THt: HUHAL ;Jj~~r'l'Ll~Hl'JWr'S OF 'l'lm CAN'r:;nBUHY Pl,AIN;:) IN 11HZ AfiliA BZ'=',JZGN TtE IlJ\.KfUA AND VlAU'J!.G:AIUH.I IUV [~H~ R. G. CANT Universi ty of New Zealand 'rheds presented for the Degree of I\jaster of Arts in Geography University of Canterbury 1960 I Introduction 1 n '}"'I16 9 III of ~)(cl'l:tlernent the of COw!!lu.nic IV loc;,tion Dnd i:;i t(~ 31 E:volution 41 and 53 VII Function VIII Conclusion 73 of 13. on th£] J of into Tlit'bl,::; of Linitn" ~'unc tional 64. the releyent the trsxt. ( \ (2) (3) (4) (~) ) filled in. (6) 1 .. Loe IJamlform Division on vlhich (Ire loc~::.tted the page 11. 4. J'J:1Dual cl11. • • , ) am: c;ur 1 l1b.,V been j r1b,G.V cnt er~ in ·bt Dei.i '" @ .F]. L~ B 1 uno 0 :1n~ 11 bnu :5 ·Vi i n,~) l)t'<.:S in of their map. 6. Ilmp. of the lIla.p. 1)Erl;\'18~m vegetation and the of' in the A:relil.. pag\:J. 20. ~rhe 26 10. I;lnin lines Pre;::,ont. 11 .. 12. Compa;r:ison loc"lUon t'l11d the ~~;oilI7J farmoct und~r a 1'Iuter table The J!;volu'tion of th(7 ;:;ettlelllent(', .. " • • • • • • map. li'tmctional .. • • • • . • • • • • • , • • follo.,·Jillg .paee 15. General store:" and 16. • at rear' of volume. Grouml Plang of F.l!hi County TotiIH3 • • • • at re¢l.:t:' of volume. tbe the of Tin1tw.ld str.cff lJntvcr,;j Ghri::.otchurGh FubHc IJ:11e inforrnation on the functton of t1.le numerous loc[J1 their inter1'j;;t Urban has in He,¥ Zeali:nd over the there have been a number of ,;Ludic:: on Rural ~)ettlement,;, 11'01 on the [fl . work of such oV('l1'[,08:3 stmimt::; .ere ,-[er 'th. a 2.'Hl t"!IO -L",Ill t'on ' .>" t,,,1 '(.e"'·')·.C·'J"l.'.n"oVl) 13 I " L _ " , tn Great DrHain in by J\.m'tcl'c;on 'In, th h:w 0,1.'.' in the c01mt:i.eI3 north of PtucklEmd c1 ty? j.l1 conJt:mc tion Vii th Ande:rson a detccile{,j study of the of the Eao8J!£;I,tu in 6 which examined th(; rut',,1 ::.;ettlelnent", of a seconn ;~electecl area. of and (:i_:scus~,ecl. the 1':81'l fiel(i .Ln i.ts v,d~der I'o.1a the liiaterial thn t ifi oV'B.ilable frome of the:; Itnos VJhich fieldilOrk f,j:lOUlcl 8 In tIle theoretical stmhos Q\l(:Jrseas, tbe villich .Lister nakes fOT the t of [',ettlenH:nt data within £:1. a one. In the mo;;t recent studY1 has choi5en an area in the Jaikato aYJ.l3. uses to ((0.V2n the methods cstablL:hod by the 0:,-:['1ie1' ~ince detailed stu~ie have been of the character of rural settlement in three (.iistinctive areas of t1,e North an of the rural settl(~)J,ents jJ1 n area of Canterbury Plains viOuld nmv seem ;.:;ettlem.en there ';volve:.; in a E1 clnd hiGtorical frOLl OthOX'3 in It that similar stUdies \1111 be nB in other 8rea~3 of nd. t an attitude \'lh:i.ch Can "lImo::;'c c hDrdc tad l,; tic of Urban in it thu::::- "'.I.'he atrn of lJrbon 1::1.nc tien of ty of t01iin r . .. ,,11 of I orm.cc~~ HLl.t/12r thcu1 follow of 1? fu tu;rG of the are a. In mo;,t IJew :cecelve ll:ore attc;ntion tbJl (,oes the In t the latter :L'ho the chaTC ..ctl:::r of the JurDI rphe aim of thi:3 E; to describe the cii(:!I'c1,ctor of as far &.::3 ],S to of th1::; features remain and bOill.e c the search for rear:;ons this combinc~<l aim of and exphJl1ation has becm both timulabng ann. In 01'(01' to achieve tld.~; founcLatio1l5 of the have been an of the with a Yr:?conctnlction of t.he occup &.1:1ce. Jitl! this :i'y'Lformation ave.il,c)ble, it h<:-1S been to Lc,t;udy the evolution of the sottlcMmtr, them: elves and to time. In order to of those nuclQd.tetl settlemeld;s today, all cuch settlements emu di::rtrict in the HaVe been '['he second Him of this is to tl;'8 to i'J'iJ.ich the chaTel,cteI' of tile rural settlel.llentf3 in tl1is Elxeu lEi reflection of the airnE~ an,d ideals of tIle C ,~s~;ocin,tJ.on In their G.ecire to pattern of lHe. that reflected the best in of the (H;l,rly nineteenth century, but avoided its FlgricultuTGl ('otted by a Durabor of l'ihere the labouring for a landed the f30Cinl the extent Lo wilich tho C:h[U'i;;1ctcr of the and. tile rural bottlel'lent in is l'8flection of the cet of no Ii t1:10 intenmt. of tJi.8 more if.; that of the Plains . ,. I·' ( the i!;·i.lHlbIO.rlTl.l.J.Yor. :it Umi by tl\8 of ;::,j.lllilar of fi'he Author:L This arb5. 1:i.ne is convenient in that it excludes the Chr:tEr\;church UJ'bcn1 and a number of and belfast which have been by the of the It is felt tJwt these latter 1lettlemnnt::, ">}Quld more })l'operly incluu.eu in urban of Chrif:ltchurch, CrOf:\E; ';8ctj.on of the Canterbury Plains r[mgc of climatic anel conditions with cd.l tb.e more soil 'Iii thin the Cal1terbur'J block O;].1'ec t.1y e,t ChrL:;tchurch 1::imi.1ar area north of the ·:iaimi,!k"'~iri TIiver, fonns the ''I:lenrth" of the this area have acent area~3 of Horth and. wtth the result that the settlement net within these natnrnl is a ;;elf-contailled one. it sh:: of the various of nucleated 8ettlemont and district centres 7 diGcus".ed1. and it £H1S been a cOl1venien t area in I'/hieh to carry ou.t field. 1I-IOrh:. 'l'hus, besic1eB apart of the Canterbu.ry hearth anoo which is of the I'lhole of the Canterbury Plains it forms a vlell defined and convenient unit for For BYW place to be a8 a rural settleLI.l,:)B tit is ttl,,!; tllere f;\:wuld be :::mfficient for the fi01(;, 'li'OrkE~r to be cOllocious of 13. node in the uettl(~ment At the sar(1e ~ ~ ~ ;:,.. ~ ~ ~ "I ~ '"...~ " JJrn z » c-1 »::::0 I ::::0 ~ ---l rn ~ (/)-< 4 time, onG or t~JO isol~ltcd cultuTal or Gervic u.nits lr.iay m;xve as a focus for a. f d:istrictj 8.re 10catc(l at a place ifhere other such units have existed in the this in a four- fold classificEttion of settlementfl in tb.8 area r19.-s b ...=-)(~n rnadf: 011 the basiE1 of nwnber and ty of functional units. as 811 alternative cri was CiiGcardc:)d the census :r'(c;turns co not r1ifferentL:.te the population of i';maller centre:::; from x'ural popUlation. 'l'his, hOltfCVCr, is not that throu€,h the income mechanism the population of a centre is a ftmction of ~l'he four c1,,;,::;8e8 of ccttlement SUCCf3SDive of growth have been nDJIlecl respectively District ami County ~'Oi'ins. Defini Hans used by other t~tuGents of settlement have been mo(iifted £Iud to huit the eettlernen t ne t under discusf,ion. 'rhe definitions 21 are as A unit, or units, of non farm as a church, hall or gi~rl3ge, 11hich do not fox'IIl of of f3ettlerwnt but ~lhich f;erv~; in one or more vl[.,YS cIS :focus for the A 2ettlement Hith ;-,1'1 index of &.t lea.l:;t five ane;. not more units, "so elF to an nppearance of cowpactnef,::' ,,21 thl:l.t of 'J.'he index to be CODlputed on the bad_s of two tiS ouch for con;werc1al or industrial units each for cultural units i,luch as dmrch8i::l and halls. hH,:lve A must !laVe an index of over fW1Ctioflcll units includLng f.:lOme of more advanced function (ouch as a post office or a establishment. It should provide sufficient service to meet the day to clay requirements of its local diDtrict, but will in any of thOc3e Fer'lj.ces \'Ihich char9.cterif;e county to'l'li1G. These are ,;ettlcn::ents ltlhichprovidn a vrider ranc;e of services for a of a mJJ[,ber of districts eachl!Jith itc, mrn locality centro, hmnlet or village, an.U cl.omini:::trative function,j not The m~ inc lude euch i3ervices as :Jtock and ntDtion and the [-lcl1ninistrutivt': 5. offices of councils or Tho first of these cort8ists of all the a1 fol1O\'led by a in which historical fa,ctors ["uch as the of' E;ettlement, the ,. - grO'\~th of cOllrrrIUnic[ltion::; and (--)re CtlSCllSi;80., ]from the '\t{(:)al t1:1 of and historic factoX'El 'iith the most (:cireet ohara,cter of settlement have been and, where In the ,;ecomi part, the of the settlemel1 ts themsGl ves follovJed the W':lll established of investigation in this field. It is Fjorpholo€,Y and Ii'unction. In the final the of ea,ell the and of the t net as a vfhole~ is 8ummarif:,ed and an Bllswer tE' to the question the influence of the Canterl)ury As~,ociation on rural settleme1 t in this Published :::;OUrc(~Ej referred to in the and soil fi!apS 1::nra:Llable gcwe an Hxcel1ent coverage of the "'lith no variation in the :mrfa.ce or the climate the most factor's to be the t::;urface water and cUlO natural The E;oil map contained a wealth of material and1 I'ii tll the aid of the officers of the ;30il a Inap of the Fa'ea vms prepared.
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