738 NOAA Technical Report NMFS SSRF-738 y^f^^ OFc, Environmental Baselines in Long Island Sound, 1972-73 R. N. Reid, A. B. Frame, and A. F. Draxler '^ ^^ATES O^ December 1979 r Marine Biological Laboratory ! LIBRARY 1 OCT 4 1992 i Woods Hole, Mass. U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration National Marine Fisheries Service NOAA TECHNICAL REPORTS National Marine Fisheries Service, Special Scientific Report— Fisheries The mu'i.r r.-uwnriMlilir^ "f ttif National Marine Fisheries Sen-ire 'NMFS) arp t" mnnitir and nwews the nhundance and Reofrmphic ^h raarket- -.J publisbe* 'ie* wa^T e^ta'r)li^h•.(' ir'i (urrii- re|^ir<!> >r, ^Ljcntinc investigations that document may deal with applied fishery ai.so b- I iiiinrn.aii otherwist' n' 'ie<i ' Iri :it 1 '^-^, ^er ^iTMi onmeiua; tiiLf are: 700. Expi ;inythermograph ob8er\'ations from the NMTS/ ments, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402: Stock MARAD Ship of Opportunity Program for 1973. By Steven K. Cook, June No. 003-020-00134-3. 1976, iii + 13 p.. 10 figs. For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, L'.S (;ovemment Printing Omce. Washington, DC 20402; Stock No. 003- 712. Annual physical and chemical ' . cycles of Auke Bay. 017-0O.«2-5. southeastern Alaska. By Herbert E ulaa R. McLain, and Bruce L. Wing. May 1977. iii -^ 11 p.. ib figs.. 1 table. For sale by the 701 Seasonal abundance and distribution of zooplankton, fish eggs, Superintendent of Documents. U.S. Government Printing Office. Wash- and fish larvae in the eastern Gulf of .Mexico, 1972-74. By Edward D. ington. DC 20402: Stock No. 003-020-00134-3. Houde and Nicholas Chitty. August 1976, iii + 18 p., 14 figs., 5 ubles. 713. Current patterns and distribution of river waters in inner Bristol 702. Length composition of yellowfin, skipjack, and bigeye tunas caught Bay. Alaska. By Richard R. Straty. June 1977, iii + 13 p.. 16 figs.. 1 in the eastern tropical Atlantic by American purse seiners. By Gary T. table. Sakagawa, Atilio L. Coan, and Eugene P. Holzapfel August 1976, iv + over the California Current. 22 p., 7 figs., 7 tables, 15 app. tables. 714. Wind stress and wind stress curl By Craig S. Nelson. August 1977. iii + 87 p.. 18 fics 1 table. 3 app. For - 703. Aquacultural economics bibliography. By John Vondru- sale by the Superintendent of Documents. I 'nt Printing Of- ska. October 1976, 123 p. fice. Washington. DC 20402; Stock No. 00 704. The macrofauna of the surf zone off Folly Beach, South Carolina. 715. Bottom obstructions in the southwestern North Atlantic. Gulf of By William D Anderson. Jr.. James K. Diss, Robert K. Dias, David M. Mexico, and Caribbean Sea. By G. Michael Russell. Abraham J. Bar- Cupka. and Norman A. Chamberlain. January 1977, iv * 23 p., 2 figs., rett. L. Steve Sarbeck. and John H. Wordlaw. September 1977. iii + 21 31 tables. p.. 1 fig.. 1 app. table. For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402; Stock No. 003- 705. Migration and dispersion of tagged American lobsters, Homarus 020-00140-8. amencanua, on the southern New England continental shelf. By Joseph R. L'zmann, Richard A. Cooper, and Kenneth J. Pecci. January 1977, v 716. Fishes and assiKiated environmental data collected in New York -•' Bight, June 1974-June 1975. By Stuart J. Wilk, Wallace W. Morse. 92 p . 45 figs., 2 tables. 29 app. tables. Daniel E. Ralph, and Thumas R. Azarovitz. September 1977. iii + S3 706. Food of western North Atlantic tunas {Thunnus) and lancetfinhes p.. 3 figs.. 3 tables. For sale by the Superintendent of Documents. U.S. 003-017- [Atepisaurust. By Frances D. Matthews, David M. Damkaer, Leslie W. (Government Printing Office. Washington. DC 20402; Stock No. Knapp, and Bruce B. Collette. January 1977, iii + 19 p.. 4 figs., 1 Ubie. 0040-4. 11 app. tables. 717. Gulf of Maine-Georges Bank ichthyoplankton collected on ICNAF 707. Monthly temperature and salinity measurements of continental larval herring sur\'eys September 1971-February 1975. By John B. shell waters of the northwestern Gulf of Mexico, 1963-65. By Robert F. Colton, Jr. and Ruth R. Byron. November 1977. iii -t- 35 p.. 9 figs.. 14 Temple, David L Harrington, and John A. Martin. February 1977, iii + tables. 26 p., 5 figs.. 10 tables. 718. Surface currents as determined by drilt card releases over the con- 708 Catch and catch rates of fishes caught by anglers in the St. Andrew tinental shelf off central and southern California. By James L. Squire, Bay system. Florida, and adjacent coastal waters. 1973. By Doyle F. Jr December 1977. iii -t- 12 p.. 2 figi- Sutherland. March 1977, iii * 9 p., 2 figs.. 9 tables. 719. Seasonal description of winds and surtace and bottom »aliniiie» 709. Expendable bathythermograph observations from the NMFS/ and temperatures in the northern Gulf of Mexico. October 1972 to Janu- MARAD Ship of Opportunity Program for 1974. By Steven K. Cook and ary 1976. By Perry A. Thompson, Jr. and Thomas D. Leming Febru- Keith A. Hau.sknecht. April 1977. iv + 45 p.. 10 figs.. 9 tables, 35 app. ary 1978, iv •(- 44 p.. 43 figs.. 2 tables. For sale by the Superintendent of figs For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Documents. U.S. Government Printing Office. Washington. DC 20402; Printing Office. Washington, DC 20402, Stock No. 003-017-00397-3. Stock No. 003-017-00414-7. 710. Midwater invertebrates from the southeastern Chukchi Sea: 720. Sea surface temperature distributions obtained off San Diego, Sp<'' - incidental to midwater trawling survey California, using an airborne infrared radiometer. By James L Squire. -f 1 sale the Superin- of I By Bruce L. Wing and Nancy Barr. Jr. March 1978. iii 30 p.. 15 figs.. table. For by Office. Washington. April !:>' Ill 4 1 p I lit - tabien. 2 app. tables For sale by the tendent of DocumenU. U.S. Government Printing Superintendent of Documents. L'.S (invemment Printing Office. Wash- DC 20402: Stock No. 003-017-00415-5. ington. DC 20402: Stock No. 003-020-00130-1. 721. National Marine Fisheries Service survey of trace elemenU in the 711. A list of the marine mammals of the world. By Dale W. fishery resource By R. A. Hall. E. G. Zook, and G. M. Mea- Rice. April 1977, iii -f 15 p. For sale by the Superintendent of Docu- bum. March 1978, iii + 313 p., 5 tables, 3 app. figs., 1 app. table. NOAA Technical Report NMFS SSRF-738 ,^^, MMllsv,,,, Environmental Baselines in Long Island Sound, 1972-73 R. N. Reid, A. B. Frame, and A. F. Draxler ^^'' '""-uT^r;;* December 1979 Marine Biological Laboratory LIBRARY OCT 1 4 1992 Woods Hole, Mass. U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Juanita M Kreps. Secretary National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Richard A, Frank, Administrator National Marine Fisheries Service Terry L. Leitzeli, Assistant Administrator tor Fisheries For Sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office Washington, D.C. 20402 - Stocli No. 003-017-00466-0 The National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) does not approve, rec- ommend or endorse any proprietary product or proprietary material mentioned in this publication. No reference shall be made to NMFS, or to this publication furnished by NMFS, in any advertising or sales pro- motion which would indicate or imply that NMFS approves, recommends or endorses any proprietary product or proprietary material mentioned herein, or which has as its purpose an intent to cause directly or indirectly the advertised product to be used or purchased because of this NMFS publication. CONTENTS Page Introduction 1 Methods 1 Results and discussion 3 Temperature and salinity 3 Nutrients 3 Dissolved oxygen 4 Sediments 4 Sediment heavy metals, microorganisms 4 Sediment organic matter 5 Benthic macrofauna 5 Acknowledgments 9 Literature cited 9 Figures 1. Sampling pattern in Long Island Sound 11 2. Surface temperature, Long Island Sound, April 1973 12 3. Bottom temperature. Long Island Sound, April 1973 12 4. Surface temperature. Long Island Sound, September 1973 13 5. Bottom temperature. Long Island Sound, September 1973 13 6. Surface temperature, Long Island Sound, summer 1972 14 7. Bottom temperature. Long Island Sound, summer 1972 14 8. Surface salinity. Long Island Sound, summer 1972 15 9. Bottom salinity. Long Island Sound, summer 1972 15 10. Surface salinity. Long Island Sound, April 1973 16 11. Bottom salinity. Long Island Sound, April 1973 16 12. Surface salinity. Long Island Sound, September 1973 17 13. Bottom salinity. Long Island Sound, September 1973 17 14. Surface ammonium, Long Island Sound, summer 1972 18 15. Bottom ammonium, Long Island Sound, summer 1972 18 16. Surface nitrate. Long Island Sound, summer 1972 19 17. Bottom nitrate. Long Island Sound, summer 1972 19 18. Surface nitrite, Long Island Sound, summer 1972 20 19. Bottom nitrite. Long Island Sound, summer 1972 20 20. Surface orthophosphorus. Long Island Sound, summer 1972 21 21. Bottom orthophosphorus. Long Island Sound, summer 1972 21 22. Surface ammonium. Long Island Sound, April 1973 22 23. Bottom ammonium. Long Island Sound, April 1973 22 24. Surface nitrate. Long Island Sound, April 1973 23 25. Bottom nitrate. Long Island Sound, April 1973 23 26. Surface orthophosphorus, Long Island Sound, April 1973 24 27. Bottom orthophosphorus. Long Island Sound, April 1973 24 28. Surface nitrite. Long Island Sound, April 1973 25 29. Bottom nirite. Long Island Sound, April 1973 25 30. Surface urea. Long Island Sound, April 1973 26 31. Bottom urea. Long Island Sound, April 1973 26 32. Surface dissolved oxygen. Long Island Sound, summer 1972 27 33. Bottom dissolved oxygen. Long Island Sound, summer 1972 27 34.
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