UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY WASHINGTON, D.C. 20460 OFFICI' OF PREVENTION, PESTICIDES AND TOXIC SUBSTANCES Ms, Lynne C. Zahigian Agent for Lawn and Garden Products, Inc. c/o Lynne Zahigan Regulatory Consulting . P.O Box 1566 MAY 3 0 2Ol)g Fallon, NV 89407 SUBJECT: Application for Pesticide Notification (PRN 98-10) Request General Label Change(s) EPA Reg. No. 54705-5 Application Dated May 6, 2008 Dear: Registtant: The Agency is in receipt of your Application for Pesticide Notification under Pesticide Registration Notice (PRN) 98-10 dated 05/06/08 for the above product. The Registration Division (RD) has conducted a review of this request for its applicability under PRN 98-10 and finds that the action(s) requested fall within the scope ofPRN 98-10. The label submitted with the application has been stamped "Notification" and will be placed in our records. Please note that the Agency has issued a Pesticide Registration Notice (PR) 2007-4: Labeling Revisions Requited by the Final Rule "Pesticide Management and Disposal; Standards for Pesticide Containers and Containment Statements." All labeling must be updated by August 17,2009. If you have any questions, please call me directly at 703-305-6249 or Owen F. Beeder of my staff at 703-308-8899. Sincerely, ~ Linda Arrington Notifications & Minor Fonnulations Team Leader Registration Division (7505P) Office of Pesticide Programs ·ynne May 6,2008 Document Processing Desk (NOTIF) Office of Pesticide Programs (7504P) U.S. Environmental Protection Agency 1200 Pennsylvania Ave., N.W. Washington, DC 20460 ATTENTION: Ms. Joanne I. Miller, Product Manager (23) Herbicide Branch C RE: WEED STOPPER I WEED IMPEDE® EPA Reg. No. 54705-5 In response to your letter dated April 11, 2008, regarding the error in the maximum annual rate for Nonplanted Areas, we am submitting a revised market label for Weed Impede. Please note that Lawn. and Garden Products, Inc. is not marketing under the Weed Stopper (Primary Brand Name) at this time only Weed Impede® (Alternate Brand Name). We have also made two additional minor revisions to the label that are covered under the Notification guidelines. The changes are: 1. Under Nonplanted Areas, we corrected the rate for the longer control time for 8 to 12 Months from "12" to "9" fl.oz/1 ,000 sq. ft. 2. In the Storage and Disposal box under Container Disposal we removed the words "or 1- BOO-CLEANUP" . 3. Lastly, in the Conditions of Sale and Warranty, second paragraph, fifth line, we added the phrase "To the extent consistent with applicable law, buyer... " to the sentence "Buyer and user acknowledge and assume all risks and liability ... " Enclosed in support of this Notification are: o A completed Application for Pesticide, EPA Form 8570-1. o A copy of the April 11, 2008 letter requesting the revision. o Five (5) copies of the label (one copy has been highlighted to show the revisions). Please note that we have this revised label for Weed Impede (ABN) scheduled to print within the month. If you have any questions regarding this submission, please contact me at (775) 423-9122. Q '-' V (J Regards, , (J U (, 1,.1 () C;(,J(JV l:'Cl " U I..) () l.. V 1.1 (;;1LAr-.. .l. f rtt:~JU.-' i.) 0 ) \", l.' .j {) L,.../ 1/ L' J Vc-..- Z~ h' ~..JuulI0U ~ne . a 191an V"'lJ v U u u L- (.) (.) " Agent for Lawn and Garden Products, Inc. .L_l.\ (.J V U l.' t..'\:, (.~ v \..., U v LGPI-EPAlWeed StopperiWeed Impede 1..... v cc: V c. LCZ-Chron {J l' V , ..... \~,~, V V v 0 P.O. Box 1566. Fallon, NY 89407 • Telephone - 775/423-9122 •. Fax - 775/423-9128 • Iynnezahigian@ch~;'te/~el utIli 'lI.d /".tlVctiO". on TIIV.,•• b.foTII'CDmDllltJl1#I form. Form ADDroved.OMS No. 2070-0060 A ........, • .t exnlres 2·28·95 3/ opp Identifier Number 13£ United States W' Registration, S,EPA Environmental Protection Agency Amendment Washington, DC 20460 .f Other Application for Pesticide - Section I. CompanylProduct Number 2. EPA Product Manager 3: Proposed Classification 54705-5 Joanne" Miller o None D Restricted . Company/Product (Name) PM' NEED STOPPER I WEED IMPEDE 23 . Name and Address of Applicant (Include ZIP Codel 6. Expedited Reveiw. In accordance with FIFRA Section 3Ic)(3) _awn and Garden Products, Inc. (b)(i), my product is similar or identical in composition and labeling to: ~/o Lynne Zahigian Regulatory Consulting EPA Reg. No. __________________________~ ______ =>.0. Box 1566 Fallon, NV 89407-1566 o Check if this is 8 new addrflss . Product Name Section - II Amendment - Explain below. [ijRnal printed labels in repsonse to 04/11/08 D Agency letter datad ____________________ D Rasubmission in response to Agency letter dated ________ D. ·Me Too· Application. o 'Notification - Explain below. o Other -Explain below. Explanation: Use additional page{s) if necessary. {For section I and Section II.) This Notification is in response to the Agency's letter dated April 11, 2008. There are two other minor revisions being made which are explained on my cover letter. This notification is consistent with the provisions of PR Notice 98-10 and EPA regulations at 40 CFR 152.46, and no other changes have been made to the 'labeling or the confidential statement of formula of this product. I understand that it is a violation.of 18 U.S.C. Sec. 1001 to willfully make any false statement to EPA. I further understand that if this notification is not consistent with the terms of PR Notice 98-10 and 40 CFR 152.46, this product may be in violation of FIFRA and I maybe subject to enforcement action and penalties under sections 12 and 14 of FIFRA. Section - III ~ This Product Will Be Packaged In: Child_RBesist::~'~U";tP"~';"' W.... S."b', Pa,ka,;", 2. T~~ D Yes _____V:--- Plastic No _ No 0 No Glass If WYes W No. per ----~k:.Yes· ~. per r---- Paper • Certification must Unit Packaging wgt. container I PacK.ruJe..wQ! container '--- Other (Specify) besubmiUed ___~~ ~____ ------------ 3. L~cetion of Net Contents Information ______ ~ze(s) Retail Container r~f Label Directions L Label U Con.lBifler-- . f=:J., ______ 6~Mannerin Whi I::1iI58iis Affixed to Product f J Lithograph Other -------- Paper glued 0 . Stenciled Section - IV ,. Contact Point (Complete items directly below for identification of individuel to be contact8d, if necflssary, to p,ocess this applicetion.) Name Title Telephone No. (Include Area Code) Lynne C. Zahigian Agent (775) 423-9122 Certification 6.patO ~jplication r certify that the statements I have made on this form and all attachments thereto are true, accurate and cqtnp1eie:' F.'eceiviid I acknowledge that eny knowlinglly false or misleeding statement may be punishable by fine or imprisonmeljt or ~' c' i~~amped) both under applicable law. u " c. c, , " l, l.t.:(: \.1 (. \ ',. I, V 2. Signature 3. Title '. (o·l' \,., tJ (., "J V "'-• Agent " (, .... 1'.· v., /7)(J)~ (l 1Ai A~A ~-~) ',' '" v f.I. T~led Name I ' {j Lynne C. Zahigian EPA Form 8570-' (Rev. 3 .. 94) PreVIous editions are obsolete. White· EPA 'File Copy longlnen v.now • Applicant Copy Preemergence Herbicide Herbicida de Preemergencia WEED IMPEDE" FOR HOMEOWNER USE! SOLAMENTE PARA USO HOGAR Active Ingredient Oryzalin: 3,S-dinitro-N',N'-dipropyl- sulfanilamide _. " ..... , ... , .. , . 40.4% Other Ingredients: ................• 59.6% Total: ...............•. 100.0% Contains 1.0 pound of active ingredient per KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN MANTENGA FUERA DEL ALCANCE DE LOS NINOS NET CONTENTS: CAUTION/PRECAUCI6N 1 QUART /946 mL (See Attached Booklet for Precautionary Statements and Directions For Use In English & Spanish) 099010408(061 _ V \ \,J " :..! 12:27 PM Page 1 '\ 25084 Weed Impede (qt) BK $29/08 I WEED IMPEDE® _MONTERE(!) May Be Tank Mixed With ROUNDUp® or REMUDA® FULL STRENGTH For Pre- and Postemergence Control Puede Mezclarse en Tanque con ROUNDUP" 0 REMUDA" FULL STRENGTH para Control de Pre- y Postemergencia Cantrole las Pastas Anuafes y MUGhas Mafezasde de Haja AnGha: . • Plantas Ornamentales de Paisaje y Bulbas • Jardines de RaGas • Plantas Ornamentales de Temparada • Cubiertas de Suela • Areas na Sembradas Mata a las Hierbas Antes de que Emerjan EPA Reg. No, 54705-5 EPA Est. No. 48498-CA-' Manufactured for I Fabricado par: + + LAWN AND GARDEN PRODUCTS, INC. p,o, Box 35000 • Fresno, CA 93745 (559) 499-2100 • www.montereylawngarden.com Weed Impede'" and Remuda® are registered trademarks of Lawn and Garden Products, Inc, ItI I o 22179I 10034 3 NET CONTENTS: 1 QUART /946 mL 0403/0406106) ·. 125084 weed Impede (qt.) ~8 12:27 PM Page 2 -I KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN CAUTION FIRST AID IF IN EYES: Hold eye open and rinse slowly and gently wrrh water for 15· 20 minutes. Remove contact lenses, If present, after the first 5 minutes, then continue rinsing eye. Call a poison control center or doctor for . treatment advice. HOT UHE NUMBER Have the product container or label with you when calling a poison control center or doctor, or going for treatment. You may also contact the National Pesticide Inlonnation Center at '·600·656·7376 for emergency· medical treatment inlonnation. PRECAUTIONARY STATEMENTS Hazards to Humans and Domestic Animals CAUTION: Causes eye irritation. Prolonged or frequently repeated contact may cause allergiC reactions in some individuals. Avoid contact with eyes or clothing. Applicators should wear long-sleeved shirt and long panls, chemical·resistonl gloves and shoes plus socks. Wosh thoroughly with soap and water afier handling and before eating, drinking, chewing gum, or using tobacco. Remove contaminated clothing and wash before reuse. Keep all persons, children and pets out of treated area until sprays have dried. + + ENVIRONMENTAL HAZARDS This pesticide is toxic to fish. Do not apply directly to water.
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