SARVA SHIKSHA ABHIYAN SE XI KjSUL^V ^ jB I I I i:i>i rc^r.-x i'fow f'OK .‘^i.i. TCA i iorsj o t' ANNUAL WORKING PLAN & BUDGET 2008-09 EAST GARO HILLS, WILLIAMNAGAR ^ V E P a DC lllfl DC70 LIS^OT CO!NnmmS: 1. C^A(pVE(E^I Introduction 2. CKA(FM ^II district Profile 3. C7{A(Fm^III (Basic Indicators 4. C9{A^Fm^I^ (pCanning (process 5. (progress Overview and Targets 6. (pro 6 ferns and Issues 7. C9CA(FTE^^II Strategies and Interventions 8. C^A(Fm^%^III SpecialTocu^ groups and ^irCs Education 9. ^Management Structure, V\iIS and Monitoring Mecdanism 10. C^A(Fm<EjC Convergence Coordinator and Linages 11.CJ^A(FrE(Sj:i CiviC Wor^ 12.CHA(P^E^II Sample Model of Jdaditation (Planning 13. JLnnejQire I Costing TaBCes 14. J^nnexiire II 1-23 TaSIes CHAPTER - I im^cmvcTio^K Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA) in l-asl Oaio NGO’s and other stakeholders have been Hills District is entering into I-ighl I’inancial putting all their efforts to create an Year since the District was covered under acceptable educational scenario as against SSA in the year 2001-2002. By this time the SSA goals. And of course, today East SSA in I^ast (}aro Hills District has Garo Hills District has achieved implemented various activities and considerable progress in the field of programmes in baseline with the goal and Education though there are some areas objective of SSA. District teams together where it needs to be strengthened. with the participation of community leaders. Figl.Ol: Brief Information of Educational Scenario in East Garo Hills District. D E G S fflSSA LPS ■ Govt Aided LPS Q G ovt. LPS B IS S A U PS eoovl. Aided UPS ■ G ovt U P S aciuster Resource Centre a Block Resource Centre ■ Habitation 400 600 © V illag e num bers and named as '"Meghalaya"'. The district The East Garo Hills District is has one Civil Sub Division i.e. covered with 75% hilly terrain areas and Resubelpara and five Communittee because of its uneven geographical Development Blocks namely Samanda, topography and scattered habitations it is Songsak, Rongjeng, Resubelpara and sometimes very difficult to administer Kharkutta. The district has created 5 the educational scenario in these areas. The headquarter of East Garo Hills Block Resource Centre and 64 Cluster District is at WiUiamnagar. It was Resource Centre in order to cover 887 named in memory ol' Captain numbers of villages and 936 number of Williamson A. Sangma. who was the T' Habitations. Chief Minister after the Hill State was As per 2001 census the district carved out from Assam in the year 1972 had 43,129 households in 887 villages District: - East Garo Hills, WiUicinina^ar and as per Ihc household survey southern part is bounded by the South conducted in 2001. the total population Garo Hiils, the eastern pait by West of the district is 2. 50.582. The district is Khasi Hills and on the west lies the West bounded in the north by Kamrup district Garo Hills. and the Goalpara district ol' Assam. I’he Figure 1.01: Map of East Garo Hills District Access and Enrolment: • The District has the highest literacy interventions where the District team rate among the (iaro Hills District has to face a challenge in order to and 4^'’ position in Meghalaya State achieve the SSA goal where every after East Khasi Hills, West Khasi & child in the District should have Ri Bhoi district with a literacy rate of access to education and not even a 60.5% according to 2001 census. single child should be left out at Enrolement of Children from the age elementary level. group of 6-14 years is one ol' the District; - East Garo Hills. Willianrnagar Child population for ihc: age group of years The ratio of female to male 6-11 years is 57617 and enrolnienl teachers has also increased about of children at this age group is four times during the last 5 years. 55461. Out of school children are The quantitative expansion seems to 2156 i.e. 2.90 % for this age group. have over shadowed the quality of Child population for the age group education. Research studies of 11-14 years is 12520 and conducted both at national and state enrolment ol' children at this age levels point out low level of learning group is 11751. Out of school at primary level and the situation children are 769 i.e. 2.85% this age becomes worse as children move to group of children. higher classes. Poor level of In this year the number of out of achievement at primary level is a big School children has reduced from de-motivating factor resulting in 7269 to 2925 from the age group of repetition and drop out from the 6-14 years i.e. it has come down school. from 6.75% to 2.87 %. fhe District team is making an effort to bring For adequate planning these data are down the percentage of out of school needed at habitation level with children to 0 % respect to age, gender and language. But due to migration for Jhum Though the micro planning at cultivation - the idea of mobile habitation level was carried out school and mobile teachers is very during the month of January 2008 difficult in some part ol' the district the District team could not come up due lo geograph\C'dl U>pog,raphy. As a with satisfactory data. So based on result of which the monitoring and the Child Census and Habitation tracking of children remain stagnant. Planning together with the DISE data Further, due to rise in enrolment, the District Planning team has come pupil teacher ratio has increased at forward with the following Table. all stages. The student enrolment increased much more than previous TabJeJ .01: Comparison of Enrolment for year 2006-07 & 2(307-08 Child Population Enrolment Out of School Children Age 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 6-11 70820 79233 57617 61205 74041 55461 9615 5192 2156 i 11-14 2.^782 28370 12520 19762 26293 11751 6020 2077 769 Total 96602 107603 70137 80967 100334 67212 15635 7269 2925 -SST District: - East Haro Hills, Williamnagar Fig: 1.02: Comparison of Enrolment and Out of school children 90000 80000 : 70000 I 60000 50000 40000 610 11 30000 11 to 14 : 20000 10000 0 2005'062006 072007 0s200s-062006-072007-082005-062006-072007-0s Cf'iilci i(.)i■ Ltiioliticnt Oul of Schooi Children Socio-Economic C'ondition: The main inhabitants of the from one habitation to the other for jhum District are the C aros’ (A.chick). I'he cultivation gives rise to a high number principal language spoken in the District of Out of School Children. There are is the Garo. Predominantly inhabitate by some places which are very hard to tribal, a small percentage of Schedule reach such as the habitation like caste can be found in the District oul of Chewegri, Samanda Prapgre (under the total population of 2. 98,527. there Samanda Block) and part of Songsak are only 113 Schedule caste and 19609 and Rongjeng Block etc. literacy in such others. habitation is very poor in term of Agriculture is the main source of enrolment which need an intensive livelihood. Shifting cultivation (Jhum monitoring to give access to the Cultivation) is the oldest known children. practice still exists and so the migration District: - East Garo Hills, iVilliamnagar CIIAPIER- II cDmwcT^oTim Area 2603 sq km. Date of creation 22.10.1976 District Headquarter Williamnagar Distance of Headquarter from Capital 312 Km. Communit}' Development Blocks 5(Five) Civil Sub Division l(O ne) Schools (All Categories) 1392 The Garo Mills dislricl of The District Team further went yesteryear was reorganized during 1976. ahead with the Preparation and conduct to carve out a portion of the district for of the Household Survey to identify creation of a new district, with a view to habitations, number of households, bring administration closer to the people. population and other components The new district v/as named as the East available in the District. Garo Hills District. With the Approval of the Pre In order to implement all SSA Project Plan in the year 2001-2002, the programs, the district has created 5 Dislricl leam was I'ormed beaded by ibe (Vive) Block Resource Centres (BRCs) Deputy Commissioner as the chairman, and 64(Sixty Four) Cluster Resource vice chairman, the District Mission Co­ Centres (CRCs). With these BRCs and ordinator, and other functionaries. CRCs, various interventions and activities of SSA programmes were implemented for the last seven years. Table: 2.01:- Block wise information of Educational Scenario. No. of Name of Block No ofCRC No. ofVEC No. ofLPS UPS Samanda 10 196 135 53 Songsak Block 14 191 180 53 Rong^jeng Block 13 156 125 48 Resubelpara Block 14 ...... 213 273 83 Kharkutta Block 13 " 180 139 57 Total 64 936 852 294 Sources; - District Record. 'M i District: - East Garo Hilts, Willianmagar Literacy Rate in the District: for male and 54.9% for female. The Literacy rale in I last (jaro {(ills is analysis shows that there is a gap of one of the highest in Garo 1 Jills Region. 11.2% literacy rate between male and It stands at 60.5% which includes ail female, wherein the break up of literacy communities of the district according to rate base on caste/community indicates a 2001 census.
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