•• •• aCl lC Cl lzen National Publication of the Japanese American Citizens League Newsstand: 25¢ Postpaid $0.75 ISSN: 0030-8579/Whole No. 2,3211 Vol. 100 No. 1 244 S. San Pedro St., #506, Los Angeles, CA 90012-3981 (213) 62&6936, 628-3768 January 4-11, 1985 JACL representatives meet with Nakasone LOS ANGELES-Demonstrating ing from the trade deficit to the bridging the gap between the two a new regard for Japanese Amer­ U.S.S.R.'s relations with the U.S. nations." icans, the Japanese government and Japan. He added. "1 also feel that it invited two representatives from Most significant for Japanese was very significant that the the J ACL to meet with Prime Americans was Nakasone's as­ prime minister invited JACL, Minister Yasuhiro Nakasone dur­ surance that he would do every­ particularly when he was here ing his visit here Jan. 2. thing he could to promote better only a short time. " Frank Sato, JACL president. at­ U.S.-Japan relations. And, in re­ Nakasone was in Los Angeles tended the private audience along sponse to a comment by Sato, the for about 24 hours. The private with Rose Ochi , local JACL coor­ prime minister said he under­ discussion took place just prior to dinator for U.S.-Japan relations. stood that the U.S. Nikkei com­ a press conference about his As inspector general of the Veter­ munity was affected by the tenor meeting with President Reagan ans Administration, Sato is the ofthe U.S.-Japan relationship. and the return flight to Japan. highest-ranking Nisei in the fed ­ Controversial Issue -by Karen Seriguchi eral government. Ochi too, emphasized the con­ Also participating in the 25- cern of Japanese Americans, be- minute meeting were Noritoshi cause, she said, "We suffer the ~";1l~•. ~'l' E.~•• ~B~.II Kanai, president of Gumma-ken­ social consequences of anti­ jinkai; Kaoru Tsutsui, president Japan trade baiting. Thus, while Redress bill is put Photo by Ken Kitamura, K-West News of the Kenjinkai-kyogikai, an um­ the trade deficit is essentially an brella organization of all the pre­ economic issue, it becomes both a in House hopper Prime Minister Yasuhiro Nakasone (right) discusses U.S.-Japan rela­ political and social issue as well, fectural groups in Los Angeles ; WASHINGTON - Legislation tions with JACL President Frank Sato and Vice President Rose Ochi. and accordingly, must be ad­ and Koshiro Torii, president of to obtain monetary redress for J apanese Chamber of Commerce. dressed on all these levels. " Sa to stated that JACL's highest the 120,000 Americans and per­ manent residents interned in Japanese an exception ignificaot Visit prior ity. next to redress. was WW2 was introduced into the therefore the improvement of Nakasone told the group that he House last week. announced U.S.-Japan relations. Asians better off than other immigrants felt it was significant that he and Reps. Robert Matsui and Nor­ Characterizing the meeting as President Reagan had met in Los man Mineta of California. WASHINGTON-A ians who $12,521, and those from Laos, " upbeat, " Sato said he felt that Angeles, an important city for House Majority Leader Jim come to the U.S. are generally $5,634. " the Japanese government is be­ U.S. -Japan trade, and that the Wr ight .D-Texasl is the bill's better educated than other immi­ Discrepancy for Japanese coming more and more aware ' vis it took place in the first days of sponsor, and about 100 repre­ grants, according to recently re­ Although 24 c of the immigrants. that Japanese Americans could the new year. The prime minister sentatives are co-sponsors thus leased census figures. Except fo r born in Japan have a college de­ then commented on issues rang- playa much more effective role in J apanese, Vietnamese, and Lao­ gree, the median household in­ far. tians, they also earn more than come of$16,016 for the Japan-born H.R. 442, so named to honor most Americans. population is lower than the na­ the all-Nisei 442nd Regimental A special tabulation of 1980 cen­ tional average of$16,841. Onizuka to go Up in partial secrecy Combat Team, is known as the sus data shows that percentages The median income for all for­ Civil Liberties Act of 1985. Its of college graduates among native­ eign-born people is $14,588, while HOUSTON-Until now, all manned launching facilities at Vandenberg provision~ are virtually identi­ and foreign-born adults are both that for native-born Americans is U.S. space missions have been Air Force Base in California. All cal to H.R. 4110, introduced in around 16%. However, the per­ $17,010. open to the media and essentially future flights carrying military 1983. centages are much higher among Recent Immigration civilian in nature. The next planned payloads will be bound by the those born in most Asian coun­ Of the 14.1 million people born launch on Jan. 23 of the space same secrecy rules applying to the tries. in other countries, 3.3 million shuttle Discovery, with Air Force Jan. 23 launch: no news confer­ Those from India ranked high­ came to this country between 1975 Major Ellison Onizuka, the first ences with astronauts, no press American woman into space. est, with 66% having graduated and 1980. Of these recent arrivals, Asian American astronaut, on kits, no information on cargo, no However, according to one report, from college, followed by Taiwan, 1.2 million came from Asia. board, will signal a change in that public access to astronaut com­ Onizuka "may become one of the with 60%, and Iran and Hong Sizable numbers came from policy. munications while in orbit. most famous shuttle astronauts of Kong, both with 43%. Those born Vietnam (209,000), the Philippines Mission specialists Onizuka and Defense Dept. officer Brig. Gen. all. " in Vietnam and Laos were below (172,000) , Korea (152,000) , India Marine Lt. Col. James Buchli, Air Richard Abel said that some fu­ Writing in the Tozai Times, Jon the national average, with 13 and (90,000 ), China (78,000 ), and Japan Force Lt. Col. Loren Shriver, the ture military shuttle missions may Takasugi quoted an "unofficial 6.5%, respectively. (70,000 ). pilot, and Navy Capt. Thommas be completely closed to the media, source" as saying that "there is a Income Also High The influx of immigrants from Mattingly, the mission command­ with no advance information good chance NASA will send Oni­ Correlation between education­ the Philippines pushes that coun­ er-all of NASA-will be joined by available. zuka on a worldwide 'goodwill allevel and income is high. India­ try to sixth among the foreign­ a Dept. of Defense astronaut, Air The January flight was origi­ mission' post-flight. In addition, born residents have the highest born population with a total of Force Major Gary Payton, who nally scheduled over a year ago. NHK-TV in Japan has been fol­ median household income at 501,440. First is Mexico with will manage the mission's mili­ After numerous delays and space­ lowing the Nikkei's career closely, $25,644. Those born in the Philip­ 2 ,1~9,221 , followed by Gennany tary payload, reportedly a signal craft changes, it seems that all is and unconfIrmed reports indicate pines, with 42 % college graduates, (849,384 ), Canada (842,859), Italy and electronics spy satellite. It ready to send the first Japanese a documentary on the astronaut's come in second with $22 ,7ffl. Me­ (831,922), and Cuba (607 ,814) . will be launched from the Discov­ American into space. life may not be too far away. " dian incomes for those born in The total Korea- and China-born ery into a geosynchronous orbit Many Asian Americans have Born in Kona, Hawaii, the 38- China, Taiwan, Hong Kong and populations are almost the same- 22 ,300 miles above the western been disappointed that the first year-old Onizuka attended Hono­ Korea were all in the $18,000 to 289,885 and 286,120, respectively. portion of the Soviet Union. mission with an Asian on board is kohau Elementary and Konawae­ $18,500 range. The total from Vietnam number The Dept. of Defense has already subject to a news blackout, in con­ na High before going on to Univer­ By contrast, those from Viet­ 321 ,120, and those born in Japan booked 20% of the next 70 shuttle trast to the flights that carried the sity of Colorado at Boulder to nam have a median income of number ~1 , 794 . missions and has built its own first Black American and first study aerospace engineering. SPECIAL PULLOUT SECTION ENCLOSED •• •• aCl lC Cl lzen National Pubticatlon of the Japanese American Citizens League Newsstand: 25¢ PostpaJd so.75 ISSN: 0030-8579 /Whole No. 2,321/ Vol. 100 No.1 244 S. San Pedro St., #506, Los Angeles, CA 90012-3981 (213) 62&6936, 628-3768 January 4-11, 1985 JACL representatives meet with Nakasone LOS ANGELE~Demonstrating ing from the trade deficit to the bridging the gap between the two a new regard for Japanese Amer­ V.S.S.R.'s relations with the U.S. nations. " icans, the Japanese government and Japan. He added, "I also feel that it invited two representatives from Most significant for Japanese was very significant that the the J ACL to meet with Prime Americans was Nakasone's as­ prime minister invited JACL, Minister Yasururo Nakasone dur­ surance that he would do every­ particularly when he was here ing his visit here Jan. 2. thing he could to promote better only a short time.
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