Avenel Hermit Killed American Legion Day Fords Lions Advocate „ In Traffic Accident To Be Gala Affair Stop Street Remedy Proclamation Setting Aside Harry Shirinian Lived Alone With Score of Dogs and Three Half Holiday Issued By May- Urge Township CommiHee To Take Measure* To Reduce Traf- Horses—Skull Fractured and Jaw Broken When Auto or Ryan—Chrysler Car Now fic Hazards In Nevr Brunswick Avenue—G. A. Mc- Hit* His Buckboard—Horse Escapes Injury. On Display, Lauffhlin Gets Sewer Contract. Hurry Shirinian, a hermit who has Efforts were made by the Fahway Plans for the gala American Le- Pointing out the danger caused by Another petition was received for liern living at the lower end of Hnme- police to locate relatives of the un-; gion day which will be held in Wood- i••; coming swiftly out of side streets concrete sidewalk* in Oak Tree road. •It wa» referred to the Improvement s:rfid avenue, Avenel, diod Wednes- fortunate man and a cousin was final- bridge Saturday, October 19, were onto New Brunswick avenue, Com- day morning from injuries he receiv- ly located. The body was taken in discussed at a meeting of the Citi- mitteeman Ben Jensen, of the Sec- committee. A petition for , th» im- ed Saturday night when a buckhnard charge by Coroner J. J. Lyman, of zen's Committee and the Bugle Corps ond Ward, told the other members of provement of Auth avenue with jn which he wns riding was struck by Carteret, who removed it to his mor- of the Woodbridge>American Legion, the Township Committee Monday curbsb , gutter*tt , walklks and cindeid r pave- ii i ar and demolished. Shirinian's gue. Through the cousin arrange- j Post 87, which was held Monday that the Fonts Lions Club had been ment was referred to the improve-, studying the situation and Urged thaP ment committee. j skull was fractured, one jaw was ments are being made to hold th» night in the Legion rooms in the broken and he received numerous funeral services this afternoon in the these side .itreetn be made stop The Woman's Club of Avenel in Municipal Building. The purpose of Greets. Mi' aho aald'Uut the Lions letter called attention to several • lniiis*« and lacerations with possible Methodilt Episcopal church in Car- the meeting was to stimulate inter- internal injuries. He was knocked un- teret. wanted the streets intewecting Forda cidenta that have occurred at the- in-i est in the Legion Day event, and to nvenue made atop streets as a pre- tersection of Avenel street with th« conscious and never regained con- The police of Woodbridge and push the sale of shares on the Chrys- sciousness. Health Officer Pete Peterson took caution against danger to buses new State highway. The committee ler Royal sedan which will be award- carrying school children. Committee- WHS urged to prevent the opening of Tho car which struck the buck- over thhe pproble m of deposinpg of the ed on the evening of the 19th. animals. The matter was finally put innn Applegnte remarked that the the new highway until adequate pro? br.nrd, was driven by Louis Madg- The Chrysler is now on display in same danger existed in regard to aide- tection is provided at the cromnfc. yessy, of 33 Lawrence street, Rah- up to the Society for the Prevention the showrooms of Charles Trautwein of Cruelty to Animals, Some of the streets in Hopelawn along the line of The letter was signed by the numbers wiiy. In a statement to the police of on St. Georges avenue, and may be New ilrun3wick avenue, and Jensen of the Civic Committee of the elub, K.ihway Saturday night following the dogs are savage. One that appears to seen at any time. The car is one of be part German police dog is the lead- replied that the Lions includod Hope- Mrs. Dirk P. De Young, Mri. F. E. accident, Madgyessy said that he did the latest Chrysler models, finished liiwn in their recommendation. Barth and Mrs. H. J. Baker. The let- nut see the J-uekhoard until hl» car er. The whole string of dogs prompt- in a rich two-tone blue, and uphol- ly charges any one who approaches ter was referred to the police Com- crashed into it. The accident happen- stered with a fine, well wearing ma- The mutter was discussed by other mittee. ed at the intersection of Randolph the house. One small brown dog which terial. The Legionnaires are planning members nnd finally referred to the avenue und Hahway avenue which Is seemed to be the plumpest one of the A letter was received from the to-' on exhibiting the car on the race police committee'. Mr. Jensen aUo cal post of the American Legion out- tit the boundary between Rahway and lot was found Industrious! catching _track grounds Sunday afternoon. ] said there was complaint regarding and 11 lining the plans of the post for Am- After the deatath oof'Shir-f 1 and eAJinjr JtM*' ^ ' '?• The Parish House field has been the dumping of garbage and rubbish erican Legion Day, October 19, and ini.in Wednesday morning,, the pW Sale—Visit Our Shop and See rj obtained for the contests which will on the cltiyhanks along New Bruns- asking the co-operation of tht com- n| Ilahway took Madgyessy iinto i , _ _, - Ml wick avenue. This matter was refer- 011 be held in the afternoon. The local mittee. It is requested that the pub- tody on a technical charge of mj » R«»fd Saving! WOW! post has received replies from a num- red to the health officer with the rec- lic join in celebrating1 the day and -brighter. m——————^——^—— ber of Legion posts that are expected ommendation that he take immediate that business places close, at noon; Although the buckbrmrd in n' to enter their bands and corps in tru steps Ufi stop the dumping. that all citizens display the flag- Tne Shirninian was riding was reduced Custom-Tailored contests. Prizes in gold will be award The meeting was the date set for Mayor will issue a proclamation in Kindling wood, and the driver was ed to the winning posts. Arrange receiving bids on the contract for a line with the request of the post. The Filially injured, the little horse that IB and Top Coats ments are now being completed to sewer in Schoder avanae. Two were proclamation appears in this issue. was drawing the vthiclc escaped with- treat the visitors to sandwiches and received: one from George A. Mc- Fire Company No. 11, of IieUn out a scratch. AT coffee. MISS VIRGINIA SILSBEE ALLEN Laughlin, $2,958.55 and the other ill h bride at church wedding in Brooklyn on | ' r> nigan, *3,164.4O. The notified the committee of a carnival Shirinian lived alone in a ohe-room $25.00 The Woodbridge Legionnaires are Sew-aren .girl who fn|m Q g U last night and tonight in front of the cement house at the foot of Home- also planning a dance for Saturdai- October 11. She will become the bride of William Stanley Hliss of Phil contract was awarded to Mclaughlin. flrehouse in Harding avenue, Iselin, -tead avenue—alone as far as human Values $35 to $40 evening October 19. Stanley C. Pop- adelphia, son of Mr. and Mr;. William S. BUHS, of Hallway. Two ordinances for improvements and asked perm i MI on to clo*e the companions were concerned. But h* ter who is the chairman of the Am- were passed on third and final read- street to traffic on the two evenings. had plerrty of company. There were 16 oz. All-Wool True Blue ings. One provides for a sanitary sew- Serge, Extra Pants $5.00. erican Legion Day Committee states The permission was granted. twenty-six dogs of all-breeds and that thus far, response to the affair r in Wildwood avenue; the second T.he clerk and engineer were di- sizff that shared the little house with haa been favorable. Many Activities Planned At uthorizes a storm sewer in Port rected to advertise for bids for the him at night. And there were three S, In a proclamation issued Monday, {ending. The ordinance to widen Port Reading sewer contract, the hor.-es which lived in the yard. Great J£ Mayor William A. Ryan set aside avenue was continued 04 the Wildwood avenue sewer contract, and piles of broken shipping cases were Saturday afternoon, October 19, as a Get Together Of Womans Club able. the eontract to open and grade Etm .••tacked up agnin.it the outside walls half holiday, and requested that local Two new ordinances were passed street in the Hopelawn section. uf the house. merchants co-operate with the Am- Organization Has First Fall Meeting In Congregational Church n first readings. One provides for the John Drennan, of Iselin was ap- Shirinian made his living off th<j erican Legion, and enable their em- onstruction of a storm sewer in pointed a constable for a term of public dumps. He was 45 years old ployees to participate in the various —Reports From Various Committees Heard—Club Berkley Terrace, and the other pro- one year. Thomas J, Polak was grant- and an Armenian by birth. Little was events which will be held. The proc- Did Much Good During Summer. ides for sidewalks, curbs and gutters ed a rebate of taxes. Authorization known about him in the neighborhood lamation in full appears on another ogether with cinder pavement in was granted for a tax anticipation Warwick street in the Iselin section.
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