Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-01868-6 - Mapping the Chinese and Islamic Worlds: Cross-Cultural Exchange in Pre-modern Asia Hyunhee Park Index More information Index ʿAbbasids, ʿAbbasid caliphate, 7 archeological excavations breakup of, 90 in Aden, 30 conflicts with the Tang army in Central in Arikamedu, 30 Asia, 11, 24–25 in Banbhore, 30 Du You’s section about, 26 in Sıraf, 30, 66 fall of, 17, 96 in Suhar, 30 in Jia Dan’s Route, 32 of Zheng He shipyards in Nanjing, 171 updating their geographic knowledge, 12 Arigh Böke, 97 ʿAbd al-Razzaq al-Samarqandı, 183 atabeg, 95 Abū al-Fidaʾ, 147 ʿAtaMalik. See History of the World Abu-Lughod, Janet, 197 Conqueror Abū Zayd al-Sırafı, 52, 65–74, 77, 84, 86, Ayyubids, 52 87, 89 Abyssinian Sea. See Indian Ocean Baghdad, 21 Account of Foreign Countries in the Chinese craftsmen in, 68 Western Regions (Xiyu fanguo zhi). commercial connection of, to China, See Chen Cheng 57, 64 Account of the Palace Library (Mishujian fall of, 94, 126 zhi), 99, 103, 107 as the new ʿAbbasid capital, 27, 32 Accounts of China and India (Akhbar al-Balkhı, 73, 75 al-Sın wa-l-Hind), 63–72, 86, Balkhı School, 73, 75, 76, 77, 78, 80, 84, 155, 157 90, 129, 148 Achaemenids, 128 Ban Gu, legendary first emperor of China, Ahmad, Yuan minister, 99, 138 138 Alexander the Great Basra, 32, 61 wall of, 134 Battle of ʿAyn Jalūt, 19, 127 Alexandria, 53 Battle of Talas, 21, 25 Lighthouse of, 53, 106 Bayt al-Hikmah (House of Wisdom), 59 Allsen, Thomas, 98 Beijing. See Dadu (Daidu) and Khanbaliq Amır Sayyid Toghan Shah, 111 al-Bırūnı, 78–80, 84, 87, 130, 147 An Lushan rebellion, 29 Zıj of, 78 Anxi. See Parthian Empire blue-and-white porcelain, 117, 176 Arabs, 2, 6, 11, 20, 22, 28, 29, 60, Bolad, 125, 138 119, 181 Book of Curiosities, 80 269 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-01868-6 - Mapping the Chinese and Islamic Worlds: Cross-Cultural Exchange in Pre-modern Asia Hyunhee Park Index More information 270 Index Book of Min (Minshu), 115, 116, 167 al-Sın, 6, 81, 87, 144 Book of Profitable Things Concerning Sın al-Sın, 148, 155 the First Principles and Rules of China-centered “world order”, 22 Navigation (Kitab al-fawaʾid fı usūl Chinggis Khan, 18, 93 ʿilm al-bahr wa-l-qawaʿid). See Ibn Chinistan. See China Majid Choice of the Age, on the Marvels of Book of Roger, 82–83, 86, 181 Land and Sea (Nukhbat al-dahr Book of Routes and Realms (Kitab fı ʿajaʾib al-barr wa-ʾl-bahr). al-Masalik wa-ʾl-mamalik), 60–64, 71 See Dimashqı, Shams al-Dın Book of the Lands (Kitab al-Buldan), 76 Classic of Mountains and Seas (Shanhai Book of the Wonders of India, 64 jing), 10 Branch Quanzhou Prefecture Office (xing Columbus, Christopher, 4, 162, 197 Quanfu si), 110, 137 Compendium of Chronicles (Jamiʿ Branch Secretariats (Xing zhongshu al-tawarıkh). See Rashıd al-Dın sheng), 137 Comprehensive Map of the Great Ming Braudel, Fernand, 17 Empire (Daming hunyi tu), 164, 172, Broad Terrestrial Map (Guang yutu), 165– 173, 189 167, 189. See also Luo Hongxian Continuation of the History and Bureau for the Procurement of Necessities Topography of Quanzhou (Qingyuan (zhiyong yuan), 112 xuzhi). See Wu Jian Buyids, 75, 126 country of Shi, 25 Byzantine empire, 163 da Gama, Vasco, 1, 188, 189, 196 Caliph al-Maʾmūn, 59, 76, 148 Dadu (Daidu), 108, 135, 136 commissioning a geodetic survey, 59 Daibul, 32 world map of, 59, 76 Dar al-Islam (the land of Islam), 59 Caliph al-Mansūr, 57 Dar es Salaam, 33 Caliph al-Muʿtamid, 60 Dashi, 2, 6, 20, 23 Caliph Amir al-Muʾminin, 26, 32 countries of, 47 Canary Islands, 181 Description of the Foreign Lands (Zhufan cartography. See maps zhi), 46, 50–54 development of, ancient China, 14 dhow ships development of, Islamic world, 74 characteristics of, 65 Chaffee, John, 44 Chinese description about the Chagatai Khanate, 102 shipbuilding technology of, 118 Chain of the Histories (Silsilat shipwrecks in Belitung, 16 al-tawarikh), 65 Dimashqı, Shams al-Dın, 147 Chang De. See Record of an Embassy Ding Jiezhai, 111 to the Regions in the West (Xishi ji) Du Huan, 56, 68, 91, 113, 116, 119 Chang’an, 21, 68 Du You, 62. See also Encyclopedic History Western Market, 69 of Institutions (Tongdian) Chaudhuri, K. N., 17 Chen Cheng, 168, 188, 195 “Eastern Sea of the Muslims” (Dong Dashi Chen Dazhen. See Record of the Southern hai), 48, 49 Sea (Nanhai zhi) Egypt, 47, 52 Chın. See China Emperor Yongle, 168–169, 179, 182, 189, China 195 Chın [China], 6, 80 Encompassing Sea, 76 definition of, in this book, 5, 19 Encyclopedia of Yuan Dynasty Machın[greater China], 80 Institutions(Yuan Jingshi dadian), Manzi, 135 100, 102 and the Silk Road, 5 geographical map of, 100, 142 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-01868-6 - Mapping the Chinese and Islamic Worlds: Cross-Cultural Exchange in Pre-modern Asia Hyunhee Park Index More information Index 271 Encyclopedic History of Institutions grid maps, in China, 100 (Tongdian), 11, 50. See also Du You Guangxi, 46 Euphrates, 32 Guangzhou, 6, 44, 61, 66 European exploration and discovery, 4 Huang Chao Rebellion in, 70 Ibn Battūta’s journey to, 154 Fakhr al-Dın, 140 local gazetteer from, 113 Fatimids, 52 Office of the Superintendent of Fei Xin, 175–176 Merchant Shipping in, 48 self-governing districts in, 34, 67 Ganpu, 112 Sın Kalan, 155 Gaozong, Song Dynasty, 134 Guo Kan, 96 Gaozong, Tang Dynasty, 35 Guo Ziyi, 96 Gathering of the Summarizing Concerning the First Principles of the Knowledge hajj, 47, 152, 176 of the Seas (Hawiyat al-ikhtisar fı usūl Hamd Allah Mustawfıal-Qazwını, ʿilm al-bihar). See Ibn Majid 141–146 General Map of China (Yu ditu), 42–43 Handy Geographical Maps throughout the General Records of the Founders of Ages (Lidai dili zhizhang tu), 34 Buddhism(Fozu tongji), 38–41 Hanoi, 61 “General Survey Map of Chinese and Hearts’ Bliss (Nuzhat al-Qulūb). See Hamd Non-Chinese Territories from the Past Allah Mustawfıal-Qazwını through the Present” (Gujin huayi Henry the Navigator, 4, 162, 197 quyu zongyao tu), 34, 37 History of Ghazan. See Rashıd al-Dın Geniza records, 71 History of the Former Han (Hanshu), 31 “Geographic Map of the Land of China to History of the World Conqueror, 127 the East” (Dong zhendan dili tu), 41, 51 Hormuz, 92, 107, 117 Geographical Dictionary (Mu‘jam described by ʿAbd al-Razzaq al-buldan), 86 al-Samarqandı, 183 of al-Qazwını, 129 Ma Huan’s section about, 178 of Yaqūt, 86–87, 129 rivalry of, with Qais, 107, 151 geography route to, in a Chinese map, 107 descriptive, in China, 34 Yang Shu’s trip to, 112, 113 descriptive, of Abū al-Fidaʾ, 147 in the Zheng He sea chart, 174 descriptive, of Ibn al-Faqıh, 76 Zheng He’s voyages to, 170 descriptive, of Ibn Khurradadhbih, 60 Hourani, George, 198 physical and mathematical, as a field, 11 Huang Chao Rebellion, 69, 87 physical and mathematical, of Caliph al- Huihui (Muslim), 99 Maʾmūn, 59 Huihui calendar (Huihui li), 100 Ghazan, 112, 128, 131, 133, 139, 140 Hülegü, 18, 94, 96 conversion to Islam during the reign of, Hyecho [Chinese: Huichao], 6 180 envoys to China dispatched by, 112, 140 Ibn al-Faqıh, 75 and Rashıd al-Dın, 131 Ibn al-Nadım. See Kitab al-Fihrist Ghazni, 47, 113 Ibn Amır Hajib, a sultan of Mali, 149 Ghiyath al-Dın Naqqash, 182–183, 188, 195 Ibn Battūta, 114, 124, 137, 152–160, 185, glass, 28 195, 200 Go Seonji [Chinese: Gao Xianzhi], 24 Ibn Fadlallah al-ʿUmarı, 148–150 Gog and Magog, 84, 134 Ibn Hawqal, 75 Golden Horde, 102 Ibn Jubayr, 153 Governmental Ship (guanben chuan), 111 Ibn Juzayy, 153, 155, 157 Grand Canal, 136 Ibn Khaldūn, 158, 161, 180–182, 189 Great Wall, 133 Ibn Khazar, 152 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-01868-6 - Mapping the Chinese and Islamic Worlds: Cross-Cultural Exchange in Pre-modern Asia Hyunhee Park Index More information 272 Index Ibn Khurradadhbih, 58, 76, 133, 144, Juwaynı, ʿAtaMalik. See History of the See also Book of Routes and Realms World Conqueror (Kitab al-Masalik wa-ʾl-mamalik) Ibn Majid, 162, 174, 184–190 Kaʿbah, 177 Ibn Wahab, 68–69 kamal, 174 al-Idrısı, 2, 82–86, 89, 95, 129, 133, 141, Kangnido, 104–107, 173 148, 181, 189 Karimı, 152 Il-Khanate, 18 Kashgharı, 80, 87 Illustrated Treatise on the Sea Khanbaliq, 135–137, 184 Kingdoms(Haiguo tuzhi), 100 Khanfū. See Guangzhou Indian Ocean, 72 Khanjū. See Quanzhou ancient Greek and Roman sailors Khara Khorum, 94 in, 7, 12 kharaj (land tax), 170 Muslim merchants in, 12 Khitan Liao Empire, 87 seven seas of, 72 Khitans, 46, 78, 81 Zhou Qufei’s five great seas in, 48 Khubilai, 18, 102, 132 Introduction (Muqaddimah). See Ibn and Bolad, 138 Khaldūn building the new capital Daidu Islamic Astronomical Bureau and (Dadu), 135 Observatory (Huihui Sitiantai), 99 conflict with Arigh Böke, 97 Islamic Imperial Academy (Huihui conquest of the Southern Song Guozijian), 99 of, 98 the Islamic world. See also Dashi and elected as the fifth grand Khan of the Huihui (Chinese terms for the Mongol empire, 19, 97 Muslims) facilitating China’s sea trade, 98 breakup of, in the Late ʿAbbasid Grand Canal of, 108, 136 Period, 75 and Jamal al-Dın, 100, 103 definition of, in this book, 5, 19 and Prime Minister Ahmad, 138 rise of, 6 proclaiming the Yuan dynasty, 97 al-Istakhrı, 74, 75, 84 and Sayyid ʿAjall Shams al-Dın, 99, 111 Jamal al-Dın (Zhamaluding), Yuan scholar, Khumdan.
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