Isaiah Davenport House Volunteer Newsletter December 2009 www.davenporthousemuseum.org 236-8097 The Happy Condition DAVENPORT HOUSE CALENDAR November 30 at 10 a.m. and The man who, for life, is blest with a Tuesday, December 1 – Wreath Tuesday, December 1 at 2 p.m. wife, decorating We could use some docents to help Is sure, in a happy condition: 2 p.m. – Review and refresher with the Holly Jolly tours which take Go things as they will, she’s fond of for docents of December inter- place on all nights between Novem- him still, pretation ber 27 and December 23. Old She’s comforter, friend and physician. November 30 through December Town Trolley has a wonderful crew 4 in the afternoon – Prep for of docents and the DH and OTT Pray where is the joy, to trifle and toy! Holiday Bazaar split tour guide duties. Some nights Yet dread some disaster from beauty! Friday, December 4 from 5 to 7 there are two or more trolleys and But sweet is the bliss of a conjugal kiss, p.m. – Annual Christmas Party on Monday, December 7 there will Where love mingles pleasure with – y’all come! be 5! Jamie, Jeff and Raleigh set up duty. Saturday, December 5 from 10 and give tours. So far Jody Leyva, a.m. to 5 p.m. and Sunday, Maria Sanchez and Anthony San- One extravagant Miss won’t cost a December 6 from 1 to 5 p.m. chez have agreed to help as well. man less – Holiday Bazaar at the Ken- Any others of you who can help us Than twenty good wives that are sav- nedy Pharmacy spread the Christmas cheer!? ing; Tuesday, December 8 all day – For, wives they will spare, that their Alliance for Response (Disaster SHOP NEWS : children may share, Planning) Workshop in Savan- - REMEMBER YOUR But Misses forever are craving. nah DISCOUNT : Volun- December 18, 1819, Savannah Republican . Thursday, December 17 at 6:30 teers, Staff, Friends of the p.m. – It’s a JI Christmas! Davenport House and Historic Sa- Dancing Academy. Greed Game and All (Party) vannah Foundation members re- Mr. Theodore B. Fayolle begs Friday, December 25 – Museum ceive a 20% discount on DH Shop leave to inform the citizens of Savan- closed for Christmas (The mu- purchases December 1 through 15! nah that he will open a DANCIN- seum closes at 1 p.m. on De- - Savannah Garden Plants is in for GACADEMY, on Thursday, the 8 th cember 24.) $9.99. Roy Heizer wrote the text inst. At the large commodious room of Saturday, December 26 through and Nancy Heizer was the photog- the court house. He will also give pri- Wednesday, December 30 – rapher. vate lessons to the ladies and gentle- Holiday Evening Tours by - ShopforMuseum.com : We re- men on application to him at the Candlelight cently got a reminder that if you house occupied by Mrs. Pierce, oppo- Thursday, December 31 at 1 p.m. shop on line, use the ShopforMu- site the Washington Hall. – DH closes for the New seum.com website to get to your The days of tuition will be Tues- Year’s holiday (all day Friday, favorite online stores (ABEbooks, day’s Thursday’s and Saturday’s, from January 1) Amazon, eBay, etc.) and you note 3 to 6 o’clock P.M. for young ladies, the DH as your partner, the DH will and from 6 to 9 for gentlemen. PLANNING TO PARTY receive a portion of the sale. It’s a Mr. Fayolle will also give lessons AND THEN SHOP : nice way to shop online that benefits every day in the week, at the same Please remember we museums. place, at such hours of the morning as want you at the DH - Back in stock : Jonathan Stal- may best suit families, who are desir- Christmas Party on cup’s book on Savannah architec- ous to form into classes, or would prefer December 4 from 5 to ture. receiving private lessons. 7 p.m. for us to say thank you for - New shop items : Wooden card Persons wishing information as to being a part of the DH’s world. boxes ($9.95), brass pocket compass Mr. Fayolle’s moral character, educa- Also, we want you to shop at our (14.95), magnifying glass on stand tion and talents, will be pleased to Holiday Bazaar either during the ($19.95), brass fireman’s plaque enquire of Mr. Petit DeVillers and of Christmas Party or on December ($17.95) M. John Guenin. Price of tuition on $5 5/6! Hope to see you. - As for holiday shopping : Re- entrance and $15 per quarter. member we have one of the best Nov 18 229 DOCENT REVIEW : selections of Savannah history and There will be a docent review of the preservation books in town. Also, December 7, 1819, Savannah Republican December interpretation Monday, we are one of the few places that sell bobeches and linen handkerchiefs. for making the program happen by pharmacy, so that on the - And, we are the only place in the providing funding for materials, lower level of the museum world that sells the Davenport snacks and nametags. house an asbestos abate- House tea towel with Allan Drum- ment can take place, new dry wall mond’s design depicted ($9.95) KENNEDY PHARMACY : may be put up in the kitchen if nec- - DH once again has customized - The patio proJect is nearing com- essary to hold the cabinetry, new calendars (24) for sale at $16 a pletion. The storage unit was built tile will be put down in the kitchen, piece. You can pick one up at the by Jonathan Hall . Features of the rest rooms and north end closets, Christmas party. new fence include 184 pickets from new carpet will be laid in the shop Wormsloe and slate pavement. and offices, new kitchen appliances QUESTION OF THE The Barrows of Wormsloe do- and cabinets will be installed, and MONTH : nated the pickets from some they the large rest room will be made A docent was asked, “Where did had on hand and Savannah Hard- properly handicapped accessible. Mrs. Davenport keep her sewing scapes provided the slate at the cost All of this will occur with the coop- machine?” of the originally planned brick. eration of the staff, Tandy - Thank you to those who helped Mackenzie who will assist with the HOLIDAY EVENING TOURS BY with the November 19 th open move and prep for the kitchen, Ac- CANDLELIGHT : house for caterers and event plan- tion Insulation Co . who will do As you know the DH will be open ners including Jan Vach , who put the abatement, Home Depot who for tours between 6 and 8:30 p.m. together the mailing list, Roger will lay the tile, Lowe’s who with Saturday, December 26 through 30. Smith who served and was a fine their subcontractor ( M& W Con- We need docents who will station host, Dirk Hardison , who put to- struction ) will install the kitchen rooms either in period costume or gether a variety of configurations of cabinets and appliances, and festive attire. We also need musical tables and chairs to understand how Bloomquist Construction will do performers – key board, zither, re- the building can be utilized, Jeff the work for the rest room up- corder, strings, etc. If you know Freeman and Raleigh Marcell, who grades. We are hopeful that this anyone who would like to share worked the event and all of the DH work can be completed in the two tunes with our audience, please let staff for getting the mailing out and week time allotted in order for us to Jamie know. Volunteers with cos- taking reservations. get back to business. At the same tumes will be stationed at the be- - Dirk’s Measured Drawings : time work will be going on in the ginning of the tour. Planning and From Dirk Hardison’s measured basement our Annual Cleaning will scheduling for the program will drawings of the interior of the take place and Ben Head will at- occur throughout December. pharmacy we know that 4 rounds tend the January Gift Market in of 8 chairs (40 people), 6 rectangu- Atlanta. We will run the house JI REPORT : lar tables of 6 (36 people), 50 peo- from the pharmacy during the - All JIs are invited to a JI Christ- ple theater style, and 10 six foot weeks the house is closed, answer- mas Celebration with the “greed tables and two eight foot tables ing phone calls and preparing for game” and tasty treats at 6:30 on “trade show style” can be set up spring programming. There will be Thursday, December 17. comfortably for your patrons. This a few days January 3 through 5 and - SAA JIs did a fantastic Job with is useful! January 18 – when things may be giving tours to the public on Friday, - Jim Abraham gave the nutty because of packing and un- November 27 and Saturday, No- “Kennedy Pharmacy Story” to JIs packing – when the house will re- vember 28. Say Hurray! to: Molly on November 18. Notes from the main open. Alexander, Melissa Hinely, Nick discussion will be the subJect of a Colbrook, Donald Smooth, Seema January newsletter article. This MAINTENANCE : Patel, Kim Stastny, Lindsey Braden, material can be used to give a tour New shutters on the arched win- Amber Adams, Ruben Ramos, and of the building or to briefly explain dow on the east side of the house at Lindsey Deering. Leah Wade and the pharmacy and its rehab to pro- the attic level were fashioned, Amanda Baskin will give their first spective renters or meeting plan- painted and installed by Bloom- tours on December 5.
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