2nd Infantry Division Korean War Awards General Orders 1951 823 Thru 829 Korean War Project Record: 2ID Generals Orders File - GO-170 PID: 11 National Archives and Records Administration College Park, Maryland Records: United States Army Unit Name: Second Infantry Division Record Group: RG407 Editor: Hal Barker Korean War Project P.O. Box 180190 Dallas, TX 75218-0190 http://www.koreanwar.org Search 2nd Division Awards Database --· DECL\SSIFIED-------- --- I :\ut:wri:y .AUJ1L~F j Gy !L :-.·-\R.S. Date _'-l[ 'J..-~ I -----==~~~--...--...~ HEAOOUART ERS 2d Infantry Division APO 248 c/o Postmaster · San Fra ncisco California GENERAL ORDERS 6 December 1951 nm.mr:R 823 Section I A111ARD OF THE SILVER S'l'AR--By direction of the Preddent, under the provisions of the Act 'of .Congress, approved 9 July 1918 (WD Bul 43, 1918), and pursuant 'to authority in AR 600-45, the 'silver Star for gallantry in action ~s a·warded to the following name d enlisted men: CORPORAL RA:10N DeLEON, RA25857478, (then Private First Class), :Infan­ try, Up it~d States Army, a member of Company I,. 38th Infantry Regiment, 2d Infantry Division 1 , distinguished himself by gallantry in action on 30 July 1951 in the vicinity of Taeusan, Korea. ' On this date during Company I' s assault upon enel!!-y positions,, Corporal DeLeon was serving ·in the capacity of a wireman for th~ 1nortar sect ion. DQspite the intense srha:ll arms and automatic weapons f-ire · he laid communicationwire from the supporting mor­ t a r section to the ·forv1ard observer's position. On numerous oc .c~sion, when fire from hostile emplacements halted his advance, Corporal Del.Jeon a·saaulted these hunkers and· destroyed them with his rifle and grenades, inflicting numer;ous casualties upon the enemy. In the course of this action, he no·:.. ticed fl wounded CO~Jlrade lying exposed to the intense hostile fir:e. Disre­ ·ga.rding his own safety 1 he immediately went to the aid of the wound ·man and · after a.dminist~ring first a.idr carried him to ii position of safety~ . The , gallantry' in action and selfless devotion to duty displayed by Corporal DeLeon on thi,s occasion ·reflect great· credit l,lpon himself and the military service. Entered the military service from Texas. ' - · · . CORPORAL GJ?ORGE R DUli!N, US63033169, (then Private Fitst Class), Army of the United States, a member of Company K, 23d Infantry Regiment, .2d ' Infantry Division, distinguished himself by ;;allantry in action· oh 13 , Octo­ ber 1951 in the vicinity of Sa.tae-ri, ·Korea. On this'··date Company K· was ~n the- attack ' to secure a. heavily fortifi'ed enemy-held 'hill. During this ac~_ ioq } c'~rg.~r~~; Du~n,' - ~- ~6r~ar . ~un~er · ~ volunt~l'~ly s~cux·e· ~ a~? :· ~~ged .a'. 1'ifJa.me,,.. thrower and· a.dya,~ced forv;a · r ~ / t;hro~ gh a na1~ of:· enefm' .f'u:;e, 1.0 t~e · · , a\t.ta ·~k ~: . ·~ rn ·: ~P' .ite })~ .lhe· host"H ~ '.s~~t~ · artr!,s ran~ _ a,u~·ou~ ·ti .c wetipons )'i~e be ing ·. 1 ·directed at him. ~ C'or.pora,\ Dunn . fearless.ly ',~s(>,au.ft ·e'd · and, succes~fu1ly ~es~ t.roye? .-~ s. ever~l enemy bu.nk~r . s . a~d,.~t:m. ihilate? , tH\3~r yocupants. · As : a re~ult · . of'. hi's vinitiative an'd c'c;mrage·ou·s action, ·. his url'rt was able to'· secure ,its . objective with a. minlmum .of · ~rriehdly casua'1ti'as. ·~· i'~e ·gallantry in. action and .'' s~li'less · dev'otion' to d~ty. dispia.yed. by Corporal· Dunn 0n thi.s '·'occasion teflect grefl.t cr.edit upon himself .a:n·a the milita~y service. Entered the military s.e1·vice fro·ri1 Tenne'ssee.,;.. J • ' ' .. I .. PRIVATE FIRST CLASS ' ROBERT · D EGLEY, US550S7660 1 (then Private) ~ , Infah­ t::y, A;rmy 'of th~ unit~d- Sfa.te · s, ·· a. mernb~r~f c'ompany· L, s8t1h Infantry Regi- , lnent; 2d . Infantry Div~hori; disting~ished hims~Tf • by gallantry i1:,1 a.:ction on 28 August 1951 in. the' vicinity of Tiieusan 1 · Korea. • . On that date a' ri~meri­ cally super.ior :enemy force' wa. ·s assaulting Co':npany' 'L' s 'pos ' itio~ ~n ' a st~ate­ gic hilL' Tlh~n the·· crew of a heavy machine gun. had .suffered 'suc11: casualties as to render the' 'weapon· ineffective and was in danger ' of being. 6\rerrun··, Private Egley,' a member- of the 57mrh recoilless rifle squad I vo1~ ·nteered to go to th,ei; · aieL; · Bravin'g the intense· enemy slllil.ll arms, a.utoma.t:ic weapons, greria.de,. and mortar fire, he adya.noed 6~er the hazurdoJ s terrain to the \ . - . machine gun emp la.c~m.;;nt •. Although a.t t:l.nies the enemy surrounde.d his posi- t ion, Private Bgley fcarles!?lY defended his 'emplacemetlt 1 infHctin.g numerous casualties upon the ehemJ~ • · His courageou's act~(m , 'ivne ' highl.;/ respon.sible for "the success' of his unit in this e ngagement~ The ga llantry · i'n action and selfless devoti?n- to duty di&p_layed, by Privo.t·e Egley on this · occasion reflect gr'eat credit upon himself and the military' service. Entered the l!lil i tary service f rom Ui s sour.i. 'l . Korean War Project 2ID General Orders - 01102964 ---· --- - ----~-'"'1 DLCI .ASSI?IED i :\uthuri:y NJJJJ _~(§l : By !_L :-.·-\R\. D ate -~~ ~ -- ~___..., GO No 823, Hq 2d Inf Div, APO 248, 6 Dece~ber 1951 (cont) Section II Afv11.RD OF THE SILVER STAR (FIRST BRONZE OAK LEAF CLUSTER) --By direct ion of the President, under th~ provis ion·s of the Act of Congress, approved 9 July 1918 (WD Bul 43, 1918), and pursuo.nt to authori"ty in A.R 600-45, the Silver Star (First Oak Leaf Cluster) for gallantry in action is awarded to the following named enlisted man: SERGEANT CHARLES R PUCKETT, US52046782, (then Corporal), Infantry, Army of the United States, a member of Company B, 38th Infantry Regiment, 2d Infantry Division, distinguished himself by gallantry in action on 11 October 1951 in the vicinity of Kongnae, Korea. On this date S~rgeant Puckett's unit was attacking a strategic and heavily fortified enemy~held hill. During the ensuing action intense automatic weapons fire from an en­ emy bunker pinned down his unit. Sergeant Puckett~ realizing the serious­ ness of the situation and disregarding his personal safety,. assaulted the emplacement. ITith hand grenades and tifle fire he succeeded in destroying the enemy bunker and inflicting numerous casualties upon the enemy~ Upon returning to his unit he found the platoon sergeant wounded• I~~ediately reorganizing the men Sergeant Puckett led them in th~ assault urttii the hos­ tile positions were completely overrun' }iis courage, daring, ahd outstanding leadership aided materially in the successful completion of his unit's mis­ sion. The gall~ntry in action displayed by Sergeant Puckett on this occa­ sion reflects ·great credit upon himself and the military service. Entered the military service from West Virginia. BY COMMAND OF MAJOR GENERAL YOUNG: OFFICIAL: WILBT.JR TilLSON Colonel GS Chief of Staff ~~Q;~ol AGC Adjutant General DISTRIBUTION: C plus · the fol 4 T.A.G Attn AGAO-I 3 TAG Attn AGPO-A 2 CINCFE Attn AG-PB (A&D) 1 EUSAK Attn KAGHA. ~ Each Individual Concerned 6 Pers Off 38th Inf 4 Pers Off 23d Inf 2 Korean War Project 2ID General Orders - 01102965 ---· - --·----- --- I HEAW.UARTERS 2d Infantry Division APO 248 c/o Postmaster San Francisco California ' . GENERAL ORDERS 6 December 1951 inJMBER 824 Section I \ AWARD OF THE SILVER STAR--By direction of the President, under the provisions of the Act of C~ngress, approved 9 July, 1918 (WD Bul 43, 1918) , and pursuant to au~hority in. AR 600-45, th~ Silver Star for gallantry in action is awarded to the following named_ enlisted men~ I CORPORAL MELVDI · J ERN:ST~_R; NG27359~00, (then Private 'First Class), . Infantry, Army of the United States, a member of Company G, ·9th Infantry Regiment, 2d Infarttry .Division, distinguished himself by galiantry in action on 8 October 1951 in the vicinity of Sadanggol, Korea. , On this date Company G' ~ advance upon ene!l'W positions was halted by a surprise hostile attack. Corporal Ei"nster 1 a .squad leader, led his machine gun squad to an extreme , forward position to engage the enemy. Securing an exposed position, he di~ rected. accurate and effective fire upon the enemy which slowed his advance. During the ensuing action,. intense host~le fire wounded the 'machine gunner and his a'ssistant., leaving Corporal Ernster alone with the weapop • . Undau~t­ ed, he immedi~tely operated the weapon and continued to deliver a '. heavy base · bf fire upon, 'the hostile forces-, · inflicting numerous casualtie~ - up9n · t ·hem. As a result or his courageous efforts, friendly foroes were able to repel · the hostile attack.. .The· gallantry in action and · devotion to duty. displayed by 'Corporal $rnster 'on this occasion r~fleot great credit · upon himself and the military. servic,EJ• Entered the military service from Minnesota. CORPORAL HOLLY H FELTS,. US5400{?616, (then F-rivate First Class), Infan­ try, Army of the United States, a . member of Company If, (then attached ·to Company E), 23d Infari'try R.'egiment, · 2d Infantry J;livision, di'st inguished. him­ se~f . by gallantry ' in action on 16 ·September ].95~ in the vicinity of Satae-ri, Kbrea~ On ;that date during an ·a,'ttack ·on stra£egic ~ host.
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