monnoe Celebrating our 25 th year DOCTRINVOLUME 26 NUMBER 22 MONROE COMMUNITY COLLEGE MARCEH 30,1987 Board formulating smoking policy Pond cleanup removes The MCC Board of Trustees will announce the College's 100-gallon oil spill smoking policy at its Thurs. April 23 meeting. The following By Christopher Jon and then skimmed off the sur- sets of recommendations have Once again unwanted face of the water with pails. been forwarded to the Board for sludge was forced out of the The oil was then dumped into consideration. theater this semester. No, no, 55-gallon drums, allowed to The Academic Governance Board: Our decision is to take a another play wasn't banned. separate from any remaining posture that neither supports This time it was the real thing: water, then skimmed off again nor opposes the policy as long 100 gallons of hydraulic oil into another 55-gallon drum. as private offices retain smok- leaked into MCC's ponds on The oil that couldn't be ing privileges. However, we ex- skimmed off the pond with press concern in the following Thursday, March 12. areas: The oil drained into the pails was soaked up with ab- Designated Smoking Areas: basement and was pumped sorbent blankets especially We feel that if we expect any into the pond by sump pumps, designed to soak up oil and compliance with the policy desig- usually used to drain excess not water. Burkhardt keeps nated, smoking areas must be these blankets in stock at the provided for smokers. water. Enforcement: Faculty mem- That Thursday was Jack college for any such bers are unwilling to accept Burkhardt's day off, MCC's emergencies. responsibility for enforcing the supervisor of safety. He was Authorities agree that no policy outside the classroom. called in to handle the emer- harm was done to wildlife: Any out-of-classroom enforce- either floral, fish or fowl. ment is the responsibility of gency and worked six to Public Safety. seven hours that day with Ray "There won't be any fines Discriminatory Enforcement: Montcrieff, public safety levied on the college. There We feel that peer enforcement officer, and Ken Tanner, was no illegal disposal," Carl of the policy will be discrimina- grounds supervisor, along Hettenbaugh stated, the tory in nature. We feel young with five or six men from his technician who was on the women will regularly be haras- sed whereas large males will be staff. scene from the New York ignored while violating the Five days, 70 to 80 man State Department of En- policy. Every effort must be g hours, and $1,800 worth of vironmental Conservation made to ensure that this in- I supplies later, the spill was (DEC). equality does not occur. Q cleaned up. The waste oil was put into Clinics and/or Workshops: We feel that it would be wise for I "The ice acted as a second drums and, according to the col lege to institute programs | shore," Burkhardt said. Burkhardt, "Now we have to to help smokers overcome their | Without the ice on the pond, get someone to take it away.'' addiction to tobacco. £ the oil could have easily He explained later that a Safety Committee: that smok- spread, making cleanup ex- disposal company will need ing be banned in all College the results of a lab analysis buildings including rented facil- The pristine antedeluvian pond; its natural state has tremely difficult if not ities that are entirely controlled been restored by an MCC crew headed by Jack impossible. before removing the refuse to a suitable site. by the College. The only ex- Burkhardt, supervisor of safety. The spill was first contained ception would be in single per- with floating booms called pigs son offices where there would be no adverse effect to the non- smoking public. Student Senate: See recom- mendations, pg. 3. Nursing student loses house to fire Correction Facility groundbreaking By Nurhan Calisir A lot of hard work goes into postponed "I'd lived in that house 20 maintaining Statt's schedule. years. Some things can't real- She says it often comes down By Mary E. McCrank ly be replaced," said Lora to either spending time study- Groundbreaking for the Statt, nursing student at MCC. ing or spending time with her Monroe County Correctional Statt lost everything she Facility, which is to be built ad- children. "I don't give up eas- owned when her Emerson jacent to the MCC campus, ily," Statt said when asked Street home, owned by her r will not take place this spring, how she manages. mother, burned down Feb. 26. as had been expected. Statt, who is expecting Since that time, she and her another child in July, works Steine According to Dr. G. e husband and two sons, ages part-time and goes to college Jeremiah Ryan, vice president 4 and 2, have been renting a full-time. She expects to of institutional advancement Florenc house found for them by the : for the College, there have graduate in May. Red Cross. r been "a lot of predictable Lora Statt relaxes on campus. Graphic delays." "I don't give up easily" He said that construction Statt hopes to get her The Student Nursing By Laurie Schlegel won't begin "until the fall, if No one was injured in the bachelor's degree in nursing, Association has been raising D.E.C.A. International Fashion Tour, on Apr. 4,7-9 pm, will be then." fire, which was caused by her eventually specializing in funds for Statt and her family. held in the MCC cafeteria. Monroe County bought the nephew playing with matches. obstetrics. Her husband has Money, clothes and furniture The show consists of 19 MCC land from MCC, but is letting Statt's husband is currently been very supportive and have been donated. student models, showing the College participate in unemployed and looking for "won't let me quit," she says. Contributions may be made clothes from several local stores. decision-making, including full-time work in construction. For three semesters Statt to the Lora Statt Fund and Original intentions to show international clothing were void- allowing the college's board of In the meantime he sells scrap carried 17 credit hours and dropped off at the S.A. Desk in ed due to inacessability of cloth- trustees to review preliminary metal and helps take care of has maintained "a 2.6 or 2.7 care of the Student Nursing ing. "Time Zones" is the adopted drawings. their sons. average, last time I checked." Association. theme beginning at 8 am with Ryan said that most likely a lingerie and ending with an after 8 pm segment called Unity which wire fence will separate the Psychedelic Furs Review p. 3 shows the Bridal scene. College from the facility, Inside Stevens: Teaching in the Rockies p. 4 Each scene will involve the which will have its own road- Basketball year-end stats p. 7 modeling of approximately 10 way access. outfits. 2, Monroe Doctrine, March 30,1987 OPINION LETTER The great ban debate Discrimination in technology? Dear Editor, By P. Byrne Dean Alan Glossner has great P's. applied; we can't ban Ulysses I graduated from MCC in 1987 from the optical technology chosen to ban Sexual Perver- Obviously, this play is un- from Harriet Rosenblum's program and transferred to R.l.T.'s bachelor electronic sity in Chicago at MCC. In the suitable for children (I haven't Twentieth Century Novel engineering technology (BET) program. I will also be taking Democrat & Chronicle he is read anything by Mamet that class. Certainly, a stage pro- two electronic courses at MCC as part of my BET program. quoted as saying that a com- wasn't), but who would take a duction is more public than a I would like to call attention to the fact that there are very mittee would choose what young child to see something class, but Cabbages and few women and minority students enrolled in the plays would be produced and with "Sexual Perversity" in Kings is also made available to technologies at MCC. I expected to see more female and that this was a good thing. For- the title? the general public, and it is minority students at R.I.T., but to my surprise I am in a class tunately, the Student Senate I realize that these are high- free from administrative of 120 males with two women. has prevented such drastic minded words coming from a censorship. I believe that this imbalance is caused by subtle discrimina- action (so we won't see any man who doesn't have to Or is it? Maintaining this tion and a lack of leadership by educators. Electronics is not productions of South Pacific), worry about wealthy Brighton freedom has not been easy. In "macho" because it involves math and fine detailed work. but the decision to ban this residents refusing to donate to the spring of 1986, the Cab- Yet many males get a big ego kick out of showing off their particular play bears some the MCC Foundation because bages and Kings staff voted calculator skills. I think many women are discouraged by an tough-minded examination. their bourgeoisie morality was unanimously to run a story en- environment that is predominantly male, but women can and do excel in electronics. While I was a student at MCC, I was a victim of sexist jokes and it was hard to concentrate because many of the men did not take me seriously. ...'this play will offend a large As I continued I became aware that I could succeed despite the obstacles.
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