
Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-47805-2 — The Meiji Restoration Edited by Robert Hellyer , Harald Fuess Index More Information Index Abiko Toshihiko, 203–204 Bismarck, Otto von, German Chancellor, Ainu, 50, 191–192 105, 222 Aizu domain, 91, 95, 96–97, 106–107, 168, BLR. See breech-loading rifle 173, 177, 183, 185, 203 BoE. See Bank of England settlers in Hokkaido, 203–205 Bolitho, Harold, 103 tondenhei soldiers, 201 Bombay, 16, 21 Aizu-Wakamatsu castle, 91, 106, 185 Bank of, 21 battle of, 183 Boshin War, 1, 7, 8–10, 60, 85, 90, 95, 104, Akasaka Palace, 239–240, 242–245 109, 131, 153, 154–159, 161, 164, Kogosho Hall, 239 165, 166, 167, 169, 170, 171, 172, akutō (ruffians, scoundrels), 144, 145, 147 175, 177, 183–185, 191, 194–195, Alt, William, 92 203–204 alternative modernities, 214 imperial forces, 119, 136 Amaterasu sun goddess, 221, 223–230, 235 Bousquet, Albert Charles du, 222, 235 American Civil War, 1, 6, 21, 34, 71, 73, 84, Brandt, Max von, 104–106 95, 97, 138, 154, 156, 179, 184, 218 breech-loading rifle (BLR), 91–101, Anderson, Benedict, 214 154, 157 Andō Hiroshige, 224 Breen, John, 11, 222–223, 231, 250 Anglo-Japanese Alliance (1902), 231 Brennwald, Caspar, Swiss Consul General, Ansei period 94, 103 reforms, 156 Bright, Charles, 84, 137 treaties. See unequal treaties Britain, 3, 17–18, 19, 25, 84, 172–173, 179, antiforeign movement, 114, 115, 131 230, 242, 245–246, 260 Aoki Kō ji, 32, 38 Elgin Marbles, 249 Aoki Shū zō , 238–239 London as cultural capital, 250 Arakawa Hitoshi, 32 trade, 37 Armitage, David, 137 British-French War against China arms trade. See weapons trade (1856–1860). See Opium Wars arson as a means of battle, 33, 169 Buddhism, 250, 259 ashigaru, 53, 132, 145, 155 imperial memorial services, 253–254 Aston, W. G., 226 Kū kai and origins in Japan, 259 Augustine Heard & Co., 95–96 movement to abolish, 253 Azuchi-Momoyama period, 264 national treasure, 259–260 Bunkyū period (1861–1864), 157, 252 bakumatsu period, 7, 8–10, 35, 48, 62, 91, bunmei kaika (civilization and enlighten- 109, 113–114, 118, 148, 150, 156 ment), 254 bank notes, 215–219, 220–222 Byō dō in Temple (Uji), 261, 263 Bank of England (BoE), 24, 36 Battle of Sedan (1870), 75, 100 Charter Oath, 165 Battle of Toba-Fushimi (1868). See Toba- Chatterjee, Partha, 229 Fushimi chihōshi. See local history Bauduin, Albert Johannes, 91, 93 Chiossone, Eduardo, 232–234, 236 277 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-47805-2 — The Meiji Restoration Edited by Robert Hellyer , Harald Fuess Index More Information 278 Index Chō shū domain, 1, 9, 15, 20, 22, 23, 27, Emperor Jinmu, 238, 252–253, 255 29–31, 32, 47, 48, 80, 85–87, 90–91, Emperor Kō mei, 80, 173, 253, 255 98, 108, 140, 143, 149, 153, 157–158, Emperor Meiji, 1, 6, 11, 12, 175, 223, 231, 167, 169, 173–176, 177–178, 183 232–248, 255, 257–258, 264 Chō shū Expedition, Second (1866), 78 foreign guests, 242 Chō shū -Satsuma alliance. See Satsuma-Ch Emperor Shō wa, 257 ō shū alliance Emperor Taishō , 255, 257, 264 Chronicles of Japan. See Nihon shoki English East India Company, 97 Commodore Matthew Perry, 2, 7, 40, 42, Enomoto Takeaki, 194, 206 84, 119, 166 Ezo, 41–42, 43, 45, 50–51, 52, 53, 61, 153, commoner mobilization, 139, 191, 192, 193, 194. See also Hokkaido 141–145, 151 Ezuya Shō hachi, 251 Corps of the Piercing Halberd, The. See Shō hō tai farmer-soldiers. See nōhei; tondenhei cotton, 17–18, 21–22, 23, 27–29, 63, Fenollosa, Ernest, 250, 258 70–71, 73, 99 Festival of the Ages, 262 prices, 24 financial panic, London 1866, 19, 21, production, 17, 77 23–24, 35, 36 trade, 17, 22, 35, 65 Fletcher, C.A., 45–47 Coullet, Jacques, 93–94 Fleury-Hérard, Paul, 93 Council of State. See Dajōkan Foreign Ministry (Japan), 238, 241 Craig, Albert, 149, 213 Charter of the, 241 Crimean War (1853–1856), 84, 137, 154 France, 93, 96, 173, 249, 257–260 CSS Stonewall, 60, 93 Franco-Prussian War, 8, 54, 101, 137 currency, 6, 12, 78, 166, 218–223 French Revolution, 2 coinage, 219 Fuess, Harald, 8–9, 25, 30, 138, 157 devaluation, 20, 25, 114 Fujita Mosaburō , 134 Germany as model, 222 Fukuchi Genichirō ,63 iconography, 10–11, 215–217, 219–223, Fukui domain, 118, 123–125, 130 226, 229, 231 Fukuoka domain, 50 Fukuzawa Yukichi, 18, 99 Daijō sai Festival, 257 Furukawa Manabu, 97 Dajōkan, 195, 222, 238, 241 Furuya Sakuzaemon, 163, 173, Date Kunishige, 205 176–177, 178 Decree for the Restoration of Imperial Rule, 253 Gaymans, William F., 92, 93 Dejima, 91–92, 100 Germany Dent and Company, 25 Berlin as cultural capital, 250 Dreyse needle guns (Zündnadelgewehr), 96, Unification Wars (1864, 1866, 102, 154 1870–1871), 84 Geyer, Michael, 84, 137 Echigo Province, 104, 183 global commodities boom, 7, 16 Echizen Province, 116, 120, 121 Global History, 3–4, 7, 15. See also gurōbaru Edo Castle, 166, 177 hisutor¯ı Edo period (1600–1868), 16, 27, 34, 41, global markets, 10, 66, 77, 78, 80, 53, 79, 128, 137, 138–141, 146–149, 81, 84 152, 155–156, 160, 161–162, 196, global trade. See global markets 223, 251–254 Glover, Thomas, 86, 91–92, 99–101 Edo-period state, 6, 9 bankruptcy, 102 Edward VII, British monarch, 231, 246 Gluck, Carol, 214, 231 Egawa Hidetatsu, 142, 144 gold, 23–24, 32, 160, 165–167, Egawa Hidetoshi, 144, 156 219–220, 239 Ehlers, Maren, 9, 67, 143, 149, 173 gōnō,77 Emperor Guangxu, Chinese monarch, 245 Great Britain. See Britain Emperor Gwangmu, Korean monarch, 245 great elder (tairō), 172 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-47805-2 — The Meiji Restoration Edited by Robert Hellyer , Harald Fuess Index More Information Index 279 Greek Classical Studies at Imperial Iemochi. See Tokugawa Iemochi Universities, 250 Ii Naosuke, 119, 172 Gregorian calendar, introduction, 129 Iida domain, 121–122, 125 Gunma Prefecture, 143, 174, 176 Imai Nobuo, 10, 143, 162–163, 171–177, gurōbaru hisutor¯ı,4–5. See also Global 183–186 History Imperial Army, 183, 200 Imperial Army at Asahikawa, 196 Hachijo Island, 184 Imperial Decree of 1872, 212 Hakodate, 44–47, 90, 98, 106, 179, 183, Imperial Expulsion Edict, 115 191, 194, 201, 206 Imperial House Act of 1889, 257 Academy of Western Learning, 45 Imperial House Law of 1909, 257 battle of, 44, 60, 93, 119, 136 Imperial Household Ministry, 255–256 treaty port, 40, 42 Imperial Museum, 258 whaling, 40–44, 49 imperial rebels (chōteki ), 203 Hakodate Maru, 45, 53, 57 Incheon, port of, 244 Hall, Francis, 64, 68 India, 8, 16–17, 20, 23, 97, 98, 108, 263 Harris, Townsend, 43 British colony, 84 Hartmann, Carl Hermann Oscar, 92 trade, 33, 37 hatamoto, 157, 173, 219 infanticide, 146, 149 Heian period, 167, 254, 262 Inoue Kaoru, 48, 221–223, 225, 243, 245 Heimatschutz, 263 Ise Shrine, 223–224, 235–236 Helleiner, Eric, 220 Italian unification (1859–1871), 84 Hellyer, Robert, 10, 19, 67, 77, 129, 143, Itō Hirobumi, 48, 234, 235, 242, 248, 163, 195, 211 256, 258 Hepburn, James, 64 Itō Hiroshi, 202 Hikone domain, 120, 125, 180 Ivings, Steven, 10, 44, 61, 185–186 Hirata Atsutane, 117, 121, 149 Iwakura Mission, 103 Historical Scenic Beauties and Natural Iwakura Tomomi, 193, 242, 256–257 Monuments Preservation Act, Iwasaki Yatarō , 101 1919, 263 Izumo, 166 Hizen domain, 48, 100 Hokkaido, 1, 6, 10, 60–61, 106, 153, 181, Jansen, Marius, 171 186, 191–211 Japanese banknotes colonization versus development, 192 printing, 215 Imperial University, 202 Japan-Korea Treaty of Amity, 244 inner colony, 192 Jardine, Matheson and Company, 25, Prussian takeover plan, 105 66, 99 whaling, 41, 56–57 Jaundrill, D. Colin, 140 Hokkaido Development Agency. See jidai matsuri. See Festival of the Ages Kaitakushi John Walsh and Company, 92, 102 hōkōnin, 157, 164 Joseon period, 263 Hokuetsu Front, 167 Hokusai, 224 Kaga domain, 118, 125, 133, 142–143, 167 Home Ministry. See Naimushō Kagenkei, 260 Hong Kong, 99, 102 Kagoshima, 158 Honors Bureau, 235 bombardment, 85 honors system, 234, 238 Kaientai, 101, 175 Honshu, 1, 87, 104, 173, 185, 186 Kaitakushi, 191, 194–195, 204–206, 208 Hosokawa Junjirō , 235 Kamakura hostility to enemies, 204 period, 253 Hō toku Movement, 149 Kamchatka, 41, 56 Howell, David, 80, 118, 140, 144, Kameda Maru,45 181 Kamishiraishi Minoru, 47, 141 Hō ya Tō ru, 9–10, 86, 138, 140, 176 Kanagawa commissioners (bugyō), 66 Hyō go treaty port opening, 27 Kansai region, 108, 258 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-47805-2 — The Meiji Restoration Edited by Robert Hellyer , Harald Fuess Index More Information 280 Index Kanto region, 81, 89 Kusunoki Masashige, 221 economy, 76 Kyoto, 1, 6, 85, 153, 164, 166–167, 173, violence, 26, 29, 30, 118, 132 174–176, 180, 183 Karafuto, 198, 205 ancient capital, 11, 250–265 colonization, 194, 209 Exhibition of 1873, 254 Kashiwara Court, 252 Heian Jingū Shrine, 257 Katsu Kaishū , 30, 176–178 Higashiyama, 166, 255 Katsuyama domain, 123, 131–132 Imperial Palace, 1, 85, 175, 257 Keiō period (1866–1868), 15, 26, 30, 38, revival of festivals, 257 89, 157 Kyōto Gyoen. See Kyoto Imperial Palace Kenbuchi, 196 Kyoto Imperial Museum, 262 kenshi. See local history Kyushu, 100, 141, 173, 184, 186, 201 Kigensetsu. See National Foundation Day Kiheitai, 143, 174 landowning families.
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