CHARLES A. WHITKAER AUCTION COMPANY April 27-28, 2012 1. PEKING CHINESE MAT, 19th C. BluE on bluE swastika background with cEntEr medallion of dragon surrounded by ten roundels with flowers. 30 x 36. Good. $ 720 2. CHINESE PIECED SILK KESI PANEL, 19th C. DEEp bluE ground, joinEd bEtwEEn two rows of six dragon roundEls bEtwEEn pairs of dragons with flaming pEarls abovE wavE and rainbow bordErs, modErn EmbroidErEd satin bordEr. 46 X 37. (FEw mends and brEaks, soiling) fair. $ 840 3. PAIR of CHINESE EMBROIDERED PANELS, c. 1900. Cinnamon silk satin dEcorated with phoenix birds in satin stitch and couchEd metallic thrEads, backEd in gold silk satin. 90 x 30. (OnE soilEd) vEry good- excellent. $ 720 4. CHINESE EMBROIDERED TABLE COVER, EARLY 20th C. YEllow silk damask with cloud bands EmbroidErEd with cEntral roundEl of pEony, moth and bats surroundEd by floral sprays and vasEs at cornErs. 67 x 56. (1 inch mend and holE at EdgE, could bE hEmmed out) vEry good. $ 480 5. CHINESE SILK EMBROIDERED PANEL, EARLY 20th C. PiEcEd black silk having silk and metallic gold dragons, flaming pEarls, birds and bats abovE a rainbow bordEr of wavEs and rockwork bEnEath thirtEEn roundels with dragons. 17 3/4 x 75. Excellent. CMI. $ 1,200 6. CHINESE EMBROIDERED THRONE COVER, 18th-19th C. Yellow/gold silk tapestry elaborately EmbroidErEd with gold dragon in couchEd metallic thrEads, surroundEd by cloud bands and Buddhist symbols, EnclosEd by a bordEr of chrysanthEmums within couchEd gold thrEad, backEd in silk brocadE. 41 1/2 x 51 1/2. Excellent. $ 33,600 7. CHINESE EMBROIDERED PANEL, EARLY 20th C. LargE horizontal bannEr in dark bluE silk satin with dragons amid cloud bands abovE stylizEd ocEan and rockwork, having Eight dragon roundEls abovE. 37 x 110. (Some loosE couchEd thrEads) othErwisE ExcEllEnt. $ 1,920 8. CHINESE SILK EMBROIDERY, EARLY 20th C. Gold satin with satin stitch EmbroidErEd figurEs and children in landscape with buildings. 51 x 68. Excellent. $ 1,320 9. CHINESE EMBROIDERED PANEL, 19th C. REd wool with fivE Shi-Shi in couchEd metallic gold thread. 39 x 28. (Numerous loosE thrEads) good. $ 2,520 CHARLES A. WHITAKER AUCTION COMPANY APRIL 27-28, 2012 10. PAIR CHINESE SILK EMBROIDERED SQUARE PILLOWS, 18th C. Gold ground with bluE diamond frEtwork, Each sidE having a cEntral stylizEd chrysanthEmum within a scrolling floral with bats in shades of salmon, pink and crEam. 10 x 8 x 8. OnE fillEd with batting, (onE End unstitchEd) ovErall ExcEllEnt, onE unfilled cover (overall fading and soil) good. $ 10,800 11. CHINESE SILK EMBROIDERED TABLE COVER, EARLY 20th C. REd satin with cEntral peacock in garden, corners decorated with peonies, flowering vines throughout, colored silk fringe, backed in pale blue silk, 58 x 56. (Two inch stain at cEnter, tiny hole) fair. CMI. $ 330 12. TWO CHINESE SILK EMBROIDERIES, 20th C. One blue silk damask squarE dEcoratEd with cEntEr roundEl, flowErs and bats, 54 x 54, ExcEllEnt. OnE apron front with silk and gold metallic squarEs piEcEd in black silk, 35 1/2 x 21, excEllent. $ 900 13. LARGE CHINESE EMBROIDERED SILK DRAGON PANEL, 19th C. FinEst yellow satin elaborately and dEnsEly EmbroidErEd in forbiddEn or sEEd stitch, dEpicting a coilEd dragon amid cloud bands ovEr a stylized ocean and rockwork. 70 x 58. Very high quality in near pristine condition. $ 26,400 14. CHINESE IMPERIAL SURCOAT RANK BADGE with DRAGON, 19th C. Silk and gold metallic EmbroidErEd gun fu front roundEl on black silk ground having front facing fivE claw dragon amid clouds with fivE bats and shou symbol, appliEd silk brocadE bordEr, backEd in bluE cotton. RoundEl 11 1/4 diametEr, ovErall 14 1/2 x 14. (Some brokEn metallic thrEads, scattErEd small holEs in silk, brocadE edging worn) good. $ 3,900 15. CHINESE KESU TAPESTRY WEAVE RANK BADGE, EARLY 19th C. Fourth civil rank badgE with flying whitE goosE amid bats and symbols having metallic thrEad in thE ground. 11 1/2 x 10 1/2. ExcEllEnt. $ 900 16. PAIR of CHINESE RANK BADGES, 20th C. 9th rank civil, paradisE flycatchEr workEd in satin stitch and hEavy metallic thrEad, backEd in bluE silk. Each 12 x 12 1/2. (FEw brokEn metallic thrEads) ExcEllEnt. $ 2,280 17. THREE PAIR RANK BADGES, 20th C. Consisting of two pair 9th rank in couchEd gold metallic thrEad: OnE 12 x 12 Each on bluE silk, onE 8 x 8 1/4 Each on black silk. OnE pair 3rd rank military with colorful silk and gold metallic EmbroidEry 11 x 11 1/2 Each, (some brokEn metallic thrEads) good-excellent. $ 1,020 18. FRAMED CHINESE SILK EMBROIDERY, 19th C. Possibly slEEvE bands, having two pair of carp with symbols. 10 x 13. (Soil and abrasion) fair. $ 480 CHARLES A. WHITAKER AUCTION COMPANY APRIL 27-28, 2012 19. FRAMED CHINESE SILK EMBROIDERED PANEL, 19th C. Long, horizontal panEl with sEriEs of joinEd fragments from thE same garment, all having dragons among cloud bands abovE sEa and rockwork. 10 x 48. Excellent. $ 900 20. CHINESE EMBROIDERY in STANDING SCREEN, 19th C. Silk satin and vElvEt having silk EmbroidErEd figurEs and flowErs in landscapE. Silk 68 x 24, frame 80 x 36. (Silk torn and shattEring) poor, frame good. $ 390 21. LOT of CHINESE EMBROIDERIES, 19th-EARLY 20th C. Including rEctanglE with chrysanthEmum and butterfliEs in satin and forbiddEn stitch, 20 x 14, pair sleEvE bands, apron front, pants, etc. SevEn piEcEs. Good-excellent. $ 540 22. CHINESE SILK EMBROIDERIES for GARMENTS, EARLY 20th C. Including two pair and a singlE slEEve band, and thrEE small tExtilEs. Good-excellent. CMI. $ 660 23. LOT of CHINESE EMBROIDERY on SILK, EARLY 20th C. Consisting of two bluE panEls with couchEd metallic birds and foliagE, 8 1/2 x 28 Each. Garment fragment with forward facing dragon in colorful silk and gold, 18 1/2 x 8. TogEthEr with six fragments of garment trim with figural EmbroidEry on crEam silk. Fair-excellent. $ 420 24. CHINESE SILK BROCADE YARDAGE, MID 20th C. Mint grEEn with floral roundEls and bats on fretwork. 4 1/2 yds, 28 inches wide. Excellent. $ 5,100 24 A. HIGH KARAT GOLD SNUFF BOX, 19th C. HingEd oval ElaboratEly chasEd in rEliEf with phoEnix bird and ChinEsE charactErs, sEt with a pEarl, mountEd with a ring and loop. 21.3 dwt. 2 1/4 x 1 3/4. ExcEllEnt. SM. $ 25,200 25. THREE CHINESE PORCELAIN SNUFF BOTTLES, 19th C. All polychrome bottlEs: OnE Wuci stylE with roostErs and chrysanthEmum, onE with figurEs and landscapE, onE with buttErfliEs. ExcEllEnt. $ 1,440 26. THREE CHINESE PORCELAIN SNUFF BOTTLES, 19th C. OnE grEEn fish scalE glazE with moldEd handlEs. OnE grEEn jadE colorEd monochrome. OnE tEa dust monochrome. ExcEllEnt. $ 510 27. THREE CHINESE PORCELAIN SNUFF BOTTLES, 19th C. OnE bulbous famillE vErtE with fish. OnE doublE gourd form with mushroom color glazE. OnE cEladon with raisEd dEcoration of cabbagEs, vasE and lantErn (OnE stoppEr dEtachEd from spoon), excellent. $ 660 CHARLES A. WHITAKER AUCTION COMPANY APRIL 27-28, 2012 28. THREE CHINESE PORCELAIN SNUFF BOTTLES, 19th C. OnE cEladon balustEr form with polychrome Mandarin ducks. One bulbous flambE (no stoppEr). OnE mattE brown with landscapE. Good-excellent. $ 1,320 29. FOUR CHINESE PORCELAIN SNUFF BOTTLES, 19th C. OnE small octagonal bottlE. OnE yEllow-brown with four friEnds. OnE moldEd in form of tigEr with cub. OnE bluE and whitE gingEr jar form. ExcEllEnt. $ 1,020 30. THREE CHINESE PORCELAIN SNUFF BOTTLES, 19th C. OnE bluE fan shapE with raisEd dEcoration of chrysanthEmum with Shunzhi mark. OnE turquoisE glazE with raisEd dEcoration. OnE whitE baskEt-weavE decoration. Excellent. $ 660 31. THREE CHINESE PORCELAIN SNUFF BOTTLES, 19th C. OnE Egg shapE with thrEE hEadEd chickEn, figurE and vErsE, (no stoppEr). OnE cartouchE form with roostErs. OnE shouldErEd bottlE with Ho Ho figures. $ 2,040 32. THREE CHINESE PORCELAIN SNUFF BOTTLES, 18th-19th C. OnE shouldErEd bottlE with polychrome prunus. One flattened bottle with lotus and kingfisher, verso with ten characters verse about kingfisher. OnE finEly paintEd flattEnEd flask with prunus, Qianlong mark. ExcEllEnt. $ 4,200 33. THREE CHINESE PORCELAIN SNUFF BOTTLES, 19th C. All shouldErEd bottlE form. Two iron rEd on whitE: OnE with goldfish, having Qianlong mark, onE with Eight horsEs of Mu Wang. OnE polychrome glazEd bottlE with wading birds, mark unknown. (Small chip inside base of fish and bird bottles) very good-excellent. $ 1,680 34. THREE CHINESE PORCELAIN SNUFF BOTTLES, 19th C. OnE balustEr form brown glazE with grEEn and white prunus. One flattened flask in blue and iron rEd with dragon and cloud bands, Qianlong mark in rEd. OnE hEart shapE, bluE and whitE with birds, YongzhEng mark. ExcEllEnt. $ 6,600 35. THREE CHINESE PORCELAIN SNUFF BOTTLES, 19th C. Two undErglazE bluE and iron rEd: OnE having decoration of figures and antiques, the other of three boys playing a game whErE onE is blindfoldEd, YongzhEng six charactEr mark. OnE shouldErEd bottlE in Guan cracklE with bluE glazed hunting scene. Excellent. $ 1,320 36. THREE CHINESE PORCELAIN SNUFF BOTTLES, 19th C. All dEcoratEd with dragon: OnE shouldered bottlE with polychrome on whitE, onE flattEnEd flask incisEd and polychrome on whitE, onE with thick black glazE ovEr white rEsist dragon, pearls and cloud bands. (One no stopper and spoon). Good- excellent. $ 840 CHARLES A. WHITAKER AUCTION COMPANY APRIL 27-28, 2012 37. THREE CHINESE PORCELAIN SNUFF BOTTLES, 19th C. Two blue and white glazed: One baluster vasE form with birds, trEEs and rockwork (no stoppEr). OnE flattEnEd vasE form with dEEr, EaglE, fishErman and vErsE. OnE iron rEd shouldErEd bottlE with warrior, antiquE vasE and bats. Good-excellent. $ 1,140 38. THREE CHINESE PORCELAIN SNUFF BOTTLES, 18th-19th C.
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