Egypt and the Egtptians, Second Edition Douglas J

Egypt and the Egtptians, Second Edition Douglas J

Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-61689-8 - Egypt and the Egtptians, Second Edition Douglas J. Brewer and Emily Teeter Index More information Index Abadiyeh, 13 scribes’ role in, 91 Abdel Latif, 5 towns’ and cities’ roles in, 66, 68, 72 Abu Haggag, 208--9 vizier’s role in, xxiii Abu Roash, 175 see also bureaucracy Abu Simbel, 8, 131 adultery, 110, 111 Abu Sir, 175 Aegean, 14, 55 Abu Sir Papyrus, 82 agate, 194 Abukir (battle of), 7 agriculture, 31, 40 Abydos as part of daily life, 71--2 association with Osiris, 102, 175 at Deir el Medina, 68 Cemetery U, 36, 38, 127 dependance on the Nile inundation, destruction of necropolis at, 43 27 early town at, 60, 69 development of, 32--3 Predynastic cemetery at, 13, 33, 34, 37 influence on settlement, 68 Predynastic chieftain-kings of, 37, 38 management of, 61 royal funerary complex at, 175 Aha, 34, 37 royal tombs of, 174, 178 Chronology, xiii wadi at, 74 Ahhotep, 46 Acheulean tomb of Ahhotep, 46 Glossary, xvii Ahmose, 46, 49, 115 hand axes, 24 Chronology, xiv houses, 146 tomb at Abydos, 175 ad Ahmose, son of Ibana (autobiography Glossary, xvii of), 45, 46 Adam, Robert, 209 Ahmose (family name), 47 administration Ahmose Nofertari, 49 administrative archives, 83, 91 Aida, 10 administrative center, 153 Åkerbald, Johan, 129 administrative district, xxi, 43, 75, 82 akh, 167, 170 administrator, 44, 47, 75, 81--2, 95 Glossary, xvii changes in the reign of Senwosert III, Akhenaten, xvii, xix, 52, 54, 62, 105, 43 205--6 in Dynasty 13, 45 Chronology, xiv in the Old Kingdom state, 39 see also Amarna; Amarna Period; Tell of conquered areas in Palestine and el Amarna (Akhetaten) Syria, 51 akhet, 31 of taxes and obligations, 94 Akhetaten, xvii, 62--5 of temples, 48, 88, 89--90 see also Tell el Amarna (Akhetaten) of the army, 86 Akhtoy (family name), 42 provincial, 82--3 Akhtoy III, 43 225 © Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-61689-8 - Egypt and the Egtptians, Second Edition Douglas J. Brewer and Emily Teeter Index More information 226 Index al-Dahr, Mohammed Sa’im, 5 Amunemhet I, 43, 44, 45, 161 Alexander (name), 129 Chronology, xiv Alexander the Great, 2, 30, 58 Instructions of Amunemhet, 43 Chronology, xvi Amunemhet II Alexandria, 2, 3, 4, 7, 62 Chronology, xiv Amarna Amunemhet III, 3, 44, 161 Glossary, xvii Chronology, xiv see also Akhenaten; Amarna Period; see also Hawara; labyrinth Tell el Amarna (Akhetaten) Amunet, 99 Amarna Letter, 51, 54, 63 Amunhotep (family name), 80 Glossary, xvii Amunhotep I, 30, 51, 83, 115 Amarna Period, 52--4 Chronology, xiv religion of, 105 Amunhotep II, viii, 80 representation of human figure in, Chronology, xiv 205--6 Amunhotep III, xvii, 49, 51, 52, 201 see also Amarna; Tell el Amarna Chronology, xiv (Akhetaten) palace of Amunhotep III, viii Amasis, 122 Temple of Amunhotep III, xviii, Chronology, xv 186 Amduat, 49, 183 see also Malkata Amenemope Amunhotep IV, 52, 205 Chronology, xv Chronology, xiv Amenmesse see also Akhenaten Chronology, xv Amunhotep son of Hapu, 106--7 Amratian Amun-Ra, 98, 183 Glossary, xvii Anatolia, 49 in Predynastic sequence, 34 ancestor, 107--8 Table 3.1, 34 Ani (Instructions of), 114, 121 amulet, xix, xxii, 168--9 animal skin, 51 Glossary, xvii ankh, 136 Amun Glossary, xvii as supreme god, 105 Ankhsheshenqy (Instructions of), association with king, 79, 83 125 cult of Amun, 47--8, 55--6 Ankhtyfy of Moalla, 43 division of, 86 Ankhu (autobiography of), 81 domain of Amun, 48, 56, 57 anthropologist, xi, 60 erasing of name, 53 Antiquities Department, 11 family of, 99 see also Antiquities Service God’s Wife of, 49 Antiquities Service, 9, 10 in Kushite Period, 57 see also Antiquities Department in Opet festival, 104--5 Anukis, 27 multiplicity of forms, 98 Apis oracular consultation, 89 Glossary, xvii statue of, 99 Temple of Apis, 3 see also God’s Wife of Amun; apprenticeship, 92, 138 Karnak Temple; Temple of Apries Amun Chronology, xv © Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-61689-8 - Egypt and the Egtptians, Second Edition Douglas J. Brewer and Emily Teeter Index More information Index 227 Arab representation as substitution, 139, Arab conquest, xvi, 4 170, 189, 195, 206 destruction of monuments, 4--5 representation of human figure, interest in Ancient Egypt, 4--5, 6, 15 197--206 rule of Egypt, 209 symbolic nature, 189, 195 Arab historians, 5 see also temple scene; tomb scene Arabic, 4, 127, 132, 139, 140 artisans, 138, 189--90,fig. 11.1 archaeology, xi, 15 Ashmolean Museum, vii, ix, xii anthropological archaeology, xi Ashur, xvii archaeological method, 12 Ashurbanipal, 57 archaeologist, xi, xvii, 10, 15, 31, Annals of Ashurbanipal, 57 75 Assyria, 51, 55, 57 Egyptian archaeology, 12--15 Assyrian, 46, 49, 54--5, 208 Archaic Period Glossary, xvii Glossary, xix, xxii astronomy, 30 historical sources for, 37 Aswan royal tombs of, xx cataract at, xviii see also Early Dynastic Period gods of, 27 architecture, 142--6, 164 quarries at, 177 architectural feature, xviii, xix, xxi, temples of, 27 xxii the Nile at, 21 architectural ornamentation, xx, Aswan High Dam, xi, 15, 21 193--4 Atbara, 24, 25 building techniques and materials, Aten, xvii, 52, 53, 105, 159 142 Glossary, xvii cone-studded architecture, 38 Atum, 99 domestic, 146--3,figs. 9.4, 9.5, 9.7--9.9 Glossary, xvii imitation of natural world, 17 Augustus, 2 in mud-brick, 176--7 Chronology, xvi of houses in unplanned settlements, aurochs 66 Glossary, xvii of Naqada II, 69 autobiography, 45, 47, 104 of New Kingdom Thebes, 62,fig. 9.9 Avaris, 45, 46, 55 of palaces, 153--9,figs. 9.11, 9.12, see also Tell el-Daba (Avaris) 10.16 Ay, 54 of temples, 159--4 Chronology, xiv stone architecture, 143--6 Armant, 21 ba, 166--7, 173, 174,fig. 10.1 army, 54, 85--8 Glossary, xvii Arsinoe, 129 see also soul art Babylon, 2, 49, 51 archaizing, 58 Badari, 146 conceptual art, 194--6 Badarian, 35 conservatism of art, 189, 207 in the Predynastic sequence, 34 relative size, 201--2 Table 3.1, 34 religious function of art, 189, 195, Bahr Yusef, 21, 22 206, 207 Bahriya Oasis, 22 © Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-61689-8 - Egypt and the Egtptians, Second Edition Douglas J. Brewer and Emily Teeter Index More information 228 Index Ballas, 13 Bolbitine (Delta channel), 18 Bankes Obelisk, 131,fig. 8.4 Book of Exodus, 4 banquet, 121 Book of Gates, 49, 183 Bareri, 18 Book of the Dead, 174,fig. 10.4 bark, fig. 6.2 Book of the Dead Spell 125, 102, 112, Glossary, xvii 170 Barthélemy, Jean Jacques, 129 Book of the Dead Spell 30b, 169 bas relief, 191 Glossary, xviii Glossary, xviii Book of the Heavenly Cow, 49, 183 Basa, 114 box pleat, vii, 117 statue of Basa, fig. 5.2 bp basin Glossary, xviii Delta, 18 branches of the Nile, 68 irrigation, 25--7 British Museum, 8, 9 of the Western Desert, 23 British Museum Papyrus 10068, 62 bathroom and lavatory bronze, xx in Amarna houses, 152--3 sheets on relief, 194 in ceremonial palaces, 159, 185 statuary, 193 battle (depictions of), vi, 55, 86 tools of, 146, 191 bau, 107 Brooklyn Museum, xii Bay, 56 brush, 190 bc Bubastis, 61 Glossary, xviii Bucolic (Delta channel), 18 beer, 121--2, 124--5 Buhen, 43, 70,fig. 4.5a, b Bekenkhonsu, 116 bull, xvii, 22 Belzoni, Giovanni, 8--9, 10,fig. 1.1 bureaucracy, 96--7 Beni Hasan, 42 importance in the Pharaonic Bent Pyramid, 180 state, 39 Berber, 127 importance of the scribe in, 91 Berlin Museum, 12 of the New Kingdom state, 47 Bes, 105 role in the Pharaonic state, 80--2 Biban el Molouk, xxiii vizier’s role in, xxiii Bible, 4, 57 burial bitumen, 5 of royal family in Step Pyramid, Glossary, xviii 177 Blue Nile, 24, 25 son’s responsibility for the father’s, boat 110, 112 in festival processions, 209 variations in style of, 169--70 in the royal funerary complex, 176, see also funerary equipment; tomb 182 burned brick, 143 in tomb scenes, 196,fig. 11.7 Buto, 36, 38, 74, 89 in travel and transportation, Butzer, Karl W., 76, 77 28 Table 4.1, 76 navy, 86 bwt, 94 on Predynastic pottery, vi, 36 Byzantine, 209 sacred boat, xvii, 101, 161 Byzantine emperor, 209 sun bark, 98 Byzantine Period, xvi, 22 © Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-61689-8 - Egypt and the Egtptians, Second Edition Douglas J. Brewer and Emily Teeter Index More information Index 229 C-14 cataract, xi, xviii, xxi, 21 Glossary, xviii fifth cataract, 52 Caesar first cataract, xi, 27, 69, 74 Chronology, xvi Glossary, xviii Cairo second cataract, 43, 44, 69 built from Pharaonic monuments, 5 Caton-Thompson, Gertrude, 69 Napoleon’s entrance, 6 cattle, xvii, 31--2, 35 Nile at, 21 causeway, 180 calcium carbonate, 190 cavalry, 86 calendar, 31 cavetto cornice, 142, 161, 179,fig. 9.1 see also akhet; peret; shemu Glossary, xviii caliph, 209, 210 Caviglia, T. B., 1 Cambyses, 58 cedar, 40, 162, 182, 193 Chronology, xv Cemetery U, 37, 38 Canaanite, 88 cenotaph, 175 Caneiro, Robert, 17 Glossary, xviii environmental conscription, 17 ceramic analysis, 14 canopic Chadic, 127 canopic chest, xviii Champollion, Jean François, 11, 12, 131 canopic coffin, xviii Précis du Système Hiéroglyphique, 131 canopic jar, xviii, 169,fig. 10.3 chapel of the hearing ear, 106 Canopic (branch of the Nile), 18 Chapelle Rouge, 48 Canopis, xviii Chariot, 46, 86 capital childbearing, 112--14 Akhenaten’s, xvii, 52, 62 Childe, V.

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