NEW DISCOVERIES OF HORSE BURIALS AND DEPOSITIONS IN THE GETIC CEMETERY FROM ZIMNICEA, SOUTHERN ROMANIA ANCA GANCIU, VALENTIN DUMITRAŞCU Vasile Pârvan Institute of Archaeology, Bucharest [email protected] [email protected] Key-words: Zimnicea, necropolis, horse burials and depositions, zooarchaeology, 4th-3rd c. BC. Abstract: During the previous excavations from Zimnicea – Câmpul morților (1948-1974), 14 horse burials and partial depositions were revealed. The recent excavations (2007-2009) brought to light other four such discoveries. Two thirds of these 18 features consist in complete horse burials, usually accompanied by inventory objects; the rest of them are partial horse bone depositions, without inventory. Distinct from other funeral discoveries (Agighiol, Peretu, Jankovo, Sveštari), contemporary with the early phase of the Zimnicea cemetery, dated in the 4th-3rd c. BC, the horse remnants were deposed apart from the human burials, without a visible association with them. We are discussing here the chronology of the recent finds, based on the inventory objects and we present the zooarchaeological study of the horse remains (sex, age, height, butchery marks). Cuvinte-cheie: Zimnicea, necropolă, înmormântări şi depuneri de cai, arheozoologie, sec. 4-3 a. Chr. 61 Rezumat: În timpul vechilor cercetări arheologice desfășurate la Zimnicea – Câmpul morților (1948-1974), au fost descoperite 14 înmormântări și depuneri parțiale de cai, la care se adaugă încă patru descoperiri asemănătoare rezultate din cercetările recente (2007-2009). Din aceste 18 descoperiri, două treimi constau în înmormântări de cai întregi, predominant cu inventar, restul fiind depuneri parțiale fără inventar. Osemintele de cai sunt depuse separat de mormintele umane, fără o asociere vizibilă cu acestea, spre deosebire de alte descoperiri funerare contemporane (Agighiol, Peretu, Jankovo, Sveštari), cu faza de început a necropolei de la Zimnicea, respectiv sec. 4-3 a. Chr. Discutăm în continuare încadrarea cronologică a descoperirilor pe baza pieselor de inventar și prezentăm analiza arheozoologică a resturilor de cai (vârstă, sex, talie, urme de tranșare). Research history Alexandrescu (1967-1974)4. There were revealed 165 graves throughout the first finds in the Getic necropolis from excavations from the 19th c. and 166 graves dur- Zimnicea – Câmpul Morţilor origi- ing the Nestor and Alexandrescu researches. This natedThe in the three “archaeological explorations” makes the Zimnicea necropolis one of the most conducted by Cezar Bolliac between 1871 and important in the Getic area up to now. The site is 1873, in the area located in the immediate east- significant for understanding not only the mate- ern vicinity of “Cetate”1. He is the one who named rial culture and the funeral practices, but also the the place “Câmpul de morţi dacic”2 (Fig. 1). After chronology of the Second Iron Age at the Lower the researches of Bolliac, in the last quarter of the Danube5. 19th c., the area was searched by amateurs such as Dimitrie Papazoglu and Dimitrie Butculescu. The The archaeological researches at Câmpul first systematic researches were conducted by Ion Morților started again in 2007 and continued Nestor (1948-1949)3, followed by Alexandrina D. until 2009, followed by an additional campaign in 2015. The initial research team was 1 Bolliac 1872, 2-4; Bolliac 1873, 1-2; Bolliac 1874, 1-2, 4; Măndescu 2009, 205-213. 2 Bolliac 1872, 2. 4 Alexandrescu 1980, 19-126. 3 Nestor 1949, 116-125; Nestor 1950, 93-102. 5 Măndescu 2010, 165-182, fig. 22-30. Thraco-Dacica S. N., Tomul VI-VII (XXIX-XXX), 2014-2015, 61-78 New Discoveries of Horse Burials and Depositions in the Getic Cemetery from Zimnicea 62 Fig. 1 – Zimnicea – Câmpul Morţilor cemetery. conducted by Mircea Babeș6. The last five new findings in conjunction with the old ones (Al- campaigns were characterised by an emergency exandrescu9, Sergiu Haimovici10). trait due to the extension of the present city over Here is the list of the horse discoveries with a the archaeological site. The excavated surface is short description of the skeleton’s position, depth approximately 0.2 ha and brought to light 52 plane graves, the majority cremated and deposed in urns of the finding, the orientation and the inventory con- (Fig. 2). tained by some of the burials. With the exception of horse 17, in all the cases of partial depositions The horse burials containing the skull, we are dealing in fact with the head, because the mandible is also present. In addition to the human sepulchres7, the site also contains numerous horse burials8. The ex- Horse 1/Z67C10, -1.04-1.30 m, left lateral decu- cavations conducted by Nestor and Alexandrescu bitus. Orientation: S-N. Complete skeleton. Inven- uncovered 14 complete or partial horse burials. tory: Iron bit, Gesichtsperle. The last researches revealed five new features Horse 2/Z68C10, -1.00 m, left lateral decubitus. containing horse skeletal parts, this being the main Orientation: E-W. Complete skeleton. Inventory: subject of the present study. iron fibula fragment. To have an overall view, we will discuss these Horse 3/Z68C10, -1.00 m, partial deposition. 6 Babeș et alii 2008, 331-332; Babeș et alii 2009, 232-233; Babeș Orientation: W-E. Skull with metatarsals deposed et alii 2010, 208. south of the skull. 7 , We are reffering only to the burials excavated up to the Horse 4/Z69C10, -1.20 m, right lateral decubi- present day. We estimate that the number of graves is much higher but we cannot foresee the dynamics of the future ar- chaological researches. 9 Alexandrescu 1983. 8 Alexandrescu 1983. 10 Haimovici 1971, 169-185; Haimovici 1983, 79-108. Anca Ganciu, Valentin Dumitrascu 63 Fig. 2 – Distribution of the findings 2007-2008. cremation with bones deposed in urn; cremation with bones deposed in pit; inhumation graves. tus. Orientation: S-N. Complete skeleton. Some of the elements are missing or disturbed. Horse 5/Z69C10, -1.00 m, partial deposition. Horse 8/Z69C10, -1.15 m, right lateral decu- Orientation: E-W. Skull surrounded by metatarsals. bitus. Orientation: S-N. Complete skeleton. Horse 6/Z69C10, -0.90 m, right lateral decubi- Horse 9/Z69C10, -1.15 m, left lateral decubitus. tus. Orientation: S-N. Complete skeleton. Inven- Orientation: W-E. Partial skeleton, disturbed. tory: chain consisting in five bronze rings. Horse 10/Z69C10, Orientation: N-S, partial dep- Horse 7/Z69C10, -1.20-1.30 m, left lateral de- osition. Skull and metatarsals. cubitus. Orientation: S-N. Disturbed skeleton. Horse 11/Z70C15, -1.15 m, right lateral decubi- New Discoveries of Horse Burials and Depositions in the Getic Cemetery from Zimnicea disturbed. The limbs show burning traces. Inven- tory: iron bit, iron harness buckle, bronze bar, and bronze crescent piece. Horse 14/Z72C17, -1.15 m, left lateral decubi- tus. Orientation: S-N. Complete skeleton, possibly disturbed? Inventory: three winged bronze arrow heads. Horse 15/2008, -1.11-1.37 m, Orientation: E-W. Left lateral decubitus, complete skeleton. Inven- tory: iron bit, bronze ring (Fig. 3, 4, 5). Horse 16/2008, -0.66-0.81 m. Orientation: NNW- SSE. Partial deposition. East of the skull, metatar- sals and phalanges were identified (Fig. 6). West of the skull a metatarsal fragment was described. Above the bones, -0.60 m deep, hand worked pot- tery fragments were recovered. The fragments had the inner surface facing up. Horse 17/2009, -0.65 m. Orientation: E-W. Par- Fig. 3 – Horse 15, bronze ring. tial deposition. A horse skull was identified, with the ventral part facing up. (Fig. 7). Horse 18/2009, S. 24, c. 1. Two features were identified, one -0.35 m deep and the other -0.70 m deep, with a distance of 1.20 m between them. The two features contain distal limb elements from the same individual. The first one contains parts of the front right limb and the rear left limb. The 64 second one contains elements of the left front limb and the rear right limb (Fig. 8, 9, 12). Reviewing all the contexts of deposed horses, two categories are emerging: complete animals (12) and parts of individuals (6). The complete horse burials prevails, and seven of them contain inventory. The horse 13 shows a unique case, hav- ing the limbs intensely burned. The cremations ap- pears to have happened elsewhere and not on the deposition place. The inventory that accompanied the horse burials consists in harness elements (iron bits, harness rings, buckles and bronze chains), armament (fighting knife, arrow head, and spear point), clothing accessories (fibula) and adornments (Gesichtsperle). The partial horse depositions consists in the head (skull and mandible) accompanied by distal Fig 4 – Horse 15, iron bit. limbs (tarsal/carpal bones, metapodials and pha- langes), with two exceptions: horse 17 (only the tus. Orientation: S-N. Complete skeleton. skull) and horse 18 (only the distal limbs). , Orientation: S-N, Complete Horse 12/Z70C17 An attribute of all the partial horse depositions is skeleton, disturbed. fragmentary iron Inventory: the absence of any inventory. bit, iron spear point. Unlike other discoveries, were horse remains , -1.00 m, right lateral decubi- Horse 13/Z71C10 are associated with human graves, at Zim- tus. Orientation: S-N. Complete skeleton, possibly nicea although the horse burials are located Anca Ganciu, Valentin Dumitrascu Fig. 5 – Horse 15. among the human graves, there is no clear evi- metrical standards created by von den Driesch20 dence of any connection with the human graves. were used in the present study (tables 1-35). The association horse and human burials was Horse 15 found mainly in tumular tombs, eventually with fu- 65 neral chamber/chambers, with one till three hors- The age estimated from the lower and upper 21 es. We are reffering to discoveries such as those teeth crown heights is seven to nine years old.
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