BARRY BOLTON’S ANT CATALOGUE, 2020 CATAULACUS adlerzi Mayr, 1887; see under PROCRYPTOCERUS. adpressus. Cataulacus adpressus Bolton, 1974a: 30, figs. 15, 18 (w.) GHANA. Type-material: holotype worker. Type-locality: Ghana: Bunso, 8.vii.1969, pyrethrum knockdown B.6/4 (D. Leston). Type-depository: BMNH. Status as species: Bolton, 1982: 355 (in key); Bolton, 1995b: 137. Distribution: Ghana. aethiops. Cataulacus jeanneli var. aethiops Santschi, 1924b: 220 (w.) DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF CONGO. Type-material: syntype workers (number not stated). Type-localities: Democratic Republic of Congo (“Congo belge”): Kidada-Kitobola, 14/25.ii.1922 (H. Schouteden); Barumbu (Bequaert). Type-depository: MRAC. Junior synonym of pygmaeus: Bolton, 1974a: 48. Junior synonym of weissi: Bolton, 1982: 358; Bolton, 1995b: 137. alenensis. Cataulacus sulcatus var. alenensis Stitz, 1910: 137 (w.) EQUATORIAL GUINEA. Type-material: 2 syntype workers. Type-locality: Equatorial Guinea (“Spanisch Guinea”): Alen (Tessmann) . Type-depository: MNHU. [Misspelled as alensis by Santschi, 1937b: 102.] Subspecies of guineensis: Forel, 1913e: 668; Wheeler, W.M. 1922a: 913; Santschi, 1924b: 217; Emery, 1924d: 296; Santschi, 1937b: 102; Bernard, 1953b: 252. Junior synonym of guineensis: Bolton, 1974a: 55; Bolton, 1995b: 137. andamanensis. Cataulacus granulatus r. andamanensis Forel, 1903d: 406 (w.) INDIA (Andaman Is). Type-material: syntype workers (number not stated). Type-locality: India: Andaman Is (no collector’s name). Type-depository: MHNG. Subspecies of granulatus: Emery, 1924d: 298; Chapman & Capco, 1951: 85. Junior synonym of simoni: Bolton, 1974a: 72; Bolton, 1995b: 137. bakusuensis. Cataulacus pygmaeus var. bakusuensis Forel, 1913h: 350 (w.m.) DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF CONGO. Type-material: 1 syntype queen, 1 syntype male. Type-locality: Democratic Republic of Congo: Bakusu, dans un rameau d’Hevea (no collector’s name). Type-depository: MRAC. Subspecies of pygmaeus: Wheeler, W.M. 1922a: 915; Emery, 1924d: 297. Junior synonym of pygmaeus: Bolton, 1974a: 48; Bolton, 1995b: 137. batonga. Cataulacus baumi r. batonga Forel, 1913a: 114 (w.) ZIMBABWE. Type-material: syntype workers (number not stated). Type-locality: Zimbabwe (“Rhodesia”): Khami River, 22.x.1911 (G. Arnold). Type-depositories: MCZC, MHNG. Subspecies of baumi: Arnold, 1917: 389; Wheeler, W.M. 1922a: 912; Emery, 1924d: 296. Junior synonym of intrudens: Bolton, 1974a: 43; Bolton, 1995b: 137. baumi. Cataulacus baumi Forel, 1901d: 304 (w.q.m.) ANGOLA. Type-material: syntype workers (number not stated), 1 syntype queen, 1 syntype male. Type-locality: Angola: Mossamedes, Cubango-Cuito (no collector’s name). Type-depository: MHNG. [Also described as new by Forel, 1903e: 560.] Status as species: Forel, 1914d: 218; Arnold, 1917: 388; Wheeler, W.M. 1922a: 912; Emery, 1924d: 296; Santschi, 1930b: 72; Menozzi, 1930b: 111. Junior synonym of intrudens: Bolton, 1974a: 43; Bolton, 1995b: 137. bequaerti. Cataulacus bequaerti Forel, 1913b: 316 (w.) DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF CONGO. Type-material: syntype workers (number not stated). Type-locality: Democratic Republic of Congo (“Congo belge”): Katanga, Kabanza (Kikondja), Riv. Lovoi (J. Bequaert)). Type-depositories: MHNG, MNHU, MRAC. Status as species: Wheeler, W.M. 1922a: 910; Emery, 1924d: 296; Bolton, 1974a: 40 (redescription); Bolton, 1982: 358 (in key); Bolton, 1995b: 137. Distribution: Democratic Republic of Congo. boltoni. Cataulacus boltoni Snelling, R.R. 1979a: 3, figs. 1-8 (w.) NIGERIA. Type-material: holotype worker. Type-locality: Nigeria: Gambari (= Cocoa Research Institute of Nigeria), 24.v.1975 (B. Taylor). Type-depository: BMNH. Status as species: Bolton, 1982: 356 (in key); Bolton, 1995b: 137. Distribution: Nigeria. brazzavillensis. Cataulacus kohli st. brazzavillensis Santschi, 1910c: 389, fig. 15 (w.m.) CONGO. Type-material: 3 syntype workers, 1 syntype male. Type-locality: Congo (“Congo français”): Brazzaville (A. Weiss). Type-depository: NHMB. Subspecies of kohli: Wheeler, W.M. 1922a: 914; Emery, 1924d: 297. Junior synonym of kohli: Bolton, 1974a: 22; Bolton, 1995b: 137. brevisetosus. Cataulacus brevisetosus Forel, 1901d: 305 (w.) ANGOLA. Type-material: holotype worker. Type-locality: Angola: Mossamedes, Cubango-Cuito (no collector’s name). Type-depository: MHNG. [Also described as new by Forel, 1903e: 560.] Subspecies of pygmaeus: Santschi, 1916b: 508; Wheeler, W.M. 1922a: 298, 916; Emery, 1924d: 297. Status as species: Arnold, 1917: 397; Santschi, 1930b: 56; Santschi, 1939b: 246; Bolton, 1974a: 31 (redescription); Bolton, 1982: 356 (in key); Bolton, 1995b: 137; Hita Garcia, et al. 2013: 209. Senior synonym of meduseus: Bolton, 1974a: 31; Bolton, 1995b: 137. Material of the unavailable name plebeja referred here by Bolton, 1974a: 31; Bolton, 1995b: 137. Distribution: Angola, South Africa, Tanzania, Zimbabwe. brookei. Cataulacus brookei Forel, 1901e: 378 (w.q.m.) BORNEO (East Malaysia: Sarawak). Type-material: syntype workers (number not stated), 1 syntype queen, 1 syntype male. Type-locality: Malaysia (“Bornéo”): Sarawak (Haviland). Type-depository: MHNG. Status as species: Wheeler, W.M. 1919e: 92; Emery, 1924d: 298; Chapman & Capco, 1951: 84. Junior synonym of hispidulus: Bolton, 1974a: 66; Bolton, 1995b: 137. bulawayensis. Cataulacus baumi var. bulawayensis Arnold, 1917: 391. Type-material: syntype workers (number not stated), 1 syntype queen. Type-locality: Zimbabwe (“Rhodesia”): Bulawayo, 31.v.1914 (G. Arnold). Type-depository: MHNG. [First available use of Cataulacus baumi r. batonga var. bulawayensis Forel, 1914d: 218 (w.q.) ZIMBABWE; unavailable (infrasubspecific) name (Bolton, 1974a: 43).] As unavailable (infrasubspecific) name: Arnold, 1920a: 404 (in key); Wheeler, W.M. 1922a: 912. Subspecies of baumi: Emery, 1924d: 296. Junior synonym of intrudens: Bolton, 1995b: 137. carbonarius Mayr, 1870; see under PROCRYPTOCERUS. catuvolcus. Cataulacus catuvolcus Bolton, 1974a: 74, figs. 4, 37 (w.q.m.) PHILIPPINES (Romblon I.). Type-material: holotype worker, 8 paratype workers, 3 paratype queens, 2 paratype males. Type-locality: holotype Philippines: Romblon I., 2.v.1924 (J.W. Chapman); paratypes with same data. Type-depositories: MCZC (holotype); BMNH, MCZC (paratypes). Status as species: Bolton, 1995b: 137. Distribution: Philippines (Romblon). centrurus. Cataulacus centrurus Bolton, 1982: 359, fig. 33 (w.) CAMEROON. Type-material: holotype worker. Type-locality: Cameroon: Nkoemvon, 1979 (D. Jackson). Type-depository: BMNH. Status as species: Bolton, 1995b: 137. Distribution: Cameroon. cestus. Cataulacus cestus Bolton, 1982: 360 (w.) DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF CONGO. Type-material: holotype worker, 4 paratype workers. Type-locality: holotype Democratic Republic of Congo (“B. Congo”): Ituri Forest, Beni-Irumu, ii.1948, no. 2122 (N.A. Weber); paratypes: 1 worker with same data, 1 worker with same data but no, 2120, 2 workers with same data but no. 2119. Type-depositories: MCZC (holotype); BMNH, MCZC (paratypes). Status as species: Bolton, 1995b: 137. Distribution: Democratic Republic of Congo. chapmani. Cataulacus chapmani Bolton, 1974a: 75, fig. 30 (w.m.) PHILIPPINES (Negros I., Luzon I.). Type-material: holotype worker, 17 paratype workers, 3 paratype males. Type-locality: holotype Philippines: Negros I., Dumaguete, 30.iv.1924 (J.W. Chapman); paratypes: 14 workers with same data, 2 males with same data but without date and 500 ft, 1 worker with same data but 28.iv.1932, 1 worker, 1 male with same data but undated and numbered 405, 1 worker Philippines: Luzon I., Lamao. Type-depositories: MCZC (holotype); BMNH, MCZC, USNM (paratypes). Status as species: Bolton, 1995b: 138. Distribution: Philippines (Luzon, Negros). chariensis. Cataulacus pygmaeus var. chariensis Santschi, 1911c: 358 (w.) CHAD. Type-material: holotype worker. Type-locality: Chad: Moyen Chari, Fort Archambault, 1904 (J. Decorse). Type-depository: MNHN. Subspecies of pygmaeus: Wheeler, W.M. 1922a: 915; Emery, 1924d: 297. Junior synonym of pygmaeus: Bolton, 1974a: 48; Bolton, 1995b: 138. convergens Mayr, 1887; see under PROCRYPTOCERUS. coriaceus. Cataulacus coriaceus Stitz, 1910: 138, fig. 7 (w.) CAMEROON. Type-material: holotype worker. Type-locality: Cameroon: Mundame (Conradt). Type-depository: MNHU. Status as species: Wheeler, W.M. 1922a: 912; Emery, 1924d: 296. Junior synonym of pullus: Bolton, 1974a: 26; Bolton, 1995b: 138. coriarius Mayr, 1870; see under PROCRYPTOCERUS. crassispina. Cataulacus erinaceus var. crassispina Santschi, 1917b: 287 (w.) CONGO. Type-material: holotype worker. Type-locality: Congo (“Congo français”): Goda, P. Charleuf (H. de Buysson). Type-depository: NHMB. Subspecies of erinaceus: Wheeler, W.M. 1922a: 913; Emery, 1924d: 296. Junior synonym of erinaceus: Bolton, 1974a: 52; Bolton, 1995b: 138. deformis Roger, 1863; see under CYPHOMYRMEX. degener. Cataulacus pygmaeus st. degener Santschi, 1916b: 507 (w.) (no state data). Type-material: holotype worker. Type-locality: Angola: Loanda, 14.i.1913 (no collector’s name). [Note: no data given in description; type-locality data present on holotype label (Bolton, 1974a: 31).]. Type-depository: NHMB. Subspecies of pygmaeus: Wheeler, W.M. 1922a: 916; Santschi, 1924b: 221; Emery, 1924d: 297. Junior synonym of brevisetosus: Bolton, 1974a: 31. Junior synonym of jeanneli: Bolton, 1982: 358; Bolton, 1995b: 138. densipunctatus. Cataulacus johannae r. densipunctatus Stitz, 1923: 163 (w.) NAMIBIA. Type-material: 2 syntype workers. Type-locality: Namibia (“Deutsch Südwestafrika”): Tsumeb, 13-19.vi.1911 (W. Michaelsen). Type-depository:
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