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Readers Shizipo Street, Chaoyang District should verify terms and conditions of all offers mentioned in this issue. 朝阳区十字坡街 6 号东城逸墅 1 层 建外 SOHO 店 JIANWAI SOHO STORE TEL: (010) 58692326 \ 58692253 广告经营许可证 : 京海工商广字第 8069 号 逸盛阁店 EAST AVENUE STORE 0413 of Building 4, Jianwai SOHO, 法律顾问 : 大成律师事务所 魏君贤律师 TEL: (010) 64602658 No. 39 Middle Dongsanhuan Road, Legal Advisor: Wei Junxian, Dacheng Law Firm Room 108 ,East Avenue, No.10 Chaoyang District 国际标准刊号 ISSN 1672-8025 Xindong Road, Chaoyang District 朝阳区东三环中路 39 号建外 SOHO4 号 朝阳区新东路 10 号逸盛阁 108 室 楼 0413 国内统一刊号 CN 11-5232/GO 定价 : 20.00 元 邮发代号 : 2-930 部分非卖品 , 仅限赠阅 2 | OCTOBER 2014 | WWW.THATSMAGS.COM Thats_Beijing twitter.com/Thats_Beijing www.facebook.com/pages/Thats-Beijing EDITOR’s Note OCTOBER I discussed the idea with Oscar [Holland, Senior Editor] – who Ring Roads. I soon came to view that boundary – both real and imag- When I first arrived in Beijing, I lived between the Fourth and Fifth suggested that rather than simply visiting these towns and villages, ask me where in the city I lived, instead, it was always, ‘which ring are at the time had just returned from a trip to Gansu – he immediately youined in?’ – as Later, a powerful when Isignifier moved toof Dongchengstatus. Rarely – to would an apartment Chinese friendswithin motorbikes. separately, we should travel along the Ring Road itself, preferably on view being that I had moved ‘up’. the Second Ring – those same friends congratulated me. The general continuedThe motorbike to evolve. idea For wastwo eventuallymonths, we dropped researched in favor the area,of a car and (more practical, fits more people, can sleep in it) but the plan itself The city’s rings, beginning with the walls of the Forbidden City, maintain a potent grip on the collective psyche of the capital. Over - Tplottedo help ourus with intended this task, path. we In recruited order to followHuang the Xiaohui, Ring’s the proposed tour bus time, I have come to view these rings as a sort of 21st century Great route, we would have to navigate a patchwork of small country roads. Wall,Yet a seriesunlike ofthe concentric Great Wall, demarcation the rings continue lines, separating to undulate (and outwards segre – proved invaluable. With –gating) pulling the rural ‘real’ and city suburban from the outliers encroaching into B sprawl.eijing’s orbit. Huang’sdriver for help, Beijing we devisedpunk band a week-long P.K. 14. An route, expert stopping navigator, at nine Huang key – - destinationsthe sixth and along final memberthe way. of our team On reading of plans to build a so-called ‘Seventh Ring’, my imme- ermostdiate response limits. E wasncompassing a strange mixan area of incredulity spanning some and excitement. 216,000 square Set travelogueAware of the constraints of such a journey, and the limitations - kilometers,to open in 2017, the 940-kilometer-long the Ring will stretch road the willnotion increase of Beijing the city’sto its popuout - it placed on our reporting, we decided it would be best framed as a lation to 130 million people. The result is a brief but honest snapshot, capturing some But who are these people, these new ‘Beijingers’? The more I thing of a world rarely visited by those of us in Beijing’s inner Rings. thought(depending about it, the on more your definitionI became convinced of city) that we should visit comingWe hopemonths, to present but in the some meantime, of what we collectedhope you (includingenjoy this specialover six hours of video footage and 1,000 plus images) in an exhibition in the these places, and find out for ourselves. edition of our magazine. Stephen George Editor-in-Chief From left to right: Noemi Cassanelli, Stephy Chung, Stephen George, Huang Xiaohui, Karoline Kan and Oscar Holland WWW.THATSMAGS.COM | OCTOBER 2014 | 3 QUOTE OF THE MONTH “Highways are the blood believe it’s the wisest thing to vesselsinvest of anmoney economy. in” I 47-year-old Ma Hiujin, a truck driver from Sanhe, Hebei, on the outskirts of Beijing 6 CITY 8 TALES OF THE CITY in Beijing in latest crackdown Tougher rules for TEFL teachers 8 URBAN DICTIONARY Contemporary Chinese made comprehensible Sign up for 9 CONFUCIAN COUNSEL 1 year Our sage advises an adulterer on 9 (12 issues) the brink of losing all home delivery 10 LIFE & STYLE of That’s 11 STYLE SPOTLIGHT Beijing for Janine Grosche, visionary founder 12 BAGS OF APPEAL RMB240 of PATH and Pharrell admirer The best clutches and holdalls for fall15 SCEand winterNE & HEARD 11 eye-catching collections Latest trends, fresh openings and 18 ARTS 18 MAX ATLARGE The New York native gets ready for20 HalloweenTHE DRO P Our man Alex Taggart with the best23 BE of IJNBeijing’sG BE nightlife-BOP Shanghai jazz academy JZ School 23 bring the free form up north 48 EAT & DRINK 53 TRIBE Kale smoothies and seven-grain breads55 AU TforUM membersN BEER ofF ESTthis clan TEL: 84477002 Slow Boat host
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