Information for Interlinguists issue 10 (1/2020) ◆ 4th year 4thyear◆ISSN2521-7461 ISSN 2521-7461 Published by the Esperantic Studies Foundation (ESF) in cooperation with the Centre for Research and Documentation on Word Language Problems (CED) www.esperantic.org www.facebook.com/esperantic @esperanticsf @esfacademic CONTENTS Welcome 3 Upcoming events 4 UK Language Policy After Brexit !itobe "ymposium# Language $iversity and "ustainable $e%elopment & 'nline (speranto course for writers ) Beginners’ course at t+e University of Paris ) (speranto for beginners at t+e University of Liverpool, (ngland ) (speranto course at t+e !ational $istance (ducation University, "pain ) (speranto at "tanford University, -alifornia ) Reports 7 Militrakonto at a conference in .allinn / 0nterlinguistics session wit+ teac+er training 1 &t+ 0nternational -onference of Applied Linguistics 23 13t+ anni%ersary of t+e (speranto 4useum 23 $as (nde %on Babel? 23 6ran7ois Lo 8acomo*s speec+ to U!("-' 23 0nternational conference in Perugia 22 (speranto becomes protected +eritage in -roatia 22 Books 12 $a%ide Astori, Due passi in Esperantujo – Promenadeto en Esperantujo 29 -arlos -asares (trans. "uso 4oin+os;, Vundita vento 29 <23 :2/9393; Information for Interlinguists 2 Bill -+apman, The Early History of Esperanto in the United ingdom 2= Andr> -+erpillod, Vortaro de la mitoj kaj mitologioj 2= 6ran7ois ?rin (ed.;, Mo!ility and In"lusion in Multilingual Europe# The MIME Vademe"um 2= !orman Lebrec+t, $enius and %n&iety# Ho' (e's )hanged the *orld +,-.–+/-. 2 -arlo 4inna@a (ed. $a%ide Astori), Introdu0ione alla letteratura esperanto 2 ?on7alo !e%es, Bern+ard Pabst, Historia vortaro de Esperanto 2 8uan A>gulo P>reB k.a., Pri adopto kaj 1ma2o 2& L. L. Camen+of, $ramatiko de la jida lingvo# Provo de gramatiko de la novjuda lingvo (de la ĵargono5 2& "abine 6iedler, -yril Aobert Brosc+, Der Erasmus67tudienaufenthalt – Europ8is"he 7pra"henvielfalt oder Englis"h als 9ingua fran"a: 2& ?0L Dearbook 9321 2) (speranto translation of Una lingua per tutti, una lingua di nessun paese 21 The )asa <ontanalba Visitors’ >ook, de -larence Bicknell 21 Articles 20 (ck+ard Bick, EAutomatic ?eneration and "emantic ?rading of (speranto "entences in a .eac+ing -ontextF 93 Aenato -orsetti, “U! at /&# (speranto needs t+e United !ations, but t+e United !ations needs (sperantistsF 93 !ino Kir%alidBe, E!ew c+allenges of anglicization in t+e context of 92stGcentury globalization and t+eir impact on +ig+er educationF 93 Brigid '’KeeHe, EAn 0nternational Language for an (mpire of Iumanity# L. L. Camen+of and t+e 0mperial Aussian 'rigins of (sperantoF 92 Alexander Aubel, EJuo Kadis Altertumswissensc+aft5 .+e -ommand of 6oreign Languages and t+e 6uture of -lassical "tudiesF 92 Dissertations 22 Peter "+ee+y, The (Trans5?ational Theatre of Esperanto# 7taging politics; "ulture and "ommunity in the international language 99 A literary t+esis in Juec+ua 99 Miscellaneous 23 L+y support ("65 9= ("6 6ellows+ip at t+e Uni%ersity of 4assac+usetts 9= (speranto and 0nternationalism, c.2MM3sN21=3 9 'n t+e /3t+ anni%ersary of 0L(0 9 6unded P+.$. opportunity at Ulster University, !ort+ern 0reland# .+e 4ultilingual ?o%ernment 9 Planet Lord museum 9 4ap of linguistic diversity in !ew Dork -ity 9 0mportance of (speranto denaskuloj for t+e description of (speranto 9& -orrection regarding EAn approac+ to (speranto t+roug+ literatureF 9& E ! grants 2" 9 Information for Interlinguists <23 :2/9393; WELCOME … to the first Information for Interlinguists of a new decade, with a new editor. Many thanks to Humphrey Tonkin, Yevgeniya Amis and others for their editing work on previous issues, and to Angela Tellier for her help with the present one. I have done some redecorating: hopefully you will find the document easy to peruse, but comments are always welcome. In the past, we used to be rather flexible with our publishing schedule, but from now on we will endeavour to produce an issue four times a year: at the end of January, April, July and October. If you wish to send in information, the deadline for doing so will be the last day of the preceding month; so for the second instalment of 2020, please send by 31 March. IfI relies on contributions from its readers. It is an appropriate place to announce conferences, courses and similar gatherings; to call for papers for such meetings; to report on recent events; to present details or reviews of new language-themed books or articles; and generally to distribute news of things in the world of interlinguistics. You can send material in either Esperanto or English – both, if you can – by emailing [email protected]. Simon Davies <23 :2/9393; Information for Interlinguists = UPCOMING EVENTS UK Language Policy After Brexit Bristol, England: 9 July 2020 call for papers – deadline: 11 February 2020 +ttps#//sites.google.com/%iew/uklpab/9393 UK Language Policy After Brexit (UKLPAB) began life in 2016 at Sheffield Hallam University, just a few months after the Brexit referendum, to take immediate stock and consider possible effects on language policy around the UK. In subsequent years, present- ations have focused in on the detailed effects of Brexit with regard to such policy. We are delighted to continue this successful and free series of conferences in 2020, the first time the conference will actually take place after Brexit! Each year, UKLPAB is hosted in a different UK nation. In 2019, Northern Ireland hosted [+ttps#//sites.google.com/%iew/uklpab/9321]. In 2020, UKLPAB comes to England, specifically to the University of the West of England (UWE), Bristol. The local committee chair will be Dr Charlotte Selleck, Senior Lecturer in Linguistics. We thank Multilingual Matters and UWE’s Faculty of Arts, Creative Industries and Education for their generous support in making UKLPAB free for presenters and attendees. Each year we also invite a plenary speaker from the previous host nation. In 2020, the plenary speaker will be Philip McDermott, Senior Lecturer in the School of Applied Social and Policy Sciences at Ulster University. His talk is titled “Language, Power and Identity Politics: Continuing Challenges for Today’s Europe”. Our theme for 2020 will be “Official vs. Unofficial Language Policy”. Our full call for papers, as well as Philip’s plenary abstract, can be found online at the address given above. Please head along and either submit your abstract or register as an attendee (both free). Spread the word! Hopefully see you in Bristol! Information for Interlinguists <23 :2/9393; Nitobe Symposium: Language Diversity and Sustainable Development Montreal, Canada: 8–10 August 2020 The Esperantic Studies Foundation (ESF), in cooperation with the Centre for Research and Documentation on World Language Problems (CED), is planning to organize its next Nitobe Symposium from 8 to 10 August 2020, at the University of Montreal. The working languages of the event will be English, French and Esperanto. The Nitobe Symposia, named for the Japanese internationalist and diplomat Nitobe Inazo, who was Under-Secretary General in charge of cultural affairs in the early years of the League of Nations, are held every few years in various parts of the world. Symposia have taken place over the years in such cities as Prague, Berlin, Vilnius, Tokyo, Beijing and Reykjavik. The 2020 symposium will mark the 75th anniversary of the United Nations and its efforts to keep the peace, promote human rights and advance sustainable development, in a multi- lingual world. Under the general title “Language Diversity and Sustainable Development” it will examine three principal topics: Language and the Sustainable Development Goals Multilingual Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) in sustainable development Grassroots multilingualism and the sustainable development challenge We invite all those interested in language policy, UN studies, development studies, communication technologies and related fields to send us expressions of interest in partici- pating in the Symposium and contributing to these and related topics. Please describe briefly how you might contribute and what your primary interests are. The symposium will be limited to around fifty invitees from throughout the world. The programme will include keynote talks, panels and round tables. There will be no registration fee, but participants will be expected to cover their own costs. Please send your proposals to [email protected] and tonkin@+artford.edu, preferably by 15 March 2020. Mark Fettes, Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, Canada Humphrey Tonkin, University of Hartford, Connecticut, USA <23 :2/9393; Information for Interlinguists & Online Esperanto course for writers December 2019 – April 2020 +ttps#//docs.google.com/document/d/28%im4e!l-nc=K8+i f)!jbB$uaC%epiVAl0BDd(L&c/pre%iew A five-month international course, via the web, with a teacher and speaking practice, at the Jagiellonian University, Kraków, Poland. Beginners’ course at the University of Paris from 20 January 2020 +ttps#//edukado.net/ext/kurse@o5kinfoO9/222 A voluntary one-term course at university level, under the supervision of Christopher Gledhill. Esperanto for beginners at the University of Liverpool, England 5 February – 2 May 2020 +ttps#//payments.liv.ac.uk/conferences-andGe%ents/continuing-education/languages/esperanto/ce-esperantoGforG beginnersGwednesdayG/GM=3pm A twelve-week course aimed at absolute beginners or those with a very limited knowledge of the language. Includes an Esperanto-themed tour on Saturday 2 May. Book by 19 February 2020. Esperanto course at the National Distance Education University, Spain +ttps#//portal.uned.es/portal/page5PpageidO1=,&)M3 9=/QPdadOportal&Psc+emaOP'A.AL The University Centre for Languages at a Distance (CUID) of the National Distance Education University (UNED) has announced an Esperanto course at level A2. Esperanto at Stanford University, California +ttp#//esperanto.org/stanford/ Classes are free and open, every Tuesday evening during the academic year.
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