Digital Commons @ George Fox University Northwest Yearly Meeting of Friends Church Evangelical Friend (Quakers) 3-1974 Evangelical Friend, March 1974 (Vol. 7, No. 7) Evangelical Friends Alliance Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.georgefox.edu/nwym_evangelical_friend Recommended Citation Evangelical Friends Alliance, "Evangelical Friend, March 1974 (Vol. 7, No. 7)" (1974). Evangelical Friend. 80. https://digitalcommons.georgefox.edu/nwym_evangelical_friend/80 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Northwest Yearly Meeting of Friends Church (Quakers) at Digital Commons @ George Fox University. It has been accepted for inclusion in Evangelical Friend by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ George Fox University. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Friends Write little Quaker church has a membership News of Friends of 130 and much time is given in prayer for our President and our government. We are just a little country church so of course have not much say in the big things but God still hears and answers prayer here. What would a 12-member legislative body know about making a decision such Church dedicated; as they are undertaking? Only God is capable of making such decisions. books and MRS. B. FRANK WILKINS Urbana, Ohio reports available Thank you for the great job you are doing with the EVANGELICAL FRIEND. The layout is par excellence and your editorials are always on target. I was When our church (Melba Friends) especially impressed with the article that FAIRBANKS ALASKA, DEDICATES burned down in December of 1972, word Wesley Voth wrote on contemporary NEW FRIENDS CHURCH got around fast that our Women's Mis­ music [October, 1973]. It seemed to me Friends in Fairbanks, Alaska, dedicated a sionary Union was collecting Betty that he handled his subject with mature new church on January 16, 1974, with Crocker coupons with which to get silver­ discernment. Also Milo Ross' articles on 154 present. Marlin Witt is pastor. The ware, etc., for our new kitchen. Many team ministry [November and December, building is a memorial to Franklin ladies from other Northwest Yearly 1973] should provide a vehicle for the Harris, Quaker Eskimo, a former pastor Meeting churches, and even outside our understaffed church, and establish hope killed while hunting. Yearly Meeting, contributed coupons to for many churches desiring solid growth. help us furnish our new kitchen, and at DAVID M . LEACH BOOK PREPARES WAY this time we want to express our thanks. Pastor FOR OCTOBER CONFERENCE Those who contributed demonstrated Friends Memorial Church In preparation for the forthcoming all ­ genuine concern for the Melba WMU Seattle, Washington Friends conference at Indianapolis, In­ and our church, and we appreciate your diana, in October-a follow-up to the help and thoughtfulness. May God bless The quality of the magazine [EVANGELI­ 1970 St. Louis Conference-a paper­ you all. CAL FRIEND] is continually improving. I back, Quaker Understanding of Chri t THE LADIES OF especially appreciate its uncrowded open­ and of Authority, has been prepared by WOMEN 'S MISSIONARY UNION ness. Rather than being wasted space, a tudy panel sponsored by the Friend Melba Friends Church as some might suggest, I feel this serves World Committee's Faith and Life Cen­ Melba, Idaho to accentuate the material and improve tral Planning Committee. This book, its readability .. May the Lord con­ containing papers written by Verlin Hin­ . I would wholeheartedly quote Billy tinue to increase the numbers reached by shaw, Arthur Roberts, Ferner Nuhn, Melvin [NAE] : " It is not one of the best, this instrument of blessing. Francis Hall , and Dean Freiday, may be it is the best. How do you do it?" I am EDITH L. WINES purchased for $1 from the Friends proud of our magazine. Administrator World Committee office, 203 S. East OLEN R. ELLIS Friends Center Street, Plainfield, Indiana 46168. Pastor Columbus, Ohio Friends Church INDIAN AFFAIRS COMMITTEE Grand Junction, Colorado TO MEET IN PHILADELPHIA The 1974 Annual Meeting of the Associ­ I was shocked and deeply grieved to find ated Executive Committee of Friends on an article in your February issue con­ ff~ Indian Affairs will occur May 3-5 at the cerning the impeachment of our Presi­ Book Store Arch Street Meetinghouse in Philadel­ dent. Serving Evangelical Friends with phia. Some of the business will center The affairs of his campaign were no the best in Evangelical Literature around the report of the Survey Com­ more in error than those of many other mittee, which has been active during th e A full service Christian Presidents before him. t supply store featuring pa year. This committee, which is made Because the Democratic P arty is down Cambridge and World up of a representative from each of the and out at this time they are doing every­ Bibles, books from major cooperating yea rly meetings, was orga­ thing in their power to break up the evangelical publishers, George Fox Press Sunday nized to make an in-depth study of the Republican Party. All the powers of School literature, gifts work being done in Oklahoma. Satan are at work to tear a under our and supplies for -Ardelle F. Cope government and they are doing a fa t every occasion. A service of the HATFIELD'S RlCHMOND job of it. Evangelical Friends Church, I have belonged to the Quaker church Eastern Region since 1931 . ADDRESS AVAILABLE for 56 yea rs but if it has this kind of Copies of Senator Mark H atfield's ad­ people in the driver's seat I believe I'll $~ dres gi ven November 17, I973, at Rich­ find another church. mond, Indiana, may be secured as re­ President Nixon's church should be Book Store Box 176 prints from Congressional Record ( 10¢ on their knees in prayer for him rather Damascus, Ohio 44619 each). Ask for Minute No. S23736 in than considering impeachment. Our the December 21, 1973 issue. 2 Evangelical Friend Evangelical Friend Contents Editor-in-Chief: Jack L. Willcuts Managing Editor: Harlow Ankeny Editorial Assistants: Earl P. Barker, Kelsey E and Rachel H. Hinshaw Art Directors: Stan and Shirley Putman Department Editors: Esther Hess, Mission­ ary Voice; Betty Hockett, Children's Page; Walter P. and Carol Lee, Book Review; Don­ ald Green, Youth In this issue: Regional Editors: Gerald I. Teague, Kansas; Richard Sartwell, Eastern; Lon Fendall, Northwest; Sue Ellen Brawner, Rocky Mtn. Contributing Editors: Wayne Allman, Lucy Anderson, Charles S. Ball, Everett Cattell, T. Eugene Coffin, Kara Cole, Harold Cope, Gerald Dillon, Myron Goldsmith, Norval Hadley, Robert Hess, Verlin 0. Hinshaw, Lauren A. King, Harold B. Kuhn, David Le Shana, Wanda Mitchell, Russell Myers, Stan­ ley Perisho, Lon Randall, Arthur 0. Roberts, Editorials Milo C. Ross, John Robinson, Edith Wines, Harold Winn Friends. Also spelledfriends/ 'The Christianfamily'/ But Jesus Advertising Manager: Lloyde D. Johnson did it Page 5 MEMBER~ EVANGELICAL PRESS ASSOCIATION The EVANGELICAL FRIEND is the official publication Quakers and the Scriptures of the Evangelical Friends Alliance and is published monthly (except August) at 600 East Third Street, A contemporary view of an evangelical Friend's understanding Newberg, Oregon 97132. Second class postage paid at Newberg, Oregon. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: $3.50 of the "authority of the Scriptures." Page 6 per year. CHANGES OF ADDRESS: Send all changes of address and subscriptions to EVANGELICAL FRIEND, P. 0. Box 232, Newberg, Oregon. Please allow four weeks for changes to be made. EDITORIAL: Articles and photographs are welcome, but we assume Liberty of conscience on the ordinances no responsibility for damage or toss of manuscripts, art or photographs. Opinions expressed by writers are not necessarily those of the editors or of the Evangel­ Eastern Region's editor, Richard Sartwell, clarifies that group's ical Friends Alliance. Address all manuscripts, letters to the editor, and other editorial content to Editorial historical and contemporary view regarding "outward Offices, P. 0. Box 232, Newberg, Oregon 97132. AD­ VERTISING: Rates are available on request. Address symbols." Page 9 all correspondence regarding advertising sales to Lloyde D. Johnson, Advertising Manager, P. 0. Box 882, Wichita, Kansas 67201. Production and offset lithography at The Barclay Press, Newberg, Oregon. The crucified life Paul's witness not only gives an example of personal testimony but Cover guidelines for a life fully yielded to God. Page 10 Blossoming trees of spring in the downtown Park Blocks of Portland, Oregon, frame the imposing steeple of the city's historic First Con­ gregational Church. (Photo by Shirley Putman) What's New! Antecedents We may not be able to "say it with flowers" but there are other Among decisions made at the recent EvANGELI­ ways to express our love and appreciation. Page 13 CAL FRIEND editorial board meetings was an updating of our list of contributing editors. It was the late Dean Gregory, our first editor, who was most instrumental in making the origi­ Missionary Voice nal choice of contributing editors in 1967. Some were chosen because of positions held; others Happy birthday, Cordac/ Happy birthday, Union Biblical were recognized as spokesmen for the Friends Seminary 14/ Where are Yeotmal graduates? 14/ Prayer partner Church. Some were selected because they were people who often expressed concerns in writing. promotion 16/ Visitors to Mainland China 17 At our January meeting, the list was revised according to some of the same criteria. Since 1967 some people have changed leadership roles and others have taken their places. As a result, Regular Features these names have been changed. We have had a concern to broaden the representation among Friends Write 2/ News of Friends 2/ The Face of the World 4/ Friends. Names have been added to fulfill this desire. Some have readily submitted articles on Books 12/ The Children's Page 18/ Friends Concerns 19/ assignment or voluntarily.
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