879 Backmatter Subject Index – 880 F. Hefti, Pediatric Orthopedics in Practice, DOI 10.1007/978-3-662-46810-4, © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2015 880 Backmatter Subject index Bold letters: Principal article Italics: Illustrations A Acetylsalicylic acid 303, 335 Adolescent scoliosis Amyloidosis 663 Acheiropodia 804 7 Scoliosis Amyoplasia 813–814 Abducent nerve paresis 752, Achievement by proxy 10, 11 AFO 7 Ankle Foot Orthosis Anaerobes 649, 652, 657 816 Achilles tendon Aggrecan 336, 367, 762 ANA 7 antinuclear antibodies Abducted pes planovalgus – lengthening 371, 426, 431, aggressive osteomyelitis Analysis, gait 488, 490–497 433, 434, 436, 439, 443, 464, 7 osteomyelitis, aggressive 7 Gait analysis Abduction contracture 468, 475, 485, 487–490, 493, Agonist 281, 487, 492, 493, Anchor 169, 312, 550, 734 7 contracture 496, 816, 838, 840 495, 498, 664, 832, 835, 840, Andersen classification abduction pants 219–221 – shortening 358, 418, 431, 868 7 classification, Andersen Abduction splint 212, 218–221, 433, 464, 465, 467, 468, 475, Ahn classification 366 Andry, Nicolas 21, 22 248, 850 489, 496, 838 Aitken classification (congenital Anesthesia 26, 38, 135, 154, Abduction Achondrogenesis 750, 751, femoral deficiency ) 7 classi- 162, 174, 221, 243, 247, 248, – hip 195, 198, 199, 212, 213, 756, 758–760, 769 fication, femoral deficiency 255, 281, 303, 385, 386, 400, 214, 218, 219, 220, 221, Achondroplasia 56, 163, 166, Akin osteotomy 477, 479 500, 506, 559, 568, 582–585, 241–245, 247, 248, 251, 255, 242, 270, 271, 353, 409, 628, Albers-Schönberg disease 603, 604, 610–612, 643, 657, 272, 273, 275, 277, 279, 281, 638, 750, 751–754, 755–757, 7 Osteopetrosis 664, 786, 811, 823, 831, 833, 282, 284, 292, 303, 312, 314, 759, 761 Albizzia nail 640 838, 860 316–318 Achterman and Kalamchi classi- Albright syndrome (osteo- Aneurysmal bone cyst 175, 7 also Orthosis fication 353–356 malacia) 752, 753, 781–783 177, 178, 179–180, 186, Abilities, maintenance of 30 Acidosis 773, 783 7 also McCune-Albright 305, 306, 307, 402, 403, 405, Abnormality, congenital Acne 113, 654 syndrome, Fibrous Dysplasia 508, 511, 512, 591, 593, 607, 7 Malformation Acrocephalosyndactyly Albuminuria 783 672–678, 681, 685, 692, 694, Abscess 85, 174, 175, 298, 398, 7 Apert syndrome Algorithm 16, 17, 673 695, 696–698, 706, 726, 727, 399, 508, 632, 648–654 Acromelic dysplasia 7 dysplasia, Alkaline phosphatase 728 Absorbable pin 340, 571 acromelic 7 phosphatase, alkaline Angiogram 44, 85, 139, 236, Abt-Letterer-Siwe disease 700, Acromesomelic dysplasia Allograft 28, 160, 161, 308, 312, 537, 678 701 7 dysplasia, acromesomelic 340, 363, 364, 403, 406, 512, Angioma 720, 727 7 also Langerhanscell Acrosyndactyly 531, 536, 542 595, 694, 735–737 7 also hemangioma Histiocytosis Adamantinoma 402, 404, 673, alopecia areata 794 Angiomatoid fibrous histio- Acceleration 29, 41, 55, 61–66, 674, 700, 713–714, 727, 729, Alpha-angle 216, 217 cytoma 718 210 734 Alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma Angiosarcoma 713, 720 Accessory bone 445–447 Adamkiewicz artery 85, 139, 7 rhabdomyosarcoma, Angle, talocalcaneal 442, 461, Accessory ossification center 864 alveolar 464, 465, 467 445–447 Adams-Oliver syndrome 804 Amazon syndrome 804 Angled blade plate osteo- Accident 35, 66, 86, 168, 169, Adaptation 26, 54, 63, 66, 152, AMBRI (Atraumatic, Multidirec- synthesis 226, 228, 265, 289, 176, 288, 291, 343, 345, 378, 267, 268, 298, 360, 491, 492, tional, Bilateral, Rehabilitation, 290, 314, 639, 733 388, 393, 552, 557, 559, 564, 531, 834, 844, 850, 852, 863 Inferior capsular shift) 546 Angle measurement 100, 119, 583, 587, 601–603, 606, 607, Adduction contracture Amelia 529, 532, 804 125, 216 609, 859, 864, 867 7 Contracture, adduction Ameloblastoma 713 Angulation deformity 135, Acetabular angle 215, 226, Adductor tenotomy 268 Amniocentesis 459 283, 301, 309, 393, 442, 539, 227 Adhesion 452, 453, 762, 861, Amniotic band (ring constrition) 563, 574, 584–586, 626, 629, Acetabular anteversion 204, 864, 865, 868, 739, 742 syndrome 353, 430, 454, 643 205, 208, 230, 231, 232 Adolescence 8–9, 19–20, 28, 458, 459, 520, 529, 531, 536, Angulation osteotomy 7 Osteo- Acetabular dysplasia 212, 757 53–55, 66, 67, 87, 120, 153, 541–542 tomy, angulation Acetabular edge 209, 211, 212, 169, 172, 182, 186, 187, 265, Amniotic fluid deficiency 213 Ankle-foot orthosis 370, 371, 214, 216, 276, 277, 278 269, 288, 290, 293, 317, Amputation 843, 846–848, 862, 866 Acetabular fracture 286–287 328–330, 356, 378, 381, 383, – congenital 529, 531–533, 542 Ankle joint 415–523 Acetabular protrusion 204, 386, 389, 393, 406, 448, 462, – for congenital malformation Ankylosing spondylitis 175 210, 302, 303, 663, 755, 778, 465, 481, 483, 503, 546, 548, 263, 354–358, 363, 448, Ankylosis 175, 663, 825 795, 796, 797, 798 551, 564, 577, 582, 584, 586, 455–457, 531, 541, 542, 800, Anomaly, congenital 7 Malfor- Acetabular rim fracture 286 631, 646, 662, 663, 672, 683, 821 mation, congenital Acetabular roof angle 202, 215, 684, 688, 689, 693, 695, 696, – for tumors 405, 406, 510, Anomaly, intraspinal 44, 76, 85, 823 699, 709, 711, 716–723, 731, 512, 596, 706, 707, 712, 726, 94, 95, 99, 100, 109, 112, 132, Acetabuloplasty 7 osteotomy, 751, 766, 777, 819, 824, 873 728, 731–732, 735, 738, 740, 133, 137, 139, 142, 157, 159, acetabuloplasty Adolescent’s kyphosis 772 160, 178, 183–184, 189, 793, Acetylcholine 814, 837 7 Scheuermann’s diesease – historical 25, 26 821, 864 881 A–B Subject Index Antagonist 281, 487, 492, 493, Apophyseal avulsion fracture – rearfoot 456, 487, 488, 493, Atlantoaxial screw fixation 165, 495, 497, 664, 832 53, 68, 169, 170, 243, 494, 495, 496, 497, 498, 815 176, 665, 811 Antalgic gait 645, 646 285–289, 327, 378–380, – shoulder 555, 559, 594, 595 Atlas therapy 189, 837 Antecurvation 292, 361, 364, 385–393, 413, 503–506, 557, – subtalar 357, 437, 440, 464, Atriodigital dysplasia 805 632 558, 563, 570–572, 576–578, 496 Autologous bone 7 bone graft, Antepulsion 522, 523 585–587, 604, 606, 610, 868 – thumb 559 autologous Anterior bowing 354, 360, Apophyseal plate 51, 58, 171, – Triple- 474, 786 Automated step mechanism 361, 353, 364, 385, 394, 565, 175, 226, 332, 349, 381, 391, – wrist 555, 556, 557, 559, 849 570, 700 571 594 Avascular necrosis Anterior cruciate ligament Apophyseal ring herniation Arthrogram 44, 200, 216, 248, – elbow 550–551 65, 66, 68, 321, 322, 325, 326, 117, 118 280 – femoral head 53, 218, 220, 337, 343, 360, 378–383, 388, Apophysis 53, 58, 97, 98, 113, Arthrography 221, 232, 242, 243, 254, 257, 389, 610 117, 169, 170, 205, 285, 287, – hip 44, 200, 216, 220, 262, 258, 287–290, 292, 299, 302, Anterior drawer 322, 323, 325, 297, 331, 388, 484, 485, 505, 282 303, 315, 316, 613, 658, 754, 378, 379, 381, 423, 504, 585 571, 572, 576, 577, 625 Arthrogryposis 259, 316, 345, 788, 809 Anterior hip dislocation 278 Apophysitis 287, 421, 484, 485, 353, 358, 359, 409, 410, 411, – foot 482, 513, 433, 438, 482, Anterior knee pain 329–331 514, 571, 610, 645–287, 287, 418, 426, 430, 441, 529, 539, 506 Anterior release 109, 111, 112, 421, 484, 570, 610, 645, 645 544, 559, 560, 751–754, 761, – hand 551 154, 166 Appliance 839, 843–855 763, 772, 811, 812–816 – knee 331–332, 336–342 Anterior spinal fusion – upper extremity 534, 554, Arthrolysis 539, 570 – spine 117 7 Spinal fusion 555, 558 Arthropathy, hemophilic 824, Avulsion fracture 7 Apophyseal Anteversion Apprehension sign 345, 519, 825, 826 avulsion fracture – acetabular 204, 205, 208, 520, 547, 548 Arthroplasty 274, 297, 303–305, Axial deformity 620–631 230, 231, 232 Apprehension test 519, 520, 312, 401, 636, 666, 734, 737, – finger 523, 540 – femoral 28, 37, 195, 197, 547, 548 738, 766, 768, 775, 820, 821 – foot 15, 330, 417, 419, 420, 198, 199, 200, 201, 202–208, Aproach (tumor surgery) 679, – extendable 737, 738 431, 442, 443, 451, 454, 461, 272, 280–281, 294, 475, 605, 732 Arthroereisis acc. to Burutaran 475, 476, 847 617, 620–624, 636 Apron grip 37, 519 443, 468, 470–471, 488, 493 – forearm 521, 529, 574, 579 Anteversion view 200, 201 Arachnodactyly Arthroscopy – general 54, 604 Anteverted hip 28, 197, 199, 7 Marfan syndrome – general 26, 27 – knee 326, 338, 342, 379, 388, 203, 210, 225, 226, 251, 274, Areflexia 865 – hip 257, 258, 299 390, 393 282, 622 Arm prosthesis 532, 533 – knee 326, 329, 334, 339, 341, – leg 40, 202, 205, 251, 252, Anthropometric models 62–63 Arm span 56, 796 347, 360, 367, 378–381, 390, 253, 293, 326, 364, 370, 374, Anti-inflammatory drugs 295, Arnold-Chiari malformation 391, 410, 412 376, 390, 465, 470, 620–631, 296, 329, 332, 333, 652, 664 133, 157, 757, 758, 861 – shoulder 548 641, 642, 690, 834, 847 Anti-scatter grid, x-rays 46 Arnold-Hilgartner classification Articular cartilage, loading – spine 80, 81, 87, 93, 210, 860 Anti-varus shoe 434 825 capacity 66 – tibia 436, 605 Antibiotic treatment 113, 174, Arrhythmia 874 Asepsis 26 Axillary nerve lesion 547, 594, 175, 294, 296, 299, 300, 396, arteriovenous malformation Aseptic bone necrosis 595, 733 397, 512, 613, 643, 648–658, 7 Malformation, arteriovenous (7 also Calvé-Legg-Perthes Axis 144 820 Arthritis 257 disease, Osggod-Schlatter Axonotmesis 867 Antiepileptics 837 – juvenile rheumatoid 175, disease, Freiberg disease) Antigranulocyte immunoscintig- 302, 399–401, 409, 410, 412, – metatarsal bone 480 raphy 677 662–666 – navicular bone 480 Antinuclear antibodies 662, – enthesopathic 663 – Tibial tuberosity 331 B 663 – septic 198, 287, 290, 297, Asphyxiating thoracic dysplasia Back, surface of, measurement Antiseptic 652 396–398, 410, 412, 604, 632, 7 Jeune syndrome 99 Antispasmodics 837 645, 656–658,
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