OAEC Mother Garden Nursery 2020 Perennial Plants (Annual vegetables, herbs, etc listed at the end) A B C D E 1 Latin Name Common Name/Variety ready by June 6 Size Price 2 Culinary Herbs (perennial) 3 Acorus gramineus Licorice Sweet Flag yes 4", gallon 4.25, 9.25 4 Acorus gramineus 'Pusillus Minimus Aureus' Dwarf Golden Sweet Flag yes 4", gallon 4.25, 9.25 5 Acorus gramineus variegatus Grassy Sweet Flag yes 4", gallon 4.25, 9.25 6 Agastache foeniculum Blue Anise Hyssop yes 3" 3.00 7 Agastache foeniculum White Anise Hyssop yes 3" 3.00 8 Agastache scrophulariifolia Giant Anise Hyssop not available now gallon 9.25 9 Allium schoenoprasum Chives yes 4" 4.25 10 Allium tuberosum Garlic Chives/Chinese Chives yes - new! 4" 4.25 11 Aloysia citrodora Lemon Verbena not available now gallon 9.25 12 Alpinia galanga Greater Galangal yes gallon 9.25 13 Alpinia officinarum Lesser Galangal not available now 9.25 14 Armoracia rusticana Horseradish not available now gallon 9.25 15 Artemisia dracunculus French Tarragon yes gallon 9.25 16 Clinopodium douglasii Yerba Buena not available now 9.25 17 Clinopodium vulgare Wild Basil not available now 9.25 18 Cryptotaenia japonica Mitsuba yes gallon 9.25 19 Cucurma longa Turmeric not available now 9.25 20 Cymbopogon flexuosus East Indian Lemongrass yes gallon 9.25 21 Ephedra nevadensis Mormon Tea yes gallon 20.00 22 Eriocephalus africanus African Rosemary yes gallon 9.25 23 Foeniculum vulgare Copper/BronZe Fennel yes - new! 3" 3.00 24 Hyssopus officinalis Hyssop Blue-Flowered not available now gallon 9.25 25 Hyssopus officinalis Hyssop Pink-Flowered yes gallon 9.25 26 Hyssopus officinalis Hyssop White-Flowered not available now gallon 9.25 27 Ilex paraguariensis Yerba Mate not available now 2 gallon 25.00 28 Lavandula angustifolia English Lavender not available now gallon 9.25 29 Lavandula angustifolia Pink Perfume Lavender not available now gallon 9.25 30 Lavandula dentata var. candicans French Lavender not available now 9.25 31 Lavandula viridis Yellow-flowered Lavender yes - new! gallon 9.25 32 Levisticum officinale Lovage yes gallon 9.25 Availability subject to change. For questions, please email [email protected] OAEC Mother Garden Nursery 2020 Perennial Plants (Annual vegetables, herbs, etc listed at the end) A B C D E 1 Latin Name Common Name/Variety ready by June 6 Size Price 33 Lippia graveolens True Mexican Oregano yes gallon 9.25 34 Melissa officinalis Lemon Balm yes 4" 4.25 35 Melissa officinalis Lemon Balm 'Lemonella' yes 4" 4.25 36 Melissa officinalis Lime Balm not available now 9.25 37 Mentha aquatica Water Mint not available now 4" 4.25 38 Mentha fruitasia Fruitasia Mint not available now 4" 4.25 39 Mentha longifolia Arabian Mint yes 4" 4.25 40 Mentha piperita Peppermint yes 4" 4.25 41 Mentha sp. Italian Spice Mint not available now 4.25 42 Mentha sp. Candy Lime Mint not available now 4.25 43 Mentha sp. Hilary's Sweet Lemon Mint yes 4.25 44 Mentha spicata Spearmint yes 4" 4.25 45 Mentha spicata Strawberry Mint yes 4" 4.25 46 Mentha suaveolens Variegated Apple Mint yes 4" 4.25 47 Mentha villosa Mojito Mint not available now 4.25 48 Micromeria fruiticosa White Savory yes gallon 9.25 49 Monarda didyma Bee Balm yes - new! gallon 9.25 50 Monarda fistulosa Wild Bergamot yes gallon 9.25 51 Monarda menthifolia Oregano de la Sierra yes - new! gallon 9.25 52 Nepeta neptella Lesser Catmint yes gallon 9.25 53 Ocimum suave Mtule Basil yes - new! gallon 9.25 54 Ocimum kilimandscharicum x basilicum African Blue Basil not available now gallon 9.25 55 Ocimum viride West African Basil yes gallon 9.25 56 Origanum majorana Sweet Marjoram yes gallon 9.25 57 Origanum syriacum Za'atar, Syrian Oregano not available now gallon 9.25 58 Origanum vulgare Red Flowered Oregano not available now 59 Origanum vulgare sp. gracile Turkestan Oregano yes gallon 4.25 60 Origanum vulgare 'hirtum' Greek Oregano not available now 4", gallon 4.25 61 Origanum vulgare "Humile" Dwarf Greek Oregano not available now 62 Pelargonium 'Attar of Rose' Rose Geranium not available now gallon 9.25 63 Pelargonium crispum Golden Lemon Crisp Geranium not available now 9.25 Availability subject to change. For questions, please email [email protected] OAEC Mother Garden Nursery 2020 Perennial Plants (Annual vegetables, herbs, etc listed at the end) A B C D E 1 Latin Name Common Name/Variety ready by June 6 Size Price 64 Pelargonium fragrans Candy Dancer Geranium yes gallon 9.25 65 Pelargonium grossularioides Coconut Geranium yes gallon 9.25 66 Pelargonium sp. Chocolate Peppermint Geranium yes gallon 9.25 67 Pelargonium sp. Fragrant Frosty Geranium yes gallon 9.25 68 Pelargonium sp. Ginger Geranium yes gallon 9.25 69 Pelargonium sp. Nutmeg Geranium yes gallon 9.25 70 Pelargonium sp. Nutmeg Variegated Geranium yes gallon 9.25 71 Pelargonium sp. Skeleton Rose Geranium yes gallon 9.25 72 Phyla dulcis Aztec Sweet Herb not available now gallon 9.25 73 Plectranthus amboinicus Cuban Oregano yes gallon 9.25 74 Plectranthus cylindraceus Menthol Plant yes gallon 9.25 75 Polygonum odoratum Vietnamese Cilantro yes gallon 9.25 76 Pycnanthemum incanum Cherokee Mint yes gallon 9.25 77 Pycnanthemum muticum Short-toothed Mountain Mint not available now gallon 9.25 78 Pycnanthemum virginianum Virginia Mountain Mint yes 4", gallon 4.25, 9.25 79 Rosemarinus officinalis 'Prostratus' Prostrate Rosemary not available now gallon 9.25 80 Rosmarinus officinalis Saso Pink Rosemary not available now gallon 9.25 81 Rungia klossii Mushroom Herb yes gallon 9.25 82 Salvia dorisiana Fruit Scented Sage yes gallon 9.25 83 Salvia officinalis Culinary Sage yes gallon 9.25 84 Salvia officinalis Golden Culinary Sage yes gallon 9.25 85 Salvia officinalis Purple Culinary Sage yes gallon 9.25 86 Salvia officinalis Tricolor 'Biergarten' Sage yes gallon 9.25 87 Salvia officinalis 'Extracta' Culinary Sage 'Extracta' yes gallon 9.25 88 Sanguisorba minor Salad Burnet yes 4" 4.25 89 Satureja montana Winter Savory yes gallon 9.25 90 Satureja spicigera Creeping Savory yes gallon 9.25 91 Satureja spinosa Pygmy Savory yes gallon 9.25 92 Satureja thymbra Savory of Crete yes gallon 9.25 93 Silene inflata Stridolo/Sculpit not available now jumbo 6-pck 4.50 94 Smyrnium olusatrum Alexanders yes gallon 9.25 Availability subject to change. For questions, please email [email protected] OAEC Mother Garden Nursery 2020 Perennial Plants (Annual vegetables, herbs, etc listed at the end) A B C D E 1 Latin Name Common Name/Variety ready by June 6 Size Price 95 Stevia rebaudiana Stevia yes - new! gallon 9.25 96 Tagetes lucida Mexican Tarragon yes gallon 9.25 97 Thelesperma megapotamicum Navajo Tea not available now gallon 9.25 98 Thymus fragrantissimus Orange Thyme not available now 3" 3.00 99 Thymus mastichina Mastic Thyme not available now 100 Thymus praecox Creeping Thyme not available now 4" 4.25 101 Thymus serpyllum Mother of Thyme not available now 4" 4.25 102 Thymus sp. ZanZibari ZanZibari Lemon Thyme not available now 4" 4.25 103 Tulbaghia violacea White Flowered Society Garlic yes - new! 4" 4.25 104 Tulbaghia violacea Society Garlic not available now 4" 4.25 105 Tulbaghia violacea Variegated Society Garlic not available now 106 Zingiber mioga Japanese Mioga Ginger yes gallon 9.25 107 Zingiber mioga variegata Japanese Ginger 'Dancing Crane' yes gallon 9.25 108 Dye Plants (perennial) 109 Anthemis tinctoria Dyer's Chamomile not available now gallon 9.25 110 Baptisia australis Blue Wild Indigo yes gallon 9.25 111 Baptisia leucophaea Cream Wild Indigo not available now gallon 9.25 112 Isatis indigotica Chinese Woad/Indigowoad Root yes 4" 4.25 113 Reseda luteola Weld not available now gallon 9.25 114 Rubia tinctorum Dyer's Madder yes gallon 9.25 115 Senna multiglandulosa Buttercup Bush not available now gallon 9.25 116 Solidago officinalis Goldenrod not available now 9.25 117 Edible Flowers (perennial) 118 Abutilon hybrid Apricot Abutilon yes gallon 9.25 119 Abutilon hybrid Logee's White Abutilon not available now 9.25 120 Abutilon hybrid Red Nabob Abutilon yes gallon 9.25 121 Abutilon hybrid Tiger Eye Abutilon yes gallon 9.25 122 Abutilon hybrid Seashell Abutilon not available now gallon 9.25 123 Abutilon hybrid Victorian Lady Abutilon yes gallon 9.25 124 Abutilon hybrid Yellow Flowered Abutilon yes gallon 9.25 125 Abutilon megapotamicum Trailing Flowering Maple Abutilon yes gallon 9.25 Availability subject to change. For questions, please email [email protected] OAEC Mother Garden Nursery 2020 Perennial Plants (Annual vegetables, herbs, etc listed at the end) A B C D E 1 Latin Name Common Name/Variety ready by June 6 Size Price 126 Abutilon pictum Thompson's Yellow Abutilon yes gallon 9.25 127 Abutilon x hybridum Souvenir de Bonn Abutilon yes gallon 9.25 128 Agastache foeniculum Blue Anise Hyssop yes 3" 3.00 129 Agastache foeniculum White Anise Hyssop yes 3" 3.00 130 Allium schoenoprasum Chives yes 4" 4.25 131 Allium tuberosum Garlic Chives/Chinese Chives yes - new! 4" 4.25 132 Anchusa officinalis Common Alkanet yes gallon 9.25 133 Anthemis Sancti-Johannes Saint John's Chamomile not available now gallon 9.25 134 Dahlia imperialis Pink Tree Dahlia yes gallon 9.25 135 Dahlia imperialis White Tree Dahlia yes gallon 9.25 136 Diplotaxis tenuifolia Sylvetta, Wild Arugula yes jumbo 6-pck 4.50 137 Diplotaxis tenuifolia Wasabi Wild Arugula yes jumbo 6-pck 4.50 138 Diplotaxis tenuifolia Dragon's Tongue Wild Arugula yes jumbo 6-pck 4.50 139 Fagopyrum dibotrys Himalayan Buckwheat not available now 9.25 140 Hemerocallis fulva Edible Day Lily not available now 9.25 141 Lavatera bicolor Bush Mallow not available now 9.25 142 Levisticum officinale Lovage yes gallon 9.25 143 Lonicera involucrata Twinberry Honeysuckle not available now gallon 9.25 144 Malva sylvestris High Mallow not available now 9.25 145 Monarda didyma Bee Balm yes - new! gallon 9.25 146 Monarda fistulosa Wild Bergamot yes gallon 9.25 147 Ocimum kilimandscharicum x basilicum African Blue Basil not available now gallon 9.25 148 Passiflora caerulea Lavender Lady Passion Flower not available now 9.25 149 Passiflora subpetala White-flowered Passion Flower not available now gallon 9.25 150 Phlomis russeliana Hardy Jerusalem Sage not available now 9.25 151 Primula sp.
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