ƒÓÓ„Ë ‰ÛÁ¸ˇ! Dear friends! ŒÚ ËÏÂÌË ÃËÌËÒÚÂÒÚ‚‡ ÍÛθÚÛ˚ –ÓÒÒËÈÒÍÓÈ On behalf of Ministry of Culture of the Russian ‘‰‡ˆËË ÔÓÁ‰‡‚Ρ˛ ‚‡Ò Ò Ì‡˜‡ÎÓÏ ‡·ÓÚ˚ Federation I would like to congratulate you all on 19-„Ó ŒÚÍ˚ÚÓ„Ó ÓÒÒËÈÒÍÓ„Ó ÍËÌÓÙÂÒÚË‚‡Îˇ the opening of the 19-th Open Russian Film "üËÌÓÚ‡‚". Festival "Kinotavr". ‘ÂÒÚË‚‡Î¸ ‚ —Ó˜Ë ‚Ò„‰‡ ·˚Î Ò‡Ï˚Ï ˇÍËÏ, The Festival in Sochi has always been the most Ò‡Ï˚Ï ÓÊˉ‡ÂÏ˚Ï, Ò‡Ï˚Ï Î˛·ËÏ˚Ï vivid, most anticipated, most admired and most Ô‡Á‰ÌËÍÓÏ Ë ÒÓ·˚ÚËÂÏ Ì‡ˆËÓ̇θÌÓ„Ó ÍËÌÓ. celebrated event for national cinema. But it is Œ‰Ì‡ÍÓ ËÏÂÌÌÓ ÚÂÔ¸, ̇ ‚ÓÎÌ ‡Òˆ‚ÂÚ‡ only now when domestic film industry is ÓÚ˜ÂÒÚ‚ÂÌÌÓ„Ó ÍËÌÓËÒÍÛÒÒÚ‚‡, "üËÌÓÚ‡‚" blooming, "Kinotavr" has become the main ÒÚ‡ÌÓ‚ËÚÒˇ „·‚ÌÓÈ ÔÓÙÂÒÒËÓ̇θÌÓÈ professional platform for the first-night showings, Ô·ÚÙÓÏÓÈ ‰Îˇ ÔÂϸÂÌ˚ı ÔÓÒÏÓÚÓ‚, meetings and discussions for all creative ‚ÒÚ˜ Ë ‰ËÒÍÛÒÒËÈ ‚ÒÂı Ú‚Ó˜ÂÒÍËı ÔÓÍÓÎÂÌËÈ generations of Russian cinematographers. ÓÒÒËÈÒÍËı ÍËÌÂχÚÓ„‡ÙËÒÚÓ‚. Participation in festival's programme is already an ”˜‡ÒÚË ‚ ÍÓÌÍÛÒÌÓÈ ÔÓ„‡ÏÏ "üËÌÓÚ‡‚‡" achievement, already success for every creative Ò‡ÏÓ ÔÓ Ò· ˇ‚ΡÂÚÒˇ ÛÒÔÂıÓÏ ‰Îˇ ÒÓÁ‰‡ÚÂÎÂÈ person in our film industry. To win at "Kinotavr" ͇ʉÓÈ ËÁ ‚˚·‡ÌÌ˚ı ÎÂÌÚ. œÓ·Â‰‡ ̇ beyond doubt means to receive the best ever proof "üËÌÓÚ‡‚Â" ÒÚ‡ÌÓ‚ËÚÒˇ ·ÂÒÒÔÓÌ˚Ï of innovation and craftsmanship and excellence. ‰Ó͇Á‡ÚÂθÒÚ‚ÓÏ ÌÓ‚‡ÚÓÒÚ‚‡ Ë Ï‡ÒÚÂÒÚ‚‡. The Festival becomes a virtual launch-pad for it's — ΄ÍÓÈ ÛÍË ÙÂÒÚË‚‡Îˇ Â„Ó ÚËÛÏÙ‡ÚÓ˚ Ë winners and nominees who then successfully Û˜‡ÒÚÌËÍË ËÁ „Ó‰‡ ‚ „Ó‰ ÓÚÔ‡‚Ρ˛ÚÒˇ ‚ participate and win at most prestigious 1 ÔÛÚ¯ÂÒÚ‚Ë ÔÓ ‚ÒÂÏ ÒÚ‡Ì‡Ï Ïˇ, international film festivals around the world as Ô‰ÒÚ‡‚Ρˇ ÓÚ˜ÂÒÚ‚ÂÌÌÓ ÍËÌÓ Ì‡ Ò‡Ï˚ı representatives of modern Russian cinema. ÔÂÒÚËÊÌ˚ı ÍËÌÓÒÏÓÚ‡ı. I am sure that all spectators, guests and Δ·˛ ‚ÒÂÏ ÁËÚÂΡÏ, „ÓÒÚˇÏ Ë Û˜‡ÒÚÌËÍ‡Ï participants of the 19-th ORFF will enjoy the 19-„Ó Œ–ü‘ "üËÌÓÚ‡‚" ‡‰ÓÒÚË ÓÚ ‚ÒÚÂ˜Ë Ò encounter with new and indisputably best films of ÌÓ‚˚ÏË Ë, ·ÂÁ ÒÓÏÌÂÌˡ, ÎÛ˜¯ËÏË ÙËθχÏË the year. ˝ÚÓ„Ó „Ó‰‡. ”‰‡˜Ë ‚‡Ï, Ò˜‡ÒÚ¸ˇ Ë ÔÂ͇ÒÌÓ„Ó Ì‡ÒÚÓÂÌˡ. I wish you happiness, best of luck and joy. ¿.¿. ¿‚‰Â‚ A.A. Avdeev ÃËÌËÒÚ ÍÛθÚÛ˚ Minister of Culture of –ÓÒÒËÈÒÍÓÈ ‘‰‡ˆËË the Russian Federation ƒÓÓ„Ë ‰ÛÁ¸ˇ! Dear friends! ”‚‡Ê‡ÂÏ˚ ۘ‡ÒÚÌËÍË Ë „ÓÒÚË ÙÂÒÚË‚‡Îˇ! Dear participants and visitors of the festival! œÓÁ‰‡‚Ρ˛ ‚‡Ò Ò ÓÚÍ˚ÚËÂÏ ÙÂÒÚË‚‡Îˇ I congratulate you on the opening of the festival ´üËÌÓÚ‡‚ª! ƒ‡‚ÌÓ ÒÚ‡‚¯ËÈ Ú‡‰ËˆËÓÌÌ˚Ï, ‡ ‚ ìKinotavrî! This festival, which takes place on ˜ÂÏ-ÚÓ Ë ÍÛθÚÓ‚˚Ï, ÓÌ ÔÓıÓ‰ËÚ Ì‡ ÍÛ·‡ÌÒÍÓÈ the Kuban soil already for the 19th time, has a ÁÂÏΠÛÊ ‚ ‰Â‚ˇÚ̇‰ˆ‡Ú˚È ‡Á! long tradition and has become something of a ¬ ·Û‰Û˘Û˛ ÒÚÓÎËˆÛ ÓÎËÏÔËÈÒÍËı Ë„ cult event. The representatives of Russiaís best ÔËÂÁʇ˛Ú ÒÓÒÚˇÁ‡Ú¸Òˇ ÎÛ˜¯Ë Ô‰ÒÚ‡‚ËÚÂÎË cinema arrive from all over Russia to compete ÍËÌÂχÚÓ„‡Ù‡ ÒÓ ‚ÒÂÈ –ÓÒÒËË. » Ò Í‡Ê‰˚Ï here, in the future capital of the Olympic Games. „Ó‰ÓÏ Ê·˛˘Ëı ÔËÌˇÚ¸ Û˜‡ÒÚË ‚ And every year the number of those wishing to ´üËÌÓÚ‡‚ª ÒÚ‡ÌÓ‚ËÚÒˇ ‚Ò ·Óθ¯Â. participate in ìKinotavrî grows. ›ÚÓÚ ÙÓÛÏ ÌÂËÁÏÂÌÌÓ ÓÚÍ˚‚‡ÂÚ ÌÓ‚˚ ËÏÂ̇. This forum invariably discovers new names. For ƒÎˇ ÏÌÓ„Ëı ÏÓÎÓ‰˚ı ÍËÌÂχÚÓ„‡ÙËÒÚÓ‚ ̇¯Ë many young cinematographers our cinema ÁËÚÂθÌ˚ Á‡Î˚ ÒÚ‡ÎË ÒÚ‡ÚÓ‚ÓÈ ÔÎÓ˘‡‰ÍÓÈ ‚ screens have became the launch pad for the ÏË ·Óθ¯Ó„Ó ÍËÌÓ. world of big cinema. ƒÎˇ ÓÒÒËˇÌ ÒÓ˜ËÌÒÍËÈ ÍËÌÓÙÂÒÚË‚‡Î¸ ñ ˝ÚÓ For Russians, the Sochi Film Festival is also the Â˘Â Ë Ì‡˜‡ÎÓ ÍÛÓÚÌÓ„Ó ÒÂÁÓ̇. ΔËÚÂÎË Ë beginning of the holiday season. Both „ÓÒÚË ÎÂÚÌÂÈ ÒÚÓÎˈ˚ ‚ ˝ÚË ‰ÌË ÛÒÔ‚‡˛Ú inhabitants and visitors of the summerís capital Ó‰ÌÓ‚ÂÏÂÌÌÓ ÓÍÛÌÛÚ¸Òˇ ‚ ÌÂÒÍÓθÍÓ ÏÓÂÈ: ‚ now can plunge into several seas simultaneously: ÏÓ ÒÓÎ̈‡, ‚ ◊ÂÌÓ ÏÓ Ë, ÍÓ̘ÌÓ ÊÂ, ‚ the sea of the sun, the Black sea and, of course, ۉ˂ËÚÂθÌÓÂ Ë ˜Û‰ÂÒÌÓ ÏÓ ÍËÌÓ! the surprising and wonderful sea of cinema! ”‚ÂÂÌ, ˜ÚÓ Ë ‚ ˝ÚÓÏ „Ó‰Û ´üËÌÓÚ‡‚ª ÔÓ‡‰ÛÂÚ I am confident that this year, too,ìKinotavrî Ò‚ÓËı „ÓÒÚÂÈ ÌÓ‚˚ÏË ÓÚÍ˚ÚˡÏË, will bring new discoveries, talented films and a ڇ·ÌÚÎË‚˚ÏË Í‡ÚË̇ÏË Ë ÌÂËÁÏÂÌÌÓÈ continuous atmosphere of celebration! Ô‡Á‰Ì˘ÌÓÈ ‡ÚÏÓÒÙÂÓÈ! I wish you, dear friends, productive work, Δ·˛ ‚‡Ï, ‰ÓÓ„Ë ‰ÛÁ¸ˇ, ÔÎÓ‰ÓÚ‚ÓÌÓÈ brilliant and unforgettable impressions! May ‡·ÓÚ˚, ˇÍËı Ë ÌÂÁ‡·˚‚‡ÂÏ˚ı ‚Ô˜‡ÚÎÂÌËÈ! success accompany every participant of the œÛÒÚ¸ Û‰‡˜‡ ÒÓÔÛÚÒÚ‚ÛÂÚ Í‡Ê‰ÓÏÛ Û˜‡ÒÚÌËÍÛ festival! ÙÂÒÚË‚‡Îˇ! A. N. Tkachev ¿.Õ. “͇˜Â‚ Head of Administration √·‚‡ ‡‰ÏËÌËÒÚ‡ˆËË ü‡ÒÌÓ‰‡ÒÍÓ„Ó Í‡ˇ of the Krasnodar Region ƒÓÓ„Ë ÍÓÎ΄Ë! Dear colleagues! ü‡ÊÂÚÒˇ, ‚ ˝ÚÓÏ „Ó‰Û ´üËÌÓÚ‡‚ª ÒڇΠÔÓ- This yearís ìKinotavrî has become really important ̇ÒÚÓˇ˘ÂÏÛ ‚‡ÊÌ˚Ï ‰Îˇ ÍËÌÂχÚÓ„‡ÙËÒÚÓ‚. for cinematographers. This became clear already at ›ÚÓ ÒÚ‡ÎÓ ÔÓÌˇÚÌ˚Ï ÛÊ ̇ ÒÚ‡‰ËË ÓÚ·Ó‡ the selection stage, where competition radically ÙËθÏÓ‚, „‰Â ÂÁÍÓ Ó·ÓÒÚË·Ҹ ÍÓÌÍÛÂÌˆËˇ Ë increased: there were 130 films competing for 15 ̇ 15 ÏÂÒÚ ‚ ÍÓÌÍÛÒÌÓÈ ÔÓ„‡ÏÏ ÛÊ places in the main competition programme. This is ÔÂÚẨӂ‡ÎË 130 ÙËθÏÓ‚. «Ì‡˜ËÚÂθÌÓ ·Óθ¯Â, significantly greater competition than in previous ˜ÂÏ ‚ Ô‰˚‰Û˘Ë „Ó‰˚. œËÚÓÏ ˜ÚÓ ÓÚ·ÓÓ˜ÌÓÈ years, especially bearing in mind that the selection ÍÓÏËÒÒËÂÈ ‡ÒÒχÚË‚‡ÎËÒ¸ ÚÓθÍÓ ÔÂϸÂ˚ Ë committee considered only premieres and films ÙËθÏ˚ Ò ˇÍÓ ‚˚‡ÊÂÌÌÓÈ ıÛ‰ÓÊÂÒÚ‚ÂÌÌÓÈ, ‡ with a strongly articulated artistic rather than Ì ÍÓÏϘÂÒÍÓÈ ‡Ï·ËˆËÂÈ. commercial remit. Õ‡ ÔÓˇ‰ÍË ‚ÓÁÓÒÎÓ ÍÓ΢ÂÒÚ‚Ó The amount of professionals considering the ÔÓÙÂÒÒËÓ̇ÎÓ‚, Ò˜ËÚ‡˛˘Ëı ÌÂÓ·ıÓ‰ËÏ˚Ï Ò‚Ó presence at the festival necessary has also ÔËÒÛÚÒÚ‚Ë ̇ ÙÂÒÚË‚‡ÎÂ. increased significantly. ¡Óθ¯Ë ÍËÌÓÍÓÏÔ‡ÌËË ‚Ò ˜‡˘Â „ÓÚÓ‚ˇÚ Ë The large film companies more and more often Ó„‡ÌËÁÛ˛Ú ÒÔˆˇθÌ˚ ÒÓ·˚Úˡ, ÔÓÒ‚ˇ˘ÂÌÌ˚ prepare and organize special events devoted to Ò‚ÓËÏ ÌÓ‚˚Ï ÔÓÂÍÚ‡Ï. their new projects. ¬Ò ÚÂÒÌ ÒÓÚÛ‰Ì˘‡ÂÚ ´üËÌÓÚ‡‚ª Ò ìKinotavrî co-operates even more closely with the –ÓÒÒËÈÒÍËÏ ÏÂʉÛ̇ӉÌ˚Ï ÍËÌÓ˚ÌÍÓÏ, ‚ Russian International Film Market, which will ‡Ï͇ı ÍÓÚÓÓ„Ó ‚ ˝ÚÓÏ „Ó‰Û ·Û‰ÛÚ Ô‰ÒÚ‡‚ÎÂÌ˚ present this year over 1000 new films and at ·ÓΠ1000 ÌÓ‚˚ı ÙËθÏÓ‚ Ë Ì‡ ÍÓÚÓÓÏ ÛÊ which already more than 1000 participants have ‡Í͉ËÚÓ‚‡Ì˚ ·ÓΠ1000 Û˜‡ÒÚÌËÍÓ‚. been accredited. œË̈ËÔˇθÌÓ ‚‡ÊÌ˚Ï ˝ÎÂÏÂÌÚÓÏ ´üËÌÓÚ‡‚‡ª An element of principal importance for ìKinotavrî 2 ÒڇΠÍÓÌÍÛÒ ÍÓÓÚÍÓÏÂÚ‡ÊÌ˚ı ÙËθÏÓ‚. is the competition programme of short films. It is ÀÛ˜¯ÂÈ ‚ÓÁÏÓÊÌÓÒÚË ‰Îˇ ÏÓÎÓ‰˚ı hard to imagine a better opportunity for young ÍËÌÂχÚÓ„‡ÙËÒÚÓ‚ Á‡ˇ‚ËÚ¸ Ó Ò· ÚÛ‰ÌÓ filmmakers to present themselves. Consequently, Ô‰ÒÚ‡‚ËÚ¸. » ÔÓÚÓÏÛ Ì‡Ò ÓÒÓ·Ó ‡‰ÛÂÚ we are especially pleased with the appearance of ÔÓˇ‚ÎÂÌË ´Ì‡¯Ëıª ÂÊËÒÒÂÓ‚, ìourî directors, who debuted with short films at ‰Â·˛ÚËÓ‚‡‚¯Ëı ̇ ÙÂÒÚË‚‡ÎÂ Ò ÍÓÓÚÍËÏË the festival and later participated in the main ÙËθχÏË Ë ÔÓÁ‰Ì ۘ‡ÒÚ‚Û˛˘Ëı ÛÊ ‚ feature film competition. Thus, for example, ÍÓÌÍÛÒ ÔÓÎÌÓ„Ó ÏÂÚ‡. “‡ÍËı, Í ÔËÏÂÛ, Í‡Í Alexei Mizgirev, whose film ìHard-Heartedî ñ a ¿ÎÂÍÒÂÈ ÃËÁ„Ë‚, ˜ÂÈ ÙËÎ¸Ï ´üÂÏÂ̸ª, winner at Kinotavr 2007 ñ received prizes at ·ÛÂ‡Ú ´üËÌÓÚ‡‚‡ª 2007 „Ó‰‡, ÒڇΠÔËÁÂÓÏ several international festivals. Indeed, his creative ÌÂÒÍÓθÍËı ÏÂʉÛ̇ӉÌ˚ı ÙÂÒÚË‚‡ÎÂÈ. ¿ career had begun with the film ìDismissalî in the ̇˜Ë̇·Ҹ Â„Ó Ú‚Ó˜ÂÒ͇ˇ ͇¸Â‡ ìKinotavr. Shortsî competition. Or Valeria Gai ´”‚ÓθÌÂÌËÂϪ ‚ ÍÓÌÍÛÒ ´üËÌÓÚ‡‚. üÓÓÚÍËÈ Germanika, a participant of both the short and ÏÂÚª. ü‡Í Û˜‡ÒÚÌˈ‡ Ë ÍÓÓÚÍÓÏÂÚ‡ÊÌÓ„Ó, Ë feature competition, whose latest film has been ÔÓÎÌÓÏÂÚ‡ÊÌÓ„Ó ÍÓÌÍÛÒÓ‚ ¬‡ÎÂˡ √‡È selected for the ìCriticsí Weekî (Semaine de la √ÂχÌË͇, ˜¸ˇ ÌÓ‚‡ˇ ͇ÚË̇ ÓÚÓ·‡Ì‡ ‚ Critique) at the Cannes Film Festival of 2008. Or ÔÓ„‡ÏÏÛ ´Õ‰ÂΡ ÍËÚËÍ˪ ü‡ÌÌÒÍÓ„Ó the three participants of the current competition, ÙÂÒÚË‚‡Îˇ 2008 „Ó‰‡. ü‡Í ÚÓ ۘ‡ÒÚÌËÍÓ‚ who last year won prizes in the ìShortsî Ì˚̯ÌÂ„Ó ÓÒÌÓ‚ÌÓ„Ó ÍÓÌÍÛÒ‡, ‚ ÔÓ¯ÎÓÏ „Ó‰Û competition. The previous prize winner Igor ÒÚ‡‚¯Ë ·Û‡ڇÏË ´üÓÓÚÍÓ„Ó ÏÂÚ‡ª. Voloshin has been selected for the ìForumî of the √·‚Ì˚È ÔËÁ »„Ó¸ ¬ÓÎÓ¯ËÌ ÍÓÏ ÚÓ„Ó ·˚Î 58th Berlinale, while the recipients of diplomas ñ ÓÚÓ·‡Ì ‚ ÔÓ„‡ÏÏÛ ´‘ÓÛϪ 58-È ¡ÂÎË̇ÎÂ, ‡ Leonid Rybakov and Bakur Bakuradze ñ took part ‰ËÔÎÓχÌÚ˚ ÀÂÓÌˉ –˚·‡ÍÓ‚ Ë ¡‡ÍÛ ¡‡ÍÛ‡‰Á in the shorts competition of the Venice Film ñ ‚ ÍÓÓÚÍÓÏÂÚ‡ÊÌ˚È ÍÓÌÍÛÒ ¬Â̈ˇÌÒÍÓ„Ó Festival in 2007 and in the Directorsí Fortnight ÙÂÒÚË‚‡Îˇ ‚ 2007-Ï Ë ü‡ÌÌÒÍËÈ ´ƒ‚Ûı̉ÂθÌËÍ (Quinzaine des R?alisateurs) in Cannes in 2008 ÂÊËÒÒÂÓ‚ª ‚ 2008 „Ó‰Û ÒÓÓÚ‚ÂÚÒÚ‚ÂÌÌÓ.
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