§ 4.80 27 CFR Ch. I (4±1±98 Edition) Subpart IÐGeneral Provisions Carlos CarmeneÁre § 4.80 Exports. Carmine The regulations in this part shall not Carnelian apply to wine exported in bond. Cascade Castel 19±637 Catawba Subpart JÐAmerican Grape Cayuga White Variety Names Centurion Chambourcin SOURCE: T.D. ATF±370, 61 FR 539, Jan. 8, Chancellor 1996, unless otherwise noted. Charbono Chardonel § 4.91 List of approved prime names. Chardonnay The following grape variety names Chasselas dore have been approved by the Director for Chelois use as type designations for American Chenin blanc wines. When more than one name may Chief be used to identify a single variety of Chowan grape, the synonym is shown in paren- Cinsaut (Black Malvoisie) theses following the prime grape Clairette blanche names. Grape variety names may ap- Clinton pear on labels of wine in upper or in Colombard (French Colombard) lower case, and may be spelled with or Colobel without the hyphens or diacritic marks Cortese indicated in the following list. Corvina Agwam Concord Albemarle Conquistador Aleatico Couderc noir Alicante Bouschet Cowart Aligote Creek Ä Alvarelhao Cynthiana (Norton) Arneis Dearing Aurore De Chaunac Bacchus Delaware Baco blanc Diamond Baco noir Dixie Barbera Dolcetto Beacon Beclan Doreen Bellandais Dulcet Beta Durif Black Pearl Dutchess Blanc Du Bois Early Burgundy Blue Eye Early Muscat Bonarda Edelweiss Bountiful Eden Burdin 4672 Ehrenfelser Burdin 5201 Ellen Scott Burdin 11042 Elvira Burgaw Emerald Riesling Burger Feher Szagos Cabernet franc FernaÄ o Pires Cabernet Pfeffer Fern Munson Cabernet Sauvignon Flame Tokay Calzin Flora Campbell Early (Island Belle) Florental Canada Muscat Folle blanche Captivator Fredonia Carignane Freisa 42 VerDate 08<JUN>98 14:16 Jun 15, 1998 Jkt 179103 PO 00000 Frm 00038 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:\SGML\179103T.XXX pfrm03 PsN: 179103T Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, Treasury § 4.91 Fry MuÈ nch Furmint Muscadelle Gamay noir Muscat blanc (Muscat Canelli) Garronet Muscat du Moulin GewuÈ rztraminer Muscat Hamburg (Black Muscat) Gladwin 113 Muscat of Alexandria Glennel Muscat Ottonel Gold Naples Golden Isles Nebbiolo Golden Muscat NeÂgrette Grand Noir New York Muscat Green Hungarian Niagara Grenache Noah Grignolino Noble Grillo Norton (Cynthiana) Gros Verdot Ontario Helena Orange Muscat Herbemont Palomino Higgins Pamlico Horizon Pedro Ximenes Hunt Petit Verdot Iona Petite Sirah Isabella Peverella Ives Pinotage James Pinot blanc Jewell Pinot gris (Pinot Grigio) Joannes Seyve 12±428 Pinot noir Joannes Seyve 23±416 Precoce de Malingre Kerner Pride Kay Gray Primitivo Kleinberger Rayon d'Or LaCrosse Ravat 34 Lake Emerald Ravat 51 (Vignoles) Lambrusco Ravat noir Landal Redgate Landot noir Regale Lenoir Riesling (White Riesling) LeÂon Millot Rkatziteli (Rkatsiteli) Limberger (Lemberger) Roanoke Madeline Angevine Rosette Magnolia Roucaneuf Magoon Rougeon Malbec Roussanne Malvasia bianca Royalty MareÂchal Foch Rubired Marsanne Ruby Cabernet Melody St. Croix Melon de Bourgogne (Melon) Saint Macaire Merlot Salem Meunier (Pinot Meunier) Salvador Mish Sangiovese Mission Sauvignon blanc (Fume blanc) Missouri Riesling Scarlet Mondeuse (Refosco) Scheurebe Montefiore SeÂmillon Moore Early Sereksiya Morio-Muskat Seyval (Seyval blanc) MourveÁdre (Mataro) Siegerrebe MuÈ ller-Thurgau Siegfried 43 VerDate 08<JUN>98 14:16 Jun 15, 1998 Jkt 179103 PO 00000 Frm 00039 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:\SGML\179103T.XXX pfrm03 PsN: 179103T § 4.92 27 CFR Ch. I (4±1±98 Edition) Southland Alternative Name/Prime Name SouzaÄ o Baco 1ÐBaco noir Steuben Baco 22AÐBaco blanc Stover BastardoÐTrousseau Sugargate Black SpanishÐLenoir Sultanina (Thomspon Seedless) Burdin 7705ÐFlorental Summit CayugaÐCayuga White Suwannee Chancellor noirÐChancellor Sylvaner ChasselasÐChasselas dore  Symphony ChevrierÐSemillon Chelois noirÐChelois Syrah (Shiraz) Couderc 71±20ÐCouderc noir Swenson Red Couderc 299±35ÐMuscat du Moulin Tarheel FochÐMareÂchal Foch Taylor Franken RieslingÐSylvaner Tempranillo (ValdepenÄ as) GutedelÐChasselas dore Teroldego Ives SeedlingÐIves Thomas JacquezÐLenoir Thompson Seedless (Sultanina) Joannes Seyve 26±205ÐChambourcin Tinta Madeira Landot 244ÐLandal Tinto caÄ o Landot 4511ÐLandot noir Tocai Friulano MillotÐLeon Millot Moore's DiamondÐDiamond Topsail Norton SeedlingÐNorton Touriga Pfeffer CabernetÐCabernet Pfeffer Traminer Pineau de la LoireÐChenin blanc Trousseau Pinot ChardonnayÐChardonnay Trousseau gris Ravat 262ÐRavat noir Ugni blanc (Trebbiano) RulaÈ nderÐPinot gris Valdiguie Seibel 128ÐSalvador Valerien Seibel 1000ÐRosette Van Buren Seibel 4986ÐRayon d'Or Veeblanc Seibel 5279ÐAurore Seibel 5898ÐRougeon Veltliner Seibel 7053ÐChancellor Ventura Seibel 8357ÐColobel Verdelet Seibel 9110ÐVerdelet Verdelho Seibel 9549ÐDe Chaunac Vidal blanc Seibel 10878ÐChelois Villard blanc Seibel 13053ÐCascade Villard noir Seibel 14596ÐBellandais Vincent Seyve-Villard 5±276ÐSeyval Viognier Seyve-Villard 12±309ÐRoucaneuf Vivant Seyve-Villard 12±375ÐVillard blanc Seyve-Villard 18±283ÐGarronet Welsch Rizling Seyve-Villard 18±315ÐVillard noir Watergate Seyve-Villard 23±410ÐValerien Welder SweetwaterÐChasselas dore Yuga Verdelet blancÐVerdelet Zinfandel Vidal 256ÐVidal blanc Virginia SeedlingÐNorton § 4.92 Alternative names permitted for WaÈ lschrieslingÐWelsch Rizling temporary use. WelschrieslingÐWelsch Rizling The following alternative names (b) Wines bottled prior to January 1, 1999. shown in the left column may be used Alternative Name/Prime Name as the type designation for American wine in lieu of the prime name of the CabernetÐCabernet Sauvignon grape variety shown in the right col- Grey RieslingÐTrousseau gris Johannisberg RieslingÐRiesling umn. Alternative names listed in the Muscat FrontignanÐMuscat blanc left column may only be used for wine Muscat PantelleriaÐMuscat of Alexandria bottled prior to the date indicated. Napa GamayÐValdiquie (a) Wines bottled prior to January 1, Pinot Saint GeorgeÐNeÂgrette 1997. Sauvignon vertÐMuscadelle 44 VerDate 08<JUN>98 14:16 Jun 15, 1998 Jkt 179103 PO 00000 Frm 00040 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:\SGML\179103T.XXX pfrm03 PsN: 179103T Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, Treasury Pt. 5 § 4.93 Approval of grape variety PART 5ÐLABELING AND names. ADVERTISING OF DISTILLED SPIRITS (a) Any interested person may peti- tion the Director for the approval of a Subpart AÐScope grape variety name. The petition may Sec. be in the form of a letter and should 5.1 General. provide evidence of the followingÐ 5.2 Related regulations. (1) Acceptance of the new grape vari- 5.3 Forms prescribed. ety, (2) The validity of the name for iden- Subpart BÐDefinitions tifying the grape variety, 5.11 Meaning of terms. (3) That the variety is used or will be used in winemaking, and Subpart CÐStandards of Identity for (4) That the variety is grown and Distilled Spirits used in the United States. (b) For the approval of names of new 5.21 Application of standards. grape varieties, documentation submit- 5.22 The standards of identity. 5.23 Alteration of class and type. ted with the petition to establish the items in paragraph (a) of this section Subpart CaÐFormulas may includeÐ (1) reference to the publication of the 5.25 Application. name of the variety in a scientific or 5.26 Formula requirements. professional journal of horticulture or 5.27 Formulas. a published report by a professional, 5.28 Adoption of predecessor's formulas. scientific or winegrowers' organization, Subpart DÐLabeling Requirements for (2) reference to a plant patent, if so Distilled Spirits patented, and (3) information pertaining to the 5.31 General. commercial potential of the variety, 5.32 Mandatory label information. such as the acreage planted and its lo- 5.33 Additional requirements. cation or market studies. 5.34 Brand names. 5.35 Class and type. (c) The Director will not approve a 5.36 Name and address. grape variety name if: 5.37 Alcohol content. (1) The name has previously been 5.38 Net contents. used for a different grape variety; 5.39 Presence of neutral spirits and color- (2) The name contains a term or ing, flavoring, and blending materials. name found to be misleading under 5.40 Statements of age and percentage. § 4.39; or 5.41 Bottle cartons, booklets and leaflets. (3) The name of a new grape variety 5.42 Prohibited practices. contains the term ``Riesling.'' Subpart EÐStandards of Fill for Bottled (d) For new grape varieties developed Distilled Spirits in the United States, the Director may determine if the use of names which 5.45 Application. contain words of geographical signifi- 5.46 Standard liquor bottles. cance, place names, or foreign words 5.47 Standards of fill (distilled spirits bot- are misleading under § 4.39. The Direc- tled before January 1, 1980). 5.47a Metric standards of fill (distilled spir- tor will not approve the use of a grape its bottled after December 31, 1979). variety name found to be misleading. (e) The Director shall publish the list Subpart FÐRequirements for Withdrawal of approved grape variety names at From Customs Custody of Bottled Im- least annually in the FEDERAL REG- ported Distilled Spirits ISTER. 5.51 Label approval and release. (Approved by the Office of Management and 5.52 Certificates of age and origin. Budget under Control Number 1512±0513) 5.53 Certificate of nonstandard fill. 45 VerDate 08<JUN>98 14:16 Jun 15, 1998 Jkt 179103 PO 00000 Frm 00041 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:\SGML\179103T.XXX pfrm03 PsN: 179103T.
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