National Team for Standardization of Geographical Names in Indonesia Information Sheet on Recent Progress in Geographical Names Year 2015-2016 29th Session of UNGEGN, Bangkok, 25-29 April 2016 Verification of Geographical Names of Man-made Features The National Team for the Standardi- be typed incorrectly. However, when zation of Geographical Names has the data is being presented on a map responsibility in verifying, examining background, and the location of the and validating geographical names feature is shown spatially, then this which have already been inventoried. kind of error is much less likely. That is The National Team has been doing why it is very important to verify the this since 2006. The work is being geographical names using a Geo- Inside this issue: performed for different types of geo- graphic Information System (GIS) ap- Technical Manual For Col- 2 graphical names in stages: plication. lecting Man-made Geograph- 2006-2008: islands Verification is done first at the regency ical Names 2009-2011: administrative areas or city level, and then the data collect- Training for Local Govern- 2 2012-2014: natural features ed and passed up to the provincial ment Officers 2015-2017: man-made features level. Verification is performed to en- 2018-2020: cultural heritages sure that the following principles are Database of Generic Terms 3 for Asia Southeast Division Although the time frame already followed: Countries passed, inventory, survey, verification One object has only one official or Community Involvement and 3 and validation for names of islands, default name (though other names Research in Geographical administrative areas and natural fea- or designations used in the area Name Issue tures are still ongoing. may be listed); The geographical coordinates for Awards for Local Government 4 In 2015, the National Team estab- each name are correct; Initiatives in Standardization of Geographical Names lished a standardized table format for The spelling of the name is correct; the inventory and verification of geo- All geographical features in each Validating Names of Small Is- 4 graphical names so that the data for- administrative area – district, town, mat at the local or regional levels is in province – have been documented; sync with that at the national level, Geographical features at the regen- cy, city or provincial levels are never thus reducing the complexity in data entered twice, appearing in more management. In 2016, the Geospatial Book Reviews: than one administrative area. Information Authority of Indonesia has been developing a mobile application In 2015 the National Team verified Toponim Jakarta dan Kepu- that will run on android devices in or- 27,549 names of roads, buildings, lauan Seribu: Kearifan Lokal dalam Penamaan Geografis der to further facilitate the process of residential areas and other man-made features in 8 provinces. In 2016 the [Toponyms of Jakarta and the inventory and verification of geograph- National Team will continue verifying Thousand Islands: Local Wis- ical names. names of man-made features in 12 prov- dom in Geographical Names] inces, and then in the rest 14 provinces in The geospatial element is important 2017. Toponim Kota Bandung: during the verification process. When Keragaman Ekologi, Budaya, working with large tables of data, Sejarah dalam Penamaan those processing the data need to use Ruang Kota [Toponyms of the high levels of concentration and atten- City of Bandung: Diversity of tion to detail. Human limitations mean the Ecology, Culture and Histo- that it is possible for errors to creep in. ry in Naming Urban Spaces] For example, the figures for the coordi- nates of a geographical feature might Information Sheet on Recent Technical Manual For Collecting Progress in Geographical Names Man-made Geographical Names On 14th April 2015 the Geospatial Infor- guages, Indonesian, and now are ap- mation Authority of Indonesia held a pearing in global or foreign languages meeting for members of the National which makes for a highly complex situa- Review of Djaenuderadjat, Team for the Standardization of Geo- tion. The Technical Manual will be inval- Endjat, and Gunawan, graphical Names to discuss the Tech- Restu eds. 2010. Toponim uable in understanding and systematiz- nical Manual for collecting geographical Jakarta dan Kepulauan ing this data. The Committees on geo- Seribu: Kearifan Lokal da- names of man-made features graphical names at the provincial, re- lam Penamaan Geografis (Pedoman Teknis Inventerisasi Nama [Toponyms of Jakarta and Rupabumi Unsur Buatan). This is part of gency or city level throughout the coun- the Thousand Islands: Local the development of the National Gazet- try will be working based on the manual Wisdom in Geographical teer. and are receiving training on how to Names]. Jakarta: Direktorat perform inventory and verification of the Geografi Sejarah, Direktorat Geographical names for man-made names for these features in their areas. Jenderal Sejarah dan Pur- features in Indonesia originate in the bakala, Kementerian Ke- budayaan dan Pariwisata. over seven hundred indigenous lan- 174 pages. ISBN: 978-979- 18278-2-9. Training for Local Government Officers A key part of the National Team’s work standardizing geographical names for in standardizing geographical names is the man-made or built environment. the development of human resources. This category of geographical names For that purpose, the Geospatial Infor- includes streets, dams, bridges, reser- mation Authority of Indonesia conduct- voirs, housing estates, schools and oth- ed training courses for government offi- er buildings. The training sessions were cials working in various regional com- held in the classroom (lectures and mittees at the provincial and regency or computer exercises) and also at the city levels throughout Indonesia. field (surveys). Jakarta, the capital city of Indonesia, was established In 2015, a number of courses for inven- Similar training is being run in 2016. A in 1619 as a Dutch colonial tory and verification of man-made geo- total of approximately 300 participants fort and trading post. The graphical names were run for more than from 12 provinces will receive training present name, Jakarta, has 200 participants at the provincial and in three batches: had a long evolution. The district or city levels. The committees 1. 4-8 April 2016, in Padang, with par- site was first known as attending came from eight provinces: Kalapa, then Sunda Ke- ticipants from West Sumatera, Riau lapa, then Jayakarta, and East Java, Bali, East Nusa Tenggara, Islands, South Sumatra and Bangka then Jacatra. Under Dutch Lampung, South Sulawesi, Central Sula- Belitung; colonial rule, it became wesi, North Sulawesi, and Central Kali- 2. 18-22 April 2016, in Pontianak, with known as Batavia, finally mantan. participants from West Kalimantan, taking the name Jakarta North Kalimantan, West Sulawesi after independence. Participants attended technical training and Southeast Sulawesi; sessions on inventorying, verifying and This book contains the ety- 3. 23-27 May 2016, in Semarang, with mologies of 109 place participants from Banten, Yogyakar- names in Jakarta and the ta, Central Java and North Maluku. islands north of Jakarta, known as the Thousand Islands. The names reflect the city’s identity as a ‘melting pot’ as many of the names have their origins in the cultures and languages of the many groups that live in the archipelago. Trainees learnt how to gather infor- mation at the field (top) and to build a verified database of geographical names Page 2 on their computers (right) Database of Generic Names for Asia Year 2015-2016 Southeast Division Countries UNGEGN’s Asia Southeast Division ministrative, (4) settlements, (5) trans- (ASED) is in the process of constructing portation, (6) land use, (7) man-made Review of Djaenuderadjat, Endjat, a database containing generic names features, and (8) cultural heritage. So and Abdurakhman eds. 2010. from all the member countries. far, three countries, Brunei, Indonesia Toponim Kota Bandung: Keraga- and Malaysia, have submitted near-full man Ekologi, Budaya, Sejarah ASED, in accordance with the adoption sets of generic names, while the Philip- dalam Penamaan Ruang Kota of Resolution X/5, now comprises twelve pines and Singapore have submitted a [Toponyms of the City of Bandung: member countries, namely Bhutan, Bru- partial set. The other countries are in the Diversity of the Ecology, Culture nei Darussalam, Cambodia, Indonesia, process of submitting their generic and History in Naming Urban Lao People's Democratic Republic, Ma- names. Spaces]. Jakarta: Direktorat Se- laysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, jarah dan Nilai Budaya, Direktorat Sri Lanka, Thailand and Vietnam. Some examples of the generic names so Jenderal Kebudayaan, Kementeri- far submitted are given in the table be- an Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan. The generic names in the database are low: 182 pages. ISBN: 978-979-18033 organized into the following categories: -8-0. (1) hydrography, (2) topography, (3) ad- Bandung is the capital of West Java province in Indonesia and No Features Brunei Indonesia Malaysia the third largest city by popula- 1. Plateau Mercu Dataran Tinggi Dataran Tinggi tion in the country. The city has been shaped by its elevated 2. Island Pulau Pulau Pulau location, and is surrounded by 3. District Daerah Kecamatan Daerah mountains. The climate is cool, and pleasant. The place was 4. Village Kampung, Mukim Kelurahan/Desa Kampung favored by the Dutch as a place 5. Town Bandar, Pekan Kota Pekan to stay and to visit for recreation and was developed as a resort 6. Footpath Laluan Pejalan Kaki Jalan Setapak Laluan Pejalan Kaki town. During colonial times, the 7. Plantation Ladang Perhutanan Perkebunan Hutan Tanaman city was known as Parijs van Java because of its luxury hotels, 8. High School Pengajian Tinggi Sekolah Menegah Atas Sekolah Tinggi restaurants, cafes and bou- 9. Lighthouse Rumah Api Mercusuar Rumah Api tiques. Immediately after inde- pendence, Bandung became 10. Temple Tapikong Candi Kuil famous as the site of the first Asian-African Conference. The city is known as a university city.
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