May 12, 2017 | Volume XV, Issue 1 scores of volunteer reporters and columnist, as a paramount responsibility. We endeavor without whose generosity of time and commit- to hold the wider community accountable on ment, we would not be able to cover the news critical issues such as homophobic and trans- Celebrating 15 Years and provide insightful opinions. On this 15th an- phobic violence, school bullying, police harass- Anniversaries offer an opportunity to reflect, responsibility for the Center under dire circum- niversary we want to make special mention of ment, and discrimination in all its forms. We take stock, and celebrate. This year is one of stances, Jabari and the board made the bold Steve Charing (writer, columnist, and former ed- also provide a forum for lively debate on issues those milestone anniversaries for Baltimore moves that we believe will strengthen both the itor), Chuck Duncan (movie reviews), and Greg percolating in sexual minority communities. OUTloud. On May 16th we cel- Center and this newspaper. Last Shapiro (celebrity interviews and reviews), who However, we have a wider focus. In our ebrate our 15th year publishing year, the Center accepted the offer were with us from day one and remain contrib- second issue, published May 30th, 2003, we We salute Trump to as an independent voice for Bal- of Pride Media to buy the Center’s utors. We also want to give a particular thank announced our commitment to sexual libera- queers: our writers, newspaper in exchange for a com- you to Associate Editor Mary Taylor who started tion, our belief that as LGBTQ people we are timore’s LGBT communities. It Actually, outsiders with a unique perspective to offer on hasn’t always been easy, espe- advertisers, & mitment that Baltimore OUTloud out as the ad sales representative and is now it’s not cially in the dramatically changing would provide space in each issue the driving force behind the publication. We political, social, and economic issues, and that your landscape facing print media, but readers for the Center to publicize its work. simply would not be able to keep going without our lives are tied to the broader world in ways America we’ve managed because of the incredible ded- This decision has allowed the Center to focus her dedication and hard work. Mary’s partner in that demand a focus beyond what may be seen ication of our staff, volunteers, advertisers, and on its core mission while continuing to have crime, Bill, our layout editor and our personal as traditional LGBT issues. We restated this ex- you, the members of Baltimore’s sexual minori- access to the communities’ newspaper. It has guru, deserves special mention for keeping us pansive view of the issues that are important to ty communities! also strengthened Baltimore OUTloud by con- off the straight and narrow! Anja Saine, our tire- the LGBT communities and our pledge to cov- This year we are particularly thankful for the solidating the ad revenue and editorial talent of less webmaster, keeps us on the web. ering them in our 10th anniversary issue and vision of Jabari Lyle, president of the Gay, Les- the city in one newspaper. Consequently, both although the language may seem dated – par- bian, Bisexual and Transgender Community LGBT organizations are stronger and better Our continuing mission... ticularly the use of “domestic partner benefits” Center of Baltimore and Central Maryland and able to serve the communities. Baltimore OUTloud was founded by activ- – we think it cannot be said too much. On May the Center’s board of directors. After assuming Baltimore OUTloud has benefited from ists and we have always considered advocacy —continued on page 3 Pride Reading List 2017 BY GREgg SHAPIRO driver’s Apprentice Press, 2017), aptly named for its poems Among the things that sepa- (Blue Light Press / First featuring poets (James Schuyler is a fa- rates LGBTQ folks from our World Publishing, 2017) vorite) and other writers, dead divas (such straight brothers and sisters by poet, playwright, fic- as Amy Winehouse, Whitney Houston and is our love of literature. Many tion writer, and educator Donna Summer), film references (see of us have been avid readers Edmund Miller, author “Abecedarian for John Waters”) and other since we were young, when we of the renowned The pop culture and literary figures. sought and found comfort from Go-Go Boy Sonnets, Things are lost (weight, memories, the problems of the outside you will find “In The causes) and found (a drag queen, and world in the pages of books. Porno Theater,” “The birds, lots of birds) in award-winning les- The following are new books by Beauty of a Male Mod- bian poet Cheryl Dumensil’s lustrous po- LGBTQ writers out just in time el Fades,” and “Learn- ems in Showtime at the Ministry of Lost for Pride month Pasolini ing from Lap Dancers,” Causes (University of Pittsburgh Press, and summer read- Requiem among others. 2016). ing. author Manila-based poet Barth David and novelist R. Zamo- Fiction Poetry Schwartz ra Linmark returns How to Survive a Summer (Blue Rid- Among the heralds new with the new poetry er Press, 2017), the debut novel by writer more than 70 po- edition collection Pop Vérité and educator Nick White, follows gradu- credit: Jerry W. ems in The Screw- Hibbitts (Hanging Loose —continued on page 25 Co-Publishers Jim Becker • Jim Williams [email protected] Executive Editor Jim Becker [email protected] [email protected] Associate Editor & Director of Marketing & Production Mary Taylor [email protected] Theater Editor Frankie Kujawa [email protected] Leather Editor Rodney Burger [email protected] Restaurant Critic Richard Finger Contributing Writers for Baltimore OUTloud Ava Barron-Shasho • Janan Broadbent, Ph. D. Josh Buchbinder • Anthony Calo • Lee Carpenter Jeffrey Clagett • Wayne Curtis • Lynda Dee Woody Derricks • Deborah J. Draisin • Chuck Duncan Richard Finger • Joe Garvey • John Redmond-Palmer Rev. David D. Harris • Dr. Eva Hersh • Cheryl A. Jones Esq. Mark S. King • Brother Merrick Moses • Harvey O Frankie Kujawa • Sage Piper • David Placher Megan Sandwick • Mark Segal • Gregg Shapiro David Sugar • Bill Redmond-Palmer • David Egan Elyse Buchbinder • Dr. Loren Olson Alex “Bear” Conley • Ryan M. Clark Contributing Writers for OUT in the VALLEY Laura Anderson • Debbie Anne • Rev. Kelly Crenshaw Rev. Dr. Robert Apgar-Taylor • Brian George Hose E. A. Perper •Elizabeth Thompson Contributing Writers OUT in Asbury Park, NJ Rai Guerra-Nelson • Christy Girlington Graphics Ramon Montiel Cartoonist Bruce Garrett Photographer AIDS Walk & Run Bruce Garrett Sunday May 7th Web Editor Photos by Richelle Taylor Anja Saine [email protected] National Advertising Rep Rivendell Media 908-232-2021 Founders Jim Becker • Joe Berg • Mike Chase • Lee Mooney (1959-2007) • Jim Williams Baltimore OUTloud PO Box 4887 Baltimore, MD 21211 410-802-1310 Baltimoreoutloud.com Additional Information Baltimore OUTloud is published every other Friday by Pride Media, Ltd. in Baltimore, Maryland. Readers comments and unsolicited materials are welcomed and may be sent to: [email protected]. All materials appearing in this newspaper are the property of Pride Media, Ltd. and may not be reproduced without the written permission of the editor. The opinions expressed in Baltimore OUTloud are solely those of the writers unless otherwise indicated and do not necessarily reflect the views of Pride Media, Ltd., and the staff. © 2017 – All rights reserved Chair of the Board of Trustees – Jim Becker President – Jim Williams Secretary and Treasurer – Mike Chase 2 t BALTIMORE OUTLOUD mAy 12, 2017 • BALTIMOREOUTLOUD.COM NEWS // LOCAL In the Beginning... OUAN INDEPENDENT VOICE FOR THE LESBIAN, GAY,Celebrating BISEXUAL, AND TRANSGENDER COMMUNITIES 15 Years T —continued from page 1 Baltimore OUTLtoud started in 2003 when four of us – Joe Berg, Lee Mooney, Jim Wil- By JIM Becker Co-Publisher of the last five years and the demise of much This issue of Baltimore OUTloud of the print media, here we are, ten years and May 17, 2013 | Volume XI, Issue 1 acceptance, in large part due to our growing liams, and me – decided that Baltimore could benefit from a secondstone forgay us as we celebratenewspaper 10 isyears a mile- of counting! that Our success against the odds and activist journalism in service to Baltimore’s conventional wisdom, rest squarely with our sexual-minority communities. In our superb staff, loyal columnist and writers – vol- visibility. However, this acceptance may come was free of the intrigue associated with some of the communities’ thensue on May existing 16, 2003, founding publisherorganizafirst is- unteers all, committed- advertisers, and30th, most 2003 we wrote: Mike Chase described the launch of the pa- importantly you, Baltimore’s lesbian, gay, bi- per as time-consuming, nerve-wracking, and sexual and transgender communities. Celebrating Ten at a price for those among us who have dif- tions. Since 1979-80, Baltimore has been fortunate to have at least one,exciting – the beginningand of atan adventure. times It two, We are committed to improving our lives has indeed been all of these with ups, downs, Some history triumphs and tragedies, successes to cel- The adventure Mike spoke about, this fering identities and interest. How will our newspapers for the LGBTQ communities. In the 1980s, the Gay ebrate and obstacles to overcome. Yet, de- Paperjourney that is Baltimore OUTloud, and... to holding the wider community respon- spite the economic crisis with a simple idea: Baltimore’s Queerstarted com- Years Together tive of Charm City was very connected to the munities would benefit local LGBT scene. He had also developed a communities support other visions of what it and The Alternative competed for ad dollars and support with from an independentsible for actions thatLife, fi ledattack an unsuccessful lawsuit our against humanity.
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