--I The IT ESS OCTOBER 16, 1958 10, publication. and reuse for required Permission DFMS. / Church Episcopal the of Archives 2020. Copyright ARTHUR C. LICHTENBERGER Bishop of Missouri Elected Presiding Bishop Reports From The General Convention SERVICES The WITNESS SERICE Christ and In Leading Churches IFor His Church S.eRiCues EDITBOA RIA D iCHRIST CHURCH THE CATHEDRAL CHURCH - OF ST. JOHN THE DIVINE EDITORIALBOARD MIRC.41innsa ss. Sunday: Holy Communion 7, 8, 9, 10; Gardiner M. Day, Recto Morning Prayer, Holy Communo I Tne Rev. and Sermon, 11; Evensong and ser- JOHNsPAnu&AN BaowN, Editor; W. B. Spin'- ! Sunday Services: 8:00, 9:00, 10:00 and mon, 4. FORD, Managing Editor; KENETH R. Fonans, 11:15 a.m. Wed, and Holy Days: 8:00 Weekdays: Holy Communion, 7:30 0 Gi's DON C. GwsAiiA, Rout wr HASHIEvua, 9 ad1:10 p.m. (and 10 Wed.); Morning Prayer, ii C.5 (iBO H. MACMURRAY, JOSEPH H. Trrus, 8:30; Evensong, 5. 1 Columnists; CLrNToN J. Ew. Religion and the a I nd. MASSEY 1-. SHEPHERD JR., Living 9 CHRIST CHURCH, DETROIT Liturgi: FREDERciCK A. ScsntLnio, Explains 976 East Jefferson Avenue The Rev. Williams B. Sperry, Rector the Gospels; JOHN ELLIrS LARGE; Pinr.n' dhRv Robert TIlE HEAVENLY REST, NEW YORK9 STRIiCmmTz;Gse;mJOHN McNAIRY. C. W. Ward, Ass's. 5th Avenue at 90th Street 89 n R 9h.m Holy Communion Rev. John Elis Large, D.D. (beakfast served following 9 a mn Sundays: Holy Communion, 7:30 and 9 0 T service.) I l a.m. Church School and a.m.; Morning Service and Sermon, 11. 4 Mo-ning Service. Holy Days, 6 pm. Thursdays and Holy Days: Holy Comn- CoNTriynrsQG EnDITORS: Frederick C. Grant, publication. I Ioly Communion. munion, 12. Wednesdays: Healing L. W Barton, Dillard Brown Jr., T. P. Ferris, Service 12. Daily: Morning Prayer J. F. Fletcher, C. K Gilbert, C. L. Glenn, G. and 1. Hiller, E. L. Parsons, 9; Evening Prayer, 5:30. Paul Roberts, W. M. ST. MICHAEL Sharp, W. B. Sperry. W. B. Spofford Jr., J. AND ALL ANGELS W. Suter, S II. Sweet, W. N. Welsh. 20th and St. Paul ST. BARTHOLOMEW'S CHURCH BALTIMORE, MD. reuse Park 9The Rev Don Frank Fensn, D.D., Rector Avenue and 5st Street p The Rev. R. W. Knoxc, B.D., for Rev. Terence J. Finlay, D.D.9 8 and 9:30 a.m. Holy Communion. Assts to the Rector r'Ha WiTmxsp is published weekly from F ,,,,, ,. 7:30. 9:15. 9:30 and 11 a.m. Church School. September 15th 1 11 a.m. Holy to June 15th inclusive, with -F's' harist 11 a.m. Morning Service and daily. Preaching Service- Sermon. the exception of one week in January and p.m. 4 p.m. Evensong. Special Music.d semi-weekly from June 15th to September 15th \Vdnesdav. 7:45 required is Weekday: Holy Communion Tuesday at by the Episcopal Church Publishing Co. on 12:10 a.m.; Wednesdays behalf of the Witness Advisory and Saints Board. TRINITY CHURCH Days at 8 a.m.; Thursdays at 12:10 P.m. Organ Recitals, Wednesdays, I MIA&MI,FLA. 12:10. Eve. Pr. Daily 5:45 p.m. ! IRev. G,. Irvine Hiller, STD., Rector The subscription price is $4.00 a year; in and 11 a.m. Permission 8, 9, 9:30 bundles for sale in parishes the magazine sells I Sunday Services CHURCH t F THE HOLY TRINITY j for 10c a copy, we will bill quarterly At 7c a 316 r:ac, 88th Street COPY. Entered as Second Class Matter, August ZTRINITY CHURCH Naw YonE CITY 5, 1948, at the Post Office at Tunkhannock, 9 Broad and Third Streets DFMS. Sundays, Holy Communion, 8; Church ! Pa., under the act of March 3, 1879. / CoLummzus, OHIO Sr1hool, 9:30; Morning Service, lI: -Evening Prayer, 5. i Rev. Robert W. Fay, D.D. Church GENERAL THEOLOGICAL ! 1NH;Evening, Weekday, Lea- Z SEMINARY CHAPEL 9 ! Chelsea Square, 9th Ave. & 20th St. SERVICES I NEw Yonsr Daily Morning Prayer Churches and Holy Coin- I In Le-ding ! CHURCH OF THE INCARNATION Episcopal munion, 8: Cho Evensong, 6. 3966 McKinley Avenue DALLIAS 4, TExAS the I ST. STEPHEN'S CHURCH COLUMBIIA UNIVERSITY 9The Rev. Edward E. Tate, Rector of Tenth Street, above Chestnut The Rev. Donald G. Smith, Associaee SAINrrPAULt'S CHAPEL ie PHILADELPHIA, PENiNA.Rct I The Rev. W. W. Mahson, Assi stant The. Naw YoRnx I The Rev. J. M. Washington, Assi stant The.John M. The Rev. Gustav C. Meckling, B.D., - Krumnm, Ph.D., I Sundavs: 7:30, 9:15, 11 a.m. and 7:30 Chaplain9 Minsister to the Hard of Hearisng I p.m. Weekdays: Wednesday and Archives Daily (except Saturday): 12 noon Sun- - Sunday: 9 and 11I .m., 7:30 p m. - Holy Days, 10:30 day; Holy Communion, 9 and 12:30; ! Weekdays: Mon., Tues., Wed., Thurs., a.mn. Morning Prayer and Sermon, 11; Fri., 12:30-12:55 p.m. ' Holy Communion: Wed., I Services of Spiritual Healing, Thurs., CHURCH OF ST. MICHAEL 2020. 7:45 a.m. 9 12:30 and 5:30 p.m. ' 9AND ST. GEORGE SITLouis, Mxssouiu ST. THOMAS IThe Rev. J. Francis Sent, Rector 5th Ave. & 53rd Street The Rev. Alfred L. Mattes, Minister Naw YORE CIrTY I ST. PAUL'S Th ofvEducation Vick Park B. Copyright Rev. Frederick M. Morris, D.D. 13 The.David S. Grey, Asst., essd 9 N. Y. Sunday: HC 8, 9:30, 11 (1st Sun.) IRoOHESsER, Sudy: College Chaplain SThe Rev. George L. Cadigan, Rector Sudy:8, MP 11; Ep Cho 4. Daily ex. Sat. HC 9:30, 11 a.im., High 8:15, Thurs. IThe Rev. Frederick P. Taft, Assistant School, 4 p.mi.; Canterbury Club, 11, HD, 12:10; Noon- a The Rev. Edward W. Mills, Assistanti day ex. Sat. 12:10. ! j z 7 p.mi. Noted for boy choir; great reredos I Sundays: 8, 9:20 and 11. and windows. ! 1Holy Days 11; Fri. 7. I ST. JOHN'S CHURCH Lafayette Square PRO-CATHEDRAL WASHINGTON, D. C. OF THE sta. HOLY TRINITY i Grayon andWillow 9The Rev. Donald W. Mayberr'y, Rector IWeekday Services: Mon., Tues., Thurs., PARIS, FANuCE ISAN ANTONIO, TExAs Saturday, Holy Communion at noon. 23 Avenue, George V SRev. James Josephs, Rector 9 I Wed. and Fri., Holy Communion at 5Services: 8:30, 10:30 (S.S.),10:45 ISun., 7:30 Holy Eu.; 9:00 Par. Com.; 7:30 a.m.; Morning Prayer at noon. Sudead Raspail . 11:00 Service. ISunday Services: 8 and 9:30 a mn.,Holy SuetadArtists Center SWed, and Holy Days, 10 am. Holy Communion; 11, Morning Praype and TeR.Rev. Ntrmis NasRid,Bisp 4 Eu. Saturday--Sacrament of Forgive~ 9 Serm on; 4 p.m., Service in Prench; The Very Rev. StorgsseeNash, Deaho 9 ness 11:30 to 1 p.m. 7:30, Evening Prayer. Sdbe , e b VOL. 45, NO. 31 The WITNESS OCTOBER 16, 1958 FOR CHRIST AND HIS CHURCH Editorial and Publication Office. Eairn Road. Tunkharnrack. Po Story of the Week overwhelmingly to go i n t o executive session to receive Bishop Lichtenberger of Missouri nominations from the floor. It was an hour-long closed session Is Elected Presiding Bishop with the announcment at the * Bishop Arthur C. Lichten- ology at the General Seminary. end that the following has also berger of Missouri was elected He was elected Bishop Coad- been placed in nomination: Presiding Bishop on Octo- jutor of Missouri in 1951 and Bishop Oliver J. H a r t of publication. ber 11th. Following a Cor- became diocesan the following Pennsylvania, who was chair- and porate Communion service of year upon the retirement of man of the nominating com- mittee; the Bishops at All Soul's Bishop Scarlett. Bishop Stephen F. reuse Bayne of Olympia; Bishop Noble Church, Miami Beach, he He was one of the team to for received a majority of the C. Powell of Maryland; Bishop visit the Church of South India Henry votes of his fellow Bishops. I. Louttit of South by appointment of Bishop Sher- Florida, host of the Convention; The election was required immediately rill and has been a staunch Bishop Richard Emrich of confirmed by the House of advocate of intercommunion Michigan and Bishop Austin Deputies, the Bishops inform- with that Church. He is also Pardue of Pittsburgh. ing them of their choice by a member of the Liturgical Com- The significance of the Permission messenger, while they remained mission and has played a lead- nominations of Bishop Hart and in the church until word of the ing part in the Prayer Book Bishop Powell was generally confirmation was returned. Studies, published by the DFMS. understood in Miami Beach to be / The new Presiding Bishop, Church Pension Fund. a move to elect a bishop who, who will succeed Bishop Sherrill He is at present chairman of because of age, can serve but Church next month, was born in Osh- the Commission on Theological one term of three years. This kosh, Wisconsin, in 1900. He is Education. would allow, it was argued by a graduate of the Episcopal Bishop Lichtenberger is also those pushing the plan, for Theological School, Cambridge, Episcopal widely known for his advocacy bishops now considered excel- class of 1925, and later did of the application of Christian the lent for the post except for age graduate work at the General of principles in national and inter- (any bishop in the middle- Theological Seminary. national affairs. fifties is generally considered Following his ordination he His wife is the former too young) to be at least three Archives went to China as a missionary, Florence Tate, and they have years older, come 1961.
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