26TH YEAR 4,e ROA D CASTI N Mc-r. sa TE LE CASTI N 6%s'ee,, oè. THE BUSINESSWEEKLY OF RADIO AND TELEVISION JULY 15, 1957 35¢ PER COPY - 83d}tdS1E38 Mutual network may quit the business Page 31 ) 311 8;"a 6L££3 New tv barter deal is making its mark Page 33 gnoI 9 ,t}TO r.noig QOi Q. ZäLb£N 4.z>3sq tZ Are post -'48 movies priced out of sight? Page 46 a2eIIo0 aple212zu.1o71 New York vs. Hollywood in network shows Page 60 The Nighttime Radio Ball is Rolling STATIONS IN TWO- THIRDS OF THE MAJOR MARKETS ARE OFFERING 2 SPOTS FOR THE PRICE OF 1 In approximately two- thirds of the nation's major See your Petry man for the full story about the markets, shrewd advertisers can now buy two spots picture today in Nighttime Spot Radio, the atten- at night for the price of one spot during the day. tive audiences, the new low prices. Radio Division EDWARD PETRY & CO., INC. The Original Station Representative EW YORK CHICAGO ATLANTA BOSTON DETROIT LOS ANGELES SAN FRANCISCO ST. LOUIS THE WHEELING INDUSTRIAL EXPANSION STORY BOARD an advertiser, this story is The Wheeling Story is a store Idle Wheeling Industrial Expan important to you because indus- of Expansion. Growth! Progress! -ion Story has been news in trial expansion means new em- The Upper Ohio Valley is truly leading publications and read by ployment - added people - in- one of the fastest growing millions of American business creased Luring power-obsoleting markets in America! men. any market figures published as recently as six month, ago. And the story continues tu un- The medium cover- fold. For instance ... when corn. Olin-Mat hieson Chemical's 1,100 advertising ing this expanding area best i> pleted, Weirton Steel will have acre plant, originally planned for the world's fastest cold reducing annual 60,000 ton capacity, has \VTRF -TV -far and away the Tandem Mill- creating new jobs already expanded to produce #1 Station in every accepted for its 13,500 employees. 180,000 tons yearly audience measurement. 1 ©MIII.MAMIK%\1IIiiarn "a station worth watching'' o11Míe111EMi1111111111111111111M1111111111:1 orAWP.111a111111,1111111111211 ewe rr33 111, vWaee::MOI/I1111111111111 Mal (TO BE CONTINUED) Wheeling 7, West Virginia %:( " "`f .i As buying power soars -so can For availabilities and complete coverage information your sales soar in this expanding -call Bob Ferguson, V. Pres. and Gen. Mgr., market -if you tell your story or Needham Smith, Sales Mgr.-Wheeling Ex- change CEdar 2.7777 or- any George P. to the vast, interested audience - - watts Hollingbery Co. Representative. on Channel 7. Equipped for network color reaching a market that's reaching' new importance! .a, 1/& /-,:->,f Proof That TERRE HAUTE Is INDIANA'S 2nd Largest TV Market! FOOD SALES WTHI -TV MARKET $212,854,000 MARKET A $184,861,000 MARKET B $148,676,000 MARKET C $138,091,000 *Market Area: Television Magazine NCS. #2 Study CBS, NBC, and ABC Television Networks TERRE HAUTE, INDIANA and RADIO, too! Y K B O L L I N G C O N E W O R C H I C A G O . L O S A N G E L E S . S A N F R A N C I S C O , R O S T O N ® T M -COSTV Published every Monday, with Yearbook Numbers (53rd and 59th issues) published in January and July by BROADCASTING PUBLICATIONS, INC, 1735 DeSales St., N.W.. Washington 6, D. C. Entered as second class matter March 14, 1933, at Post Office at Washington, D. C., under act of March 3, 1879. Based on N.C.S. No. 2 KRLD CBS Radio-Dallas delivers More Listeners More Coverage than any other full -time station entire Texas KRLD is the Only Full - Time 50,000 Watt Station in Dallas-Ft. Worth Area KRLD does not share time and frequency with any other station. One station -one order means greater frequency discounts - full, accurate coverage at minimum cost. KRLD is centrally located in Texas' More Listeners richest and most progressive area. Few natural bar- riers impede its full -time 50,000 Watt signal, giving you adequate coverage of the West and Southwest More Coverage at a lower cost per 1,000 listeners. For the best buy, better buy KRLD. Check with a Branham man. Less Cost per 1,000 COMBINED MAKE KRLD KRLD Radio CBS the biggest buy The radio station of The Dallas Times Herald, owners and operators of KRLD -TV, telecasting with maximum power from the top of in the biggest market Texas' tallest tower. Herald Square, Dallas 2. The Branham Com- pany, exclusive representatives. in the biggest state JOHN W. RUNYON CLYDE W. REMBERT Chairman of the Board President Page 4 July 15, 1957 BROADCASTING TELECASTING closed circuit- TRUMAN AS HISTORIAN Former Morey, Humm & Warwick, New York, to FACTOR ON ABC Max Factor & Co. President Harry Truman may become pay stations for radio schedule of Sinclair (cosmetics) understood to have signed 52- ABC -TV commentator this fall--but not Oil. Sight draft is method of banking week contract with ABC -TV for Monday on current events. Program would be on whereby stations fill out checklike envelope 8 -8:30 p.m. slot, effective in fall. Con- American history, Mr. Truman's favorite to themselves, along with affidavit, and tract, placed through Anderson- McCon- topic, and would be picked up from new deposit it, getting credit in their own local nell, Los Angeles, said to represent esti- Truman Library in his home town of bank. Local banks in turn file draft with mated $2.5 million gross billing for time. independence, Mo., dedicated on July 6. First National City Bank in New York Show has not been picked. R. J. Reynolds BT where agency has account and where draft Tobacco had bid for time spot but bowed MR. TRUMAN reportedly reached pre- is cleared. out, paving way for Max Factor. This liminary understanding with ABC -TV two BT leaves half -hour (7:30 -8 p.m.) as only months ago while in New York with Mrs. LOOK for Philco to be back in old role period open in Monday nighttime fall line- Truman to greet arrival of their first grand- of tv sponsor in not too distant future. up, that already has Ralston Purina (Bold child. Since he retired from presidency, One of major tv advertisers in medium's Journey), Firestone Tire & Rubber (Voice Firestone) Mr. Truman repeatedly has rejected offers early days as sponsor of Philco Playhouse of and Dodge and Plymouth from networks for commentary series. in Sunday evening hour on NBC, this set Divs. of Chrysler Corp. (Lawrence Welk's When ABC pitched history, it struck re- manufacturer and its agency, BBDO, have Top Tunes & New Talent). sponsive chord and negotiations were be- decided on return, once proper vehicle has BT gun with former chief executive and his been found. NEW LIGHT on die -hard attitude of legal adviser, former Judge Samuel Rosen - BT man of New York. American Bar Assn. opponents of court- NEW BROOM New policy initiated by room broadcast reporting appeared last B.T FCC Chairman Doerfer requires that all week in attempt to influence judge at Tex- TV GRAFT TALKED Another investi- mail be acknowledged within 48 hours. arkana, Ark., during murder trial. Pur- gation -this time into alleged "extortion" even if detailed answer cannot be supplied. ported ABA spokesman telephoned pres- in FCC television authorizations -is being He's likewise asked Office of Opinions iding judge, after trial had begun, to point as in talked up in Senate as well House and Review to expedite handling of all out anti-broadcast provisions of pre -tele- on Legislative where Moulder Committee matters before it. vision Canon 35, according to Texarkana Oversight already is laying plans to look BT sources. KCMC -TV Texarkana silent film into cases involving purported political NO visitors, no telephone calls-that will coverage, which irked ABA spokesman, favoritism [BT, July 8]. Strike applica- he order of business Tuesday mornings drew approval of trial judge, and station tions, partisan politics, and alleged "pay- for Chairman Doerfer. He will devote put film on air. offs" are among charges receiving pre- time to consultation liminary scrutiny in Senate, it's learned. with his immediate B.T staff, preparatory to regular Wednesday 9.7 FCC meeting. Only interruption to this SECRET SERVICE "Security" meas- ONE nationwide newspaper syndicate has schedule, chairman told BT, will be ap- ures taken in filming initial Edsel tv com- its top Washington man "researching" re- pearances before Congressional commit- mercials [BT, July 1] currently are being ports of chicanery in television authoriza- tees or other top -level federal business. extended to spot radio-tv plans. It's learned tions. if leads jell, this syndicate contem- BT some station representatives have been plates "expose" series. queried on program -announcement avail - SIDETRACKED Nomination of Fred- abilities, bulk of them on radio, without BT erick W. Ford for FCC probably won't be being told identity of client. Kenyon & NETWORK BREATHER Top Justice considered by Senate Commerce Commit- Dept. officials now estimate privately it Eckhardt is handling tv spot "teaser" cam- tee prior to its next regular meeting, Wed- paign as institutional agency for parent may take another year-perhaps longer nesday, July 24, according to Chairman company, and Foote, Cone & Belding, -to complete antitrust investigation of Magnuson (D-Wash.). Because of fili- television networks. Network practices Edsel agency, has made solicitations, as buster on civil rights, nominations are not well.
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