E.Ü. Su Ürünleri Dergisi 2004 © Ege University Press E.U. Journal of Fisheries & Aquatic Sciences 2004 ISSN 1300 - 1590 Cilt/Volume 21, Sayı/Issue (3-4): 191– 199 http://jfas.ege.edu.tr/ A Check-list for Zooplankton of Turkish Inland Waters M. Ruşen Ustaoğlu Ege University, Faculty of Fisheries, Department of Hydrobiology, Section of Limnology, Bornova, 35100, Izmir, Türkiye E mail: [email protected] Özet: Türkiye içsuları zooplankton kontrol listesi. Türkiye içsularında yapılmış olan zooplankton araştırmaları bir araya getirilerek bir kontrol listesi hazırlanmıştır. 1940 yılında başlatılan ve günümüze kadar yapılan araştırmalar sonucunda rotiferlerden 229, kladoserlerden 92, kopepodlardan ise 106 olmak üzere toplam 427 takson listelenmiştir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Rotifera, Cladocera, Copepoda, Zooplankton, İçsular, Türkiye, Kontrol listesi Abstract: A checklist is presented, based on compilation of previous zooplankton studies carried out at Turkish inland waters. As a result of studies conducted since 1940 to date, 229 rotiferans, 92 cladocerans and 106 copepods totalling 427 taxa is listed. Key Words: Rotifera, Cladocera, Copepoda, Zooplankton, Inland Waters, Turkey, Check-list Introduction The cladocer, copepod and rotifer fauna of Turkish inland waters were exposed to a greater extend between 1950 and Inventory works on the zooplankton diversity of Turkish 1970, with enterprises of foreign researchers (Muckle, 1951; inland waters are recent, where majority of the studies was Kiefer, 1952, 1955; Lindeberg, 1953, 1955; Noodt, 1954; Hauer, carried out within the past 65 years. Pioneering researches 1957; Margaritora and Cottarelli, 1970). Studies of Turkish began by the early 1900’s by Daday (1903), Vavra (1905) and scientists clearly outnumbered after 1970. When the number of Zederbauer and Brehm (1907). In the following years, the zooplankton studies within separate decades is analyzed, a studies by Mann (1940) on pelagic copepods of Turkish lakes total of 12 studies between 1971-1980, 22 between 1981-1990, and by Geldiay (1949) on comparative investigation of macro 47 between 1991-2000, and 20 thereafter were carried out and microfauna of Çubuk Dam and Eymir lakes are prominent. (Table 1). Table 1. The status of studies made concerning the zooplankton of Turkish inland waters, within advancing decades of interval. 1903-1910 3 Daday (1903), Vavra (1905), Zederbauer and Brehm (1907) 1911-1920 - 1921-1930 - 1931-1940 1 Mann (1940) 1941-1950 1 Geldiay (1949) 1951-1960 8 Muckle (1951), Kiefer (1952), Lindeberg (1953), Noodt (1954), Lindeberg (1955), Kiefer (1955), Hauer (1957), Numann (1958) 1961-1970 1 Margaritora and Cottorelli (1970) 1971-1980 12 Demirhindi (1972), Geldiay and Tareen (1972), Ongan et al. (1972), Tokat (1972), Tareen (1974), Tokat (1975), Toparlak (1975), Tokat (1976), Margaritora et al. (1977), Kiefer (1978), Fiers (1979), Pesce (1980) 1981-1990 22 Dumont (1981), Ongan (1981), Ongan (1982), Anonymus (1983), Gündüz (1984), Gündüz (1986), Anonymus (1986), Ustaoğlu (1986), Ustaoğlu and Balık (1986), Dumont and De Ridder (1987), Gündüz (1987), Özesmi (1987), Rahe and Pelister (1987), Ortak and Kırgız (1988), Demirhindi (1989-1990), Emir (1989), Güher and Kırgız (1989), Gündüz (1989), Emir (1990), Gündüz (1990), Ustaoğlu and Balık (1990 a,b) 1991-2000 47 Demirhindi (1991), Emir (1991), Gündüz (1991 a,b), Güher and Kırgız (1992), Kazancı et al. (1992), Pesce (1992), Segers et al. (1992), Anonymus (1993), Balık and Ustaoğlu (1993), Ustaoğlu (1993), Bekleyen and Bilgin (1994), Emir (1994 a,b), Güher and Kırgız (1994), Ustaoğlu and Akyürek (1994), Akıl and Şen (1995), Altındağ and Sözen (1996), Anonymous (1996), Gündüz (1996), Ustaoğlu et al. (1996), Altındağ (1997), Gündüz (1997), Emir and Demirsoy (1996), Bekleyen (1997), Bozkurt (1997), Göksu et al. (1997), Ustaoğlu et al. (1997), Yerli et al. (1997), Mitamura et al. (1997), Altındağ and Özkurt (1998), Gündüz (1998 a,b), Yalım and Çıplak (1998), Özdemir Mis (1998), Akbulut (Emir) and Demirsoy (1998-99), Altındağ (1999), Altındağ and Yiğit (1999a,b), Balık et al. (1999), Güher (1999), Akbulut (Emir) (2000), Altındağ (2000), Bozkurt and Göksu (2000), Güher (2000), Saler (Emiroğlu) et al. (2000), Yıldız and Ekingen (2000) 2001- 20 Akbulut (Emir) (2001), Altındağ and Yiğit (2001a,b), Bekleyen (2001), Gülle and Ertan (2001), Saler (Emiroğlu) and Şen (2001), Ustaoğlu et al. (2001a,b), Yalım (2001), Akbulut (Emir) and Akbulut (2002), Güher (2002), Saler and Şen (2002), Yiğit (2002), Tellioğlu and Şen (2001, 2002), Bozkurt et al. (2002), Altındağ and Yiğit (2002), Aygen (2003), Ustaoğlu et al. (2003), Bekleyen (2003) A prominent increase is encountered in both the number Although a great proportion of studies were conducted at of researchers and the zooplanktonic studies (ca.120 published natural lakes, a recent tendency towards dam lakes and rivers papers) within advancing decades. Majority of these studies are is also of concern. This study aims to present a checklist of of inventory nature, generally presenting information on inland zooplankton of Turkish inland waters, based on compilation of water zooplankton fauna (cladocera, copepoda and rotifera). previous inventory studies carried out until now. 192 Ustaoğlu / E.Ü. Su Ürünleri Dergisi 21 (3-4): 191-199 Checklist B. sessilis Varga, 1951 B. urceolaris (O.F.Müller, 1773) Phylum: Rotifera Cuvier, 1817 B. variabilis Hempel, 1896 Genus: Keratella Bory de St. Vincent, 1822 Classis: Eurotatoria De Ridder, 1957 K. cochlearis (Gosse, 1851) Subclassis: Bdelloidea Hudson, 1884 K. c. tecta (Lauterborn,1900) Ordo: Adinetida K. quadrata (O.F.Müller, 1786) Familia: Adinetidae Hudson & Gosse, 1889 K. q. frenzeli (Eckstein, 1895) Genus: Adineta Hudson&Gosse, 1886 K. testudo (Ehrenberg, 1832) A. vaga (Davis, 1873) K. tropica (Apstein, 1907) Ordo: Philodinida K. t. brehmi (Klausener, 1908) Familia: Philodinidae Ehrenberg, 1838 K. t. reducta (Fadeew, 1927) Genus: Rotaria Scopoli, 1777 K. valga (Ehrenberg, 1834) R. citrina (Ehrenberg, 1838) Genus: Notholca Gosse, 1886 R. neptunia (Ehrenberg, 1832) N. acuminata (Ehrenberg, 1832) R. rotatoria (Pallas, 1766) N. squamula (O.F.Müller, 1786) R. socialis (Kellicot,1888) Genus: Kellicottia Ahlstrom, 1938 Genus: Philodina Ehrenberg, 1830 K. longispina (Kellicott, 1879) P. megalotrocha Ehrenberg, 1832 Genus: Anuraeopsis Lauterborn, 1900 P. roseola Ehrenberg, 1832 A. coelata (de Beauchamp, 1932) Subclassis: Monogononta Plate, 1889 A. fissa Gosse, 1851 Superordo: Pseudotocha Kutikova, 1970 Familia: Euchlanidae Ehrenberg, 1838 Ordo: Ploimia Hudson & Gosse, 1886 Genus: Euchlanis Ehrenberg, 1832 Familia: Epiphanidae Harring, 1913 E. contorta Wulfert,1939 Genus: Proalides De Beauchamp, 1907 E. dilatata Ehrenberg,1832 P. verrucosa Barrois & Daday, 1894 E. incisa Carlin,1939 Genus: Liliferotrocha Sudzuki, 1959 E. lyra Hudson,1886 L. subtilis (Rodewald,1940) E. meneta Myers,1930 Genus: Epiphanes Ehrenberg, 1832 E. oropha Gosse,1887 E. brachionus spinosus (Rousselet, 1901) Genus: Tripleuchlanis Myers, 1930 E. macroura (Barrois & Daday,1894) T. plicata (Levander,1894) E. senta (O.F.Müller, 1773) Familia: Mytilinidae Harring, 1913 Genus: Rhinoglena Ehrenberg, 1853 Genus: Mytilina Bory de St. Vincent, 1826 R. frontalis Ehrenberg, 1853 M. mucronata (O.F.Müller,1773) Familia: Brachionidae Ehrenberg, 1838 M. ventralis (Ehrenberg,1832) Genus: Platyias Harring, 1913 M. v. brevispina Ehrenberg,1832 P. quadricornis (Ehrenberg, 1832) M. v. macracantha (Gosse,1886) Genus: Brachionus Pallas, 1766 Genus: Lophocharis Ehrenberg, 1838 B. angularis Gosse, 1851 L. naias Wulfert,1942 B. bidentatus Anderson, 1889 L. oxysternon (Gosse,1851) B. budapestinensis Daday, 1885 L. rubens Wulfert,1939 B. calyciflorus Pallas, 1766 L. salpina (Ehrenberg,1834) B. c. anureiformis (Brehm, 1909) Familia: Trichotriidae Harring, 1913 B. caudatus (Barrois & Daday,1894) Genus: Wolga Skorikov, 1903 B. diversicornis (Daday, 1883) W.spinifera (Western,1894) B. falcatus Zacharias, 1898 Genus: Trichotria Bory de St. Vincent, 1827 B. forficula Wierzejski, 1891 T. curta (Skorikov,1914) B. leydigi Cohn, 1862 T. pocillum (O.F.Müller,1776) B. l. tridentatus (Sernov, 1901) T. tetractis (Ehrenberg,1830) B. patulus (O.F.Müller, 1786) Genus: Macrochaetus Perty, 1850 B. plicatilis (O.F.Müller, 1786) M. collinsi (Gosse,1867) B. quadridentatus Hermann, 1783 Familia: Lepadellidae Harring, 1913 B. q. ancylognathus (Schmarda, 1859) Genus: Colurella Bory de St. Vincent, 1824 B. q. brevispinus (Ehrenberg, 1832) C. adriatica Ehrenberg,1831 B. q. cluniorbicularis (Skorikov, 1894) C. colurus (Ehrenberg,1830) B. rubens Ehrenberg, 1838 C. obtusa (Gosse,1886) Ustaoğlu / E.Ü. Su Ürünleri Dergisi 21 (3-4): 191-199 193 C. uncinata (O.F.Müller,1773) Familia: Scaridiidae Manfredi, 1927 C. u. bicuspidata (Ehrenberg,1832) Genus: Scaridium Ehrenberg, 1830 Genus: Squatinella Bory de St. Vincent, 1826 S. longicaudum (O.F.Müller,1786) S. mutica (Ehrenberg,1832) Familia: Notommatidae Hudson & Gosse, 1886 S. rostrum (Schmarda,1846) Genus: Monommata Bartsch, 1870 Genus: Lepadella Bory de St. Vincent, 1826 M. arndti Remane,1933 L. acuminata (Ehrenberg,1834) M. longiseta (O.F.Müller,1786) L. amphitropis Harring,1916 Genus: Taphrocampa Gosse, 1851 L. costata Wulfert,1940 T. selenura (Gosse,1887) L. ovalis (O.F.Müller,1786) Genus: Eosphora Ehrenberg, 1830 L. patella (O.F.Müller,1786) E. anthadis Harring & Myers,1922 L. p. similis (Lucks,1912) E. ehrenbergi Weber,1918 L. quadricarinata (Stenroos,1898) E. najas Ehrenberg,1830 L. quinquecostata (Lucks,1912) E. thoides Wulfert,1935
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