Folia faunistica Slovaca 20 (2) 2015: 157–162 www.ffs.sk FIRST RECORD OF NIPHARGID AMPHIPODS IN REGION OF BRATISLAVA (WESTERN SLOVAKIA) Eduard Stloukal & Denis Kuzl Department of Zoology, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Comenius University, Mlynská dolina B–1, SK – 842 15 Bratislava, Slovakia [[email protected]] Abstract: Niphargus tatrensis Wrzesniowsky, 1888 has been found in springs of the Malé Karpaty Mts in Bratislava city, Slovakia for a first time. The record- in western most tip of Carpathian mountains is situated outside the karstic- area and forms important connection between western population of the spe cies known from Austria and Czech republic and eastern ones occurring in Slo vakia,Key words: southernNiphargus Poland andtatrensis north-eastern Hungary. , phreatic waters, zoogeography, Bratislava, Slovakia. INTRODUCTION - Niphargus Slovakia by Stloukal (2004) in the Štiavnické vr chy Mts. and by Necpálová & Stloukal (2010) in Highly morphologically diverse genus - Danube inland delta (Číčov). - Schiødte, 1947 (Amphipoda: Niphargidae) is rich on- - species and taxonomic problems reflecting its evo- Emanuel Hrabě significantly contributes to knowl lutionary pathway and adaptations to life in phre edge of groundwater fauna of Slovak karstic ar atic waters. Most niphargid species do inhabit sub eas. His material of crustaceans was identified by terranean waters and form a substantial part of NiphargusSchellenberg tatrensis (1938), who listed in his famous- the groundwater biodiversity in most of European publication „TschechoslowakischeN. t. aggtelekiensis Amphipoden“ countries (Zagmajster et al. 2014). Niphargusin the Demänovská rajecensis jaskyňa slo- body cave and Dudich, 1932 in The subterranean amphipods of the family Niphargus leop- Niphargus the Domica cave, (Schellen Niphargidae from Slovakia are represented by oliensis molnari Niphargus berg, 1938) in wells of Rajec and eight species of the genus Niphargus. tatrensis inopinatus (later synonimized with The record and description of - Schellenberg, 1932). Further recordsNiphargus of Wrzesniowsky, 1888 in well at Zakopane can be foreiliniohargids carsicus were published by Štěrba (1956) and considered as a start of research on fauna of phre Straškraba (1956), who described atic waters in Western Carpathians (Košel 2007), Niphargus carsicus(Straškraba 1956) from springs of which in Slovakia started at the beginning of 20th the Zádielska dolina gorge (recently accepted as - century. Straškraba, 1956).N. tatrensis Niphargus molnari reported by Novikmec et al. (2007) in Ernö Dudich sampled fauna of wells at Tekovs Poloniny NP was later identified as by ké Lužany (Nagysalló and Tekovské Šarluhy in Niphargus dudichi Hudec (Necpálová 2014). past) in September 1923, where he found dozens of niphargids later described as - Košel (2009) presented a complete information Hankó, 1924. This species is still known only from on biology of subterranean fauna in Slovakia,N. tatrensis their three sites and belong to list of Slovak endemic spe areal and origin of troglobiont species. Fišer et al. cies. This species has confirmed two more times in (2010) revised distribution of species Stloukal E & Kuzl D, 2015: First record of niphargid amphipods in region of Bratislava (Western Slovakia). Folia faunistica Slovaca, 20 (2): 157–162. [in English] Received 1 August 2015 ~ Accepted 18 August 2015 ~ Published 1 December 2015 © Faunima, Bratislava, 2015 e–ISSN 1336–4529 ISSN 1335–7522 158 Stloukal E & Kuzl D: Niphargid amphipods in region of Bratislava N. aggtelekiensis - - and in Central Europe by molecu Narrow mountain range is a borderline of the Inner lar methods. Hudec & Mock (2011) analysed mor Western Carpathians with highest points reaching altitude of 768 m (Záruby), 754 m (Vysoká) and 752 phological characters of niphargid species with- implication to potential hybridisation taxons at m (Vápenná). border of their distribution in Slovakia. Occur All streams of Malé Karpaty Mts belong to the rence of amphipods in three carstic national parks catchmentMethods of the Danube River. (Muránska planina, Slovenský raj and Slovenský- - kras) was analysed by Necpálová & Stloukal Stream water was sampled for presence of macro (2011)N. tatrensis in frames of the ATBI (All taxa biodiversi zoobenthos by mesh, crustaceans were preserved ty inventory) research and found several new sites- of occurrence at Muránska planina. in 96% etanol and analysed in laboratory. Mounted Necpálová (2013) catalogued information on Am slides were investigated and photographed by the Sampling site phipoda in Slovakia and compiled an identification Leica DMD108 digital microscope. key to species known from Slovakia. Recent research indicates a convergent evolution- Malé Karpaty, Bratislava – Rača, 48° 13’ 47” N, 17° of morphologically distinct species in the process 8’ 17” E; March 2015 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION of adaptation to subterranean ecosystem (Tron telj et al. 2012) what makes taxonomy of the whole family even more complicated. - MATERIAL AND METHODS Near to the asphalt road in forest area betweenNiphargus Rača (suburb of the Bratislava city, Slovakia) and the Bie Area description tatrensis ly kríž were found three individuals of Wrzesniowsky, 1888. Ideálne podmienky- v tejto oblasti mali 2 pramene, a to prameň rieky As a typical horst mountains formed by raised fault Vydrice a prameň pri chatke pod studničkou Him- blocks bounded by normal faults or graben, the ligárka. Obidva pramene boli upravené do istej Malé Karpaty Mts present a mosaic structure od miery spôsobom, ktorý napomáhal udržať pramen rocks and geological formations between Vienna isko ako vhodný biotop (pridaná strieška). Mimo and Danubian basins (Kováč 2000). lesného parku som v Malých Karpatoch navštívil aj Figure 1. Niphargus tatrensis Map of occurrence in region of Bratislava and Malé Karpaty Mts with indication of distance to nearest sites. Red circle – recent recort in area of Bratislava; yellow circle – nearest confirmed record of N. tatricus; white circle – unidentified record of Niphargus sp. at region of Pezinok (Šmída pers. com.) Folia faunistica Slovaca 20 (2) 2015: 157–162 159 - iné pramene, v ktorých bola zachovaná pramenná – Tmavá dolina, Malé Karpaty: 61. Prameň za síd fauna.Niphargus tatrensis liskom Rača - DISCUSSION (Wrześniowski, 1888) as the - most common niphargid species occurring in Slo vakia is a typical stygobiotic inhabitant of ground While at the oppositeNiphargus end of Carpatian Mts in Ser waters, cave streams and springs. bia, Petković etNiphargus al. (2015) tatricus described a new species- Areál rozšírenia sa tiahne prevažne severnou- of a lake ecomorph , our research found časťou Slovenska od Východných Karpát, kde bol a new site of in western Car nájdený v rieke Stužica, až po rieku Oravu v Oravs- pathians, nearby to Bratislava, Slovakia. A new site kej Magure. Rovnako je zastúpený v centrálnej is situated in narrow mountains range formed by časti Slovenska v pohoriach Nízke Tatry, Sloven mosaic bedrock connection between western and ský Raj, Branisko a výskyt bol zaznamenaný aj v eastern parts of the species distribution. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT prameňoch v Čiernej hore, Volovských vrchoch a v Zvolenskej kotline (Hudec & Mock 2011). Fišer et al. - (2010) opisujú, že areál druhu siaha na severe až do - Study was realised thanks to cooperation of Come Poľska a na západe až do Českej re-publiky, avšak - nius University in Bratislava, Slovakia and Volk v Rakúsku už spomínajú druh N. aggtelekiensis. N. tatrensis swagen Slovakia declared in signed Memoran Autori taktiéž uvádzajú výskyt rôznych populácií - dum of understanding and consequent research a poddruhov . Hudec & Mock (2011) - - and restocking native crayfish project. Used field spomínajú aj výskyt hybridov druhov N. tatren and laboratory equipment was gained from re sis a N. aggtelekiensis z hraničnej zóny ich výsky sources of the project „Centre of excellency for tu, ale ako už bolo spomínané pri predošlom druhu, protection and use of lanscape and biodiversity“ práce Fišer et al. (2010) a Hudec & Mock (2010) (KRABIO) financed from EU structural funds call podali vo svojich prácach informácie o spoľahlivom - OPVaV-2008/4.1/01-SORO. rozlíšení týchto druhov na základe morfológie. V REFERENCES určovacom kľúči Necpálová (2013) sú tieto morfo - logické štruktúry zaznamenané. Ide hlavne o tvar - telsonu a počte terminálnych a distálnych štetín na- Brtek J, 2001: Príspevok k poznaniu amphipod Slov ňom. 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Bratislava, Slovakia. 160 Stloukal E & Kuzl D: Niphargid amphipods in region of Bratislava - Fišer C, Coleman CO, Zagmajster M, Zwittnig B, Ger pp. ecke R & Sket B, 2010: Old museum samples and Kováč M, 2000: Geodynamický, paleogeografický a recent taxonomy: A taxonomic, biogeographic and štruktúrny vývoj Karpatsko-Panónskeho regiónu v conservation perspective of the Niphargus
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