. T/iat man^he's done it again It's easy to understand a man's enthusiasm for Schlitz. We think you'll like Schlitz best, too, because . More people like the taste ofSchlitz than any other beer Radio's brightest comedy drama: "The Halls of Ivy," NBC tt I'd. nighls, starring Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Colman. Television's newest hit: "Pulitzer Prize Playhouse," .4BC Friday nights, feutiiring ,s/Hrs oj .Wage and screen. 5-VOICE MIRACLE SKIN SHE SLEEPS! SHE CRIES & COOS! SHE SITS UP! only SHE'S ACTUALLY 1 LIFE-SIZE! look at these Features: Sye<i ''^aS^ ^/ue g feet tall. Her real- looking curls are thick mohair. She has rosy cheeks, cute Cupid's bow mouth and real eyelashes that close in sleep over big, beautiful blue eyes. Arms, legs and head are movable so she can sit up and assume many life-like poses. She'll cry for you — or she'll coo. And she's all dressed up in a six-piece wardrobe. RESPONDS INSTANTLY! Coos happily when you touch any one of her dimpled vinyl arms or legs — lov- able, natural coos exactly like a living baby's. Bend her and she cries. REAL MOHAIR CURLS! And real eyelashes, too. Eyes close in sleep when "Baby Blue Eyes" lies down. And the cutest plump little face you ever saw, perfectly framed in a chic bonnet edged with lace. SIX-PIECE WARDROBE "Baby Blue Eyes" is all dressed up in a lace-trimmed flared ninon or organdy dress, with slip, rubber panties, white socks and booties! MIRACLE SKIN! Movable arms and legs are made of "Miracle Skin" vinyl that's soft like a baby's skin. Easy to clean, too— just wipe with a damp cloth. AMAZINGLY LIFE-LIKE! So perfectly molded that her hands and feet are life-like as a child's, even to tiny fingernails and delicate toenails. Arms and legs are enchantingly dimpled. LIFE-SIZE! "Baby Blue Eyes" measures a full 24 inches from the top of her pretty head to her dainty feet — larger than many real-life babies. She's a big doll — a big bargain! Niresk, Depf. 0-200 MAIL P'ease rush ' TODAY* complete S-Vo.ced ^ BabJ Blue E ^"'^ doM l| No™, "•oney-back guarantee. I (please print) Addr ll il City Soft skin Zone ll 5 different Eyes go Send COD - " Stafo p|us postage. r-l Send feels U heart-shaped ll voices'. real to sleep gold finish lock«t ll ll P prepaid. NIRESK 1474 W. Hubbard Street Chicago 22, Illinois ^^i^^BSHSS.S.— — . L J ll ! . VOL. 49 NO. 5 Vitalis gives you LEGION Handsomer Hair! Our i-tiver this month Contents tor Novcinbei' 1950 suggested an article, when artist Len Steck- ler brought his finished painting into the office, THE SET-UP (fiction) it naturally steered BY W. C. HEINZ editorial conversation 11 around to the subject He wanted a hundred dollars to jump off the bridge of hunting. The gist of the talk was that you I SAW NEGRO didn't have to shoot VOTES PEDDLED something to enjoy a BY ZORA NEALE HURSTON 12 hunting trip — look at How vote-buying carpetbaggers corrupted Florida the fellow on the cov- Negroes er. If you want t<J read the article that devel- oped from this gum- HOW TO GET A JOB FOR SIX CENTS beating, turn to page 22. BY ROBERT YELTON ROBB 14 There's a wrong and a right way to write a job letter POSTMASTER: Please send copies returned I'VE TANGLED WITH THE OCTOPUS under labels Form 3579 to Post Office Box BY WALT MOREY 16 1055, Indianapolis 6. A spine-tingling account of underwater encounters Indiana. with death The Amcjican leqion THAT MAN BUDENZ Magazine is the official BY CLARENCE WOODBURY 18 publication ol The Ameri- What is behind the smears against this famous can Legion nnd is owned ex-commie? difference, exclusively by The Ameri- FEELtfiG can Legion, Copyright 1950, Pubhstiecl monthly CHECK YOUR HAT! yourscalp-SEE the difference at 1100 W. Bf oodwoy, in Louisville, Ky. Accepfonce BY JACK DENTON SCOTT 20 for mailing ol special rate A master-hatter tells how to get more out of that in your hair of postage provided for in ohapeau Section 1 103, Act of Oct. 3, 1917, outhorized Jon. What a wondeiiul. pleasing wake-up glow — 5, 1925. Price single copy, WHAT'S THE FUN IN HUNTING! 15 cents; yearly subscrip- use " Lhe-Aciion" Vitalis and the fa- when you tion, $1.50. Entered os BY BARNEY PETERS 22 mous "6()-Second Workout!" second class mailer June How to en joy not shooting a buck 1948. ot the Post 50 seconds" massage with active Vitalis (1) 30, Office of Louisville, Ky., dryness routs stimulates scalp (2) prevents (3) under the Ac( of Morch KNOWN BUT TO GOD flaky dandrutl (4) helps check excessive falling 3, 1879. Non-member sub- scriptions should be sent BY MANCEL TALCOTT 24 hair. Then 10 seconds to comb, and your hair is lo Ihe Circulation Depart- The story of our Unknown Soldier all day! neater, handsomer — set to slay that way ment of The Americon Natural looking—never "slicked down." Vitalis Legion Magozine, P. O. 1 26-42 contains no greasy liquid petro- Box 055, Indionopotis 6, THE NATIONAL CONVENTION I ndiono. A complete account of the big event at Los Angeles latum — just pure, natural vege- table oil. Get Vitalis at your drug EXECUTIVE AND counter or barber shop. ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICES THE NATIONAL LEGIONNAIRE 43 Indionapolis 6, Indiona • Many skin specialists prescribe two of Vitalis' basic ingredients EDITORIAL AND FeaiuM^es for dry, flaky scalp. ADVERTISING Filth 580 Avenue PRODDn S PARADE . 4 NEWSLETTER 25 York N. New 19, Y. THE EDITORS' <:ORNER. 6 MEMO TO THE LADIES. 52 SOUND OFF! 8 PARTING SHOTS 72 WESTERN OFFICE 333 North Mi(higon Avenue Manusicripts. artwork, cartoons submitted for consideration will not Chicago 1, Illinois be returned unless a self-addressed, stamped envelope is included. 4 Product of Bristol-M vers John Stelle, McLeans- Eorl L. Alliance, Paul, A. 60-&ond Workout^' Please notify the Meyer, Minn ; Horold Circulation Depart- boro, Illinois, Chairman Neb.; Chorles E. Booth, Shindler, Newburgh, ment, Publications of the Legion Publica- Huntington, W. Vo.; A. Ind.; Emmett So fay, tions Commission; Dan C. Jockson, Lubbocic, Division, P. O. Box Jacksonvi Me, Flo. ; CIo- W, Emmett, Venture, Texas; Max Slepin, loss, Indianapolis, vis Copeiond, Little California and Lawrence Philadelphia, Po.; Ro- Rock, Ark.; Paul B. for cream Indiana, if you have W. Hager, Owensboro, Baton lond Cocreham, Dogue, Downinglon, changed your ad- Kentucky, Vice-Choir- Rouge, La.; George D. Pa.; Josephus Daniels, tonic fans . lighter-bodied dress, using notice men. Members of the Baron, Bethany, Conn,; Jr., Raleigh, N. C; D. form 22S which you Commission: J. Russell Lang Armstrong, Spo- may secure from Larcombe, Moltc, Mon- kone, Wosh.; Eorl Hitch- L. Sears, Toledo, Ohio; your Postmaster. Be tana; Dr. Charles R. cock, Glens Foils, N. Y.; George D. Levy, Sum- sure to cut off the Logon, Keokuk, Iowa; Edgor G. Voughan, St. ter, S. C. gives your hair that address label on your Magazine and Dtjector of Publications Aiiy,so,y Editor Adyertiiing Director James F. O'Neil Alexander Gardiner Fred L. Maguire paste it in the space LOOK New York, N. Y. Sl,inti^ti\\:, Editor am-mOMBO provided. Always Easitm Adv. M^y give your 1950 Consuitiint Boyd B. Stutler WitliomM.DeVitolis film! sticky James F. Borton A It Editor NO heavy NO comb! UCJU membership card Indianapolis, Ind. Al Marshall Wt A dv. Mf.T. Fred E. Crawford, Jr. both _< NO messy hands! number and A Sf't to DirCi-tOT A tatc l.ditOTS your new and your Frank Lisiecki Robert B. Pitkin Dttioit Adv. Rep. old address. Editor Joseph C. Keeley Irving Herschbein Charles 0. Hepler 2 • The American Legion Magazine • November, 1950 . BEN HOGAN SAYS: "For that smoother taste just ask for, . FINEST BEER SBUVEn ... ANYWHERE BEN HOGAN— National Open and P.G.A. Champ- Ben's eyes are pleased Ben's nose is teased Ben's taste agrees Pabst ion — makes the tliree-way by the creamy head — by the delicious and Blue Ribbon has that "experts" test with a glass the brilliant amber inviting fragrance oi smoother taste no other of Pabst Blue Kibbon. color. finest malt and hops, beer can touch. jf COPYRIGHT 1950, PABST BREWING COMPANY, MILWAUKEE, WISCONSIN • TRADE MARKS REG. U.S. PAT. OFF. New Allen-A SensafionI Products PIlRADE A sampling oi items which are in process of development or are coming on the market. Mention of products in no way constitutes an endorsement oj them, since in most cases they are described as represented by manufacturers SAVES TIRES, PREVENTS ACCIDENTS. An ingenious safety device that screws on a tire valve and whistles when the pressure drops dangerously low has been announced by the Louell Products Co., 423 Fulton St., Brooklyn 1. Called the Tire-I.arm, the gadget also adds a colorful note to the car since it is luminous and shows at night as a revolving circle of light. Tire-Larms are sold in sets of four for $5.85 postpaid. POCKET-SIZE GOOSE DECOY. A life-size, all-rubber, col- lapsible Canadian goose decoy weighing only 18 ounces Like comfort in action? This new AUen-A Atlastic* T- Shirt has live-rubber will be available to hunters this year for $7.50, a fraction s-t-r-e-t-c-h in shoulder seams and collar of the cost of conventional wooden decoys.
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