Active Gram Sabha Roadmap for the Panchayati Raj (2011-17): My idea of Village Swaraj is that it is a complete republic. The government of the village have all the authority and jurisdiction required. This Panchayat will be the legislature, judiciary and executive combined. (abridged) Mahatma Gandhi An All India Perspective “To the people of India, let us ensure maximum democracy and maximum devolution. Let there be an end to the power-brokers. Let us give power to the people.” Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi Lok Sabha, May 15, 1989 Government of India "We are a large, young and restless nation. On the move. There is no other way to include the aspirations of all our people to guide our collective Ministry of Panchayati Raj destiny other than to develop a strong local government system. Inclusive www.panchayat.gov.in growth, which is the motto of the 11th fi ve year plan, can be achieved only through inclusive governance. And the key to this is an effective, well functioning system of Panchayats." Prime Minister of India “Active Gram Sabha: For Empowered People And Accountable Panchayats” Roadmap for the Panchayati Raj (2011-17): An All India Perspective Government of India Ministry of Panchayati Raj www.panchayat.gov.in “Active Gram Sabha: For Empowered People And Accountable Panchayats” Contents Contents Abbreviations vii Introduction xi Chapter 1: Status of the Panchayats and Approach to the Roadmap 1 1.1 Evolution of Local Governance in India 1 1.2 Constitutional Amendment Bills 3 1.3 Local Governance in the Tribal Areas 4 1.4 Current Status of the Panchayats 4 1.5 Current Status of Panchayat Infrastructure and Management Skills 6 1.6 Efforts of Government of India and the States in Strengthening Panchayati Raj 6 1.7 Why are the Panchayats not delivering in many States? 9 1.8 Approach to the Roadmap 9 Chapter 2: Accountable and Efficient Functioning of the Panchayats 11 2.1 Participation at Village Level: Gram Sabha and Ward Sabha 11 2.2 Standing Commi�ees 13 2.3 Transparency and Accountability 13 2.4 Democratic Functioning of the Panchayats 13 2.5 Organising the Poor for their Participation through Self-Help Groups 14 2.6 Women and Panchayats 14 2.7 Role of the Non-Office Bearers 14 2.8 Role of Political Parties 15 2.9 Vigilance, Redressal of Grievances and Ombudsman 15 2.10 Federation of Panchayats 15 2.11 Panchayat and the Civil Society 16 2.12 Action Points 17 Chapter 3: Functions of the Panchayats 18 3.1 Functions of a Model Local Government 18 3.2 Constitution and the Functions of the Panchayats 18 3.3 Devolution and Activity Mapping 19 Active Gram Sabha: For Empowered People And Accountable Panchayats iii Roadmap for the Panchayati Raj (2011-17) An All India Perspective 3.4 Role of CSSs and Additional Central Assistance (ACA) in devolution of 3Fs upon the PRIs 20 3.5 Parallel Bodies and the Functioning of PRIs 21 3.6 Gender Issues 22 3.7 A�endance and Performance of Local Functionaries 22 3.8 Action Points 22 Chapter 4: Functionaries of the Panchayats 23 4.1 First Round Table Resolutions on Manpower for the PRIs 23 4.2 2nd ARC and Manpower for the PRIs 23 4.3 Manpower for the PRIs 23 4.4 Panchayat Manpower for Supporting MGNREGS 24 4.5 Cadre Management 24 4.6 Action Points 24 Chapter 5: Panchayat Finances and Accounting 25 5.1 Resources of the Panchayats 25 5.2 Constitutional Provisions on Panchayat Finances 25 5.3 2nd ARC and Panchayat Finances 25 5.4 Sources of Panchayat Funds 26 5.5 Own Resources of the Panchayats 27 5.6 Clarity on Devolution in State Budgets 28 5.7 Mechanism for Transfer of Funds to the PRIs 29 5.8 Accounting and Audit System 29 5.9 Fiscal Responsibility Regime 30 5.10 GoI to support States 30 5.11 Action Points 31 Chapter 6: Capacity Building for the Panchayats 32 6.1 Dimensions of the Challenge 32 6.2 National Capacity Building Framework (NCBF) 32 6.3 Accelerating CBT Efforts 33 6.4 Training Infrastructure for CBT 34 6.5 CBT for EWR and Panchayat Mahila Evam Yuva Sashaktikaran Abhiyan (PMEYSA) 35 6.6 Perspective/Annual CBT Plans 35 6.7 Action Points 36 Chapter 7: Decentralised Planning 37 7.1 Need for Decentralised Planning 37 iv Active Gram Sabha: For Empowered People And Accountable Panchayats Contents 7.2 Constitutional Provision 37 7.3 Eleventh Plan and Decentralised Planning 37 7.4 2nd ARC and Decentralised Planning 38 7.5 National Conference on Decentralised Planning 38 7.6 Manual for Integrated District Planning 38 7.7 Participative Integrated District Planning 38 7.8 Role of BRGF/MGNREGA in catalysing Decentralised Planning 38 7.9 DPCs 38 7.10 District Vision and Perspective Plans 39 7.11 Spatial Planning 40 7.12 Decentralised Planning and PlanPlus So�ware 40 7.13 Action Points 41 Chapter 8: e-Governance in Panchayats 42 8.1 Necessity of e-Governance in Panchayats 42 8.2 Objective of e-Panchayat 42 8.3 Components for Roll-out of e-Panchayat 42 8.4 e-Panchayat and CSCs 45 8.5 Action Points 45 Chapter 9: Panchayat (Extension to Scheduled Areas) Act (PESA) 46 9.1 Provisions under Schedule V of the Constitution 46 9.2 Need for PESA in spite of Schedule V 46 9.3 Powers of the Gram Sabha 46 9.4 Role of PESA in containing Le� Wing Extremism (LWE) 47 9.5 Effective Functioning of GS 47 9.6 Action Taken by MoPR 47 9.7 Key Interventions by the States 47 9.8 Key Interventions by the Centre 48 9.9 Action Points 48 Chapter 10: Decentralised Governance in the North-Eastern States 49 10.1 Decentralised Governance 49 10.2 2nd ARC and Expert Commi�ee on NE States 49 10.3 Issues 50 10.4 Administrative Reform Measures 52 10.5 Institutional Improvements: Roles of and Inter-relationships among the Seven Major Institutions 52 10.6 Action Points 52 Active Gram Sabha: For Empowered People And Accountable Panchayats v Roadmap for the Panchayati Raj (2011-17) An All India Perspective Chapter 11: Constitutional and Legal Framework 53 11.1 Model Panchayati Raj Act 53 11.2 Amendment to Article 243 of the Constitution 53 11.3 Constitutional Amendments to be Considered 54 11.4 Se�ing Up of District Councils 54 11.5 Making the Panchayats Accountable to the Gram Sabha 55 11.6 Rotation in the Reservation of Seats 56 11.7 Reconciling the Term of the SFCs with that of the CFC 56 11.8 Restructuring of the Legislative Councils 56 11.9 Nyaya Panchayat Bill, 2011 57 11.10 Dispute-free Village Scheme 57 11.11 Action Points 57 Chapter 12: Some Important Issues 58 12.1 Viable Size of the Gram Panchayats 58 12.2 Election Process and State Election Commission (SEC) 58 12.3 Direct Election to Chairman of IP/ZP 59 12.4 Merger of DRDA into the Zilla Panchayat (ZP) 59 12.5 MPLAD/MLALAD Funds 59 12.6 Corruption in the Panchayats 59 12.7 State-Panchayat and Inter-Panchayat Tensions 59 12.8 MoPR Schemes 60 12.9 Action Points 60 Chapter 13: Road Ahead 61 13.1 Vision, Mission and Strategy for the Panchayats 61 13.2 Accountability and Efficiency of the Panchayats 61 13.3 Functions of the Panchayats 62 13.4 Functionaries of the Panchayats 62 13.5 Finances of the Panchayats 62 13.6 Capability Building through Training 63 13.7 Decentralised Planning 63 13.8 e-Governance 63 13.9 PESA 63 13.10 Decentralised Governance in the North-Eastern States 64 13.11 Constitutional Framework 64 13.12 Miscellaneous Issues 64 vi Active Gram Sabha: For Empowered People And Accountable Panchayats Abbreviations Abbreviations ACA Additional Central Assistance APARD Andhra Pradesh Academy of Rural Development ARC Administrative Reforms Commission ATIR Annual Technical Inspection Report BPR Business Process Re-engineering BRGF Backward Regions Grant Fund BRTC Block Resource-cum-Training Centre CAG Comptroller and Auditor General CBS Core Banking System CBT Capacity Building through Training CD Community Development CDLG Capacity Development for Local Governance CEC Chief Election Commissioner CFC Central Finance Commission CGA Controller General of Account CPSMS Central Plan Scheme Monitoring System CSS Centrally Sponsored Scheme CSC Common Service Centre DDWS Department of Drinking Water and Sanitation DI Devolution Index DLFA Director of Local Fund Audit DP District Panchayat DPC District Planning Commi�ee DPMU District Project Management Unit DPR Detailed Project Report DPU District Planning Unit DRDA District Rural Development Agencies DRTC District Resource-cum-Training Centre EWR Elected Women Representative Active Gram Sabha: For Empowered People And Accountable Panchayats vii Roadmap for the Panchayati Raj (2011-17) An All India Perspective FAQ Frequently Asked Questions GIS Geographic Information System GO Government Order GoI Government of India GP Gram Panchayat GS Gram Sabha IAY Indira Awaas Yojana ICDS Integrated Child Development Services ICT Information and Communication Technology IE Implementation Entity IEC Information, Education and Communication IGNOU Indira Gandhi National Open University ISNA Information and Service Needs Assessment IT Information Technology LSG Local Self-Governance LWE Le� Wing Extremism MGNREGA Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act MIS Management Information System MMP Mission Mode Project MoPR Ministry of Panchayati Raj MoUD Ministry of Urban Development NABARD National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development NCBF National Capacity Building Framework NDC National Development Council NER North-Eastern Region NGO Non-Governmental Organisation NIC National Informatics Centre NIPR National Institute of Panchayati Raj NIRD National Institute for Rural Development NRDWP National Rural Drinking Water Programme NRHM National Rural Health Mission OF Optical Fibre PB Parallel Body viii Active Gram Sabha: For Empowered
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