NOTES AND REFERENCES PREFACE AND ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I. Broadcasting (HMSO, 1978) (Cmnd. 7294). 2. Report oj the Committee pn the Future ojBroadcasting (HMSO, 1977) (Cmnd. 6753) para. 4.3. 3. Ibid. para. 13.46. 4. Broadcasting, p. 21. 5. Report oj the Committee on Broadcasting rg60 (HMSO) (Cmnd. 1753) para. 20g. 6. Lord Windlesham, Broadcasting in a Free Society (Basil Blackwell, 1980) pp. 71-2. 7. B. Paulu, British Broadcasting in Transition (Macmillan, 1961). 8. B. Paulu, British Broadcasting: Radio and Teleuision in the United Kingdom (University of Minneapolis Press, 1956). 9. P. Black, The Mirror in the Corner: People'S Tel,ujsion (Hutchinson, 1972). 10. N. Swallow, Factual Teleuision (Focal Press, 1966). II. J. Gable, The Tuppen'lY Punch and Judy Show (Michael Joseph, 1980). CHAPTER I: BEVERIDGE I. H. H. Wilson, Pressure Group (Seeker and Warburg, 1961) p. 23. 2. Report oj the Broadcasting Committee 1949 (HMSO) (Cmd. 8116). 3. Ibid. pp. 201-10. CHAPTER 2: BEYOND BEVERIDGE I. A. Briggs, History oj Broadcasting in the United Kingdom Vol. IV Sound and Vision (Oxford University Press, 1979) P.424· CHAPTER 3: WHITE PAPER: 1952 I. Broadcasting: Memorandum on the Report oj the Broadcasting Committee 1949 (HMSO) (Cmd. 8550) para. 7. 2. Ibid. para. 9. 3. House of Lords, Hansard, (HMSO) 23 and 26 May 1952. 4. House of Commons, Hansard, (HMSO) J I June 1952. 375 NOTES AND REFERENCES CHAPTER 4: INTERLUDE 195~/3 I. A. Seldon, Churchill's Indian Summer (Hodder and Stoughton, 1981). CHAPTER 5: WHITE PAPER: 1953 I. (HMIO) Cmd. 9005. CHAPTER 6: FIELD DAYS IN PARLIAMENT: 1953 I. H of L ~5 and ~6 November 1953. ~. Lord Simon ofWythenshawe, The BBCJrom Within (Victor Gollancz, 1953) p. ~83. 3. H ofC 14 and 15 December 1953. CHAPTER 7: THE TELEVISION BILL I. Briggs, History oj Broadcasting in the United Kingdom Vol. IV p. 937 et seq. ~. Letter to the author ~~ February 1979. See also P. Black, The Mirror in the Corner p. 46. 3. Briggs, History oj Broadcasting in the United Kingdom Vol. IV p. 933. 4. See A. Smith, British Broadcasting (David & Charles, 1974) pp. 19-~0. CHAPTER 8: PASSAGE OF THE BILL: 1954 I. H orc ~5 March 1954 Col. 1459. ~. Ibid. Col. 1475. 3. H of C 4 May 1954 Col. ~80. 4. H ofC II May 1954 Col. 1O~7. 5. Ibid. Col. 1107. 6. H ofL I July 1954 Col. 318. 7· H ofC ~9 March 1954 Col. 1736. B. Ibid. Col. 1747. 9. Ibid. Col. 1748. 10. H ofC ~o May 1954 Col. ~4~4. II. Ibid. Cols ~399/400. I~. H ofC ~7 May 1954 Cols 687 et sef/. 13. H ofC ~I June 1954 Cols 39 et sef/. 14. H ofC ~7 May 1954 Col. 693. 15. Ibid. Col. 6~5. 16. Ibid. Cols 713" sef/. 17. Ibid. Col. 733. 18. H ofC ~I June 1954 Col. 90. 19· H ofL 13 July 1954 Col. 967. ~o. Ibid. Col. 936. ~I. H ofC I June 1954 Col. 1111. ~2. H of L ~o July 1954 Cols 1~04-5. ~3. H of C ~7 July 1954 Col. 291. ~4' H ofC ~7 May 1954 Col. 65 1. ~5' H ofL 13July 1954 Cols 9~5 and 930 . NOTES AND REFERENCES 377 26. Ibid. Col. 926. 27. HofL20July 1954 Col. 121 7. 28. H ofC 19 May 1954 Cols 2203 et seq. 29. H of L 12 July 1954 Col. 811. 30. H of C 27 July 1954 Col. 316. 31. H ofC 27 May 1954 Col. 726. 32. Ibid. Col. 713. CHAPTER 9: THE FIRST AUTHORITY I. Figure estimated by ITN, taking account OfUPITN Daily Satellite Service, Eurovision and Intervision (Ieller to author from Don Horobin oflTN, 22 December 1980). 2. Lord Clark, The Other Half (John Murray, 1977) pp. 137-8. CHAPTER 10: COMPETITION I. ITA Annual Report and Accounts 1954/5' 2. Financial Times 21 September 1955. 3· ITA Paper 39(55)· 4. ITA Minutes 10(54). 5· ITA Paper" (54)' 6. Sir Robert Fraser's papers held by IDA. CHAPTER II: THE NETWORK COMPANIES I. ITA Paper 39(55). 2. Ibid. 3· H ofC 3 November 1954 Col. 372. 4. H of C 23 November 1954 Cols 1131-88. 5. Royal Commission on the Press (UMSO) (Cmd. 7700) para. 615' 6. H ofC 23 November 1954 Col. "37, 7· Ibid. Col. 1147. B. Ibid. Col. "52. 9. Norman Collins' papers. 10. ITA Paper 39(55). II. Fraser to D. F. S. McClean on 8 November 1954 ITA File 7002/1. 12. H ofC 23 March 1954 Col. 1474. 13· Leller dated 5 November 1954 ITA File 7001/1. 14. Ibid. Leller to Fraser. 15. Ibid. 16. But not, it seems, to his Chairman. On page 143 of his book The Other Half Clark writes a personal account of Colston's resignation saying that he quite deliberately sought to involve the ITA in fund-raising for the Tory Party and had to be persuaded to resign by Lord De La Warr. 17· ITA Minutes 17(54)' 18. Enclosures to leller from Herbert Oppenheimer & Co., the solicitors acting on behalf of the group, dated 14 September 1954 ITA File 7/8. 19. Ibid. Letter dated 5 January 1955. 20. Ibid. Leiter dated 10 March 1955. NOTES AND REFERENCES 21. Ibid. 22. Letter to the Chairman of the ITA dated 2 September 1954 ITA File 7005/1. 23. H. Thomas, With an Independent Air (Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1977) p. 143· 24. Ibid. p. 146. CHAPTER 12: BIRTH OF INDEPENDENT TELEVISION NEWS I. ITA Minutes 9(54) and ITA Minutes 13(54). 2. ITA/PCL/lSt Meeting. 3. H of C 23 November 1954 Col. 1186. 4. ITA File 7000. 5. Ibid. CHAPTER 13: THE PROGRAMME CONTRACTS I. ITA Paper 39(55)' 2. ITA Annual Report and Accounts 1957/8 pp. 8-10. CHAPTER 15: TELEVISION HOURS I. ITA Paper 33(55). CHAPTER 16: THE STATUTORY COMMITTEES I. ITA Annual Report and Accounts 1954/5 p. 8. 2. ITA Annual Report and Accounts 1955/6 pp. 20-1. 3. scc Minutes 6(55)· CHAPTER 17: 'PROPER PROPORTIONS' OF BRITISH MATERIAL I. The organisations were: the Association of Cinematograph and Allied Technicians, British Actors' Equity Association, Composers' Guild of Great Britain, Concert Artistes' Association, Electrical Trades Union, Film Artistes Association, Musicians' Union, National Association of Theatrical and Kine Employees, Society of Authors, League of Dramatists, Radio Writers' Association, Screen Writers' Association, Songwriters' Guild and the Variety Artistes' Association. CHAPTER 18: LABOUR RELATIONS I. BBC Staff Association Bulletin Vol. II No. 24 June 1950. 2. P. Seglow, Trade Unionism in Television (Saxon House, 1978) p. 30. 3· Ibid. pp. 97-9· CHAPTER 19: THE AUTHORITY AND THE PROGRAMMES I. ITA Paper 47(55). 2. Ibid. NOTES AND REFERENCES 379 3. Ibid. 4. ITA Minutes 26(55)' 5. Pilkington Report Vol. 1/ Appendix E (Cmnd. 1819-1) p. 1113· 6. Lord Clark, The Otlter lIa{fp. 147. CHAPTER 20: GETTING READY I. 'presented pursuant to Section 15(3) and (4) of the Television Act, 1954' pp. 1-2. 2. Thomas, With an Indepetldent Air p. 157. 3'. Letter dated 6 December 1954 ITA File 7001/1. 4. rear One (Granada) p. 3· 5. Thomas, With a" Indepetldent Air p. 161. 6. R. Day, DIY' ~ Day (William Kimber Ltd, 1975) pp. 171-g1. CHAPTER 21: PUBLICATIONS I. ITA Paper 31(55) . 2. Ibid. 3. Fusion (A-R'S House Magazine) 19June 1961. CHAPTER 22: CURTAIN UP I. ITA Minutes 37(55)' 2. A. Briggs, Governi"g Ihe BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation, 1979) p. 104. 3. TPC Minutes X8/55. 4. History ojBroadcasting in Ihe U"iled Kingdom Vol. IV pp. 1000-8. Briggs seems to have taken the opportunity to register that a History of Broadcasting is not synonymous with a History of the BBC. 5. White Paper on Broadcasting: Further Memorandum on the Report of the Committee on Broadcasting Ig60 (Cmnd. 1893) para. 14. CHAPTER 23: THE LONDON AUDIENCE I. TCPA/X 10/55' 2. A. Sampson, Anatomy of Britain Today (Hodder and Stoughton, 1965) p. 657. 3· pp. 138-g. 4. A. Boyle, OnlY the Wind Will Lislen (Hutchinson, 1972) p. 229, quoting M. A. Hamilton, Remembering My Old Friends (jonathan Cape, 1944) p. 28. CHAPTER 24: PROBLEMS OF BALANCE I. ITA Paper 52(55). 2. Letter dated 12 December 1955 ITA File 580. CHAPTER 25: CRISIS AT ITN I. This reference and subsequent references in this chapter are, unless otherwise stated, to be found passim in ITA File 7000. NOTES AND REFERENCES II. ITA Minutes 411(55). 3· ITA Minutes 43(55). 4. A set OflTN Minutes for this period, which had no reference number, is in ITA File 505/11. 5. R. Day, Day by Dtry, pp. 178-811. 6. Ibid. pp. 180-1. 7. The Board of A-a had announced that in their opinion the Authority should assume responsibility for the affain of ITN. The idea that the Authority itself should be responsible for news had been canvassed during debates on the Bill. One of the most effective speeches against such a proposal had been made by Lord Layton (H ofL I II July 1954 Col. 79 1). CHAPTER 116: FINANCIAL AFFAIRS I. Pilkington Report Vol. I Appendix E (Cmnd. 1819) pp. 4115-7' II. ITA Paper 43(56). 3. Sir Edwin Herbert, later Lord Tangley, was a member of the board of A-a and became Deputy Chairman in 19611. He was senior partner in the firm of Sydney Morse, Solicitors, and a member of the Council of the Law Society. He was also Deputy Chairman of Broadcast Relay Service Ltd (Rediffusion Ltd).
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