / Metamorphosis 27: S165–S188 S168 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Noctuoidea: Erebidae: Others Points key: pre-2012, 2012-2013, 2013-2014, 2014-2015, 2015-2016 Reference/ Dates Rearer Final instar larva Adult Points rearing no. Collected Pupated Eclosed M552 A. & I. Sharp 11.12.2013 16.12.2013 29.12.2013 10 AM010 A. Morton 12.06.2014 24.07.2014 8 12HSS05 H. S. Staude 25.09.2012 30.09.2012 24.10.2012 10 M377 A. & I. Sharp 15.06.2013 26.06.2013 11.07.2013 8 M808 A. & I. Sharp 01.05.2014 08.05.2014 17.05.2014 1 M1040 A. & I. Sharp 11.02.2015 14.02.2015 21.02.2015 1 14HSS89 H. S. Staude 19.04.2015 11.07.2015 12.08.2015 8 HR06_687 H. Roland xx.02.2006 1 * RGO025 R. Oberprieler 20.11.1995 23.11.1995 14.12.1995 5 KDP001 K. du Preez 5 JYB001 J. & Y. Bode 02.03.2013 20.03.2013 18.04.2013 3 HSS008 H. S. Staude 22.12.1996 10 Staude et al. / Metamorphosis 27: S165–S188 S169 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Noctuoidea: Erebidae: Others Reference/ Lepidoptera Host plant Locality rearing no. Taxon Subfamily Family Taxon Family M262 Rhanidophora ridens Calpinae Erebidae Thunbergia Acanthaceae Casketts, farm, (unplaced as to grandiflora Hoedspruit tribe) M612 Rhanidophora ridens Calpinae Erebidae Thunbergia sp. Acanthaceae Hoedspruit (unplaced as to tribe) M940 Rhesalides natalensis Calpinae Erebidae Caesalpinia Fabaceae Magalieskop 1, (unplaced as to decapetala Hoedspruit tribe) M575 Tephrialia vausema Calpinae Erebidae Rauvolfia caffra Apocynaceae Casketts, farm, (unplaced as to Hoedspruit tribe) M543 Tephrialia vausema Calpinae Erebidae Rauvolfia caffra Apocynaceae Casketts, farm, (unplaced as to Hoedspruit tribe) 13HSS57 Calpinae Erebidae Sphedamnocarpus Malpighiaceae Steenkoppies, farm, (Calpini) galphimiifolius Magaliesburg M799 Calpinae Erebidae Sphedamnocarpus Malpighiaceae Casketts, farm, (Calpini) pruriens Hoedspruit WD002 Eudocima materna Calpinae Erebidae Smilax sp. Smilacaceae Bluff, Durban (Ophiderini) WD003 Hemiceratoides Calpinae Erebidae Smilax sp. Smilacaceae Bluff, Durban hieroglyphica (Ophiderini) M718 Dysgonia abnegans Erebinae Erebidae Flueggea virosa Phyllanthaceae Casketts, farm, (unplaced as to Hoedspruit tribe) M27 Dysgonia torrida Erebinae Erebidae Dichrostachys Fabaceae Casketts, farm, (unplaced as to cinerea Hoedspruit tribe) M378 Dysgonia torrida Erebinae Erebidae Phyllanthus Phyllanthaceae Casketts, farm, (unplaced as to reticulatus Hoedspruit tribe) Staude et al. / Metamorphosis 27: S165–S188 S170 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Noctuoidea: Erebidae: Others Points key: pre-2012, 2012-2013, 2013-2014, 2014-2015, 2015-2016 Reference/ Dates Rearer Final instar larva Adult Points rearing no. Collected Pupated Eclosed M262 A. & I. Sharp 09.04.2013 12.06.2013 30.08.2013 3 M612 A. & I. Sharp 24.01.2014 28.01.2014 09.02.2014 2 M940 A. & I. Sharp 22.11.2014 26.11.2014 04.12.2014 10 M575 A. & I. Sharp 05.01.2014 08.01.2014 17.01.2014 10 M543 A. & I. Sharp 02.12.2013 08.12.2013 18.12.2013 1 13HSS57 H. S. Staude 11.01.2014 28.01.2014 11.02.2014 5 M799 A. & I. Sharp 27.04.2014 05.06.2014 04.07.2014 5 WD002 W. Dick 27.12.2014 17.01.2015 20.01.2015 8 WD003 W. Dick 24.11.2014 21.12.2014 10 M718 A. & I. Sharp 21.03.2014 29.03.2014 11.04.2014 10 M27 A. & I. Sharp 11.11.2012 17.11.2012 28.11.2014 10 M378 A. & I. Sharp 17.06.2013 21.06.2013 06.10.2013 3 Staude et al. / Metamorphosis 27: S165–S188 S171 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Noctuoidea: Erebidae: Others Reference/ Lepidoptera Host plant Locality rearing no. Taxon Subfamily Family Taxon Family M1062 Dysgonia torrida Erebinae Erebidae Flueggea virosa Phyllanthaceae Casketts, farm, (unplaced as to Hoedspruit tribe) M1064 Dysgonia torrida Erebinae Erebidae Phyllanthus Phyllanthaceae Casketts, farm, (unplaced as to reticulatus Hoedspruit tribe) SCC008 Egybolis sp. cf Erebinae Erebidae Deinbollia sp. Sapindaceae Karen, Kenya vaillantina (unplaced as to tribe) SEW014 Egybolis vaillantina Erebinae Erebidae Deinbollia Sapindaceae Kloof, Pinetown (unplaced as to oblongifolia tribe) SB002 Egybolis vaillantina Erebinae Erebidae Deinbollia Sapindaceae Mount Moreland, (unplaced as to oblongifolia Umdloti tribe) M850 Hypanua xylina Erebinae Erebidae Found on Hadera Potchefstroom (unplaced as to sp. but would not tribe) feed, also not on other food provided. 12HSS33 Plecopterodes Erebinae Erebidae Combretum molle Combretaceae Golden Valley, moderata (unplaced as to Magaliesburg tribe) 14HSS44 Plecopterodes Erebinae Erebidae Combretum molle Combretaceae Steenkoppies, farm, moderata (unplaced as to Magaliesburg tribe) RGO026 Acantholipes trimeni Erebinae Erebidae Aspalathus linearis Fabaceae Clanwilliam (Acantholip- ini) M545 Acantholipes trimeni Erebinae Erebidae Rhynchosia

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