INTRODUCTION 1 am pleased to be able to make available the ACBAR "Directory of Humanitarian Agencies working for Afghans" for 1998.This year's edition provides details on some 154 agencies and the four main Coordinating Bodies. The details are largely as reported by agencies.I would like to express my thanks to all the agencies and their staff for providing the information. ACBAR has only limited ability to confirm the information provided. However, I am confident thatthe publication will prove to be a helpful document to those that are involved orinterested in the Afghanistan aid operation. This publication provides a useful insight into the scope and size of the aid process in which the NGO community is involved. I would especially like to thank Liz Spencer, my Personal Assistant, Rochelle Brown, Abdul Raouf Zia, ACBAR Programme Officer and all ACBAR staff - for all their efforts during collection and compiling the information. We hope that the various users, the agencies themselves, the donor community, the Afghan authorities, the Pakistan Federal and Provincial Governments and all others will find the data informative and of value. Charles A MacFadden Executive Director January 1999 1 PROVINCES OF AFGHANISTAN North Irgranix7--Scale S: 6000000 Kr" OS umsiung83d zO3 a011tuiuioD uotleltllg>?g021 t?ueizd 817 aalliuiu.rop 3ailaZl uuqp3d 917 uo1luslut?8zO Ozt?31aM Oltgnd uugp3d 1717 uoilt?toossd azp3laM lEOiPOW treg03d Z17 uo11t?toossd uotlonzlsuoo2x aliqoN uug83H 017 aIi?uoileuzalul Ieotpaw apIF1 8E zu)Izuw aannutqzuZ aa3ugsalul =Ow 9E 2uiuzt?Oi3o a1n19sul ut?g8w 17£ uo1wsiuu21O aouMsissd MOOS ?8 g1IeOH ,suugO3d Z£ saoiA.iaS luauzdolanaO 18 1.11FOH tre14$3d 0£ auiurez8ozd 8uiutuzZ IeougoaZ uuuzza0 ueg83d 8Z aog3O uotltiuipzooD dlall u>?u.uarJ uug83d 9Z uo1luonpH oist?g uuiuzaD ut?g53ä 17Z 1.IoddnS 5uiuu>?d zo3 ,Coua8d ZZ uoiluuuo3ul 1a 3.4e2iuuuznpl apid auug83d-aouuz3 aluud OZ XouaBd luauidolanaQ uug83d 81 uol;ntoossy luauzdolaAaQ uug83d 91 uiuit?zi uotlonzlsuoD zO3 buaSd 171 luauidolanaQ zo3 zaluap uug23`ä ZI 1tuCl sotlsOorl 78 uotlonzlsuoj uegp3d 01 iured >?Z 3z111O3 uoilod 8 ñouagd 5uuaauOuH 78 aznllnotzBN MOW 9 uo1ln01o311 ?8 uoqultltgiigaZl zo3 slsilobig aalnduid uuq23d 17 uoi11?loossv ptN uugO3N Z PiäuEg83ä MANN MtI0a SMIaNMON x- sauiuzeBozd urlstupg'RId/aanlaZl `uotleoolld 1a8Png8661 X 866I-£66I `aznlgpuadxH Opng 11o.L Xi saouiAOZd .Cq `uoileoollH Opng 8661 iilA saoznoS 2u?PunH OrJIsI 8661 IIA mol Jo % szaquiaw 2ldgDd HA zoloaS Xq `uoili?ooiiH 1a8Png 8661 IA szatiolduzH sp saioua8d Axdrnrrnrns 7Jr.rslsd.tS S,LN3,LNOD ARCON Afghanistan Reconstruction Consultants 52 ARCS Afghan Red Crescent Society 54 ARDA Agency for Rural Development of Afghanistan 56 ARDO Afghanistan Rehabilitation & Development Organisation 58 ARDP Afghanistan Rehabilitation & Development Programme 60 ARDU Afghan Reconstruction & Development Unit 62 AREA Agency for Rehabilitation & Energy Conservation in Afghanistan 64 ARF Afghan Relief Foundation 66 ARbF Afghanistan Rebuilding Foundation 68 ARLO Afghan Rehabilitation & Logistical Organisation 70 ARR Afghan Relief & Rehabilitation 72 ASC Afghanistan Study Centre 74 ASHIANA Afghan Street Working Children & New Approach 76 ATA Anti Tuberculosis Association (Afghanistan Programme) 78 ATC Afghan Technical Consultants 80 AWEC Afghan Women's Educational Centre 82 AWRC Afghan Women's Resource Center 84 AWWD Afghan Women Welfare Department 86 BCU Bost Construction Unit 88 BCURA Baz Construction Unit for Rehabilitation of Afghanistan 90 BDA Bakhtar Development Agency 92 BEFARe Basic Education for Afghan Refugees 94 BONIAD Bonaid Engineering & Reconstruction Organisation 96 BRR Bureau for Rural Rehabilitation 98 CARITAS CARITAS Afghanistan Programme 100 CAWC Central Afghanistan Welfare Committee 102 CBR Consultant Bureau of Reconstruction 104 CCA Cooperation Center for Afghanistan 106 CHA Coordination of Humanitarian Assistance 108 CI Care International 110 CIC Children in Crisis 112 CoAR Coordination of Afghan Relief 114 CPHA Committee for the Promotion of Medial & Humanitarian Aid to 116 CRAA Committee for Rehabilitation Aid to Afghanistan 118 CRFA Cultural & Relief Foundation for Afghanistan 120 DACAAR Danish Committee for Aid to Afghan Refugees 122 DAFA Demining Agency for Afghanistan 124 DCA Dutch Committee for Afghanistan 126 DHSA Development & Humanitarian Services for Afghanistan 128 EAFA Environmental Awareness Foundation for Afghanistan 130 ESAR Engineering Services for Afghanistan Reconstruction 132 EVC Eastern Veterinary Commission 134 fi ttl ZIZ suugp3d .io3 sas.inop .lagsa.ga2i Ieoipalq 01Z ltounop uotlon.ilsuooax puunnrelN 80Z Ieuotluu.lalui 3at1O2I Xoua.zauug Ieotpaw 90Z 2IIVQi3W bOZ apuol^I nu sutotpayai ZOZ .laluaD 2oQ uotloalaQ auI,tiI 00Z XouaBd 2utuueld 78 aouureaD aum 861 iuuotluu.zalui sdioO Away,' 961 uoipupunm uo9u1t1iqegaN iClin.tlod illnW b6i d2IgQVyi Z6 I OOdgZ O3dal 061 grtureisi-1e enne,Q-te leufeZ IQZ 881 uo9upuno3 uooN-t-go}I ANN 981 aalltuuuuoO 3atia2I lutor lrennnx O2If?T b81 uoilepuno3 a.re3laM 78 digspuat.i3 Ieuolpeu.lalui nude'. A3If Z8I saoin.laS Ieotpayi ueg8jd uudur SIAM 081 XouaBd 3atia2i olureisl V2ISI 8L I aalltuuuuoO anosa21 iuuotluu.lalui 2II 9L I uoilustuuazO 3011021 otuiuisi iuuotluu.lalui 02III 171.1 uoiletoossd saotn.zaS ueueltu>?umr.i luapuadapui NVSHI ZL I luauudoianaQ .1o3 uo9uladoo3 uetlulI QI OLI uutSuqI ea!Sugl 891 uoissiW 001.1u1sissd Ieuotleu.la1uI WVI 991 .laluaD 1111e3H piV otuuuisi 3HVI 179i loafo.zd uot1e1tltquga2i punnaH Z9 I 1sniZ oieH 091 Ieuotluuialui IaI\I glivaH 851 Iuuotleu.lalui deotpuuH 951 XueuuarJ - dZgH 175I Ieuotluu.lalui u.laouo3 ueuunH ZS uoilestuualO s.lauu.IU ue1.18jd 8utdiai-i OSi uoilupuno suegBjV agl dial; 8bI suetp.reno sueip.eenO 9171 uuu.tOo.id poddnS iu.m2i luzegD dS2O bbi s.laul.led Iuqotr7 d9 Z17I uoilepunog uelstuuq2jd uuuuarJ ,IV9 0171 uotlod o.i8d uuuuaD VV`, 8£1 uotlupunod uoilanalsuooa2i VITA 9E1 ado.ing aouulsissV uetaeltuuuunid snood Sn3O,1 MRORA Maruf Relief Organisation for Reconstruction of Afghanistan 214 MSF Medecins Sans Frontieres 216 MSOA Muslin Sisters' Organisation of Afghanistan 218 NAC Norwegian Afghanistan Committee 220 NCA Norwegian Church Aid 222 NPO/RRAANorwegian Project Office /RRAA 224 OMAR Organisation for Mine Clearance & Afghan Rehabilitation 226 ORA Orphans Refugees & Aid 228 OV Ockenden Venture 230 OXFAM OXFAM 232 PDA Pamir Development Authority 234 PRB Pamir Reconstruction Bureau 236 PRS Paktika Reconstruction Services 238 PSD Partners for Social Development 240 PSF Pharmaciens Sans Frontieres 242 RADA Rehabilitation. Agency for Development for Afghanistan 244 RAFA Reconstruction Authority for Afghanistan 246 RAH Reconstruction Agency of Hendokosh 248 RBS Radda Barnen/Swedish Save the Children 250 RDM Rural Development of Maihan 252 ROAOW Relief Organisation for Afghan Orphans & Widows 254 RPSA Rehabilitation of Professional Schools in Afghanistan 256 RSSA Reconstruction & Social Services for Afghanistan 258 SAA Swiss Aid for Afghans 260 SAB Solidarite Afghanistan Belgium 262 SAVE Society for Afghanistan Volunteer Environmentalists 264 SCA Swedish Committee for Afghanistan 266 SCF -UK Save the Children Fund (UK) 268 SCF -US Save the Children (US) 270 SERVE SERVE 272 SGAA Sandy Gall's Afghanistan Appeal 274 SIEAL Sanayee Institute of Education & Learning 276 SJAWO Sayed Jamaluddin Afghani Welfare Organisation 278 SNI Shelter Now International 280 SO Shuhada Organisation 282 SOLID Solidarites Afghanistan 284 SRCS Saudi Red Crescent Society 286 START Short Term Assistance for Rehabilitation Team 288 TDH Terre des Hommes 290 TODAI TODAI 292 iv UMCA United Medical Center for Afghans 294 UNO University of Nebraska at Omaha 296 VARA Voluntary Association for Rehabilitation of Afghanistan 298 VSB Vulnerables' Support Bureau 300 WAMY World Assembly Of Muslim Youth 302 WCSP Women & Children Support Programme 304 WFA Wak Foundation for Afghanistan 306 WRC Welfare & Relief Committee 308 WRO Watan Reconstruction Organisation 310 COORDINATION BODIES ACBAR Agency Coordinating Body for Afghan Relief 312 ANCB Afghan NGO Coordination Bureau 316 ICCC Islamic Coordination Council 318 SWABAC Southern & Western Afghanistan Baluchistan Association 320 for Coordination COORDINATION BODIES MEMBERSHIP LISTS ACBAR i ANCB iii ICC vi SWABAC vii Email ix v Agencies as Employers Afghan Pakistani Expatriates Total 22625 783 528 23936 Technical Administrative Support Total 10734 2902 10300 23936 Pakistan -basedAfghanistan -based Cross -Border Total 5447 16509 1980 23936 Breakdown of Agencies by Country Europe # Arab Countries # Belgium 2 Kuwait 1 Denmark 1 Saudi Arabia 5 France 8 Sudan 1 Germany 6 Italy 1 Netherlands 3 Norway 2 Sweden 2 Switzerland 3 United Kingdom 10 sub Total 38 sub Total 7 North America Other Countries Canada 1 Afghanistan 97 United States 7 Japan 3 Pakistan 1 sub Total 8 sub Total 101 Total number of agencies covered is 154, excluding the 4 CoordinationBodies Affiliation of Agencies Member ACBAR ANCB ICC SWABAC Other Agencies Members Members Members Members Agencies Total 72 98 11 74 ... Included in 72 48 5 15 42 Directory vi 1998 BUDGET ALLOCATION (BY MAIN SECTORS) 35 30 25 a20- C O 15- 10 0s OTHER AGRIC. VET ROAD SHELTER EDUC. EMERG. HEALTH INCOM. IRRIG. MINE RELIEF ACBAR MEMBERS BUDGET 1998 AS % OF TOTAL OTHER AGENCIES (36 %) 45,131,000 80,508,000 \ 4 ACBAR MEMBER AGENCIES (64 X) TOTAL BUDGET- US $ 125,639,000 vii 1998 NGO FUNDING SOURCES UN Funding received through UN system EU Funding received through European Union Bilateral Funding received from various governments Arab Funding received through
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