FAITHFUL TRANSLATION IN SAPARDI DJOKO DAMONO’S POETRY TRANSLATED BY HARRY AVELING A Thesis Submitted to Letters and Humanities Faculty in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for The Degree of Strata One Ina Mutmaina 108026000053 ENGLISH LETTERS DEPARTMENT LETTERS AND HUMANITIES FACULTY STATE ISLAMIC UNIVERSITY OF SYARIF HIDAYATULLAH JAKARTA 2015 ABSTRACT Ina Mutmaina: Faithful Translation in Sapardi Djoko Damono’s Poetry Translated by Harry Aveling. Thesis: English Letters Department of Adab and Humanities Faculty, UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, November 2014. The study in this paper aims to show that a good translation of poetry provides the reader with a similar effect to that gained by reading the original text. It draws upon the importance of faithful translation in Sapardi Djoko Damono’s poetry: Sihir Hujan and Yang Fana adalah Waktu translates into Black Magic Rain and Time is Meaningless that translated by Harry Aveling. So, the messages that the author’s SL write can be conveyed very well both the readers SL and TL. The method used in this paper is descriptive qualitative analysis in which the writer describes the method of translator to transfers the poetry from Indonesian into English and componential analysis based on Newmark theories about faithful translation and the criteria of translation poetry assessment used by Nababan that used three instrument such as: Accuracy-rating instrument, Readability-rating instrument, and Instruments for measuring the acceptability of a text that used by the writer to measure the quality of translation from data analysis. From the analysis concludes that 99,37% of lines-stanza in this poetry is faithful translation by comparing the structure grammar, word, and phrase is accurate, readability, and acceptable. Then, 0,63% of other lines in poetry of Sihir Hujan are not conveyed as faithful translation and not meet the three criteria instrument of translation assessment. Besides, the method used by the translator to get the translation appropriate with expressive and aesthetic values both in the SL and TL. Such a translation contributes to the development of literary works through professed cases of intellectuality, without distorting the original text. i DECLARATION I hereby declare that this submission is my own work and that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, it contains no material previously published or written by another person nor material which to a substantial extent has been accepted for the award of any other degree or diploma of the university or other institute of higher learning, except where due acknowledgement has been made in the text. Jakarta, June 2015 Ina Mutmaina iv ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Praises to Allah SWT for all his favor and guidance of living things from being nothing to existence. Many salutation and benediction be upon the greatest prophet Muhammad SAW, his family, companions, and adherents realize that surely owes much many people materially, scientifically, and spiritually. On this occasion, the writer would like to express her gratitude and say many thanks to her family, especially for her beloved parents, M. Iskandar and the lade of Cucu Supinah. Thanks for their spirit, motivation, financial, moral, and spiritual. “Thank you very much; I hope you are proud of my graduation”. The writer also wants to say thanks to her brother and sister, Sri Wahyuni Fajar Wati, Asep Hidayatullah and the lade of Muhammad Rizky Shahab . This thesis could not be completed without a great deal of help for many people, especially Mr. Abdurrosyid, M. EIL. as the writer thesis advisor, thank you very much for the guidance, patient, support, kindness, contribution, correcting, and helping him in finishing this thesis. Without his guidance this thesis would not be completed well. The writer also had been supported by several people, and the writer would like to express her gratitude to: v 1. Prof. Dr. Sukron Kamil, M, Ag. The Dean of Letters and Humanities faculty, Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University, Jakarta. 2. Mr. Dr. H. Muhammad Farkhan, M.Pd, the Assistant of Dean of Letters and Humanities Faculty, State Islamic University of Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta. 3. Drs. Asep Saefuddin, M. Pd, the head of English Letters Department. Mrs. Elve Oktafiyani, M. Hum, the secretary of English Letters Department. 4. All lecturers of English Letter Department, especially Mrs. Maria Ulfa, Mr. Moh. Supardi, M. Hum who teaches in translation class, who always give much of knowledge’s about translation science. 5. The writer’s friends especially Dede, Raisa, Fahyuni, Sylvi, Lily, Laily, Nurma, Suci Gusrimarni, Lidyawati, Mira, Endah Dwi P, Nenden, Lia, Omeh, Atina, Nofi, Putri, Desi, Ambar, Leny, Aliah, Irma for all their loves and supports; and all of her classmates in the translation class. The writer realizes that there are so many mistakes in this thesis. The writer hopes the readers of this thesis give any suggestions, comments, and advices to make this thesis perfect. Jakarta, June 2015 The writer vi TABLE OF CONTENTS ABSTRACT .......................................................................................... i APPROVAL SHEET ........................................................................... ii LEGALIZATION ................................................................................. iii DECLARATION .................................................................................. iv ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ................................................................... v TABLE OF CONTENTS ...................................................................... vii CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION A. Background of the Study ..................................... 1 B. Focus of the Study ............................................... 6 C. Research Question ............................................... 6 D. Significance of the Study .................................... 7 E. Research Methodology ........................................ 7 1. Objective of the Research ................................ 7 2. Method of Research ....................................... 7 3. Technique of Data Analysis............................. 8 4. Instrument of the Research ............................. 8 5. The Unit of Analysis ........................................ 8 6. Time and Place of the Research....................... 9 CHAPTER II. THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK A. Translation .......................................................... 10 vii 1. Definition of Translation .............................. 10 2. The Process of Translation .......................... 12 3. Translation Method ...................................... 13 B. Faithful Translation ............................................. 15 C. Poetry Translation .............................................. 27 1. Definition of Poetry Translation .................... 27 2. Poetry Translation Approaches........................ 29 3. Translation the Literary Works ........................ 32 CHAPTER III. RESEARCH FINDINGS A. Data Description .................................................. 35 B. Data Analysis ....................................................... 37 C. Discussion ............................................................ 54 CHAPTER IV. CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION A. Conclusion ........................................................... 56 B. Suggestion ............................................................ 57 BIBLIOGRAPHY ................................................................................. 59 APPENDICES ....................................................................................... 61 viii CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. Background of The Study Nowadays, science and technology is growing rapidly. There is new information and discovery in all fields. It is caused lack of understanding and difficulty in capturing information / messages from the media using a foreign language. For example, literary works are much in demand by the public both national and international. The translation is the absolute way to realize a universal literature. Translation is an absolute necessity in the era of information and communication that rushed in this moment. Translation process and its results can be seen scattered in all areas from education to entertainment, politics, economics, and so on. Includes, books, novel, newspaper or audio-visual works, such as movie and various other information that are not in the original language that needs a translation process. Translations do not only have an important role in literature, but also, play a role in the development of language as a tool of communication around the world. Translating activity has contributed as an effort to fulfill the function of language, both Indonesian and other languages. Thus, the translation is very influential to all aspects of human life. 1 2 Nida and Taber in their books state that translating consist in reproducing in the receptor language the closest natural equivalent of the source language message, first in terms of meaning and secondly in terms of style.1 Translation is a craft consisting in the attempt to replace a written message and/or statement in one language by the same message and/or statement in another language.2 In the translation activity of course there something that needs to be considered, one of them are the word choices very most important to make the translation results not ambiguous. Translation activity can be performed to determine the structure of understanding a foreign language. As proposed by Finlay
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