INDEX A 2008 elections, 29–30, 56, 100, ABCD. see Asalkan Bukan Cina 104, 115–31, 133 DAP (ABCD) campaign 2013 elections, 75, 174, 177, angpow, 102 180 Anti-ISA campaign, 157 defamation suit, 47 Anything But UMNO campaign, NSTP, changes in, 37 153–54 pseudonymous blogs, 72–74 Asalkan Bukan Cina DAP (ABCD) UMNO cybertroopers, 41 campaign, 76 Balik Kampung Bawa Berita, 152 Ahirudin Attan, 3, 11, 13, 134–35 band of brotherhood, 115 2013 elections, 154 agreements, 123–24 blogging, 129–32, 134–35, 137, Badawi, Abdullah Ahmad, 123 152 civil society bloggers, 125–27 cyber war, 105–6, 116 collapse in, 132–34 and cybertroopers, 42–43, 137 Malaysia Today, 123 defamation suit, 47, 119, 161 pro-opposition bloggers, 124–25 Rocky’s Bru, 119 Syed Azidi Syed Aziz, 122–23, Faisal Ismail Aziz, 3, 11, 13, 103–6, 126 109, 137 Barisan Nasional (BN), 1, 21, 25 2013 elections, 46, 103–4 Barisan Rakyat (BR) bloggers, 148 cyber warfare, 104 Bersih protest, 57–58 Syed Azidi Syed Aziz blog campaigns band of brotherhood, 122–23, Anything But UMNO and End 126 BN, 153–54 pro-UMNO blogs, 121–23, Balik Kampung Bawa Berita, 152 126–130, 133, 136, 138, 157 Bmahendran, 159 pseudonymous blogs, 74 Dump BN campaign, 153–54 Ibrahim, Haris, 150–52 B influential bloggers, 155 Badawi, Abdullah Ahmad, 1–2, 14, The People’s Voice and The People’s 123 Declaration, 150 197 08 PowerGames_IndexIT-2P.indd 197 28/3/16 10:10 am 198 Index blogging rival politicians’ scandals, 94–95 framing and priming, 96 countering cyberattacks, 107–10 Lau Weng San, 93 emergent cyberwar network, 105 Lim Kit Siang, 94 Faisal Ismail Aziz, 103–6 politician-bloggers, 96–98 Ooi, Jeff, 101–3, 106 Rafizi Ramli, 95 Rafizi Ramli, 99–101, 103 rival politicians’ scandals, 94–95 Teng Chang Khim, 106–7 Blogging to Unblock, 131 outcomes, 110–11 blogosphere, 56–57, 176–78 traditional approaches during critical tone blog posts, 72–73 official campaign periods future prospects, 183–85 blogging in, 88–89 negative framing, 74–75 Chua, Tian, 89 partisan (see psychological warfare digital divide, 91 and leadership change) ethnicity of voters and pseudonymous blogs, 74 Chinese-language BN. see Barisan Nasional (BN) mainstream media, 92–93 BR. see Barisan Rakyat (BR) bloggers global audience, 90–91 bumiputera, 27–28 Lau Weng San, 89–90 personalized approach, 90 C Teng Chang Khim, 91 campaign periods cyberspace. see Malaysian cyberspace blogging in, 88–89 and social media Chua, Tian, 89 cybertroopers digital divide, 91 definition and payments, 41–43 ethnicity of voters, 92–93 fake accounts, 44 global audience, 90–91 pro-opposition bloggers, 44–45 Lau Weng San, 89–90 Red Bean Army, 43–44 personalized approach, 90 socio-political bloggers, 45–46 Teng Chang Khim, 91 UMNO cybertroopers, 41 ceramah schedules, 61–62 Chua, Tian, 60, 70, 89, 92 D civil society bloggers, 147–49 DAP. see Democratic Action Party Communications and Multimedia (DAP) Act, 34 Democratic Action Party (DAP), 1 cyber battles, 87–88 democratic and authoritarian traits, blogging to boost image of self 31–32 and party digital divide, 91 framing and priming, 96 dominance of Malay politics Lau Weng San, 93 ruling coalition, 28–29 Lim Kit Siang, 94 surat layang, 30–31 politician-bloggers, 96–98 wayang kulit, 29–30 Rafizi Ramli, 95 Dump BN campaign, 153–54 08 PowerGames_IndexIT-2P.indd 198 28/3/16 10:10 am Index 199 E G e contrario blog, 70 GEMPUR. see Gerakan Menentang emergent cyberwar network, 105 Peliwat Untuk Rakyat Faisal Ismail Aziz, 103–6 (GEMPUR) Ooi, Jeff, 101–3, 106 Gerakan Menentang Peliwat Untuk Rafizi Ramli, 99–101, 103 Rakyat (GEMPUR), 76 Teng Chang Khim, 106–7 government-controlled media End BN campaign, 153–54 regulations era of journalist bloggers, the, 80 Communications and Multimedia Act, 34 F Internal Security Act, 35 Facebook New Straits Times Press (NSTP), 2013 elections, use in, 9–14, 37 47, 61–62, 88–89, 99–100, Official Secrets Act, 34–35 105–6, 135, 176 Printing Presses and Publications Anthony, Chris, 66 Act, 33–34 campaign activities and electoral propaganda model, 37 responsible development candidates, 62–64 journalism, 36 civil society bloggers, 155–56 Sedition Act, 33, 35 fake accounts, 105–6, 111, 116, sites of resistance and weakness, 138 35 growth of popularity, 3–5, 10, 60 The Star, 37 Mahathir Mohamad, 66, 72, 109 Utusan Melayu, 38 mobilizing for political action, 60–61 H Najib Razak, 3, 63–64 Habermas’s notion of the public Ooi, Jeff, 65, 67 sphere, 6–7 opposition use of, 64 Hindraf protest, 57–58 public discussion, 71–72 hudud law, 109 Rafizi Ramli, 64, 71–72, 95, 99, 101 I and the Red Bean Army, 43–44 Ibrahim, Haris social influence, 14, 40, 42, accusations and surveillance, 164 56–57, 67–68, 76, 90, 102, blog campaigns, 57–58, 125, 148, 104, 154 150–53, 155, 157 Teng Chang Khim, 94, 102 public discussions generation, 165 UMNO’s presence, 3 ICT. see information and Federation of Malaya Agreement communications technology 1948, 24 (ICT) “first past the post” system, 32 independent bloggers, 105 Free Anwar campaign, 38–39 influential bloggers, 155 08 PowerGames_IndexIT-2P.indd 199 28/3/16 10:10 am 200 Index information and communications Malaysian Communications and technology (ICT), 2 Multimedia Commission Internal Security Act, 35 (MCMC), 34 Internet Protocol (IP), 101 Malaysian cyberspace and social IP. see Internet Protocol (IP) media blogosphere, 56–57 K critical tone blog posts, Kapitan China, 24 72–73 Khoo, Bernard, 161 negative framing, 74–75 pseudonymous blogs, 74 L campaign activities and electoral Lau Weng San candidates blogging, 4, 61, 88, 92–93, 98, ceramah schedules, 61–62 101 Facebook postings, 62–64 cyber battles, 89–90 YouTube video, 64 leadership change and psychological content analysis, 55–56 warfare. see psychological warfare free expression of ideas, 65–68 and leadership change media and political elites Lim Kit Siang domination, 78–80 blogging, 94 mobilizing for political action cyber battles, 94, 106, 109 Bersih and Hindraf protest, defamation suit, 42 57–58 website launch, 44 Facebook and Twitter, 60–61 Loone, Susan number of blog posts, 59–60 alternate media network, 156–58 outcomes, 80–81 bloggers, 58, 67–68, 125–26, partisan social media, 2013 152 election political reform and change GEMPUR, 76 negotiation, 161–63, 166 homophily, 77 Hornbill Unleashed blog, 78 M logos and slogans, 75 Mahendran, B, 159 Malaysian Chronicle, 78 Malay Mail, 134 Papagomo, 77 Malaya and struggle for Parpukari, 78 independence, 23–25 pro-opposition and pro-UMNO/ Malaysia Today, 127–28 BN blogs, 75–76 Malaysiakini, 58, 119, 158–60 TIBAI logo, 76 Malaysian Airlines flight MH17, Ubah logo, 76 108 public discussion Malaysian Chinese Association civil society bloggers, 70–71 (MCA), 25 e contrario blog, 70 Malaysian Civil Liberties Movement Facebook and, 71–72 (MCLM), 150 numbers of responses, 71 08 PowerGames_IndexIT-2P.indd 200 28/3/16 10:10 am Index 201 readers’ feedback patterns, social determinism approach, 7–8 68–69 UMNO, 2–3 Straightforward blog, 70 MCA. see Malaysian Chinese Malaysian Indian Congress (MIC), Association (MCA) 25 MCLM. see Malaysian Civil Liberties Malaysian national elections Movement (MCLM) band of brotherhood, 178–79 (see MCMC. see Malaysian also band of brotherhood) Communications and Barisan Nasional (BN), 1 Multimedia Commission blogosphere, 176–78 (see also (MCMC) blogosphere) 1MDB. see One Malaysia campaigning ways, 179 (see also Development Berhad (1MDB) blog campaigns) MIC. see Malaysian Indian Congress civil society bloggers, 178 (MIC) cyber warfare, 175 (see also cyber Multimedia Super Corridor, 46 battles) My Malaysia Today, 156 cyberspace battle, 14–15 (see also cyber battles) N cybertroopers, 175 (see also National Democratic Institute for cybertroopers) International Affairs, 90 future prospects, 183–85 negative framing, 74–75 Habermas’s notion of the public NEP. see New Economic Policy sphere, 6–7 (NEP) inquiry, 9–13 Netto, Anil, 58, 62, 152, 156–57, network theory and network 166 society framework, 180–82 network theory and network society new media and mainstream media, framework, 180–82 173–74 (see also Malaysia, New Economic Policy (NEP), cultural, social and political 21–22 fabric) bumiputera, 27–28 new technologies and online media complex web of connections, 28 in, 2, 14 (see also Malaysia, Federal Constitution, 25–26 cultural, social and political race-based political parties and fabric) policies, 26–27 Pakatan Rakyat (PR), 4 new media political economy approach, 5 Agenda Daily, 39 political tsunami, 1 bloggers in, 40–41 psychological warfare, 15, 174 (see dissident cyber-networks, 38 also psychological warfare and Free Anwar campaign, 38–39 leadership change) Harakah, 40 research weaknesses, 13–14 Malaysiakini, 39 restoration of online democratic The Malaysian Insider, 39 forms, 182–83 Merdeka Review, 39 08 PowerGames_IndexIT-2P.indd 201 28/3/16 10:10 am 202 Index The Nut Graph, 39 PKR. see Parti Keadilan Rakyat The Rocket, 40 (PKR) New Straits Times Press (NSTP), 37 political economy approach, 5 NSTP. see New Straits Times Press political reform and change (NSTP) negotiation accusations and surveillance O blogger tension and suspicions, Official Secrets Act, 34–35, 46 164–65 One Malaysia Development Berhad Hindraf issue, 163 (1MDB), 48 Ibrahim, Haris, 164 Ooi, Jeff, 142 Khoo, Bernard, 162 2013 elections, 61 Loone, Susan, 161–62 blog content, 97 UMNO cybertroopers, 160–61 cybertroopers’ use, 44 blog campaigns defamation suit, 119, 161 Anything But UMNO and End face to face campaign, 88–89 BN, 153–54 Facebook activity, 65, 67 Balik Kampung Bawa Berita, online campaign, 101–3, 108–10 152 Penang seat, 2008, 92 Dump BN campaign, 153–54 pro-UMNO blogger, 120, 129–30, Ibrahim, Haris, 150–52 138 influential bloggers, 155 Red Bean Army, 106 The People’s Voice and The Screenshots, 40, 47 People’s Declaration, 150 organizational hybridity, 167 civil society bloggers, 147–49 Outsyed The Box, 131 network of alternative media bloggers solidarity in, 155–56 P Loone, Susan, 157–58 Pakatan Rakyat (PR), 4 Malaysiakini, 158–60 Papagomo, 48 Netto, Anil, 156–57 Parti Gerakan Rakyat Malaysia outcomes, 167–69 (PGRM), 129 public discussion generation limits, Parti Islam Se-Malaysia (PAS), 1 165–67 Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR), 1, 4 political tsunami, 1 Parti Sosialis Malaysia (PSM), 25 PR.
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