The 'BEACHCOMBER # # A marvelous selection or ungni piay clothes you’ll need for your vacation- VOL. XX., NO. 3 „ J prn rPB*achK Advocate WEDNESDAY, JULY 10, 1946 FREE DISTRIBUTION T glamour girl swim and sun ^uits, slack sets and sissy shorts. Choose your vacation wardrobe here today . Women’s and Misses’ BATHING SUITS Sizes 32-34 and 48-50 $3.95 — $12.50 HALTER TOP PLAY SUITS J—$5.95 3 Piece Suit W ith S kirt Size 12-18 and 40-44 $6.95 — $9.95 r TYPE SLACK SUITS 10-12 $8.70 12-18 $11.95 40-42-44 $10.95 Assorted Colors BEACH COATS Size 16-20 SHORTIE PAJAMAS % Size 8-16 Blue and Peach Crepe THE CHILDREN ... 9 PLAY SUITS n s ® Size 7-14 V . < • ru Sr® vxSfv ’. SHORTS .v.v.• • .. VAy.v..y.'/. • . • * . • : ' : ' y '- : ■ :.% > :w . - | SUN SUITS $1.95-$2.95 'Vv.Vnvv W Size 7-3 In Plain Color and Prints BOY’S SUN SUITS Bathhouse, State Recreation Area Size 1-3 in Blue an 4 fgjj» U JERSEYS ‘ " Slze 1’6 In Stripes, PI WILL CONTINUE OUR PRACTICE OF SEL LING POSSIBLE PRICE. QUALITY merchandise a t LOW GEORGE B. FRENCH 37-41 Market Street P ortsmouth a T h e BEACHCOMBER VISIT _________ WEDNESDAY, JULY 10, 1946 FREE DISTRIBUTION Holiday Weekend Crowd Breaks All Records Boy Scout Camporee To Be Estimate Over 225,000 Persons Held At Beach July 24,25,26 Visit Beach Fourth of July --------- 5--------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f i ----------------- Fifteen hundred Boy Scouts and scout executive of Durham, and Ail existing records for Hampton leadens from all over the state of Wiliam D. Dyer, field scout execu­ Girls Club Holds Beach were believed broken over New Hampshire will pit*ch their tive of Nashua. Dance Saturday the Fourth of July weekend as un­ tents on the grounds bordering the The committee is al present out­ official estimates placed the holi­ State bathhouse and muster to­ lining the complete program for the The Girl's club at the Green­ day crowd at more than 250,000 gether for the 14th annual Hamp­ three-day camporee, which will be land Tourist camp at North Beach persons. at the TRIANGLE— near the MILE BRIDGE ton Beach Camporee July 24, 25, released on completion. held ah informal dance at the Police Chief Jerome Harkness and 26. Community house Saturday night. said that it was “absolutely the Camporee chairman John W. Music for dancing was furnished largest crowd in history’' and that Hopley of Portsmouth has sched- by the Martin family. The chap­ there “had never been anything . uled an excellent program of activ­ Vocalists Win erones were Mrs. Harry Turner like It before." Traffic streamed ities for the Boy Scouts of the and Mrs. Thomas Thornton. Re­ onto the beach from both north and south In a steady line through­ state. While the youths will act in Top Prizes In freshments were served by Miss the official capacity as guides for Ruth Turner, who was hostess for out the night Thursday as holiday the Children’s Day program on Amateur Hour the evening. seekers toured the seacoast region. July 25, they will have in store for Among those present were Jean­ Although record - smashing crowds Invaded the shore over the them an ideal schedule of recrea­ Eight entries vied for honors at ette Martin, Carol Fenton, Patsy FISH tional and educational activities. Floyd, Joyce Frederickson, Marl­ weekend, no beach accidents were the weekly Amatuer Program at M S ■ LOBSTERS% reported. Scouts will cook their own meals, the beach bandstand Monday even­ ine Thornton and Betty Mercier go bathing, be taken on excellent ing. Gerald Ryan, Donald Fanning, Tom Lifegaurds, Roland Beaudoin and educational tours in and around Victor Vigeant, patrolling the State Although all types of talent were McNulty, Jr., James MacConnell, Hampton and go boating. • bath house area, reported the most displayed before the enthusiastic Richard Martin and Charles Turn­ Many thousands of visitors to the er. excitement they had was rescuing crowd, vocal solos again won out two children who became caught beach will have an opportunity to and master of ceremonies. Bill get a first hand view of the Boy Id the undertow while floating on Bradley of station WHEB, awarded BUSES WILL RUN inflated tubes. Scouts in action and become ac­ first prize of $15 to Joseph Rowen, FANCY GROCERIES EXPRESS TO BOSTON Despite the fact that it was the quainted with the type of program 23, of Worcester, Mass., who sang heaviest traffic since prewar days, which scouting offers to the youth ‘‘Prisoner of Love/' and second Mr. Herbert G. Pascall, manager no serious accidents or fireB were of today. prize of $10 to Lucy Ann O’Dea, 10, of the beach branch of Barrow's reported to mar the holiday. Extra The committee in charge of the of Marsh avenue, for her rendition Travel Agency, has announced that trains, buses and taxicabs were k camporee is headed by John W. of “When Irish Eyes Are Smiling.** from Tuesday, July 9, two express necessary to transport the throng Hopley of Portsmouth, who will be Miss Margaret Sullivan, 28, of buses will run to Boston daily, S E E O U R that jammed Hampton center. Holyoke, Mass., won the third prize thereby eliminating the necessity assisted by Prof. Karl Woodward of Housing accomodations were a t Durham, Orville Gauthier of Hamp­ of $5 for singing “MacNamara’s of going to town for direct trans­ OPEN AIR ton, Frederick A. Noseworthy, field Band.’* portation. (Continued on Page Ten) market VEGETABLES FRESH DAILY AT THE TRIANGLE NEAR THE BRIDGE FROM NEARBY FARMS LOBSTER — FISH HAMPTON RIVER FRIED STEAKS SEA FOOD from the Ocean “Sea Food Fro Ocean To Your Plate The Same Day TO YOUR HOME the Same D WE INVITE YOU TO VISIT AND INSPECT OUR CLEAN KITCHEN o b a u / The BEACHCOMBER 5 The BEACHCOMBER Have You Heard7 3 | standing of what it does. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Austin Adams. That the Cafe “check-boy" is an­ But this year, it Is evident that Tel. Hampton 2243 Beach Notes Ware; Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Finme j M A R SH A V E . other Blacks tone? (l&CLcll PxvH&lGMtG, (Continued on Page Twelve) from Milton, Mass.; Mr. and Mrs. BARBER SHOP d e e p s e a f is h e r The new Hotel Rowell has as Gagne of Portland, Me.; Miss Anna Open Year 'Round guests this week, Mr. ami Mrs. Lowe of Waltham, Mass.; Miss Le­ Select Real Estate 8ervlce BY MARY E. FOGARTY “MABO” CHARLES deNICHOLS BAKERS’ Wendel Garlack and son of Somei- one Dudos of Exeter, the Misses Insurance Of AH Kinds mm CABIN CRUISER ville, Mass.; Mr. and Mrs. Albert Marsh Ave., Opp. P St. GIFT SHOP Mary and Joan Haynes of Salem, L. HERBERT CLOUGH »‘ * Capt. Bob Ring State Pier Wills and family of Salem, Mass.; Mass.; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Downer • % When the doors of tihe Hampton with a high forehead. All in all, he Souvenirs — Gifts of Amesbury. Mass.; Miss Rita Des- 275 Ocean Avenue Beach Chamber of Commerce has been a composite personality OCEAN BOULEVARD Rosiers of Laconia; the Misses Pat­ Tel. 691 Hampton Beach, N. H. opened on May 30, a thirty-one representing an institution worthy 4 Doors North of Ashworth ricia McCormick and Doris Ken­ E. B. Burtt year old precedent was shattered. of full recognition and an under- GOLF EXHIBITION nedy of Exeter; Mr. and Mrs. Since 1915, when this organiza­ PORTSMOUTH COUNTRY CLUB Frank Mosher of Cambridge. Mass.: Formerly Fernald’s tion was first established as the and tbe Misses Joan Kently and Board of Trade, each Secretary HOME BAKERY The has been identified by his voice. Sunday, July 14 at 2:30 Phyllis Port of Medford, Mass. G RO CERIES Recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. LAWRENCE HOUSE In fact, to many, the Secretary was EARL’S MARKET r a in or s h in e King's Highway at Third St Eli Marcotte" at “Holidaynook” on just a voice and very little thought was given to the zealous work done Variety of Fancy Fish ED “ PORKY” OLIVER— Longest Driver Highland avenue were Mr. and Dining Room and FRANCIS “RED” RYAN, Former State Champ Mrs. Alfred Gosselin, the Misses by the man behind it. Until this year, the regular % vs. Mildred, Barbara and Nancy Gos­ and TOM MAHAN, R. I. Open Champion and INSIDE PARKING FRUIT GROCERIES — VEGETABLES selin, all of Raymond and Mrs. O- beach people have shown little MEL DEMARAIS, ranking N. E. Amateur DAY OR NIGHT curiosity toward the Secretary or mera Bettey of Derry. Cafeteria OPEN 24 HOURS about what goes on in that little ADMISSION $1.20 Inc. Tax Mrs. Mildred Mahoney of Grove- building on the boulevard. To the land, Mass., has opened her cottage ROCHEFORD’S A STREET average vacationists, the man on LOBSTERS at the beach. the orthophonic was more or leJss Guests at the Blue Haven -are HAMPTON BEACH taken for granted. Their knowledge Boar’s Head Tel. 880 Hampton Beach l Mr. and Mrs. William White; Mrs. GARAGE of him was probably limited to the HAMPTON BEACH CASD ! John Barry of Manchester; Mrs. MARSH AVE. AT A 8T. facts that he spoke mildly or gust­ jiNgnes Carrol of Boston; Robert Vulvanizing Repairs ily; one year he may have dressed THE HUB OF HAPPY HAMPTON and Kathleen O’Coin; Eleanor SOCONY conservatively — another year, ; Beestny of Worcester; Mr. and GAS O IL BOAR’S HEAD sportdly; one season he smoked ITS THE FOOD Mrs.
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