Official Gazette Offisiele Koerant

Official Gazette Offisiele Koerant

OFFICIAL GAZETTE of South VI est f\fricao Published by 1\uthority. •• OFFISIELE KOERANT van Suidwes-f\frika. lHtgegee op gesag. 1/- .Monday, 2nd December, 1940. WINDHOEK Maandag, 2 Desember 1940. No. 872 C 0 .N T E M 'i' S • INHOUD. Page. Btadsy. Proclamation - P~rokla.masie- No. 36. Fencing Costs Pr-oclamation No. 55 of No. 36. Omheiningskoste Proklamasie No. 55 van 1939: Amendment of . 3024 1939: W.Jsiging van 3024 Government Notices- Goewermentskennisr;ewings - No. 1777 (Union). Objecti-onabl<e Literature, No. 1777 (Unie). Aanstootlike Literatuur: List No. 8 . 3024 Lys No. 8 3024 No. 1782 (Union) . Emergency Finance Regulations: No. 1782 (Unie). Buitengewone Finansi-e Regula~ Amendment of . 3025 sies: W_ysiging van . 3025 No. 1783 (Union). Emergency Finance Regulations: No. 1783 (Unie). Buitengewone Finansie Regula­ Restriction on Reoeiving of payments in sics: Beperkings op ,petalings in Unilie­ Uni-on Currency for Exports .· . 3027 geld vir uitvoer·e . ·. 3027 No. 1789 (Union). Emergency Finance Regulations: No. 1789 (Unie). Buiteng-ewon·e Finansi•e Regula­ Exemption of Securiti-es, eic. 3027 sies: Vryste!ling van geldwaardjge papiere 3027 No. 1803 (Union ). National Emergency .Regula­ No. 1803 (Unie). Landsnoodtoestandregulasi·es : tions: Control of Exports 3029 Beheer van . Uitvoer . 3029 No. 1804 (Union). National Emergency Regula­ No. 1804 (Unie). Landsnoodtoestandregulasies: tions: Control of Imports, (Aluminium) . 3030 Beheer van Invoer, (Aluminium) . 3030 No. 1806 (Union). National Emergency Regula- No. 1806 (Unie). Landsnoodtoestandregulasi·es: tions: Contro l of Exports . 3030 Beheer van Uitvoer . 3030 No. 165. Motor Vehicle Authodies: Appointment No. 165. Motorvoertuig Outoriteite : Aanstelling as a,nd cancellation of appointment as . 3033 en Herroeping van aanstelling as . 3033 No. 166. Windhoek Location Regulations: No. 166. Windhoek Lokasie Regulasies: Amendment of . 3034 Wysiging van . · . 03034 No. 167. Motor Veh icl·e Authority : Appointment No. 167. Motorv·oertuig Outoriteit: Aanstelling as and cancellation of appoiutment as . 3034 en Herroeping van aanstelling as . 3034 No. 168. Examining Officers: Appointment as . 3034 No. 168. Ondersoeksbeampt es: Aanstelling as 3034 No. 169. Reserve Board: Krantzplaats Nati ve No. 169. Reserweraad: NatupelJereserwe Krantz- Reserve: Appointment of member . 3035 plaats: Aanstelling van Lid . 3035 No. 170. Amendment of Scab Regulations . 3035 No. 170. \Vysiging van Brandsiekte Regulasi·es . 3035 No. 171. Appointment of Regis tering Officer: No. 171. Aanstelling van Registrasie Amptenaar: Proclaimed area of Outjo 3035 Oeproklameerde gebied van Outjo . 3035 General Noticm•- Algezne!lle Kenni.sgewing• - No. 74. List of Farms under Quarantine a.s at No. 74. Lys van Plase ·onder Kwarantyn op 11th November, 1940 3035 11 November 1940 3035 No. 75. Rev is:on of Voters Roil: No. 75. Hersiening van Ki·eserslys: Electoral .Division of Okahandja 3()36 Kiesafdeling O!<ahandja . 3036 No. 76. Re\·ision Court: Elect-oral Division of No. 75 . Hersieningshof: Kiesafdeling Stampriret 3036 Stampriet . 3036 _3037 No. 77. Revision Court: Electoral Division of No. 77. Hersieningshof : Kiesafdeling Oibepn Gibeon . 3037 No. 78. Kennisgewing van Myninsp:ekteur met be­ No. 78. N otice by Inspector of . Mines anent lee- trekking tot "Iceland" of '"Optical Spar" 3037 land or Optial Spar ·' . 3037 No. 79. Maatskappy van die Register geskrap 3037 No. 79. Company struck off Register . 3037 No. 80. Hersieningshof: Kiesafdelings Willldhoek No. 80. Re\'ision Court: Electoral Divisions of Sentraal en Windhoek Distrik 3037 Windhoek Central and Windhoek District 3037 Advertisements - .Jll.·~v ertent~iea­ Estate Notices, etc. , etc. 3038 Boedelkennisgewings, ens., ens. 3038 3024 Official Gazette, 2nd December, 1940. PROCLAltiATION PROKLAl'tiASIE BY HIS HONOUR DAVID GIDEON CONRADIE, VAN SY EDELE DAVID GIDEON CONRADIE, ADMINISTRATOR OF SOUTH WEST AFRICA. ADMINISTRATEUR VAN SUIDWES-AFRIKA. No. 36 of 1940 ..] No. 36 van 1940.] WHEREAS it is desirable to amend the law temporarily N_ADEMAAL dit. \yenslik is _om die wet wat die regte suspending in c-ertain cases th<! right of owners of holdilngs van e1enaars van bes1ttmgs om e1enaars van aangrensende be· to compel owners of adjoining holdings to contribute towards sittings te dwing om by te dra tot die koste van omhdnings the cost of }ences separating the forme• from the latter wat eersgenoemde van laasgenoemde besittings skei in sekere holdings; gevalle tydelik op. te skort, te wysig; NOW THEREFORE, un.der and by virtue of the powers SO IS DIT dat ek, op grond van en kragtens die be­ in me vested, I do hereby proclaim, declare and make known voegdhede my verleen, hiermee proklameer, verklaar en as as follows:- volg bekendmaak :- 1. Section two of the Contribution towards Fencing Cos~ 1: Artikel twee van die Proklamasie betreffende die Op­ (Suspendion) Proclamation, 1939 (Prociamation No. 55 of skortmg van Bydraes tot Omheiningskoste 1939 (Pro'ldamasie 1939) is he!'eby amended, No. 55 van 1939) word hiermee gewysig: (1) by the deletion of the words "bdore the first day (I) <leur die woorde ,,voor die eerste dag van Desember of Deeember, 1940" , occurring therein and the sub­ 1940" wat daarin voorkom te skrap en huUe te ver­ stitution therefor of the words vang deur die woorde "until the war in which the Union of South Africa is at present engaged has come to a wnclusion, ,totdat die oorlog waarin die Unie van $ui!d-Afri:ka and a further p.eriod of six months has elapsed teenswoordig betrokke is, heeindig is, en 'n ver­ thereafter"._; dere tydperk van ses maande daarna verstryk het".; {2) by the insertion of the folLow ing words after the words "first day of December, 1940", occurring .there· (2) deur die volgende woorcfe na die woorde ,afdwing- jn:- baar nie" wat daarin voorkom, in te voeg :- "and . the amount of such contribut:on shall be , en die bedrag _van sodanige bydrae word ge­ based upon the value of the said dividing fence baseer op die waarde van bedoelde tussenheining as at or about the said date. If the parties cannot soos op of omtrent bedoelde datum. Indien die agree as to th·e said value, tbe matter shall be partye omtr·ent bedoelde waarde nie oor·een kan determined as a dispute in accordance with the stem nie, word die aangeleentheid as 'n geskil provisions of the second schedule to the principal beslis in ooreenstemming met di·e bep.alings van law". die Tweede Byla·e van die hoofwet." 2. This Proclamation shall be caUed the Contribution 2. Hierdie Proklamasie beet die Wysi;gingspr-oklamasie towards Fencing Costs (Suspension) Amendment Proclama· betreffende die Opskorting van Bydraes tot Omheiningskoste tion, 1940, and shall be deemed to have been in force as 1940 en · word geag in werking te gewees het vanaf di·e derde from the third day of November, 1939. dag van November 1939. GOD SAVE THE KINO. GOD BEHOEDE DIE KONING. Given under my hand and seal at Windhoek this Uitgevaardig onder my hand en seel i:e Windhoek op hede 15th day of November, 1940. die 15de dag van November 1940. D. 0. CONRADIE, D. 0. CONRADIE, Administrator. Administrateur. Government Notices. Goewermentskennisgewings. 111e following Government Notices are published for Die volgende Goewermentskennisgewings wor'd vir al­ general information. gemene i:nligting gepubliseer. D. D. FORSYTH, D. D. FORSYTH, Secretary for South West Africa, Sekretaris vir Suidwes-Afrika. Administrator's Office, Administrateurskantoor, Windhoek, Windhoek, No. 1777 (Union).] (29th October, 1940. No. 1777 (Unie).] [29 Oktober 1940. CUSTOMS TARIFF AMENDMENT ACT, 1939. WYSIOINOSWET OP DOEANETARIEWE, 1939 . OBJECTONABLE LITERATURE LIST No. 8. AANSTOOTLIKE LITERA TUUR, LYS No. 8. Kragtens arti·~el drie-en-twintig van die ,Wet op het In terms of section tw.e.nty-th'ree of the Customs Manage­ Beheer van de Doean•e, 1913" (No. 9 van 1913), soos ge­ ment Act, 1913 (No. 9 of 1913), as amended by s·ection six wysig by artikel ses van die Doeanetadef Wysigingswet, 1934 . of the Customs Tariff Amendment Act, 1934 (No. 40 of 1934), (No. 40 van 1934), en artikel een van die Wysigingswet op · and section one of the Customs Tariff Amendment Act, 1939 Doeanetariewe, 1939 (No. 39 van 1939), verklaar ek, HARRY (No. 39 of 1939)~ I, HARRY GORDON LAWRENCE, Minister GORDON LAWRENCE, Minister van Binnelands·e Sake, dat of the Interior, declare the following publications to be onderstaande pubHkasies onwelvoeglik, sedeloos of a•anstoot· indecent, obscene or objectionable:- lik is:- Offisiele Koerant, 2 Desember 1940. 3025 All Western (English Edition). All Western (Britse uitgawe). West (English Edition). West (Britse uitgawe). Kragtens artikel drie-en-twintig van di·e ,Wet op het In terms of section twenty-three of the Customs Manage­ Beheer van de Doeane, 1913", soos gewysig, mag ge;en I:~1t Act, 1913, as ~mended, all issues of the said pqblications uitgawe van vermelde publikasies derhalwe in die UnLe in­ L.~ therefore prohibited from importation into the Union. and gevoer word nie, en iedere•en wat ·enige uitgawe van enige cy ,person who sells, offers or keeps for sale, or distributes van bovermelde publikasies verkoop, te koop aanbued of vir .:: exhibits any issue of any of the above-mentioned publica­ verkoop hou, of v·ersprei o f v·ertoon, is kragtens artikel vyf­ -::oens shall, in terms of section twe.nty-five of the said Act, en-twintig van genoemde Wet, skuldig aan 'n misdryf en by os amended, be guilty of an offence and liable on convkfi.oo skuldigbevinding strafbaar met 'n boete van hoogstens vyftig 'X:l a fine not exceeding fifty pounds or to imprisonment pond of met gevangenisstraf sender die keuse van 'n l:>oete ~thout the option of a fine for a period not exceedLng three vir 'n tydperk van hoogstens drie maande, of met sodan.ige J)Onths or to both such fine and ,impris<Onment. boete sowel as met sodanige gevang·enisstraf. H. G. LAWRENCE, H. 0. LAWRENCE, Minister of the Interior.

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