Presorted Standard U.S. Postage Paid Austin, Texas Permit No. 01949 This paper can be recycled Vol. 38 No. 42 Website: theaustinvillager.com Email: [email protected] Phone: 512-476-0082 Fax: 512-476-0179 March 4, 2011 First African-American in space speaks to More than 3,000 attended the llth Austin students African merican Legislative Summit RAPPIN’ Tommy Wyatt What a difference an email makes!! African Americans have become quite good at determin- ing who their friends are. There is an old saying that “we have no permanent friends or en- emies, only permanent prob- Guion S. Bluford, Jr., Ph.D. lems.” Keeping that in mind, By Angela Wyatt Earth’s atmosphere. “There there had to be coalitions formed Staff Reporter is a lot of interest in human Summit attendees gather in House Chamber for the conference. Photo by Damon Luckett. space flight. Not only in the to work on specific problems. Dr. Guion “Guy” S. The 11th African and the Sheraton Hotel at the The keynote speaker for United States but around the The goal is to find some- Bluford, Jr, the first African- American Legislative Summit Capitol. This year’s theme the the Monday evening world,” Bluford said. “The one who need us as much as we American to fly aboard the was held in Austin February was “African Americans Scholarship Banquet was Russians are interested, the need them. There was a time Space Shuttle was in Austin 28 - March 1 in Austin. The Staying Relevant in the Midst Debra Lee, CEO of BET and the Europeans still support it, when we could count on a coali- February 23, 2011. In honor of conference was hosted by the of Changing Demographics.” Breakfast speaker was Roland the Chinese support it. We tion between African Americans Black History Month, Austin Legislative Black Caucus A number of events Martin, Journalist for TV 1 and have something called the In- and Hispanics. At other times, Community College invited (TLBC). The Chairman is were included in this years CNN Contributor. ternational Space Station and there were pacts formed be- Dr. Guy Bluford to speak to Sylvester Turner of Houston summit. A lot of attention was There were also a num- we’ll be supporting that for tween African Americans and ACC student, Austin school and is composed of the Sev- given to people who contrib- ber of workshops held during at least another 10 years, and the white Liberal community. students ranging in all ages enteen members of the House uted to the advancement of the conference as well as lunch that will be an international But when the Liberals and community members. He of Representatives and two the African American com- on the grounds of the capitol. effort.” broke away in favor of envi- talked about his experiences Senators. munity. There were also a There was an estimate of ap- Among those in the au- romental concerns, African of traveling to space and his The events were held number of Scholarships proximately 3,000 plus at- dience, was a group of stu- Americans had to look for other work on the International between the Texas Capitol given to deserving students. tendee to this year’s event. partners. It has not been easy to Space Station. dents representing the Texas form a cooperative group, until Born in Philadelphia, Empowerment Academy. now. PA in 1942 and received a One of them asked Dr. That problem may have bachelor of science degree in Bluford what they could do been solved somewhat with the aerospace engineering from to become astronauts. “I en- revelation of emails of members Pennsylvania State University courage kids to aim high,” of the Austin City Council. in 1964, master of science in Bluford said. “To choose ca- These emails revealed that the aerospace engineering with reers in things that really get Mayor and Mayor Pro Tem does distinction from the Air Force them excited and to realize not have a favorable opinion Institute of Technology in that with hard work and per- about the City Manager, at least 1974, a doctor of philosophy severance and stick-to-it- one Assistant City Manager and degree in aerospace engineer- iveness they can be anything the Fire Chief. It just so hap- ing with minor in laser phys- they want to be. pens that all of them are minori- ics from the Air Force of Tech- In 1993 he retired from ties - two African Americans and nology in 1978 and master in the Air Force at the rank of one Female. business administration from Colonel. Also, in 1997, he be- Their actions have caused the University of Houston, came part of the International a strong response from several Clear Lake in 1987. Space Hall of Fame. His first groups. The NAACP called for Bluford spent 15 years hardship in life was when a meeting with the Mayor and as an astronaut. He made four his teachers said he wasn’t “Concerned Citizens of Austin calls for meeting Mayor Pro Tem to discuss the trips to space between 1983 college material. He went to college, but it was another with Mayor and Mayor Pro Tem issue. They have been joined in and 1992 and participated in cause we have processes, and hardship in his life. He was Citing the revelation of seated issues at work with the this effort by a group of Con- the first night launch and a cache of emails from Austin elected officials. we believe in process,” said one of 35 out 8,878 appli- cerned Citizens from the African night landing of the space Mayor Lee Leffingwell and The group is demand- Dr. Gregory J. Vincent, a American community as well as shuttle Challenger on August cants for the astronaut pro- Mayor Pro-Tem Mike ing an in-person meeting spokesperson for the group. coalition of other groups who 30, 1983. His duties in space gram. As for one of his major Martinez, a group of con- with the Mayor and also with He also said, “Speaking as a object to this outrageous behav- ranged from working on accomplishments, he flew cerned citizens signed a joint the Mayor Pro-Tem as soon as private citizen and not in my ior. Space Station operations, to 144 combat missions in the letter to each of the two men, possible. The group, called official UT capacity, what we are criticizing here is the lack The situation came to Spacelab systems and experi- Vietnam War. expressing its “profound dis- Concerned Citizens of Austin, He demonstrated many may and justified outrage” also held a press conference of process and unprofessional light when the emails of the coun- ments, to payload safety is- behavior.” characteristics of being a over the written correspon- on Wednesday, March 2, 2011 cil members was released to the sues. Concerned Citizens of hero. He showed courage dence, which depicts some of at 12:00 Noon at City Hall. Austin American Statesman. His first mission was the public’s highest ranking “Even when I disagree Austin represents a broad geo- and bravery in becoming an And there are many more to be STS-8, which launched from employees as “jokes”, with my elected officials, I graphic cross-section of released. We can only wonder Kennedy Space Center, astronaut and flying over “bought off”, “company men” must believe that they are act- Austinites and express a sincere what kinds of information is in- Florida, on August 30, 1983. 144 missions in the Vietnam and other derisive terms. The ing in good faith. When that desire to improve the quality of cluded in these emails. However, This was the third flight for War. He showed determina- unprofessional tone of the re- changes, then it undermines life for all people, particularly we already have enough to see the Orbiter Challenger and the tion for not giving up on his marks is causing some to ques- the public trust. This country, those who have been historically underserved by our City. the mindset of the people writ- first mission with a night dream. I think Guion tion whether there are deeper- state and city are great be- ing them. launch and night landing. Bluford’s life teaches us to NEW TRAVIS COUNTY PRECINCT ONE BUILDING As we prepare for the Bluford believes that the not give up and good things May City Council elections, future of human space explo- will come, because he didn’t NAMED AFTER JUDGE RICHARD E. SCOTT there will be several incum- ration is strong, thanks to give up on his dream and it Travis County Commis- mittance to the State Bar of bents on the ballot. They continuing worldwide inter- came true. Dr. Bluford is a sioners vote unanimously to Texas, Judge Scott was one of will have a lot of questions est in traveling beyond the great role model. name new Travis County the first African American to answer as they face the building at 4717 Heflin Lane lawyers to practice law in citizens at the political fo- Planning Meeting for March 12 after judicial official who Travis County. In addition to rums. served for over 35 years. the State Bar of Texas, Judge The entire Austin com- Rally to be Held Saturday Former Precinct 1 Jus- Scott has been a longtime munity should pay a lot of at- The next community the speakers. tice of the Peace Richard E. member and former chair of tention to the candidates run- planning and organizing The discussion will be Scott who was sworn in Janu- the Judicial Council of the ning for the council.
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