Minutes Village of Tahsis Meeting Committee of the Whole Date 07-Jul-20 Time 2:00 p. m. Place Munici al Hall - Council Chambers and b electronic means Present Mayor Martin Davis Councillor Bill Elder Councillor Sarah Fowler Councillor Lynda Llewellyn by video Councillor Cheryl Northcott by phone Staff Mark Tatchell, Chief Administrative Officer by video Deb Bodnar, Director of Finance John Manson, P. Eng by video Janet StDenis, Finance and Corporate Services Manager Guests Matt Friderichs, P. Eng., McElhanney by video JillBrocklehurst-Booth, SpiritualDirector, Centrefor Spiritual Living by video Colette Ordano, Centrefor Spiritual Living by video Shaun Koopman, SRD Protective Services Coordinator by video Public None Call to Order Mayor Davis called the meeting to order at 2:00 p. m. Mayor Davis acknowledged and respected that Council is meeting upon Mowachaht/Muchalaht territory Introduction of Late Items None. A roval of the A enda Fowler: COW 045/2020 THAT the Agenda for the July 7, 2020 Committee ofthe Whole meeting be adopted as presented. CARRIED Business Matt Friderichs, P. Eng., McElhanney: Re; Tahsis Municipal Wharf Assessment Results and Recommendations Arising Matt Frederichs spoke to the condition assessment and rehabilitation option of the municipal wharf. Council had question regarding rehabilitation options and costs to which both Matt Frederichs and John Manson responded. (presentation attached) Fowler: COW 046/2020 THAT this information be received. CARRIED Jill Brocklehurst-Booth, Spiritual Director, Centre for Spiritual Living Re: Proposal for a Summer Retreat at Pete's Farm Jill Brocklehurst-Booth spoke to the Vision and Mission ofthe Centre for Spiritual Living,Campbell Riverand their ideasfor Pete's Farm and a retreat proposal for August. (presentation attached) Fowler: COW 047/2020 THAT this information be received for discussion. CARRIED Llewellyn : COW 048/2020 THAT the Village of Tahsis enter into an agreement to work with the Centrefor Spiritual Living, Campbell Riverfor a retreat in August2020 as a pilot project at Pete's Farm. CARRIED ^ SRDEmergency Programs Update- Shaun Koopman, SRDProtective Services Coordinator Shaun Koopman provided Council with an update on Strathcona's EmergencyProgram including details on SRD Delivers, RegionalAmateur RadioEmergency Communication Plan, the Tahsis Community Wildfire' Protection Plan, Tsunami Modelling Project andthe Connect Rock Test. (presentation attached) Fowler: COW 049/2020 THAT this information be received. Adjournment Fowler: COW 050/2020 THAT the meeting adjourn at 4:17 p. m. CARRIED Certified correct this 4th Day of August, 2020 Corporate Officer Municipal Wharf ConditionAssessment and Summary of Findings ^ S BEST ^MANAGED McElhanney 'COMPANIES T T ! T r ' T i " ' i 1 !T ' r tIT- - - ", ; . ! 'f ' : i t Us TPTO\T Completed ByMcEBhanney 2017 - Brief visual inspection September 26, 2019 - Quarterly January 24, 2020 - Quarterly Monitoring Extensive fungal decayto the pile caps, most notably the approach pile caps and the lower pile caps (original) at the Historical fire affecting tops of piles and panels are have minor- deterioration due to cracking, I, etc. piles have minor-moderate due to fungal decay. Minimal barer damage observed in the , (,( '"d zone at low water. \ ^^(S)(®l«D^(p(«)(p(6) Q f-^-ite. ^^. f-^-^-^-Q --,|, -^_. ^_^. _ _ ^ ^^. -^."-is-. -^i) ®-.-<»_-4-^k- -CjQ-ElES- ---^-. -^--^--^--<^"_, > --^f-^i) ©-- i i "»CCT wmcm . imsa tnii6Bt- . *~4-^-<e-® I I ' I L L(K»1 I j^. -. ^-k=gI i Ms-<S ! i i t-T-^-'SftMii -'P-® ! i i KNWBnEDNfnwa: IflfUftK] +--*--^--<fei E*M»a-4-<8-ffi . I I i i"-r HCWdTO i--t-4-^ imun 0" <t-^--1>--r'.i«;.-o-t-..A-(7] -iBllcTBHLOB i.lsiKEcnmuu [-^3 i i i i ~""i . ---^---A-. -^.. inspections LATERAL FORCE ON Completed every 3-4 months BUILDING FROM WIND since April 2019. DECK PANEL DECK PAMEL UPPER PILE CAP STEEL PINNED LOWER PILE CAP Notable increase in deterioration CONNECTION LOWER UPPER Nos. 4-6. PILE CAP PILE CAP LITERAL FORCE ON PILES FROM WAVES of lateral resistance from the ELEWnO.NJn.EVILS.TRUCTURALLAYOUT pins due to "blow-out" of the LOWER PILE CAPS LftTERALLY DISPLACEDFROM FAILED PIN UPPER PILE CAP UNSUPPORTED CONNECTION DUE TO FUNGAL AND DECK PANEL FAILED DECAY EtEVATION_»|EW^DETER10nATLON»ND_FAll. UnE MECHANISM Bent No. 7 OriginalCapacity DeterioratedCapacity CapacltvReduction (%) C^pacati Analysis Structural "' Vr Mr ! W Mr vr Approach Stri ^rs 88.0 237.3 57.7 j 75,7 3SK 68% Approach Pile 96.2 171.4 Ca s 49.2 56.9 49% 67X Wharfhead 95.2 173.4 49.2 Pile Ca s 56.9 67% Dead load Only Stnictural Mf OriginalD/C CurrentD/C Vf Drains)D/C CurrentD/C Ajiiarfifich Stri ers 29. 5 34K SIX 35. 8 15% W, Approach Pile considering the deteriorated Ca s 35. 8 21% 63% Wharfhead Pile Ca s 23. 5 31» fm. 35. 1 11% 63» Diad Load * 2.4 kPa (50 psf) Pi-deslrian Load Structural Mf Original 0/C Current D/C vf Driginal D/C Curreft D/C Approach Stri ers 48.5 56K 85K 59. 3 25% 78)t Approach Pile C« s 59J 31% 104% Wharfhead Sl»l 99X 59.3 3<K 101% Focused on severely deteriorated Pile Ca s 48. 9 Dad Load+ VehicleAxle Load (5000 Ibs] Stnicturaf Mf OrleinalD/c CurrentD/C vf Originalo/c currentD/C Approach wharfhead pile caps. Strl ers 62. 5 71X I08'< 75. » 11% 100K Approach Pile Ca s 75. 8 4d% 133% Wharf^ad Pile Ca s 6;-5 65% 1^7% 75.8 W% l3i% property - hiab crane, building i, building contents, gangway environmental Considerations - ' t to be a habitat impact by iii I li speo| ueu}S9p9 d sq p|noM 6uipeo| uf ty- (^' I'll; I i ©-. 1-!-)-f'-+-.- 3SU |9A8| 688 JO^ SUOISIAOjd ®-', -..i-.-i-- . ®-,4->-t-(-, -+-»-. I i!I! i 6^. -ti- r-t-- .^-' '_. -I- c^'. i I-L. »-' I -r-i-. ....^ . ®- 1-. jsqujjl peieeji pue deo aiid eiBuis 'i':^-f'-r'-f--T-T-:T^^^^-T^T^^^--T^^^I ®- eoBjdej pue s|9ued >|oep 9}ejouoo ®- i I i :{::P^-t-h4--tJj^:_j:tj:t:|:j:j:tf ^ -!-i-!4^ -.1.-L.4 ^ 1 L i r~[j'~TiTii!!ffl^ I i +-j-j & d) d) (b d) d) ® (i)^(i) ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ i^s( ®- -r-.r-t-i vy ©- -i.LU- i 4.-;i 8J9A9S 411M SdBO 9| Sr- ^> d) (i i 3S¥Hd sje ejein ejeq/w 9 oi \. -SON IUSQ GUARD RAIt GUARO RWL BULLRAIL ;SOO1^725 >i2S4DEEP OECK (11154 K 203 STRINGERS 102xM6TIUBER3ECK TOP OF BUU RAIL MSx MSPILE CAP 305 x 305 BULL RWLS (B)1Mx2(USnrNGERS 1S;>406FTR!NGERS MEx MSPILE CAP WW. B-s4. 2sr 305flV?RT1CALPILE HHWLEL-.l. Zm 3050 VERTICAL PILE VERTtCALBftACE . l/ERTIML BRACE 3m_ ^7 EL = MJDLW-/ LLWEL-0.2T LL IEL=d.Zm EXISTING ARRANGEMENT PROPOSED ARRANGEMENT stimates Item Description Quantity Unit Cost Subtotal WharfRehabilitation Program- Phase 1 Only 1 Contractor Mobilization / Demobilization Ea' 1 $30, 000 $30. 000 2 Prepare Deck Panels for Removal Manhours 72 $100 $7. 200 3 Temporary Removal of Deck Panels Ls 1 $64, 000 $64, 000 4 Approach - Pile Repairs / Replacement (Allowance) Ea 5 $7, 000 $35, 000 5 Approach - Pile Cap Replacement Ea- 16 12, 500 $40. 000 6 Approach - Stringer Replacement Ea- 64 $1, 750 $112. 000 7 Approach - New Timber Deck m2 348 $150 I $52.200 8 Approach -VehicleGuardrail / Handrail Replacement m 37 $350 $33, 950 9 Wharfhead - Pile Repairs / Replacement (Allowance) Ea- 12 $7, 000 $84. 000 10 Wharfhead- Pile Cap Replacement 11 Wharfhead - Stringer installation ^- Es: 21 $2, 500 $52,500 Ea' 60 $2, 000 $120. 000 12 Wharfhead- NewTimber Deck m2 278 $150 $41, 700 13 Wharfhead- VehicleGuardrall / Handrall Replacemant Ea. 10 $350 $3. 500 14 Wharfhead - New Cross Bracing Ls 1 $150, 000 (150, 000 Subtotal $826. 050 Engineering,Environmental Monitoring, & ProjectManagement (10%) 182,605 Contingency (25%) $206, 513 Total Estimated Cost (Taxes Exd. ) $1, 115, 168 £"Ttes"'"'""''""'"'e 2'"srw"' '° """'""""' T'8T' Pricingestimalea. SaSS^^^"seswm"c""tfmcB"'6^s ^^ ""'"''" °"'''"^""''."*^. ^52SSS;^^^^^=^^^. ^^wrtem""T^ ie cost estimate is considered accurate to ± 50%. ' ., --..... -... - ^.. ^».... ^ ". .,,,., ^u,,, i. Any Questions? Thank-you ^ ! BEST iMANAGED McElhanney iCOMPANIES Centre i I t^a i m TM Cam be River WHO ISTHE CENTRE FORSPIRITUAL LIVING? Vision: A community that is inspired, connected, supportive, and open for all. Mission: Providean environment thatsupports connection andgrowth education, experiences, and professional facilitation that ^ people. weal'elchal'itablecomm. unitythat hasa missionto teach people about ' so that everyone creates the life they love. Weoffer free or highlysubsidized courses, workshops, retreats andtools for selfempowerment we be''eve that Personal growth isongoing'a'nd requires daily careand mindfulness. Through'global practi'ceslndividuals acquire conscious living habits that transform their personal life, the work place, and community. , ----. -... », webel[eve..thatemPowered andinspired people makegood decisions, "" care connection taa" live from aboult helr. oflife'and aplace'ofequa^ty, balanceand peace, creating a world thatworks foreveryone. N^.^ f~) RETREAT Atlv^ Toge&ker: lyviirM&rstoK IK&O $&lf Sl^w A^e / .. A AUGUST 2020 PROGRAM Using the clean-up and restoration of the site as a communal effort woven in with a personal development program. Hosting 6-12 men and women in a retreat program LONG-TERM VISION FOR PETE'S FARM '.>-^-^' . Several tent platforms ' Repair existing house for possible winter storage (no public access) . Cooking station ' Large communal dry space . Wash and cleaning station Long-term vision for sanitation (compostable toilets?) Rain water collection for washing LONGERTERM VISION FOR COLLABORATION WITH THE VILLAGE lrltenticmis toctean;"P. andbegin set-up to restoresite as a historic 1 to beavailable for multi-user events/retreats/park" ce"tre's-age,"da:we have firet priority' in'"ture, to book site for sorin summer activities and programs^ " "'"'"' workwiththev"lage to estab"sh a Historicsite committee to oversee yearly upkeep and manage future user fees.
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