INDEX Compiled by Sir Martin Gilbert Abrial, Admiral: at Dunkirk ancient Rome: 66, 163; wisdom of, (1940), 362 573 Abyssinia: 445, 447 Anderson, Sir John: illus. 39 Achilles, HMS: 352 Anderson, Lieutenant-General Aden: 295 Kenneth: illus. 33 Adriatic Sea: 533, 535 Anglo-American armies (1942–5), ‘Advance Britannia’: 503 ‘comradeship and Afghanistan: 54–5 brotherhood’ of: 514 Agadir (Morocco): 141, 170, 231 Anglo-Boer War (1899–1901): 67; air power: 196–7, 218, 293–4, 296, Churchill’s speeches on, 302, 304, 305, 311; in Second 91–102, 103; recalled, 355 World War, 370, 385–6, 391–2 Anglo-French War Council air warfare: 241, 293–4 (1939–40): 360; illus. 23 Aisne River (France): 361 Anglo-Saxon unity: 561 Ajax, HMS: 351, 353 anglophobia, and de Gaulle: 470 Akhund of Swat: 64 anthrax, and war: 268–9 Alamein, Battle of (1942): 471–2, Anti-U-boat Committee (1942): 512, 513, 529 441–2 Albania: Italian invasion of (April Antwerp: 152 1939), 322 Anzac Cove (Gallipoli): 180–1 Albert Hall (London): 467 appeasement: 301–2, 314, 536, Alexander, Field Marshal: 512, 513 572–3 Alexandria (Egypt): 374–5, 471, Arabia: ‘legends of ’, 293 499, 509 Arctic Circle: 348 Alsace: 230, 543 Arctic convoys: 454–5, 513 Ambeyla (North-West Frontier): ‘Are we up or down? (15 February 55 1942): 445 Amiens: 214 Argentia (Newfoundland): 499 American Civil War: 346, 423 Argonne (Western Front): 232 American Constitution: 330 Ark Royal, HMS: attacked, 334; in American Museum (Bath): 50 action off Oran, 378 Amery, L. S.: 37–8 Armentières (Western Front): 232 Amritsar, massacre at (1919): Armistice Day (11 November 238–40 1918): 221–4 657 INDEX Arras (Western Front): 198 ‘Backs to the Wall’ communiqué Arromanches (Normandy): 482, (Field Marshal Haig): 203–4 483 Baghdad: 55, 603 Artois (Western Front): 232 Bahamas: 282 Aruba (Dutch West Indies): 440 Balaclava (Crimean War): 557 Ascot: 34 Baldwin, Stanley: 258–9, 262, 269, Asquith, H. H.: 91, 110, 122, 152, 273; Prime Minister, 293, 299; 170, 180, 182, 194, 198, 596 succeeded by Neville Aspern, Battle of (1809): 206 Chamberlain, 301; calls for Athenia, torpedoed (1939): 334, mobilisation of industry, 305; 340 Churchill criticises, 310–11 Athens: 533, 549, 550 Balfour, A. J. (later Earl): 180, 182, Atlantic Charter (1941): 428, 190, 194, 195, 327 443–4, 499 Balkan States: 405 Atlantic Ocean: 88, 105, 141, 350, Balkans, the: 252, 347, 457 370, 380, 388, 407, 408, 409, Baltic Provinces (of Tsarist 412, 413, 422, 426, 432, 446, Russia): 267 449, 475, 510, 512, 577; battle Baltic Sea: 529, 533 in, 437–43, 444, 447, 507–8, 513, Baltic States: 344 557; and the Iron Curtain, 592 Baltimore: 89 Atlantic Pact (1949): 561; see also Bangalore: 48, 53 North Atlantic Treaty Bath: 50 Organisation (NATO) Battle of the Atlantic (1940–3): atomic bomb: 553, 573, 574, 578, 408, 409, 422, 437–43, 513 589, 590 Battle of Britain (1940): 383–4, Attlee, Clement:325, 334, 360, 363, 507 517, 525, 561, 565; and Battle of the Saints (1782): 38 Churchill’s eightieth birthday, Bavaria: 121, 283 583–4, 586; illus 23, 36, 50 Bay of Biscay: 392, 442 Australia: 101–2, 160, 219, 452, ‘Be one people’ (Pitt the Elder): 517 545 Australian troops: 172, 177, 232 Beaconsfield, Lord (Benjamin Austria: 252; annexed by Germany Disraeli): 15, 52, 403, 426 (1938), 300–1, 310, 324, 409; Beatty, Admiral Sir David: 158, Churchill’s message to (1943), 162 474–5; liberated, 512–13; to be Beauvais: 216 freed, 543 Bedell Smith, General: 501 Austria-Hungary: 145, 146, 205, Beirut: 602 208, 221, 243, 300–1, 345 Belfast: 146 Autobiography (Gibbon): 50 Belgium: 152, 160, 177, 283, 341, ‘awakened by a spark’ (the ‘soul of 348, 360, 389, 404, 432, 457; man’): 564 Jews deported from, 467 Bellenger, Frederick: 338 BBC (British Broadcasting Beresina, Battle of (1812): 206 Corporation): 329, 396 Berlin: 184, 347, 515, 528, 533, 541 658 INDEX Between the Thunder and the Sun Boston: 89 (Vincent Sheean): 294 Botha, General Louis: 177 Beveridge, Sir William: 526 Boulogne: 186, 390 Bevin, Ernest: 525; illus 38, 39 Bouvet, sunk: 165 Bismarck, Otto von: 230, 479, 580 Bracken, Brendan: 309 Bizerta: 473 Brazil: 441 Black Sea: 302 Brazzaville (French Equatorial Blenheim, Battle of (Bavaria, Africa): 469 1704), 283 Breslau: 323 Blenheim Palace (Oxfordshire): Brest (French Atlantic coast): 392, 33 443, 507 Bliss, General: 220 Brighton, Churchill at school in: Blitz: German air raids on Britain, 35–6 389, 393, 404, 450–1, 507; Bristol Channel: 334 Churchill inspects bomb Britain: at war with Germany damage of, illus 25, 26 (1914–18), 147–225, 231; and Bloemfontein: Churchill at (1900), air power (1916), 196; issues an illus. 3 ultimatum to Russia (1920), Blood, General Sir Bindon: 100 247; public opinion in (1920), Boer War see Anglo-Boer War 248; ‘lost in a pacifist dream’ Boers: Churchill captured by, (1935), 295–6; air defences of, 67–8; Churchill escapes from, 293–4, 302, 304, 305; 69; Churchill in action against, ‘reconsolidation’ in (February 79–82, 84–7; Churchill urges 1939), 317; declares war on leniency towards, 82–3; Germany (3 September 1939), American views of, 89; 332; Second World War at sea, Churchill’s understanding of, 334–43, 346, 350–3, 407–8, 92–3, 96, 98–9; and a ‘gulf of 437–43, 454–5, 515; leases hatred’, 105 naval and air facilities to the Bohemia (Czechoslovakia): under United States (1940), 388, German occupation, 324 438–9; German air raids on, Bolsheviks: in Russia: 209, 228–9, 389; ‘the old lion’, 415; ‘would 236–7, 460; and Poland, 244–7; live’, 422; and the United States, ambitions of (1922), 252–3 408–11, 411–15, 422–9, Bolshevism: ‘foul baboonery of ’, 445–6, 455–9, 477–9, 539–41, 229; ‘barbarism of ’, 349 560–1, 566–70, 577, 578–80, Bombay: 46 603–4 bombing offensive (against British Airborne Forces: 556, 557 Germany, 1941–5): 417, 436, British–American unity: 561 455–6, 459, 464, 548, 552–3 British Army: 43, 79, 98, 102; in Bonar Law, Andrew: 182, 251 the First World War, 147, Bordeaux Government (1940): 160–1, 177, 197, 199–200, 203, 366, 372, 378, 434–5, 470 210–11; in the Second World Borodino, Battle of (1812): 206 War, 345, 381, 404–6 Bosnia: 231 British Commandos: 556, 557 659 INDEX British Commonwealth of Nations, 391; ‘memorable days’ in the forces of: in First World War, history of, 421; and ‘the vital 199, 205; in Second World War, impulses of victory’, 453; ‘the 417, 422, 445, 446, life and the message of,’ 556; 478, 502, 506, 509; post-1945, ‘qualities deserving of respect’, 538, 547, 561, 577, 578, 579, 539; and Westminster Abbey, 600, 609, 611 556; the ‘lion heart’ of, 410 British Dominions: 177, 380, 410, British ‘race and nation’, the 429, 506, 609 (February 1942): 453; ‘the life British East Africa: Churchill seeks and the message of ’, 556 a military command in (1915), British Somaliland: 445 182 British Special Air Service: 556, British Empire: its ‘larger liberties’, 557 98; the ‘greatest danger’ to, 118; British Submarine Service: 556, and the First World War, 149, 557 160; and ‘a liberated Europe’, Brooke, General Sir Alan (Chief of 177; its ‘ties’, 231; a ‘fatal’ danger the Imperial Staff ): 404, 462, to, 240; and tea, 276–7; need for 472, 477 ‘solidarity throughout’ (1938), Brooke, Rupert: 166–7 300; its ‘compass and strength’ Brooklyn (New York): 33, 411 (1939), 333; Bucharest: 533 Mercantile Marine of, to be Buckingham Palace: 354 armed, 336; ‘no survival’ Buckingham Palace Conference without victory, 359; will ‘carry (1914): 145, 249 on the struggle’ 365; will be on Budapest: 533 Hitler’s ‘track’, 406; ‘and the Budget, the: 117, 119, 122–9, 270, cause of freedom’, 409–10; and 273–8; Churchill on his way to the continuing war, 417; deliver, illus 15, 16 Canada’s ‘unique position’ in, Bulgaria: 185, 208, 221, 303 429; aiding the Dutch, 433; Bunyan, John: 586 ‘good comrades’ to the Burdine Stadium (Miami): 531 Americans, 478; ‘absolutely Burke, Edmund: 412, 541 alone’ (June 1940 to June Burma: 452, 505–6 1941), 507; ‘power of ’, 538; and Byng, General: 214 the United States, 561 Byzantine Empire, recalled: 146 British Expeditionary Force (1914): 147 Cabinet War Committee (1915): British race: ‘consideration for’, 75; Churchill excluded from, 182 and the Dutch in South Africa, Caen (Normandy): 483 84; and ‘determination’, 99; ‘the Caesar’s Camp (Ladysmith): 82 traditions and history of ’, 149; Cairo: 470, 471, 509, 549 on the Western Front, 197–8, Campbell-Bannerman, Sir Henry: 199–200; its ‘daring’, 353; to be 91, 107, 110 ‘tested’, 380; ‘the whole life- Canada: 87, 101, 160, 219, 278, strength’ of, 383; and Hitler, 429–30, 517 660 INDEX Canadian Parliament (Ottawa): 443 Churchill speaks in, 429–36: Charles I, King: 49 illus. 29 Charleston (South Carolina): 440 Canadian troops: 177, 231–2, 513 Chartwell (Westerham, Kent): 291; ‘Cannibalism’: 241–2 Churchill at, illus 18, 19, 20 Cape Colony: 101 Châteauroux (France): 211 Cape of Good Hope: 441, 447, 509 Chemical Warfare: 268–9 Cape Helles (Gallipoli): 180 Chemical Warfare School: 213 Cardiff: a Churchill lecture in, Cherbourg: 481 announced, illus. 8 Cherwell, Lord (Frederick ‘Caretaker Government’ Lindemann): 588 (May–July 1945), 518, 519 Chiang Kai-shek, Generalissimo: Caribbean Sea: 438, 440 450 Carlyle, Thomas: 496 Chicago: 89 Carthage: Churchill addresses Chicago Daily News: 469 troops in, 477; illus. 33 Chile: 152 Casablanca: 472 China: 160, 252, 427, 436, 450, Caspian Sea: 405, 454 452, 517; under Communist Caucasus Mountains: 454 rule, 565, 569, 570–1 Central Africa: and Islam, 66 Chingford: 310 Central Powers (1914–18): 185 Christendom, the ‘peoples of ’: 285 Central
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